Ninja Princess

sapphirewolf97 tarafından

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Katie Parker was just a normal girl at home. Her mother passed away when she was 2 years old, and her father... Daha Fazla

Character Info.
Taken or Saved?
Where are we Going?
Goodnight Princess Sweet Dreams
Merry Christmas
Japan, Here We Come
Shinobi Temple
Spring Festival
Whats Going On?
This Means War
Ghost Village
New Friends
Memories Resurface
Guidance from a Friend
Final Battle

Meeting the Shinsengumi

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sapphirewolf97 tarafından

~~~~(Katie's POV)~~~~
It's been a week since the spring festival, and my date with Heisuke. Mikki told me the next day, that she watched the fireworks with her grandfather. I'm glad that they are bonding. I'm sitting in a meadow by a small river.

Mikki, Sango, Rin, and Soji are sitting here with me. I was making flower wreaths with them. I made one for each of them, and was working on Soji's right now. Soji has grown to like me, and is glued to my side. Soji still won't talk but I know that he's still shy.

"Princess?" I was pulled from my thoughts when I looked to see that it's was Sango who spoke.

"Please girls, call me Katie. Calling me princess, I'm not too used to it." I said smiling. I placed the flower wreath on Soji's head. He smiled at me, then looked back at Sango.

"Katie, did you have fun at the festival?" Sango asked.

"Of course I did, I know all of you guys did as well." We continued to laugh and talk, until I got this feeling. I stood up and the girls looked at me a little confused.

"Katie what's wrong?" Mikki asked. This feeling I got was getting worse, like something bad was going to happen.

"Girls, we need to leave." I said not taking my eyes off of the trees and bushes that were behind us. Mikki went to ask me something but I told them to hurry back to the village. As they were getting up, something emerged from the woods.

"Run!" I yelled to the girls and Soji tried to run after the girls but fell. The monster grew closer as it ran after us. I ran and picked Soji up, and began to hurry home. While I was running, the monster got closer and swiped at my leg causing me to fall. Luckily, I landed so Soji wouldn't have gotten hurt.

I looked to my side and saw the monster get closer. Then two men jumped out of nowhere, standing in front of Soji and I. One of the guys had short spiky reddish-brown hair, olive green eyes. He wore red and white shoulder top/jacket, tanish gray pants, sandals, and white and red wraps on his stomach and lower arms. He had a sword at his left side, and had a staff with a blade on the end.

The other guy had short brown spiky hair with a green headband. Has blue eyes, black and purple top that stops at the shoulders and is open on his chest. White shorts, with knee like black socks and sandals, a tan cloth wrapped around his waist, and black gloves that cover the lower arm. He also had two swords on his left side.

They both had their weapons out ready to fight. The one with the brown hair said,

"You demons never learn." The one with the reddish brown hair said,

"Shinpachi, shall we have some fun?"

"Sanosuke, you know I love to fight so why even ask?" I think Shinpachi said with a smile. Then who I'm guessing Sanosuke, turned to me and said,

"You need to leave this place immediately. This is no place for a lady or a child." I was shocked, but was able to get up and ran in the direction of the village. I heard fast shuffling movement in the trees surrounding us.

As I was running, I didn't notice a shadowed figure beside me. Right before the shadow was able to attack me, more figures dropped from the trees surrounding me and Soji.

One man had blackish-green hair in a ponytail. His eyes were like a purple. He wore a dark burgundy shirt, light gray pants, white socks with sandals, and a white cloth wrapped around his waist. He had two swords on his left side.

The next one had dark bluish-purple hair in ponytail that laid on his shoulder. His eyes were bright blue. He wore a long black kimono with a white like scarf and a white cloth around his waist holding two swords on his right side. Has white socks with sandals.

The next one had brown hair that angled his face and the rest pulled into a small ponytail. His eyes were a light green. Wore a long red kimono shirt about mid thigh, green shorts to the knees, black shirt underneath, white wrap on lower legs, white cloth around his waist holding two swords on his left side, and sandals.

I looked past the three men that circled around me to see that we were surrounded by Ayakashis.

"Miss," I looked to see that it was man with the blackish-green hair. "you need to leave. We'll handle things here." I just stared at him, then took off as soon as the Ayakashis went to attack. How could three men handle that many Ayakashis?

My mind was blank as I ran. I follow the river to the village. We still have a ways to go, but I hope the girls got to the village safely. A tight squeeze to my kimono top, made me aware that Soji was still with me. I have to keep him safe no matter what.

As I ran, I didn't see the tall Ayakashis that had long razor claws sneak up to me. All I saw was a dark ashy blur, then a sharp stinging pain in my side. I felt the air whip around my body, as I sailed in the air towards the river. The next thing I knew was that something cold and wet surrounded me.

I quickly remembered that I still had Soji in my arms. I swam the best I could to the surface, with my side and leg stinging. Once we broke the surface, I gasped for air, as did Soji.

"Soji, I need you to get on my back and hang on tightly." I was able to get Soji on my back, and I tried swimming to the edge to get out but the current was too strong. There were rocks in the way, and I tried to grab onto a rock, but the rock was really slippery.

My body was growing tired as I tried to fight the current, and stay above the surface. I saw there was a tree that was hanging off down towards the river. As we got closer I grabbed onto a branch.

"Soji, you need to climb onto this branch. Once your on the branch climb up until you get on the bank, Okay?" I saw him shake his head.

"No, me stay with you." He was scared.

"I know buddy, but you'll be safe here rather than in the river. Please buddy I'm growing tired and can't hold on much longer. I promise, someone will find you." After a moment of hesitation, Soji began to climb on my shoulder up the branch.

Once he was on the branch and climbed up onto the bank, he stayed next to the tree hidden. I smiled as he listened to my directions. My grip was slipping and I tried to hold on, but my body gave way and flowed with the current.

It was hard staying above the water, but I managed until my body hit a really hard surface. I heard shouting in the distance, but was muffled as I went under. Exhaustion took over and my body began to sink towards the bottom.

I heard something plunge into the water, then something grabbed my arm. I felt us break the surface, and I was pulled towards a certain direction. I felt like I was in the air, then shortly after I was met with the hard ground.

"Princess?" I heard a familiar voice say. I barely opened my eyes to see amber eyes staring down at me.

"Go..e..mon.." I said.

"Come on princess, stay awake.." My eyes were slowly drifting shut.


"What? What are you talking about? Tree?" Goemon was confused.

"Tree..." I pointed back down the river where the tree was. "Soji...hiding" then I blacked out.

~~~~(Goemon's POV)~~~~
"Soji...hiding" then she went limp in my arms. I was confused as to what the princess was talking about. Soji? Then it hit me, Soji was the little boy that was always glued to the princess's side.

I heard many pairs of feet walk towards me, and I turned to see the Shinsengumi. Hajime was holding a small child's hand. It was Soji!

"We found him hiding in a tree by the river." He said.

"Thanks, now let's head back to the temple." I was meeting up with them to take them back to the temple when I heard a ruckus. Then I saw that there were a few Ayakashis that snuck away from the fight. I followed them and saw them attack the princess.

When I saw her get thrown in the river, I began to attack the Ayakashis. I slain them all then went after Katie. Once I got to her she went under, and I dived in. I got her and then we are headed to the temple.

Soji ran from Hajime and grabbed Katie's hand. We got back to the temple, and everyone was waiting at the gate. Saizo ran to us, along with the others.

"What happened." Saizo ordered.

"Ayakashis." Was all I said. Kortaro walked closer and asked,

"Did she get hurt by any of the Ayakashis?" I wasn't so sure, I went to answer him but was interrupted by a commotion.

"Soji!" We looked to see Soji running from the girls over to Katie. Then it hit me, Soji was with Katie the whole time!

"Soji, you were with the princess the whole time right?" I asked him. He nodded. "Good, can you tell me if she got hurt?" He nodded his head again. "Okay, show me where she got hurt."

Soji pointed to his leg. We took the princess back to her room, and Kortaro checked her legs. She had claw marks on the back side of her left calf. Kortaro made the antidote for the poison. After that Heisuke, Sasuke, and Soji stayed. The rest of us went to a room to discuss.

~~~~(Katie's POV)~~~~
I woke up to pain in my leg and side. I groaned in pain, and heard movement beside me.

"Katie, can you hear me?" I heard someone ask. I started to remember. A large monster attacked, the girls ran, new people showed up, surrounded by Ayakashis, falling into the river, Soji escaped and hid in a tree, then Goemon was the last thing I remembered.

"She must be in pain. Where did Kortaro put that medicine?" I heard a second voice speak. I felt someone grab my leg, and a sticky cooling substance was rubbed onto my leg relieving that pain. My side was still throbbing in pain. Again I groaned out in pain.

"Why is she still groaning in pain? The medicine should have worked by now." The first person spoke.

"Maybe, she is injured somewhere else?" I felt someone check my other leg, arms, then finally my side. When they touched my side, I yelped as the pain increased. I felt my shirt move, so it revealed my left side.

"Shit! Her whole side is infected." I felt the cool substance be rubbed on my side but it hurt. I rolled away from the person, as they put pressure on my side.

"Sasuke, try to hold her in place so I can put the medicine on." I felt a hand on my upper arm and thigh. Then I felt the cold substance touch my side again. I started to whimper as the pain slowly faded.

"When do you think she'll wake up?" Heisuke asked. I heard a sigh.

"Hopefully soon." Sasuke responded sadly. I started to slip off as a wave of exhaustion sunk in. Their voices sounded far away, as it was very hard to stay awake. Then I was out.
I heard birds chirping. I opened my eyes with ease, and saw the bright blue sky. I looked around, and noticed I was back in that dream like world where I met my mother. There's been so much that's happened.

"Mother?" I called out, hoping she would hear me.

"What is it sweetie?" I turned around and saw my mother standing there. I ran to her and embraced her in a hug. Her arms wrapped around me.

"A lot has happened since the last time I saw you." I said.

"I know dear, I've been watching over you." She said.

"Mother, I need your help."

"With what sweetheart?"

"Everything. The Ayakashis attacked again, and everyone is relying on me to find the demon blade. Then there's Heisuke and I, my feelings are all jumbled up...I-I can't think straight." I said as we sat down on a rock.

"Sweetheart, there's someone I want you to meet." I looked at her, and she held her hand out as a gesture to look. I looked to where she was pointing, and my eyes widen in awe.

There standing in front of us was a giant wolf. She was white with red markings on her forehead, and her eyes were a beautiful ruby red.

"Dear child, I am your great ancestor." I quickly stood up and bowed in respect. "Please none of that. After all, you're a princess yourself."

"I'm no princess, I can't help anybody. That's just not me, I'm no leader." I doubted myself. It was silent then the ancestral wolf walked over to my side and sat down. My mother just stared at me as I sat with my head down.

"Sweetie," my mother spoke. "A princess doesn't mean that you're just a leader." I looked up at her.

"It doesn't?" I was confused. Isn't being a royal or princess mean your a leader of the country?

"She's right child." I looked to the wolf. "When your of royalty, many look up to you. Not as a leader, but also for guidance. Your decision can affect others or just you alone, but that only depends on what you choose."

"But how will I know which one is the right decision?" I don't want all this responsibility hanging on my shoulders.

"Trust your instincts, as they are the key to who you are. Yes, you can think logically, but also follow what your heart is telling you. When your brain and heart tell you the same thing, then you know what you must do." The wolf spoke.

I sighed. Well at least I have one thing crossed off of my worry list. Now the thought of Heisuke and I remained on my mind.

"Something else is troubling you, isn't there?" Is it that obvious?

"Yeah, you said you've been watching over me?" My mother nodded. "So you know what happened a week ago."

"Are you referring to the spring festival?" I meekly nodded. "Sweetie, why is that day bothering you?"

"I don't know, my feelings for Heisuke I guess. One minute he's close and kisses me, then the next it's like it never happened. He says we can't be together because of our ranking." I say sadly.

"Honey, he's probably just scared that you don't like him back. He's probably doing this act to be strong for you and the others." My mother said.

"I don't know," I doubted.

"Child, do you believe in true love?" I looked to the wolf. She was staring at the sky as she spoked.

"When I was little I did, when I read books that were based on the fiction romances. I always dreamed of finding true love." I whispered the last part.

"Did you know that what your mother and father had was true love." I looked to my mother in confirmation. She had her head down but smiled when she saw me turn towards her. "Love will always find a way, no matter the position of ranks. If he truly loves you, then nothing will stop him."

I processed her words thinking of what she had just said. If Heisuke truly does love me, then we can be together? I love him, I did the first time I saw him.

"I love him." Both the wolf and my mother looked at me. "I loved him since I first laid eyes on him. The night he and his friends kidnapped me, I stared right into his beautiful blue-green eyes. They held nothing but calm, gentle, caring, Ever since I grew close, I got to know him better." I spilled the feelings that were held in my heart.

"I've seen the future, and even though there will be hardships you'll have the support of your friends. Feelings will blossom, but only the heart will tell when the time comes." The wolf said.

"Remember what I told you, to find the demon blade, 'hidden in plain sight, where no one would ever think of. Only you will be able to find it." My mother said.

"What does that even mean? I don't understand the riddle!" I said.

"The only person who can find it is you, the princess of not just Japan, but of demons as well. Once you've found your true self, will the demon blade make its appearance." The wise wolf demon spoke. Everything began to fade. My mother and the wolf stared at me as everything began to blur.

"Thank you, for you guidance and advice. I won't let either of you down." I shouted to them before everything went black.
I opened my eyes to see a brown ceiling. I looked to my left and saw all the girls sitting quietly with their heads down. I felt something small next to me.

"You're awake," I looked to my right and saw Heisuke and Sasuke sitting next to my bed. I smiled at them and sat up. Kuroro and Entei come and sit on my lap. I rubbed both of their heads.

"Lady Katie is alright!" Mikki says happily. I smiled at her and the girls.

"I'm glad to see that you are unharmed." The girls faces dropped. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"We were scared you weren't going to wake up." Rin says quietly.

"Why? I'm perfectly fine." I gave them reassuring smiles.

"Their right princess, you've been out for four days." Sasuke said. My eyes widen. Four days! Movement down at my side made me look down. There lay Soji asleep holding onto my blanket.

"Soji wouldn't leave your side. When Goemon brought you back, Soji showed us where you got hurt. Thanks to him, we were able to treat your wounds." Heisuke said quietly. I moved Soji so he was laying on the bed, and I got up.

"Princess you shouldn't be up, you need rest." Sasuke said. I turned to them and said,

"I'm feeling much better, plus my body needs to stretch. Now I'm going to change, and then we can talk more." I went to the chest and grabbed a random kimono dress. I walked behind the screen and took a quick bath and changed into the kimono.

It was pink with purple flowers at the bottom with a purple ribbon around the waist. Once I was done I put my very light brown hair in a high ponytail. I made sure my mother's necklace was still in its rightful place. Once I felt satisfied, I came out from behind the screen.

The girls were still sitting there with Soji still asleep. I gently shook Soji awake, and he was happy to see me. Heisuke and Sasuke led me down a hall and into a room. Once I walked in, the men that saved me were all here. All eyes landed on me as the door slid open.

"Glad to see that your awake, let me introduce you to the Shinsengumi." Saizo said and gestured to the man that had green like hair in a ponytail and purple eyes. He stood up and said,

"My name is Toshizo Hijikata, and I'm the leader of the Shinsengumi." Toshizo looked to the man with dark purple hair in a side pony.

"Hajime Saito," I get the feeling he doesn't talk much. Then the man with brown hair pulled back in a small bun/pony said,

"Souji Okita." Then the man with reddish brown hair spoke up,

"Sanosuke Harada," he sent a heart warming smile towards me.

"Shinpachi Nagakura." Said the man with brown hair in a green headband.

"It's nice to meet you all, my name is Katie Parker. I would like to say thank you for saving Soji's and my life." I bowed in respect. When I stood straight up, and just stared at the Shinsengumi men. They must be the friends Saizo mentioned when we first came to Japan.

Now it's time to discuss about Nobunaga and Jinoskue. Plan a strategy to fight against them, and hopefully find the demon blade. Or the world will be consumed by darkness and it will all be my fault. But what did my mother mean?

'The only person who can find it is you, the princess of not just Japan, but of demons as well. Once you've found your true self, will the demon blade make its appearance' a voice rang in my mind leaving me to ponder what it means. That's just the thing, what does it mean?
I hope you enjoyed the chapter! The picture is when Goemon saves Katie from the river.
What do you think Katie's mom meant in finding the demon blade?
Please comment, vote, and follow.
Thanks! 💙💚💜

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