The Great Hunt.

By Aaiden_skylar

2.4K 159 84

After finding out that they all posses magical abilities, 7 teens must survive being hunted by nightmares who... More

The Great Hunt.
Cluelessly safe
I hope you're right
Lyla's magic
I'm a bullet
Red moon
Sleeping beauty
Good To Be Back.
Of the chase.
Where's Brim?
Falcon's cavern.
What lies in the cards.
Guest Of Honor.


220 16 8
By Aaiden_skylar


I found myself in a cellar type room it was dark and the dust that surrounded me had fogged my eyes. I felt as if I didn't have time to question where I was or to fear why i was here, instead I just looked around which has played a major role in most of the conflict I've ever had to face in life. You see I've always been the fearless curious type, when I was younger most kids slept with a teddy bear and a flash light while I slept with a camera just to get cold hard proof of the quote unquote boogie man. When ever I was in the face of danger, I felt alive, but that didn't mean I wasn't scared. People just believed I wasn't scared, I guess they just wanted someone to look towards that could be fearless enough for them all even if that fearless person was only 9.

I took a couple steps in pure darkness holding my hands out so that I wouldn't bump into anything. And for a moment all that I could feel was the wind the brushed up against my finger tips. Suddenly I could finally feel something, it wasn't a wall but something else. It was smooth and cold to the touch. For some reason I closed my eyes while gently examining the object with my hands. It felt like a statue maybe. As I touched it, it became softer and warmer. I opened my eyes trying to see what it could have been when suddenly from the dark all I could see where two glowing yellow eyes staring back at me.

"DANIELS" i opened my eyes to see my bestfriend josh pulling my notebooks off my desk " you, my friend, need to sleep more at home" I raised my head and the blinding light from all the windows in the classroom irritated my eyes to a point where I was left squinting just to see. I stretched and looked at josh who waited for me to get up " I do sleep at home" I said in my I'm tired voice." sure you do" josh responded in a sarcastic tone I finally got up "ok so the bonfire... Tonight, your going right ?" he asked as we got into the hallway. He opened my locker and threw our books in.

"I'm not really interested in going"

"what do you mean not interested, kellum this Is the beginning of our senior year" josh whined

"exactly which means there'll be more parties"

"yes, but not all of em will have a giant fire burning in the middle of em, come on please I don't know why but I really wanna go and how much fun could I possibly have without my bestfriend ?" he looked at me with his puppy dog eyes.

"a lot, you always ditch me at these parties anyways" he kept looking at me with his ridiculous face which always gets me. And finally I cracked and started smiling.

"okay I'll go" I said he quickly switched his face and finally started smiling.


When I got home I was welcomed by my mom and a strange man. He looked maybe 25 or so but he dressed in a suit which made him look more mature. He had brown eyes and brown hair to match. He stuck out his hand my way.

" hey I'm Elliot" he muttered, I just looked at his hand I guess he was expecting me to shake it, but I didn't want to.

"Kellum, this is your cousin, he's in town and wanted to visit" my mom said with her hand gently on Elliot's shoulder.

"hey cousin...." I said very awkwardly, of course he must have been a cousin from my fathers side. They're all a bunch of high maintenance jerks who think the world revolves around them. Which would explain the suit. I mean who decides to wears a suit just come visit us. there was no time i had to leave now If not I'd be stuck on cousin duty for the rest of the night. I had to choose my strategy wisely. Now I sound like one of the jerks from my father side picking a strategy just to avoid my cousin. I smiled at Elliot. Then a light went off in my head .....

"well gotta go do some homework" and just like that I was free from momma bear and cousin of the dammed. Once I got in my room I threw my bag to the floor and knocked out on my bed.


I woke up and noticed the moon had taken the spot of the sun. I had always admired the moon for some strange reason. I looked at my alarm clock and noticed it was 11 I procrastinated wether I sould go to the bonfire with josh, but josh hadn't broken a promise he made to me since 2nd grade, so I decided to just go he'd probably be there already being that the bonfire started at 9.

I sneaked down the stairs I heard the television on and had to snake around the corner to insure that my mother wasn't still awake. I peaked into the living room and realized my little sister brim fast asleep on the red couch. I walked over and pulled her blanket over her. Then headed for the door. Once I got outside I felt free the moon glistened on my face and it felt like I could do whatever I wanted it was amazing. I should probably sneak out more often.

When I got to the beach the first thing I realized was the giant scotching bonfire that stood about 10 feet tall in the middle of the beach. There were so many sweaty bodies dancing around the fire, girls half naked dancing on shirtless guys. It seemed as if everyone was drunk being that everyone had red cups in their hands and had more spilled alcohol on their shirts and bodies then in their mouths. I could see everyone talking while dancing yet the music was so loud you couldn't hear a word anyone said. I looked around for josh. Which seemed like mission impossible. I looked at my phone and noticed it was 11:56, I was hoping he didn't already leave, because then id here for no reason. From behind me some grabbed my shoulder and placed a shirt over my head.

" hold that for me" I pulled the shirt off my head and turned around to the sight of josh and his girlfriend Wendy. Josh looked wasted and Wendy struggled as she tried to keep him on his feet.

"hey kellum" she said, I quickly helped her to keep josh up.

Although josh was my bestfriend, me and Wendy didn't talk much. Our parents had kind of a feud and that kept us from talking. It wasn't as if we had much to talk about anyways, besides josh we had nothing in common.

"hey wendy" I responded

suddenly the music stopped. And all the bodies were motionless looking around to see what was the cause of the silence. 10 kids ,6 boys and 4 girls, surrounded the bonfire looking out at the crowd. They looked completely done by the way they their body's swong as if they couldn't stand up straight. They suddenly began to furiously claw the shirts off their bodies. The crowd began to cheer as if it were a show. All 10 of the kids then began to howl and look up at the moon and the crowd followed. I found it strange but I still watched. I noticed from the tips of one of the kids surrounding the bonfires fingertips black veins began to merge raising up her arms I looked at the other 9 and realized it was also happening to them as well. So many veins appeared until half of their hands had become pitch black. The crowd was silent yet the still looked. I heard some yell "are they ok" and as they did the nails of the kids began to extend into long pointy claws there was one scream and suddenly the crowns began to scatter.

The kids surrounded the bonfire looked down and their eyes glowed yellow but their faces were pail and had mutated their cheek bones had become more pointy and their teeth had come to look like teeth of a shark. They smiled and one of them let out an insidious screech, that was like a signal for the rest to attack.

It was a massacre the monsters ripped through the crowd faster than humanly possible. As the crowd headed for the exit of the beach a hole appeared in the ground that swallowed up the built up mob of people trying to push their was out out of the beach. Two female monsters began to sing a sound that sounded horrid it began to effect people running around me because blood began to drip from their eyes, nose ears and mouth. I put my hand under my eyes to insure that I wasn't bleeding and I wasn't I looked back at Wendy who was tending to josh who was gushing blood. We pulled him to a rock that hid us we watched the people all running around as the beasts jumped on them ripping into them as if it was a game. Wendy pointed at the bonfire and I realized that it had begin to form a tornado of flames that pulled in random people the view was hard to bear. I noticed a group of four kids who's eyes weren't bleeding like me and Wendy's. I wanted to call to them but I didn't want to blow our safe haven, so I decided to do something stupid.

I ran out towards them, I fought my way past people who began vomiting blood on to the sand. Screams and laughter filled my ears. I finally got to them but just as I did the monster spotted us and surrounded us. There was four of them just walking around us looking at us as if we were food. I couldn't believe I expected they wouldn't notice us the beach was nearly empty nothing but bloody bodies laying on the sand were visible some were still moving. I looked in their faces and they were actually smiling at us.

"KELLUM" I heard someone yell, I looked over to see Elliott standing at the end of the beach, my mom must have sent him to come find me. He was still in his suit except he had lost the blazer and his shirt was in buttoned.

"ELLIOT RUN!!" I yelled hoping he would listen to me the four creatures surrounding us then looked at him excited. They jumped of the ground and caught flight aiming to Elliot. He whispered something and I don't know how but I heard him say "why the fuck would I do that"

I looked down at Elliott's hand and realized he had been holding two large guns in his Hand. He lifted them up and rapidly shot at the monsters that aimed at him he shot one and it fell to the floor as it did it's chest lit up in a bright orange as it squirmed around in pain until it exploded. I looked at Elliot shocked. My cousin was a bad ass. He continued shooting into the air.

"GET TO THE TRUCK!!" he yelled

The four kids I was with ran towards Elliot as I rand to go get Wendy and josh. When I got to the cave I noticed another boy with Wendy. I forced them up and pulled them towards Elliot. I looked back at josh furious that I had to leave him there like that but he was dead. And there is no purpose in trying to save someone who's Already dead. Once we got to Elliot he walked behind us still shooting. We got to the car, which was a red pick up truck. Two of the kids got in the front with Elliot and me Wendy and three other kids jumped into the back of the truck.

"is it safe to sit back here while you drive" Wendy asked. Elliot looked back at her and replied " I think so" and he began to drive as he did five of the beasts shot out from the beach trailing behind us.

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