Endearment // Royce

By -topknots

32.7K 2.1K 344

In The Midst Of The This Unique Thing Call Speed Dating, Put Together By His Sister, Jacob Senses A Good Stro... More

ღ Chapter 1 ღ
ღ Chapter 2 ღ
ღ Chapter 3 ღ
ღ Chapter 5 ღ
ღ Chapter 6 ღ
ღ Chapter 7 ღ
ღ Chapter 8 ღ
ღ Chapter 9 ღ
ღ Chapter 10 ღ
ღ Chapter 11 ღ
ღ Chapter 12 ღ
ღ Chapter 13 ღ
ღ Chapter 14 ღ
ღ Chapter 15 ღ
ღ Chapter 16 ღ
ღ Chapter 17 ღ
ღ Chapter 18 ღ
ღ Chapter 19 ღ
ღ Chapter 20 ღ
ღ Chapter 21 ღ
ღ Chapter 22 ღ
ღ Chapter 23 ღ
ღ Chapter 24 ღ
ღ Chapter 25 ღ
ღ Chapter 26 ღ
ღ Surprise ღ

ღ Chapter 4 ღ

1.4K 107 20
By -topknots

May 20, 2016

Jacob Perez
  "When are you gonna dust the cobwebs out your ass and get some? If it was me chi-"

  "I'm not you though." I said cutting Ray off, we were walking around the mall, trying to find me an outfit for tonight. He squinted at me playfully then continued. "Anyway, if I were you I'd be throwing this ass in a octagon, trapezoid, hell- square for that man. Give Jamie a sibling, why don't ya."

  "Believe me, I want to... Badly but, I have to respect my body. Plus, Jamie doesn't need a sibling right now. Maybe when he's about 4."

  "You've been respecting your body for almost 3 years, how much respect can a person ha-" He stopped walking and removed his glasses staring at something or someone. "What nigga?" I said, stopping in my tracks and dropping my arms. "Your boyfriend is over there. Looks like he's trying to impress you too."

  "He isn't my boyfriend."

  "Yet. So, what happens when the date is over?" He asked as we stopped at a Aunt Anne's stand. "What do you mean, the date is over. We go our separate ways for the night." I said in a 'duh' tone. What else were we supposed to do? Play Call of Duty.

"J... You can't be serious. Are you seriously gonna look this good and not give the man nothing? You might as well put on a hefty trash bag." Ray exclaimed "I am serious... I think I'm gonna adapt to the 90 day rule." I bit into my cinnamon pretzel.

  "Oh lord, Steve Harvey done got in your head too. This isn't Think Like A Man, J. Do you really think that thing is gonna work?" "It's not a bad idea." I shrugged taking another bite

  "Like hell it is. You do know how long 90 days is, right?" He pulled off a piece of my pretzel, tossing it into his mouth and wiping the sugar from his fingers.

  I rolled my eyes, giving him a stale face "Nah, I don't- of course I know how long it is. It's about 3 and a half months. You're acting like I'm gonna explode if I don't have sex within the next 24 hours."

  "I'm just saying, don't make him wait too long or he'll wander off and I don't wanna have to murder him for breaking your heart or something. Me and Jamie are gonna have to tag team him. Ain't that right boogie?" He said messing with Jamie who was dozing off in the stroller while locking arms with me. "Now, let's go get pretty for your future daddy."

We were now sitting around our condominium binge watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S just to past time by. I had a good while before my date with Chresanto.

"Oh! J, did I ever tell you about the other day?!" Ray said getting hype. I shook my head and shoved a handful of kettle corn into my mouth. "Jacob, it was heavenly." He sighed "Okay so, you remember the guy I met a few months ago at the grocery store? Eric?"

"The one with the lambo?" I sat up some. "Yes.... Okay so I was bored and horny so I hit him up beating around the bush or whatever. So he just blurted out; "you want some dick don't you" now I was stuck so I didn't say anything and he was like "I'll be over in a few"." He paused fanning himself.

  "When he got here, I don't know where you were but I'm glad you weren't here because you would've kicked my ass out, left me high and dry because this man... This man was blessed, he had me moaning so loud, Jesus himself told me to be quiet." I laughed and continued to listen to him tell me about his sexual escapades. They were always interesting with Ray. He didn't leave out one single detail and was so descriptive. He was so extra. It was like reading a book of some sort.

  "He was so gentle with my body at first. Kissing and caressing me, he started taking my clothes off real nice and slow. Bitch, I had them spoons on standby all the hickeys he gave me. But tell me why he had me wide open. I mean, open. He had my legs pinned behind my head, holding my ankles with one hand like he was changing a diaper." He wiped away his nonexistent tears and sniffed dramatically. "My soul left my body, returned then left again. He had me making the ugliest faces, I had to cover my face and guess what he did. Guess."

  "He remo-"

  "He removed my hands bitch and said "look at me." I couldn't even get my moans out because he took my breath away. I was in that bed looking like a fish out of water, squirming around, running from the D. Then, he spread my thighs like peanut butter... My, my, my. He pinned my thighs down to hold me still and stroked so deep, I could feel every inch, every centimeter bitch I felt everything and just when he was about to hit my spot he turned me over. And when I say he got buck wild, he got buck wild. He deepened the arch in my back." He got on the floor on all, revealing the deep arch in his back. My eyes widened.

  "He did that?"

  "Yes! Eric Green became my husband last night. He took my hair out of the bun and wrapped his hand around it getting a tight grip and slid back in. I was in tears... Tears." He said fanning himself again.

  "He pulled out and slid between my legs while I was still on all fours and gave me the best head... Then he stood up, and put it back in and fucked me like a monkey and I knew he was close because I could feel it throbbing. He held me by neck, pushing my face into the pillows- whew, I gotta stop there, I'm getting hot and bothered, my legs are all tingly and stuff. But, Jacob that was the best sex I've ever had. Eric, that's bae. I'm officially dick whipped now."

  "How do I look?" I spun around and ran a lent roller over my shirt and pants. He told me to dress casual so I did...

  "You look great brother." Jai said coming out of my bathroom, brushing her teeth. She and Ray were staying in tonight with Jamie while I went out. "Mama." Jamie said wobbling into the room with his pacifier in his mouth and sippy-cup in hand.

  "How do I look boogie? I look good?"

  He came over to me and hugged my legs. "Pitty."

  "Why, thank you boogie." I picked him up. "No go. Way go." He pointed at Ray.

  "What? Jamie, I helped potty train your little ass." Ray said


  "No more cursing around boogie. That's a bad word boogie don't say that anymore." The doorbell rang.

  "Uh-oh, your knight in shining armor has arrived." Jai said skipping to get the door. "Mama go?" "Yes boogie, I have to go."

  He gave me a wet kiss on the cheek and hugged me before squirming out of my arms and running over to Ray. "Nope, you're being fake boogie."



  "I wuh woo." "Awe, boogie." Ray cracked, picking him up and spinning around. "love you too, boyfriend."

  "No." Jamie shook his head pulling on Ray's ears "Oh hush up and love me." They walked out of the room and I took one more look into the mirror before cutting off the light and exited the room. When I walked out I saw Chresanto talking with Ray and Jai. Jamie was standing in the center of all of them just staring at Chresanto with his eyebrows knitted together.

  "Have him back in one piece or we'll come looking for you negro." Jai threatened with her arms crossed, Ray made a gun gesture and Jamie looked up at the both of them and mimicked Jai and crossed his arms, rubbing his eyes. "Alright, but I think it's time for bed."

"But, I'm not tired yet..." Jai pouted, I gave her the Nick Young face. "It's boogie's bed time, child." Ray pinched her arm. "Bye y'all. Bye boogie, love you." I said as we walked towards the door and Jai took Jamie to his room. "Mama not go buh-bye." He pouted, reaching for me.

  "My parents are in business together... My mom is a lawyer and my dad runs the law firm. They weren't around much when I was growing up so I would often have to spend nights and sometimes weekends alone. It's no fun when your parents have to work on your birthday or holidays." Chresanto said

  "I can kind of relate... Me and my sister were in the system for about a couple of months before our adoptive parents came along. Our real mom was a fugitive, running from the law and I guess she grew tired of running and turned herself in and our dad just, left... Even now I still hope that they'll come see us or something. Jai doesn't claim them as her parents, she says they don't deserve to be called parents after abandoning us."

                 "If I had the chance, I would hug them tight and never let go."

  "That's pretty hard... I know this may be a stupid question but was that little boy your son?" He asked as we walked down the pier, listening to the water underneath us. We dined at a really nice restaurant and we went dancing. I had a great time with him tonight, I can see myself dancing with him forever.


  "What about his mother?" He asked "I am his mother." I chuckled.

  "Well, his father..." We stopped walking and sat on the end of the wooden walkway, gazing up at the stars, our feet hung over the edge.. "I don't know... Jamie's father was a drunk, he would be the sweetest person in the world at times then once he got a few beers in his system all that niceness went through the window. When he found out about Jamie, he ran for the nearest exit and never came back." I said, shrugging.

  "That's terrible."

  "Yeah, I've made it work though... But, before we go any further I need to make sure that you aren't just here to get some and leave. Are you willing to have a relationship with no sex for a while?" "I can wait as long as you need me to. "

Aww That Was Sweet.
**Vote For 'The Therapist' For Royce Awards. Link On My Message Board**
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