Peter Pan || Larry Stylinson...

By femkekockelkorn

5K 151 56

In a little house in the big city London, Lives a boy named Harry. Harry lives a tough life, no friends, gets... More

1. Life isn't a fairytale
2. Return
3. In love?
4. Off to neverland
5. A new start
6. The lost boys
7. Mermaid lagoon
8. Clouds
9. Sword fighting
10. Dark Pan
11. Treasure
12. Off to a new adventure
13. Indian camp
14. Pixie perfect date
15. Mine
16. Louis
17. Don't let me go
18. Captain George
19. Hook's ship
20. Frozen heart
21. Neversnow
22. Who is the monster?
23. To rough?
25. Who would have known
26. The neverprince
27. Battlescar
28. The flying demon

24. Betrayal

117 4 0
By femkekockelkorn

Writers POV

"Leave him alone George." Peter says from behind George.

Peter couldn't help it but to look through the window. He doesn't trust George, especially not after what happened on dek between Harry and George. Anyway, he saw Harry was scared, he saw that Harry clearly didn't want whatever George was trying to do. And George didn't care, he didn't stop. So without any hesitation, Peter entered the room and is now holding his dagger against the captains throat.

Even if Harry didn't want to see Peter anymore, Peter still cares about the boy and will always be there for the curly haired lad. He won't let Harry get hurt. If George wouldn't let go of his Harry right now, Peter would make him.

Anger is boiling inside of him, tho he's not showing his dark side nor is he his happy playful self. He is deathly serieus when it comes to Harry's safety, actually he has never been this serious in his whole life. And George noticed it aswell. At first he is a little shocked and taken back by this never expected action, he won't show this on his face tho. He has a rather arrogant look on his face. 

He had Harry just where he wanted Harry to be, he didn't even have to start it himself. But ofcourse Peter was there like always to ruin everything, to play the hero once again. When he saw the snow outside, he thought he finally had the flying boy where he wanted him to be. But apparently, Peter has very strong feelings for this boy and won't be giving up that easy. 

An evil smirk finds it's way on George his face. Peter might not give up that easy but so won't George. He already has the perfect plan in mind. 

"Pan." George says confident. He holds the dagger with his hook, away from his neck. He pushes Peter and the dagger away as he turns around. "I was wondering what took you so long to get your precious puppet back."

Harry stands frozen at his spot against the wall, not knowing what to do and feeling embarrassed. His emotions and mind are going all kind of places.

"Puppet? I knew it was you who talked those lies into Harry's head. So, Hook, still that skilled at manipulating people's minds I see? And now he thinks I don't care about him." Peter says, holding his dagger ready to battle.

"You're wrong, Pan. I was the only one here for him, to protect him from you." George tells Peter with a smirk.

"Quit the act, Hook. I think you already exposed the real you to him, don't you think? A pirate can't be trusted, especially not a pirate captain like yourself." Peter says in disgust.

"Me? Now you're mistaking again. I'm afraid to let you know that it wasn't me who connected our lips. And who scared him away in the first place? You had your chance with him Pan, and you wasted that chance." George says and looks at Harry. As he does, he looks at Harry up and down, biting his bottom lip.

"That's non of your business, you know nothing about it." Peter starts when he notices the way George is looking at Harry. He feels so much jealousy inside of him. How dare he, looking at Harry like that, like he's just a tasty piece of meat. Peter steps closer to George, holding the dagger against his throat again. Causing Harry to gasp but Peter doesn't notice. "Don't you dare looking at him like that!"

"Ow, I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself thinking back at what a good kisser he is." George spits out with passion.

"You should better shut your filthy mouth or else.." Peter threatens George.

"Or else what? You're gonna kill me? Go ahead, show Harry what a real monster you can be." George says with no emotions written on his face.

Peter stares at George with a death glare but takes the dagger off of George his throat.

"Is that really because you don't want Harry to see the monster you are or are you just really a coward?"

Not even a second after George had said that, he gets a strong fist against his cheek, making his face turn to the side. Harry gasps again, he doesn't like to see anyone getting hurt.

George slowly turns his head back to look at Peter. He looks pissed off, more than pissed. He sweeps his hair out of his face and pulls his gun at Peter.

"GEORGE, NO! Please.." Harry speaks up for the first time since Peter came in. How can he call Peter a monster for killing someone and now he is willing to kill Peter. That doesn't make any sense. But most important, he can't kill Peter! 

George keeps looking at Peter with a death glare and doesn't move a muscle, like he didn't hear Harry at all. Peter doesn't seem to be intimidated by the gun George is pointing at him. Although Harry has never been this scared in his whole life. And believe me, he had all kind of very good reasons to be scared. But the chance that his loved one can be killed any moment now, right in front of Harry is the scariest thing he ever experienced.

There is a silence in the room, the only thing that can be heard is the heavy beating of Harry's heart. But suddenly, a loud bang echoes through the room. Harry screams and covers his eyes. Scared of the sight he might see when he takes his hands away from his face. But he can't help it, he has to look if Peter is okay. If something happened with Peter, Harry will never forgive himself.

It takes Harry all the courage he has to removes his hand. And when he does..

Peter is standing with his eyes closed, head turned to the side. Wait, is he okay? What happened. Harry's glare wanders to the pirate captain. George has this sick evil look on his face, complete with an smirk. His arm with the gun in it is pointing at the open window Peter flew through earlier.

He just shot out the window?!

From the relieved feeling Harry had for a moment that Peter was okay, his feels suddenly very angry.

"Why did you do that?! You scared the living hell out of me! Are you fucking crazy?!" Harry yells at George. Peter looks at Harry with wide eyes after he himself also discovered what happened, he didn't know Harry could get mad like that.

While George is still facing Peter, his eyes move to look at Harry and he starts chuckling like a mad man. "Just wait a second and you'll understand why, love." he speaks calmly.

Before Harry or Peter can question again, a few pirates plunge in. George looks at them, still smirking. "Hold that boy." He orders, pointing at Harry.

Harry's eyes widen. "What?!" Two of George's man quickly grab Harry tightly so he can't escape. Harry tries struggling but it won't work.

"Harry!" Peter yells and want to run towards Harry but gets stopped by a sword right in frond of him. George has drew his sword this time. Peter could shoot George with his glare.

"I wouldn't try that if I where you, Pan. And if you even think about flying.." George looks at one of his man and mentions to him to draw his sword as well. The man does as told and holds it against Harry's neck, making Harry gasp. "Your presious Harry will pay for it."

"Why are you doing this? I thought you cared about me." Harry says to George.

George signs to an other man to hold Peter, who first hesitates but doesn't have a choice. He grabs Peter and holds both his hands behind his back.

George walks to Harry and stand very close to him. "Ow dear Harry," He starts and holds Harry's chin, his face just inches away from Harry's. "Your beauty scorchers my soul.. however, you are very naive, love." He says very dramatically and let go of Harry's chin.

George smirks one more time at Peter before walking outside. The pirates who are holding Harry and Peter follow him. Peter and Harry look at eachother. Harry feels nothing but guilt. He looks away from Peter, feeling to ashamed. How could he trust a random pirate captain over Peter. This is all his fault. He should have listened to Peter to stay away from George.

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