27. Battlescar

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Harry's POV

I'm trying to make my way alive through the crowd to get to Peter. I need to see if he is alright. Ofcourse he isn't alright.. There was lots and lots of blood and.. anyway, I need to see how he is doing. I should have helped him, I should have done something, anything. But I couldn't, I was in shock, didn't know what to do, stupid fool I am. I just didn't know what to do. And now.. who might know what may happen with Peter.. or Louis..

I can see him, Peter.. Louis.., there he is with our favorite Irish blondy, thank god. He is standing upright on his own. I stare at him for a second, not caring about the danger around me. He is bleeding badly, I can see he is trying to stay brave like always. But I can see he is in pain, obvious by looking at the large cut at his chest. It's terrifying to look at. His perfect soft skin.. damaged in just one swing. And the boy I love.. terribly hurt and in danger.

Speaking of, I see a figure moving towards the two boys from out of the corner of my eyes. It all seems to happen in slow motion. I mean, one of George's man, running towards that precious boy and my dear friend. And they don't see it, they just don't see it! Without thinking, my legs start to move towards the two boys. I grab my sword with two hands and just as the pirate raises his sword to brutally slam into the boys as if they are not living and breathing creatures, I'm there, surprising the brute. I slam my sword twice as hard into his just before it was about to hit Niall. The pirate's sword flew into the air and before he could even react, I hit his head hard with the back of my sword, causing him to fall unconscious to the wooden floor. honestly, I don't even know where this strength is coming from.

I turn around to face the two boys who look at me in a shock and surprise. I just give them a small smile. Then my gaze turns to the sword stuck in the mast to conclude it must be Niall his sword. I grab it with one hand and pull it out with a little struggle. 

"Here you go, Nialler." I say while handing him his sword.

Niall Looks at my hand and sighs but then grows a smile on his face, "Thanks Harry. I'm happy to see you." He smiles and gladly takes his sword back from my hand. I nod at him with a smile, I'm happy to see him again aswell. I realize just now how much I've missed them, the boys. Niall then runs back to the fighting crowd, screaming with his sword raised into the air.

I turn back to.. Louis and look at him worried. He must be in a lot of pain. I look over at his chest which his hand is covering. Blood, all over his chest, his hand, we need to stop the bleeding. 

"You're still bleeding, you need to sit down." I tell him with a caring and worried voice. 

He just ignores my commend but instead stares at me with a worried look on his face as if I am the one covered in blood. "Harry, are you okay? You need to know, I didn't mean to lie, I.." 

Is that really the only thing he is worried about right now? There is a fight going on and he is still bleeding. I hand him my sword and quickly loosen the knot from the cloth around my waist.

"Not right now please. We need to get you and everyone else into safety first." I interrupt him. 

He looks at me for a moment with a blank face before he nods with an unusual smile on his face from which I know that is not a real smile. He then takes off his torn shirt with a small hiss of pain. My eyes widen for a bit at the sign of his wounded chest, it's more than just horrible. I wrap the cloth tight around his chest to try and stop the bleeding.

Liam's POV

It still suprises me that Hook actually can fight. He escaped from me and Zayn, I don't know how he did it but he is no where to be found. His crew took over our fight which we are fighting right now. 

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