Ask Loki, The God of Mischief

By TomHiddlesLoki

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Greetings Mortals. As part of my punishment in Asgard for attempting to do something useful with your race, m... More

Ask The God of Mischief
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second question.
third question
fourth question
fifth question
sixth question
seventh question
eighth, ninth and tenth question
eleventh, twelfths and thirteenth question
fourteenth question
fifteenth question
16th question
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948 17 11
By TomHiddlesLoki


Im sorry bout my rudness. Its conplicated and you dont care so I wont explain. And Im not a mortal. How like a desperate fan that sounds, i am not.

Anyway Loki, do you like horses or kittens more? I prepare horses but that because I own one called Aries. Shes black with a white star like shape on her face above her eyes.

Also my only kitten I had when I was 10 ran away. He was called Mischief. 

Anyway. I was wondering in the films yggdrasil is shown as a tree on the rainbow bridge, but in the ancient mythology its the shape of the nine realms. Is it both or one? and which?

By the way, hi Thor! 

Sorry for my rudeness again Sir. Gute nacht.



As long as you dont call me Ki Ki i will not call you mortal. That simple.

I like them both. I dont really have a favorite. 

The tree Yggdrasil is the shape of the nine realms.

Your apology has been accepted. 

(Thor- hello)

Gute Nacht Fräulein Pandora.


I have bad news, I have no idea where I am. When we got back with Natasha and stark Natasha took off and stark went to play with his computer gadget thingys. When I got to my room (that I share with Natasha) I opened the door to she her and hawk eye going at it so ya I'm mentally scared for life and of coarse thor thought it was funny. *hidden* 
I used my magic to see where I am and I still have no idea other then I'm somewhere I'm England..........I think
Anywho I see why you would have to stay locked up in a room but I don't get how you will stay locked up and try to get food for the cats (well cats and leopard)


I'm locked up but I get food everyday. Guards or servants bring it to me. They also bring food for the cats. 

And I'm afraid I cannot help you with finding out where you are. I have no idea either. Sorry. 


king Loki, 
*hidden* even though I have not many powers I am in your army because you are awesome *unhidden* what is your favorite number? What do you think your life whould have been like if Odin had not stolen you? If those silly avengers had not stopped you, how whould you have ruled midguard? thank you for your time my King:)
-Lady Kay


Why would I have a favorite number? Do mortals have favorite numbers? 

If Odin hadnt stolen me I'd likely be dead. THe Frost Giants left me abandoned. 

If I were ruler of Midgard I would have brought peace. No mortal  would  go hungry, no nmortal would thurst and no mortal would be homeless. You mortals destroy your own realm with war and pollution. It is rotting beneath your feet! I would have been a great leader for your race. You should have let me rule you when you had the chance. 


O.O don't tell him you've met me if you ever see him again...he doesn't know i'm alive and id like to keep it that way. anywho I have a friend here who would umm like to see your cats can we come visit? (Master-I dont want to see his cats you said--) he's a bit delusional..shush Master. *hidden he's an evil matermind who wants to take over the world. (master- on your account of course i'll take over the world then rule it until you're free) You just have to do one thing for him but we'll talk about that when we see you. *unhidden Meow Meow Mew Lokiki


okay.... I wont inform him of your existence. 

I dont think Thor will allow many more visitors. I have already had many come visit my cats. You can just show up t the palace and ask i guess. Then you're already here and they'll feel bad about making you go home. 


I'll send you pudding!!! *sends lord Loki a 24 pack of pudding* and don't worry about the cats and possibility of future kittens. It would be Ebony's first litter so it's only going to be like 1,2 or 3 kittens tops. I'm sure you and Thor can work something out if Ebony and Havoc start a little kitty family! ~Cleo


Well, thak you for the pudding. How long before Ebony is old enough for a litter?


:C you didn't answer my question. why you no like me?!?!?!


What was your question? 


Hey can Venus send me too you? If I can send you a cat, I can send you...ME!!!! See you soon! ~Cleo


Well, I cant have EVERYBODY come visit me. You can try but THor and Odin likely wont let you. 


*hidden* As soon as I sent that message, I thought of something I could do....
and now I'm typing this to you on my iphone, hidden in the rafters of the Stark Tower boys bathroom, and the floor is soaked.
And Banner just came in and slipped across the floor.
That's hilarious.
Aaaaand he's Hulking out.
I'm going to run right after I type my ''I don't mean this'' message. *visible* Awww. I'm pretty hard to ignore, but does that mean you didn't take offense? Meh, you're so weak it wouldn't matter anyways.



good luck with the Hulk. It's a horrible monster. 


I am not weak you mewling quim! You are the weak one mortal

You're sending me poptarts? The heck is wrong with you mortals. 


hi loki.
I know I message you a lot but I want to say bye. Im going forever I guess.

See Im very sick and the doctors give me a couple days to live so... bye


It was great knowing you. I hope you can get better. Goodebye......


brother, you are now king of yodenheim!!!!!!!! but sense you are in prison for the time being, I am going to rule yodenheim as its queen till you get out. hello Thor when will he get out?


What? Since when? 

Well, thanks i guess... 

(Thor- I dont know) 


! Names Katrina but you can call me Kat if you want or whatever. So i just found this so im kinda bummed i didn't find it sooner! All hail the awesomeness of Loki! Sorry i dont make much sense in advance im hyper and on my phone! But here's my questions to you mister Loki,

1) can i please join your awesome army

2) how much pudding ya need?

3) what would you rather do spend the rest of your life in prison or live with Thor

4) what are your plans, once you get out of your cell for good?

5) whats your favorite kinda flower?

Sincerely the epic hyper psycho pixie!


Of course you can join my army. Just pledge loyalty to me.

Send as much pudding as you want to send me. 

I would rather live with Thor than spend the rest of my life in prison. Besides, I already live with THor. I got used to it years ago. 

I cant reveal my plans a they are top secret. 

I dont really have a favorite flower. Though if I had to pick one I guess tulips. 

And welcome to the chaos of this mortal webisite. I advise you not to irritate me like others have in the past. 


well... excuse me for being a grammar nazi. I also have OCD, just so you know, and I happen to be a member of your army. Anyways, that wasn't even a question I just got irritated. I don't even have a question I don't think....


You're excused mortal. 


Hello king Loki, my name is Ellie! I have some magic I need to master, it is quite difficult but I shall learn. I can help with tons of stuff, may I be welcome in your army? Please I have no good place to be welcomed into my family was killed in a raid 100 years ago..


You are welcome to join my army if you wish. You ust need to pledge loyalty to me. My army is very big. Consider them your new family. 


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