I Needed to, I Had to

Sehanna_trbl tarafından

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You know those K-Drama things about the average woman with the sexy rich man? Well, let's talk about... Daha Fazla

Come Back To Korea
I'm Leaving! [M]
Slutty Secretary
Bitter and Sweet time~
The Contract
Fight for you
Morning Argument
Let It out [M]
A Good Talk
Kim Minseok aka Xiumin (Part 1)
Kim Minseok aka Xiumin (Part 2)
As if I never have left [M]
Let's Talk
Baby~ [M]
Meeting at the Market
Scary Kim-ssi
Party part 1
Party part 2
Submissive or not? [M]
I'm Out!
Above The CEO
Hit on Her
Fun Fair
Soju confessions
treating some wounds [M]
Can I tell you a secret?
This "empty" Day
Little Sister [M]
What's wrong?
Anger Vs Guilt
I'm his father after all [M]
Spoiled Brat
A Glance On The Past
The File
A Step Back
A Really Bad Day
Why couldn't it be me?
Bloody Misunderstanding
Two weeks in Hell
Too Late
Criminal Case? [M]
Heaven In Hell
Needing Help
My Own Son
Father and Son Moments
Trauma [T&M]
"Kim JongIn's Son"
A chance to get her back
Kevin's Past [M&T]
Betrayal [T]
Sarang [T&M]
Shower Talk [M]
Back At The Office
"511" (Part 1)
"511" (Part 2) [M]
Zero Compromise [M&T]
You're safe
Happy Birthday
His Cry Baby
Slow Recovery Part 1
Slow Recovery Part 2
The Mistress
Insecure [M]
The Prisoner's wish
Murderous Craving [M&T]
Confrontation [T]
The Sister (Part 1) [T]
The Sister (Part 2)
Lyndia's Dilemma
First Day [M]
Get Out
Mommy bird
A Sign
Mr. Straing
Maria & Diego
Panic Attack [M&T]
The Same Sister
Don't Apologize


427 11 4
Sehanna_trbl tarafından

*Tiana's POV*

I looked at me in the mirror and suddenly started to feel insecure. I put on a short white dress with a long sleeves since it's a bit cold tonight with cream colored high heels . I put some light makeup on so it would look natural. JongIn was probably waiting for me in the living room and I was there thinking about changing. I don't know why I'm feeling like that. It's not the first time I'm going on a date even more with JongIn. I'm acting like a teenager having her first date and I find it stupid from me! I won't make JongIn wait more.

I went out the room and he was waiting for me with a white shirt and black tight suit pants. If it wasn't for the nervousness I was feeling earlier I would have jump on him just to get rid of this little button that prevent me from seeing his collarbones. He looked at me with a big smile and tended his hand that I gladly took.


-Yes, let's go." Jason, Giovanny and Yumi came to bid us goodbye. It still hard to leave my baby but since JongIn is doing such a thing for us I have to enjoy it.

We hoped his car and he drove. I was looking out the window....ok, I was giving some looks to Kai from the corner of my eyes. I was so frustrated by that freaking button that I couldn't focus about where we were going. He suddenly put me out of my thoughts.

" Are you happy to go out tonight?

-Yes, thank you JongIn. I really needed it!

-If you're happy then nothing else matter!" I felt my heartbeat fastened.

" Don't say that kind of cheesy stuff!

-Why? Are you embarrassed?" He laughed still focused on the road as my face became red.

" You like to be cheesy with me way too much!

-Me? When was I being cheesy?"He acted innocent but he damn knew.

"Like imagining our future life with our- I don't remember the number - Children running around our big house with our dogs." He suddenly became silent. I turned toward him and his smile fade away. I looked toward where he was looking but nothing seemed strange.

"JongIn, Is everything ok?

-Y-Yes...Hum would you like this kind of future?

-Yes! It would be perfect. I really want a wolf-dog, you know they...

-Have something fascinating..." I looked at him surprised. How did he know?

" You told me that before. 'What about striking a deal? When we're getting married, you'll have your fucking puddle but I'm going to have a wolf-dog! They have something fascinating! I can't explain it!' It made me laughed at that time because I was imagining you spending your time running with this dog and sleeping with him to the point I'll have to stop you." He softly smiled but I felt something under that smile. I wanted to ask him what was on his mind but I remembered what happened at the Sukyang's hotel. I ended up with a twisted ankle for nothing so I decided to let it go for now. I just smiled back, I didn't want to spoil our date.

He put one of his hand on my thigh and rubbed it. It felt so warm, I like when he does that.

"This can become our future!

-Really? You really want this future?

-Yes! Well not the number of child you told me last time but the rest, I'm totally in!" He smiled wider and parked the car in a little parking in front of a little restaurant. He hopped down and opened the door for me just like a gentleman and because I like teasing him, I had to joke.

"Oh~ being a gentleman tonight, aren't we?!

-Always for my queen!" He winked at me and I just giggle at his cheesy sentence. I hopped down the car and we went in the restaurant.

The restaurant wasn't that little. It looked like a cool restaurant with it red and black walls with rap lyrics on the walls. I could hear Hip hop song playing in the background and I couldn't help but humming the song. A waiter saw us and so he gave a us a sign to follow him, and this is what we did. He show us a little table for two so we sat. He gave us the menu with a smile and bowed before taking his leave to take care of the rest of customers.

"What do you think of this restaurant?

-It's really great. I didn't know Korea's got this kind of place.

-Well, what do you think about organizing an event here for our new drink.

-Uh?" I don't know why but I was feeling like we came here just to talk about work...and it wasn't what I expected.

" yeah...It can be a good idea." I took my menu and look through it, trying not to show my disappointment.

Kai did the same and finally when I was about to say what I wanted he stopped me.

"I've got an idea. Let's see if we know each other well.

-Ok, what is it?

-A quizz! I'm asking you a question about me then it's your turn." Interesting!

"Ok and to start it, each other have to pick the plate the other was about to order.

-Ok! And what about the loser?

-Hummm he is going to eat whatever the winner will tell him to eat as a dessert!

-Alright! Deal?" He tended his hand and I clap it and then made an O.K sign with my hand. He laughed, maybe because he must haven't seen me doing that since a long time.

I looked through the menu looking for something with some chicken in it. When we were going out JongIn used to take Chicken because he knew we both love it and I was going to take some in his plate anyway. I chuckled at the memory of us fighting for a little piece of roast chicken. He saw me laughing and pout.

"Why are you laughing?

-I just thought about this time when we fought for chicken.

-You mean ONE OF the times we fought for chicken!" I laughed remembering it happened more than once.

Just when I found the perfect dish for him, the waiter came to take our orders. I ordered chicken Curry fried rice for him and he ordered exactly what I wanted, whatever that have beef in it! And when the waiter asked about our drink we just exchanged a stare to know it would be a part of our game. We asked for a mojito, a bottle of red wine and some water at the same time. The waiter laughed but we were playfully glaring at each other.

"Who is beginning?

-Ladies first!

-Gentleman as always~!" I sarcastically tell but he just rolled his eyes at me, waiting for me to ask the first question.

" Ok, let's start easily. Where are my birth marks and what are their shapes?" He gave me a Victorious smirk since this question was really easy to him.

" You've got a rose shaped one on your right bottom cheek and another one hidden by your hair on your neck with a shape that look like an hourglass.

-Good answer! Your turn." He looked at me with a big smile.

"What is the thing I'm ashamed of but you found it cute?

-It's way too easy! You have done ballet when you were younger. I should give a penalty!" He looked at me with big eyes.

"What did I do?

-You use "found"!

-So what ?

-I still find it cute so you should have said "think"!" I laughed seeing his dumbfounded face.

"I'm going to let it pass for this once.

-Thank you, oh great goddess!

-Shut up!" We both laughed as I was thinking about another question.

" Ok, What do I find the most cute?

- I would be tempt to say me but I'm not sure about it.....Is it Jason?

-It's half the answer, there is something else.

-Hum... I really don't know." I giggled and started doing a beat on the table.

" And the answer was....Jason and JongIn's childish gestures!" He laughed at my statement.

" You like it when I'm being childish? I must act as a kid everyday!

-Well, I find it cute, sometime. Anyway, you've got half the point."

As time goes by, our drinks came, then our dishes and we had a great time asking question to one another. It was really relaxing and funny. I was impressed that JongIn still remember so much things about me. We were almost finished, The end of the game was close and the question started to become more personal, more embarrassing. It became harder to answer and even if I was forcing my smile to stay on my face. He wasn't as wide as he was at the beginning. I had one point more than him. If we both answer well to our last questions I will win.

"Ok so...What is the things that every women want except me?

-I don't even need to thing for this one. You don't want your boyfriend to propose to you with a diamond!

-Good answer! I better answer well to this one or we will be on the same step and I refuse!

-Ok, so...." He looked at me and suddenly his playful expression was replaced by a sad smile.

" What...What is the most frightening thing in this world for me?" My smiled fade away. I damn knew the answer but this was painful to say. He knew that so why does he wanted me to say it out loud?

"You're afraid of...of being abandoned by the ones you love." He shook his head so I opened my eyes wider.

"What I'm the most scared of is you leaving me again because I'm being a spoiled and dumb asshole." He looked at the table. I got up and made the turn of the table so I'll be beside him. I cupped his face just like he did earlier in the day.

"You could be the most spoiled and dumbest asshole in this world, I'd still Love you and I won't leave you because I believe you won't give me real an horrible reason to!" He hugged me and buried his face in my stomach. I put my arms around his head and I could feel him smile while hugging me. I'm glad he wasn't looking at me, I really wanted to give him back a smile but I couldn't. I can't give him a sincere smile when I'm not even sure of what was true in my statement. I feel like I betrayed him by lying openly to him but....What can I do...? Seeing him with such a painful expression on his face is too much for me to just ignore it.



-I won half a point." I whispered this and he laughed. He finally loosened up a bit his grips on me and looked at me with playful eyes.

"Are you sure? It was kind of ambiguous !

-Yes, I'm sure! Are you calling me a cheater?" He put his hands in the air in a defensive move and I kind of missed his touch.

"I would never call your highness a cheater! And I hope your highness will go easy on her poor little slave!

-Hum~ It depends on your attitude!

-Oh Please, you're highness! I won't dare to do any offence to you!" I couldn't help but laugh at the face he was making as he was acting.

"Let's go pay.

-Nope! I'm offering the diner to my queen." I lifted my brows.

"I'm going to pay my part, you don't have to....

-No you won't. The owner won't let you do it!

-Why?" Then he stayed silent. He looked at the waiter for some help.

"The owner, don't let women pay when they come with a man who as the money for it." I didn't believe any bit of it but since he was doing so much effort to this date and I didn't want to fight with him.

"Ok, you won. Pay, if you want to pay this much." He kissed my forehead so I pull my tongue out to him and he just laughed while laughing.

We bid goodbye to the waiter and hopped in the car. JongIn started to drive and he put his hand on my thigh just as sooner. I was looking outside, trying to act as If I was upset but he was tickling my thigh. I maintain myself but I really wanted to laugh.

"So? Where am I going to take my punishment for being a loser?

-At home!

-You already want to go back home? You're missing Jason already, am I right?" I turned toward him and he was frowning while driving.

"No~ When I said home, I meant my apartment!

-Oh! You have something there?

-yes, I have the perfect dessert for you there!

-Why am I scared right now?

-You shouldn't be, I'm sure you'll find it delicious!" He laughed and I just kept on watching out the window. The buildings, the lights, the people, the noise, the sent. Everything that make Seoul a beautiful city, everything that I'll miss for how long god knows! It's funny how I can easily forgive JongIn for his selfishness. I'm almost ready to loose myself just for him....Well, I almost did. If that day...Only if that day...things had been different!


Well, It's posted! I was sick today and I really didn't know if I would be able to post it but It's done!! YEAY! I hope you enjoyed it, I know it's not the best chapter I wrote but still I love it so I hope you'll enjoy it.


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