The Enforcer's Daughter

By Skylinger

853K 20.3K 935

Tori likes her life. Being told by her father's Alpha she's being sent to represent their clan as a potential... More

Tell me this is a Joke
No one is happy
Unwanted Dinner
Not Safe After All
Pool Party
Stipulations and Concern
Not the typical first date
Blood of the Enforcer
Training Begins
Breaking Point
Very Sore
Unexpected Visitor
Viscount Cain
Not knowing
Dinner with the Enemy
Intervention and a Decision
A gift for Tori
A Party to Remember
Journey to the King
Past Love
Frustration in the air
Enlightened by Ken
The Tribunal
A Courting we shall go
The Bridge
Repercussions and Restitution
Wedding Plans
Keeping Quiet
The Wedding

She's Mine

32K 826 59
By Skylinger

Chapter Seven

(She’s Mine)

It was just before seven as Tori pulled into the fairgrounds and parked her Armada among the many cars that were there. She was amazed at the amount of people. The blonde woman had never been to a Unity Gathering and had no idea what to expect. Luckily her dad had sat down and explained a few things to her.

Unity Gatherings weren’t just for people that were of age to get married. Anyone that was not married attended, even kids. If parents chose they could betroth their son or daughter even when they were infants. Tori had though it was incredibly medieval but understood it was the way it was.

She’d left her hair down except for pulling the front of it back into a Barrette. Because it was a fair she chose to wear a pair of khaki cargo shorts and a Turquoise, white, and gold short sleeved knit top. She was casual and comfortable but also looked nice and clean. She didn’t want to get married but also had no intention of embarrassing her father. A pair of hiking boots completed the outfit.

As she approached the gate she showed the gate guard her pass and was admitted without question. She almost laughed as she noticed several women in stilettos. ‘Who wears stilettos to a fair?’ Tori thought to herself; shaking her head she continued to walk through the carnival that had been set up.

“Tori!” Looking over she saw Teresa come running out of nowhere towards her.

The blonde woman crouched down and as the little girl reached her picked her up without a second thought. “Hi Teresa,” She said and returned the little girl’s hug. “Where are your mom and dad?” Seeing the carrot top bite her lip and giggle Tori shook her head. “Your mom is going to be worried sick!” She rubbed noses before the little girl could even think to pout at her light scolding. “Let’s go find them okay?”

“Do we have to?”

“Yes,” The green eyed woman replied. Tori went to set the little girl down when she felt the four year old tighten her grip.

“Carry me Tori.”

“Alright munchkin.” Tori held on to her and walked through the crowds in the direction the child had come from. They walked for almost two minutes before the blonde woman noticed Nancy frantically looking around in the distance.

“Nancy!” Tori yelled. She watched as the woman looked her way and, even from a distance, looked relieved to see Teresa in her arms as she began walking towards them. They met up halfway.

“Nancy I…you found her,” Trevor said both pleased and relieved.

“Tori found her,” Nancy replied. “Thanks.”

“Sure. She came out of nowhere and didn’t know where you were,” Tori informed them.

“I wanted to see Tori,” Teresa said not seeing the problem. “Tori is a safe person.” Any harsh scolding disappeared from both her parent’s minds. They had all told the child that Tori wasn’t a stranger and she was safe.

“Yes she is,” Nancy agreed. “But next time tell us you’ve seen her and want to go to Tori okay?”

“Okay,” The little girl said. Nancy went to take the little girl but Teresa tightened her hold on the blonde woman. “No! Want Tori.”

“I know Sweetie but…”

“I don’t mind,” Tori assured the two adults. Noticing the Carousel she said, “Want to go for a ride?”

“Yeah!” The little girl said excited. Tori looked at the two parents. “Take a few minutes to yourselves. I got your little ballerina.”

“Alright,” Nancy said. The brunette was usually quick to decline anyone that wasn’t family watching her daughter but Teresa really liked the girl and she had confidence in Tori.

“Come on kiddo.” With Teresa in her arms the blonde got in line and waited with the rambunctious little girl.

Nancy and Trevor watched from a distance as Tori played with their daughter. Teresa would squeal with excitement. Nancy noticed how carefully Tori watched her daughter. Not only did she pay attention to the girl but also paid attention to what was around her. The woman seemed to have a hand on her child at all times.

The ride soon finished and Tori walked back to where the little girl’s parents stood waiting.

“Have fun?” Trevor asked. The little girl nodded; her hazel eyes sparkling. “Good. You have to let go of Tori though.”


“Teresa, how about if I come and get you and your mom and we go out for ice cream this week on a day that’s good for your mom?” Tori suggested.

“Promise you’ll take me?”

The woman smiled at the little girl. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

“Okay. Bye Tori.” The little girl waived as her mother walked away with her. Tori waived back but felt a tinge of disappointment.

“You’ll see her again you know,” Trevor remarked sensing the girl’s emotions.

“I know but she’s a sweet kid and she’s fun.”

“You can’t avoid the reason you’re here Tori,” Trevor said gently. The blonde woman sighed but didn’t reply. “Go on. You should be over by the roller coaster not here in the kiddy area.”

“Fine,” She grumbled. Turning she walked away.

Trevor chuckled watching her go. The dark blonde man had no doubt the girl would spend the entire night with Teresa if she could.


River walked around the fairgrounds quietly. He’d been there for over an hour and been hit on by more women than he cared to count. More than one had offered to relax him. The brown haired man had quickly declined. He came into contact with all of the women that had been presented to him and several that hadn’t. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t noticed how many of them looked dressed to die for.

“River.” The man looked over to see Drew and Hunter leaning against the railing keeping people out from behind the rides. Without hesitation he walked over and joined his friends.

“Where are Harper and Dustin?”

“Harper’s over there behind the tilt a whirl with a couple of blondes,” Hunter replied sounding annoyed. River looked at him somewhat amused. “He seems to think he can play all he wants until you choose and the rest of us do.”

“I don’t think he realizes if he messes around with any of them he could end up without a choice and engaged whether he wants them or not,” Drew commented. “Idiot.”

River smirked. “I’m guessing neither are one of the girls that have actually been presented?” River kept his voice calm and very casual. He doubted Harper had Tori with him but felt the need to make sure.

“No. I don’t know who they are,” Hunter said unconcerned.

“Hello River.” River turned to see Lori looking at him. She wore a black short mini skirt and a cherry red halter top. Red heels completed her outfit.

None of the men could have said she wasn’t dressed enticingly. It was clear she was on the prowl and looking for attention.

For the first time in his life River didn’t care for the way the woman was dressed at all. In the past he’d have been all over a girl dressed like Lori was now. Then again in the past he’d been looking to score, not take a wife.

“Did your clothes shrink?” River inquired. Lori looked at him shocked for a moment before abruptly storming away. His friends exchanged a surprised look but neither commented.

“Hey Drew.” The blonde man looked over to see a man with red hair walk up. “That girl you asked about is here. She got here about twenty minutes ago.”

“What girl?” Hunter inquired.

“Tori.” With that the redhead walked away.

“Tori?” River said and looked over at the blonde man. It wasn’t easy but he managed to force his voice to seem calm and aloof.

“Just because you don’t want a blonde doesn’t mean I’m opposed to it.” Without another word Drew walked away.

River felt anything but calm as he watched his childhood friend walk away. His eyes narrowed as he felt a sense of anger enter him.

“River?” Seeing the man look towards him Hunter’s eyes widened. “Why are you…” Hunter fell silent, somewhat shocked, as he heard a low growl from his blue eyed friend.“You want Tori? If you do, just tell Drew. He’ll back away; he knows the rules.”

“I…” River didn’t answer and walked away. The blue eyed man didn’t hesitate and went the direction his friend had gone.

Hunter watched the Lord’s son leave and did not like what he’d heard or was seeing. River was acting territorial for the first time that Hunter could remember. He quickly decided he better get their other friends and let Trevor and Lord Gregory know things might get ugly.

River walked quickly through the fair. Several people called out to him but he ignored them all. The only thing on his mind was finding Drew and telling him he couldn’t do anything until he’d chosen himself. There was no need to tell him anything, just remind him he didn’t get to choose first.

He was about to pass into the Kiddy area when he heard a laugh he recognized as belonging to Tori. Instantly he stopped and looked to his right. Standing by the Farris Wheel, face to face, far too close to the woman for his liking was Drew.

A breeze of wind blew some hair into Tori’s face. Drew reached over and gently brushed it aside. River’s anger began to flare.

“Get your hands off her!” River snarled. Drew and Tori both looked to see the Lord’s son looking less than pleased and glaring at Drew.

“River?” Tori said surprised. She glanced around thinking he must be talking about someone else but it was only Drew and her in the direction he was glaring.

“What is wrong with you?” Drew asked confused. River didn’t want Tori so the lord’s son’s actions didn’t make any sense. “Why should I? You can’t tell me you disapprove,” The blonde man said as he made the mistake of placing a hand just above her left hip on her waist.

River came unglued. Before anyone could blink River had yanked the blond man’s hand off of Tori. It was almost instant Drew’s anger flared.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!” He demanded.

Realizing the two men were about to actually fight the blonde woman went to get between them. Instantly she felt someone grab her left arm and turned to see who it was.

“No,” Trevor warned. If he had been anyone else he wouldn’t have touched the girl. However, because the man was family, and already mated he could touch Tori without angering his brother. Hearing growls Tori looked back to see the two men in a face off.

“I want …” Drew’s words died as River suddenly attacked and the two men began to fight physically with each other. Any talking stopped as their fists became their words.

Tori watched horrified as the lord’s son and his friend fought. “Why are they fighting?” The blonde woman asked completely baffled.

“You don’t…” River punched his friend in the jaw hard enough to send drew to the ground.

“Forget it Drew. She’s mine!” River yelled angrily. “You can’t have Tori! She’s mine!” Tori’s eyes went wide at River’s words.

“Yes she is.” River looked over and was somewhat surprised to find not only had they drawn an audience but his father was standing there looking very commanding. “River has chosen.” Looking at Tori he said, “You now belong to River. I will contact your father and details will be arranged. The rest of you continue as you were.” Calmly the lord walked away and the crowd dispersed.

“You wanted Tori?” Drew asked baffled still sitting on the ground. River looked away with a sigh. “Why didn’t you just say so?”

“I…didn’t realize it.” Slowly he looked over to see Tori looking very uncertain about what had just happened.

“Why did you just…”

“We can be very territorial,” Trevor informed her.

“I’m not territory! I’m not even his…”

“Don’t,” River said his voice firm and laced with warning. The blonde woman looked at him with confused green eyes.

“Territory isn’t just land Tori,” Hunter informed her. Slowly she looked at him. “A mate is also considered territory.”

“You might not have brown hair but I don’t care,” River said and stepped toward her. Gently he rubbed his hand through her hair on the left side of her head before grasping her hair firmly in his right hand.

Tori was caught off guard as the blue eyed man stepped toward her and ultimately grabbed her hair in a gentle but firm manner. She felt him pull her towards him. Everything in her told her that he’d kiss her.

“Riv…” The lord’s son silenced her as he brought his lips to hers. The kiss was gentle but also insistent. Tori knew he wanted her to respond as she felt his tongue on her lips wanting entrance. The blonde woman fought an internal battle. She didn’t love River but knew she now belonged to him. Whether she wanted it or not she would be River’s wife. Reluctantly she opened to him.

River growled with satisfaction as his bride gave him the access to her mouth he wanted. As he kissed her more insistently he felt her sudden uneasiness and reluctantly stopped. Pulling back he saw not just uncertainty but what looked like fear.

“Tori.” He watched as the green eyed woman looked down and away from him. “What is…” His eyes went wide as something he’d never considered crossed his mind. He looked around to see everyone had left before addressing her again. “Have you ever…”

“No,” She said softly.

The lord’s son couldn’t have been more surprised. Tori was strikingly beautiful; the idea she might be a virgin never crossed his mind. At the same time he felt an enormous sense of satisfaction to know no one had ever been with his bride.

“I’ll give you to our wedding night.” Tori looked up at him. “Technically we’re already considered a mated couple.” The blonde woman nodded appreciatively and went to step back. “Don’t misunderstand,” River said not completely releasing her. “I won’t force it Tori, I won’t demand it, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try and coax you into my bed before we’re married.”

“River, Tori.” The newly formed couple turned to see Lady Kendra. Smiling pleased she said, “It’s time for you both to head out.” Looking at River she said, “You may escort her to her vehicle.”

“I could…”

“The contract will be settled in the morning. After that you two will be free to spend time together. You are both no longer single so you need to leave. River go home, and stay there the rest of tonight.” Turning her attention to her future daughter in law she said, “You will head home and remain there until the contract is completed. We will see you at dinner tomorrow night along with your parents.”

“Yes ma’am,” Tori replied respectfully.

“I’m not comfortable with this,” River announced. “I want her escorted home.” He’d noticed disappointed faces at claiming Tori and didn’t want to risk a jealous female going after her.

“Danny will follow her home and ensure she arrives,” Lady Kendra assured her son. “He’s already waiting by your car.” River nodded and taking her left hand began leading her away.

Lady Kendra watched the two pleased. Trevor was right about the blonde woman. While he’d recognized she didn’t have dark hair the girl was everything else her son wanted and needed. Feeling relieved the choice was made, and feeling confident about it, she headed off to enjoy the rest of the night.


Lucas stood at the window pleased. It was almost over. He’d been fighting for three years for the woman he loved. The votes were all in. They were still being tallied but so far most everyone had agreed. As long as the votes from America remained in his favor he’d finally be able to go back to America and claim the half wolf he’d loved since the day he’d met her so long ago.

“It’s almost over.”

“Yes it is.” Lucas looked back to see his brother Logan standing by the doorway. “I know it’s been hard but she’s worth it right?”

“Yes she is. Tori is worth the waiting and so much more.” Lucas pulled out a diamond ring he’d bought for her after only knowing the blonde woman a week. “I can’t wait to put this ring on her finger.”

Logan smiled at his younger brother. “We’ll both have everything we want and the kingdom will be secured.”

“Yeah I just wish the voting would get finished already,” Lucas complained. He wanted nothing more than to surprise his lady down on one knee with a ring in his hand. ‘I love you Tori,’ he thought to himself. Silently he couldn’t wait to tell her in person.

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