The Rogue Dragon

By anythingeeky

70.3K 4.4K 635

The sequel to The Last Dragon Rider Scarlet, now comfortable in her own skin, has finally settled into her ne... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Tag thing
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 5

3.7K 256 76
By anythingeeky

Scarlet POV

"What the hell were you thinking?" Aaron says in a calm yet frustrated tone when he walks into his office. I sat in his chair with my legs hanging over the side of the arm rests and my back resting against the other. I twirl one of my knifes between my fingers.

"I was thinking that someone should put them in their place.They still think the same about dragons, but not everyone thinks like that anymore so I guess I have to thank you for that. So thank you." I say. Thanks to Aaron at least the kids who are going to school understand the truth.

"How do you know about that?" He asks me.

"I just went through the files in your drawers and the cabinet." I answer.

"But they're locked."

"Yeah I picked the lock." I say nonchalantly. Aaron sighs and lets out a short chuckle.

"You haven't changed one bit."


Unknown POV

Scarlet, I think that is her name. I heard them mention it a few times. I tested her name out on my tongue

"Scarlet." I said. It echoed through the darkness that I had grown so used too. It was all so dark, so quiet, and the only life form in this cave was myself. The only noises I heard were the voices, the sound of my own breath, and the occasional tapping of rain. I was always kept separately from them. My muscles strained as I sat up and took a deep breath of the humid air.

They were always talking about her Scarlet Haven. They said she was powerful and brave, I believe their words were stupidly brave but still brave. They seemed worried about her and I guess they would be. She is a dragon rider...just like me.


Back to Scarlet

It was late and there was no way I would even make it to the cove before dawn. I could ask someone to come pick me up but with things so tense with generals I'd rather not. I'm sure I can find somewhere else to sleep for tonight. I was about to leave capital building when I was stopped by you know who.

"Where are you going?" Aaron says. I pivoted to face him.

"To find a tree I can sleep in." I wasn't joking when I said this. I was going to go outside climb a tree and sleep in it and hope that I didn't fall out. I've done it before except I fell out of the tree while I was sleeping, so now I know to pick a slightly larger branch to sleep on top of.

"I don't know if you are joking or not but..." He trailed off.

"But what?" I ask.

"You can stay here for the night if you like." He offers. Well I can sleep in a tree or I can stay with the person who's father, which whom I shot, took the life of all the other dragon riders, yeah that will make for an awkward night. I was about to decline his offer then I thought about how soft the bed must be. I was used to the semi firm bed that i had in the tree house back at the cove. Its been ages since I've slept in a real bed, the temptation.

"Yeah, I would like that thank you." Aaron nodded and lead me down the maze of hallways that I was still unfamiliar with. The bottom half of the walls were a creamy yellow and the rest was just white. The walls were lined with doors, where they lead I had no idea. Finally we reached the stairs that lead to the second floor. We climbed up the many stairs and I saw that still the walls were lined with even more doors.

"Why are there so many doors in this place how do you not end up in like Never land?" I ask, someone was bound to get lost and never return. Aaron cracked a smile.

"The ones downstairs are mostly offices. The ones up here are all bedrooms all of the maids, cooks, and other servants live here too." He answers.

"Why do they live here?" I say last I remembered no one but Aaron and his family lived here.

"Well I hired them to get them off the streets they didn't have a place to stay. I offered them a job and a place to call their own . They're welcome stay or move out when they have enough money" He says keeping his focus ahead of us. I was a bit shocked to here him say his. He wasn't arrogant man I met in the woods all that time ago. He's really changed. There was a shift in his mood, he suddenly became very uneasy. He scratched the back of his neck.

"So... because we have so many people living here at the moment there isn't an extra bed room so you can just sleep in mine." He says as he opens the door. Yup should of slept in the tree.

The room was huge and very open. The walls were a dark brown color and the hard wood floors were also dark. There was a king size bed with a wooden frame that looked very comfy, compared to the blankets I use as a bed at home. There was a large window that looked over the town, drapes hung from the corners. There was small living area with a couch and 2 chairs around a glass coffee table. There were 2 more doors. Why are there so many dam doors? One was a walk-in closet that was about the size of my tree house. The other the bathroom, the counter tops were a marble and the floor was a nice white tile. There were 2 sinks across from a tub that could fit a hatching and a glass shower. Talk about life of luxury. Aaron interrupted my thoughts.

"You can take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch." He says and walks into his closet to probably change. I do the same and close the bathroom door. Its too late to shower so I just wash my face and take off my armor. I am wearing a black tank top and gray tights underneath my scales. I put my hair up into a braid and walked out of the bathroom.

Aaron was getting a pillow and blanket for himself and setting it down on the couch. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until  I realized what he was wearing, or should I say not wearing. No shirt. He was wearing no shirt and black sweat pants. What do men have against wearing shirts to sleep. I mean every teenager on my street where I used to live didn't wear shirts to sleep. How do I know this, well they all went a trashed other peoples yards when they were supposed to be sleeping. I averted my gaze but still caught a glimpse of his abs.

I climbed to the bed. I sunk slightly into the soft cushioning, it felt like laying on a cloud and this is coming from someone who practically lives in one. I was enjoying the soft bed when the lights went out. My eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness. I heard Aaron walk over to his couch and lie down. It was silent for a little.

"Goodnight Scarlet" Aaron said.

"Goodnight Aaron." I say before drifting off.


Hi. I know I haven't been updating lately, and you can blame this lovely thing called school. Enough with my excuses, I will be trying to update more often :) See you in the next chapter!

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