The Most Dangerous Game (Harr...

Galing kay Posh777

420K 17.3K 5.5K

"One game, one hand. That's all I want." He smiles confidently at me, "You really think you can win against... Higit pa



4K 217 110
Galing kay Posh777


I'm not sure how long I sat on the floor of my living room, contemplating the decision I'd made.

Was I wrong?

Was I right?

Could the choice even be as uncomplicated as that? It being as simple as right or wrong didn't seem possible. Nothing was simple anymore and the difference between the two wasn't a solid line. It was hazy, almost indistinguishable after all this time.

When I finally managed to pull myself up off the floor, my knees were numb. My whole body felt lethargic, sluggish.

I knew there wasn't any putting it off, I had to go tell Carter. He needed to hear it from me and in doing so I hoped to maintain some level of trust between us.

I almost laughed to myself at the thought as I walked toward my bathroom.

Trust.. between Carter and I.

I really must be losing my mind.

Splashing some water on my face, I look over my red and puffy eyes. I can't go to Carter's looking like this, like I'm upset over Harry leaving. Like I'm heartbroken I just told the man I've very much in love with that I'm most definately not.

I need to play my part.

After combing out my hair, I put some color on my face. Focusing on my eyes, I do what I can to hide what I'm really feeling.

I smile at myself in the mirror, putting the finishing touch on the mask I've created.

The same one I've perfected since I started dating Carter.

No matter what emotion I'm actually experiencing.. alone, angry, terrified, heartbroken.. I still look happy.

At least to Carter I do.

He never looks closely, he's never really cared to. As long as I'm smiling, seemingly content being by his side, behaving properly, and wearing what he's chosen for me, none of the rest matters.

I stare at myself in the mirror, surveying my work. My smile is bright, my cheeks lightly flushed, my skin clear and glowing. It's only my eyes that give alway the slightest clue of how I'm really feeling.

It's just a flicker, so I know no one would notice.

No one but the one person I've sent away.

Stop thinking about him Everly.

He's gone.

Trying to brush the thought from my mind, I take a deep breath.

I can do this.

I pick out a short white cotton dress from my closet, one I remember Carter complimenting me on before. He bought it for me not long after we started dating, along with a matching pair of heels.

I'd just gotten home from a normal day of classes when they arrived. Two young women carrying in arm loads of bags before going downstairs to bring up the rest.

They were Carter's personal shoppers, snobbishly amused as my eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as they unpacked all the items.

I wasn't from a wealthy family. And I was never one to save up and drop a lot of money on a pair of shoes or a trendy bag. Yes, I drooled over them in magazines, but that was as close as I'd ever gotten.

So when my living room was covered in packages from Prada, Gucci, Chanel, and Manolo Blahnik, I was understandably close to passing out.

Things were so good between us then. Light and easy. Carter was beyond charming, sweeping me off my feet constantly. Making me actually feel loved.

Then everything changed.

And I quickly realized he wasn't buying me things just because he wanted to. It wasn't because he cared for me.

He was trying to make me fit into his world. Make me seem worthy of being next to him.

And when out with him, I wasn't to wear anything other then what he'd bought for me.

After sliding into the dress and strapping on the heels, I check myself one more time in the mirror.

My makeup is flawless, my once chipped nails now painted a bright shade of red, my dress free of any wrinkles, and my hair pulled tightly back.

Once again slapping on a fake smile, I see Carter's Everly looking back at me.

It's not me, not the real me.

But it's the part I have to play, one I can't mess up on.

Snatching a small clutch off my dresser, I throw a few things inside along with my phone before making my way out of my apartment.

I almost turn back when I step up to the curb outside my building and hold my hand up for a cab.

I contemplate telling the driver an address, any address other then Carter's as I slide into the back seat.

And when we pull up in front of his Manhattan townhouse, I rack up another twelve dollars on the meter before I finally get out of the car.

My hand feels heavy as I raise it up to press the call button next to his front door. Just as I expected, within seconds a familiar face greets me.

"Miss Abbott!" Clara smiles up at me as she opens the door. "How are you today?"

"I'm good." I return the smile, stepping inside and letting her close the door. "How are you?"

"Just lovely, thank you." She smooths out her uniform. "Mr. Carter said to send you on down to his study when you arrived."

"He knew I was coming?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Yes, I think..."

"I'll show her down." A flat voice cuts her off abruptly, making me jump.

I shift my gaze to the left, finding Viktor standing just a few feet away.

"You get back to work." He looks at Clara blankly before focusing on me.

"Yes, of course." Clara nods, "You have a good day Miss Abbott."

"You too." I call after her as she scurries down the hallway towards the kitchen.

Viktor narrows his eyes at me before turning and walking towards the back of the house. I follow him slowly, my heart rate picking up as we reach the staircase that leads to the basement floor.

Something doesn't feel right, but I continue on, descending the stairs a few steps behind him.

He opens the large door at the bottom, motioning for me to step inside.

I glance around the large room, spotting Carter sitting at the round table at the far end.

I feel a small sense of relief when I see Maya sitting across from him, her giving me a soft smile when she sees me.

I flinch as the door is closed behind me, Viktor stepping around me and taking a seat in a leather chair along the side of the room.

"Everly darling." Carter raises his eyes at the sound of the door being closed, sending me a wide smile. "Come sit with us. We were just starting a new game."

"Oh?" I ask as I near them, taking a seat next to Maya.

"Five card draw." Maya speaks up. "Carter finally offered to teach me."

"Did he?" I look from her to Carter.

"She's doing quite well." Carter meets my gaze.

"Good." I force a smile. "Though I doubt she'd ever beat you."

"No one ever beats me." He grins as he switches the deck of cards between hands. "You look beautiful today darling."

"Thank you."

"White suits you. Doesn't it Maya?"

"Of course." Maya gives me a genuine smile. "Though you'd look gorgeous no matter what you're wearing."


The room goes silent as I look across the table at Carter, and suddenly I feel as if I need some air.

"If you two had dinner plans, we can do this another time." Maya offers.

"I don't remember us making plans this evening." Carter's eyes flick to Maya before studying me.

"We didn't, I just..." My voice fades off as my nerves get the best of me.

"Speak up." Carter orders. "You know I hate it when you mumble."

"Sorry." I sit up straighter in my chair. "I just needed to discuss something with you."

"There's no time like the present." Carter's lips form a tight line as he starts to deal out the cards.

"I need to discuss something with you.. privately." I add, glancing at Maya.

"Of course." Maya starts to stand up, "I'll just.."

"Sit down Maya." Carter raises his voice slightly. "You don't need to leave."

"But..." I start but Carter shakes his head.

Maya sits down, slowly picking her cards back up off the table.

"Now, what did you need to discuss?" Carter asks.

"Ummmm..." I fidget in my seat. "Our plans need to change."

"What plans?"

"Our plans for the uh..." I steal a glance at Maya, who's staring down at her lap. "for the fights."

"Speak up Everly."

"Our plans for Style's fights." I raise my voice slightly. "They're going to have to change."

"Why?" He looks at me pointedly, his lips in a tight line.

"Because.." I lick my lips, taking a breath as I meet his gaze determinedly. "He's gone."

"Who is gone?"

"Styles." I say without emotion. "He left."

"He left..." Carter repeats my words, setting his cards down on the table. "Why would he leave?"

"His family." I say what I'd rehearsed in my mind. "Something happened with his family and he had to go home."

"And he told you this?"

"No, one of his friends." I continue my lie. "You asked me to make sure the arrangements were made for the fight this Friday. I called him to confirm and his friend answered his phone. He'd already left."

"He left, for England?"

"According to his friend, yes." I nod. "He was planning on contacting us when he landed. Apparently it was a last minute thing."

"He walked out on our deal?"

"I believe it was an emergency. I don't think he would have it that wasn't the case."

"Hmmm." Carter nods, his fingers drumming the tabletop as he thinks.

"So.." My eyes flick to Maya who's now looking at me. "Our plan needs to change."

"And what would you suggest?"

"Me?" I ask, taken aback. "I... I'm not sure. I.."

"Surely you have had some thought as to what plan of action we should take. My client won't accept failure, you know that."

"Right, but..."

"But what?" Carter raises his eyebrows at me, his forehead furrowing.

"I..." I scramble for words. Why hadn't I thought he would ask this?

"You want to know what I think?" Carter sits back in his seat, setting his cards down on the table in front of him.

I stay quiet, only nodding in reply.

"I think it's fortunate for us that Styles is still in New York."

"Wh-what?" My eyes widen in confusion as a wave of apprehension washes over me.

"You could call it luck I guess.." Carter pauses,  "To be honest, I fully expected him to try to board the plane. That's why I sent Viktor to make sure he didn't."

I take a breath, feeling sick as my heart hammers in my chest.

"Though that wasn't necessary." Carter goes on. "Styles never even showed up at the airport."

"How did you know..."

"We monitor his purchases of course. We had no other choice being the tracking device you put on his phone stopped working suddenly."

"Is he here now?" My eyes shoot towards the locked doors along the side of the room.

"Here? No." Carter chuckles as he shakes his head. "We found he's a difficult man to follow. His motorcycle makes it nearly impossible to do so."

A small huff of relief starts to break past my lips, stopping short once the smile on Carter's face hardens to a look of complete anger.

"You, however my darling, are a different story entirely."

Our eyes lock as my body goes rigid, my hands shaking in my lap.

"You remember what I said to you the night I first met with Styles?.." He looks at me intently.

I stay silent, the words catching in my throat as I replay that night in my head.

"I said.." He continues calmly. "You f.uck him and I'll.. what was it Everly? What did I say?"

"You.." My voice comes out hoarse, scratchy.

"What did I say Everly?" He leans forward.

"You f.uck him and I'll slit your throat." I respond quietly.

"So you do remember." Carter states, not one ounce of emotion seeping into his voice.


"I'd thought you'd forgotten, being you did exactly what I told you not to."

"Carter..." Maya's voice is almost unheard, my hand instantly finding hers and squeezing to let her know to keep quiet.

Carter only glances at her, his eyes narrowing almost to the point of slits before focusing back on me.

"I didn't.."

"Don't f.ucking lie to me!" Carter's hand slams down onto the table as he yells, causing both Maya and I to jump.

We both stay silent, remaining frozen in our seats as Carter takes a few breaths.

"I thought.." He starts, his voice once again oddly calm. "For a while I actually thought I'd found my match. You were doing so well. Then one day Viktor decided to follow you home. Only you didn't go home."

"Where do you think she went instead Maya?" He looks at her.

"I.. I don't know." Maya shakes her head, looking to me for direction.

"Think Maya, where did she go?"

"To Harry's?" She asks softly.

"Ah! There it is!" Carter grins like a proud father, "To Harry's!"

"Carter, I...." I start.

"How many times darling?" He cuts me off, the venom in his voice coming through loud and clear. "How many times did you f.uck him before you decided you had a conscience and tried to send him away?"


He shakes his head. "It doesn't matter really does it? I told you, you f.uck him and I'll slit your throat."

His hand slides inside his jacket pocket, my heart stopping as he pulls out a knife and lays it on the table in front of him.

I move to stand up, my hand still holding Maya's tightly. Fully ready to run, dragging her behind me if I have to.

But I don't get the chance, not when a strong hand clamps down on my shoulder, shoving me back down into my chair. Holding me firmly in place.

I struggle in Viktor's grip, but he doesn't ease up, only tightening his hold on me.

"Carter don't." Maya speaks up weakly. "Please."

"Shut up." He glares at her before meeting my gaze. "I told you Everly. I told you what the consequence would be if you did this."

"Carter.." I shake my head, feeling beads of sweat trickle down my forehead. "Don't do this."

"I'll give you a choice." Carter reaches into his other pocket, producing a small silver pistol that he sets on the table next to the knife.

I try to stand up again, but cry out when Viktor's hand digs into my shoulder.

"Choose now." Carter orders. "Or I'll do it for you."

"No." My voice comes across surprisingly steady.

"Fine." He looks back and forth between his options before picking up the gun.

"Please stop!" Maya cries out, making me look at her and see the tears streaming down her cheeks.

"This will be faster, there won't be any pain at all." He cocks the gun, lifting it and pointing it straight at my head.

"Don't." I swallow, feeling a tear slide down my cheek. "You don't want to do this."

"Really?" He chuckles. "It feels like I do."

"You said you loved me."

"So did you." He narrows his eyes at me.

"You love me." I take a breath, keeping my voice steady. "You do. You love me."

Staring into his eyes, his countenance falters slightly.

"You love me." I repeat. "You won't shoot me."

He remains quiet for a moment, his eyes lock on mine.

"You're right." He sighs, "I won't."

I exhale, my whole body relaxing just as a loud boom fills the room, echoing off the walls around us.

I gasp, my free hand flying up to my chest.

But I don't find blood like I expect to. I don't feel a searing pain like I should.

I only feel a shift tug on my arm as Maya falls out of the seat next to me and onto the floor.

I scream in horror, shoving the chair out of the way as I drop to my knees, grabbing her.

"Maya!" I scream her name as I push the hair off her face, finding a tiny hole in the middle of her forehead.

Her eyes are lifeless as I close them, hugging her body to my chest as I start to sob.

He killed her.

Her killed her because of me.

I scream at Viktor as he pulls me away from her body, trying helplessly to shove him away from me and get back to her. But it's no use, I'm somehow completely drained of all my energy as he holds me up.

I look down, my chest feeling wet. I'm covered in blood, my white dress forever stained in the death of my friend.

"She was right.." Carter's voice causes me to look up at him, still sitting at the table.

It's still calm, devoid of any emotion as he looks me over, a light smile taking over his face.

"You really do look gorgeous in anything."

Ahhh! Been waiting to get to this!! What do you guys think????

Were you surprised that Carter knew about Harry and Everly?

Did you think he was going to kill Maya?

I'm so excited for what's to come and hope you guys are too!

R.I.P. Maya Cahn :(

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