Everything's gonna work out j...

By Iwroteabook

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Emotions are strange, and growing up doesn't just include that change in one's self, but-much to a certain he... More

Prologue: Fionna cakes are for Fionna only
I hate penguins
Starting to Change
New Emotions, Good and Bad
From dreams to nightmares
From Dreams to Nightmares part 2
Cloud Hunt Go!
The Gang Reunites
Drama Bombs!
Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Kidnapped by Cake
A Broken Family
Escape Plan
Friends Help Friends Decorate
'Twas the Night Before the Ball
Early Grand Finale
Bad Little Girl
Where is Fionna?
Battle of Affections
Decision Train
Thank you
Epilogue: Surprise!

An Epic Battle

711 25 4
By Iwroteabook

Fionna's POV

I ran into the freezing ballroom, anger the only thing keeping me warm.

That pestering old witch. This was my only chance to escape and she ruined it!

There she floated, in the middle of the ballroom.

"Hey, Ice Queen, this party is invite only!" I said, picking up speed towards her. "That means no crazy hags allowed!" Using the snack table, I jumped onto it and leaped towards her, my fist ready to meet her smug face.

She narrowly avoided the blow and I landed back onto the floor.
"You pathetic little tomboy. Your insults are as tacky as your dress."

I let out a growl alongside a bitter expression.

"Besides," she continued. "I should be thanking you and your stupid cat for doing my dirty work for me."

Confusion set itself upon me. 'Dirty work? What was she talking abou--Oh no.'

My face must've shown the realization because she soon spoke up once again.

"So nice of you two to set up my ambush crystals for me. But then again, I'm not one for saying 'thank you', so I'll just kill you instead!!" she cackled, sending a blast of snow at me.

I tried to move out of the way but the dress prevented that from happening. The snow piled onto me. Cold. Oh, so very cold. I shivered while pushing my way out of it.

Falling out of the frosted pile, I saw the witch shooting shards of ice at the guests, Cake grown three times her size, absorbing the sharp icicles with her thick fur, but still hurting her slightly.
"Cake, get everyone to safety!" I needed to fight without anyone else getting hurt.

Leading everyone out of the ballroom and out of the castle, Cake let out a string of 'ow's along with her.

The cold hag took the opportunity to again, spraying freezing water. I tried to dodge it, but I tripped on my dress and fell to the floor, getting soaked with cold water in the process. Almost as embarrassing as the penguin incident.

I needed to get up. I needed to fight! Then I remembered, I had stored a ninja star in my shoe since Cake insisted I not bring a sword.

I discreetly reached for the bladed star with numb fingers and aimed for the queen's tiara.

Then, with a swift swing, her snowy crown was taken by the star, soaring through the candied window's sugared glass. She fell to the floor, having lost her magic.

I stood, grabbing the bottom of my dress. 'Sorry, Cake. But this has to be done.' And with that, I tore the front of the dress off.
'Now I'm ready to fight.'

I lunged foward at the Ice Queen, knocking her onto the frozen candy floor, and drew my fist up. But before I could land a blow, she brought one of her legs up and kicked my chest with such force that I was knocked off of her, falling over and groaning in pain. Stinging and swelling was all I could feel in an area so sensitive.

She stood over me now, letting out a "pfft" and a cackle.
I kickedmy foot out between her feet and brought it back, tripping her. That really wasn't my best move. Now she's on top of me!

Raising my fist, I managed to land one punch to her face. She grunted and slapped my already bruised cheek. Then she did it again, and again, and again. That rotten witch, she can't even fight properly.

Pushing her off of me, I rolled over and grabbed the object nearest to me. Which just so happened to be a chair. The queen was picking herself up, her back facing me.

I ran up to her and broke the wooden chair over her big, fat, old lady butt. She fell down once more.

Now may not be the best time for a victory dance but..
"Ohhh! What do ya have to say to that?! Ha!" I gloated at her.

Before I knew it, she was back on her feet and I was dodging a series of attempted strikes.

Then, with all of the force I could muster, I pulled back my fist, landing a low blow to her gut.

She bent over, gasping for air. Right before I could attack again, she snached my hat off of my head and grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling on it violently.

"Ow, let go, you stupid hag!" I shouted, but that just caused her to pull more furiously.

We were right by the snack table, so seeing an opportunity, I twisted my body towards it, grabbed the punch bowl, and tossed the sugary, red concoction in her face.

She released my tangled hair, holding her hands to her face, and screamed like a madwoman.

Angling my stance, I grabbed the collar of her gown.
"Have some more punch!!" And with that I my knuckles met her pink-stained face. She fell to the ground next to the now empty bowl.

I let out a "hmph" before walking to where my hat lay on the floor. I picked it off of the floor and put it back on my head, adjusting it.

"Fionna, look out!!!" I heard an all too familiar voice scream.
The next thing I know, I'm on the floor with Marshall laying somewhat atop me, with shattered glass around us.

The frosty witch growled. "You stupid vampire! I almost had her that time! You've ruined my chance!" she screamed, infuriated.

Then I realized, I was in the corner with the grand finale string. I quickly scanned the wall desperately for the string. Upon finally spotting it, I reached up an arm and tugged with might.

Black and red balloons came raining down, along with glitter and streamers.

Lifting myself up, I shot out from the glittery objects falling from the ceiling, and landed a flying kick right onto the Ice Queen's face. She once again landed on the floor, holding something in her hand.

I leaned in to get a better look at what it was and...

"AHHH!!" I screamed in pain but mostly shock. She had driven a large, pointed shard of glass into my upper thigh.

I stumbled back, clumsily, falling onto my behind. Hesitating first, I wrapped my fingers around the shard, and pulled it out, looking at the dark liquid on the clear glass.

Marshall emerged from the balloons that were endlessly falling, and looked like he had just gone into shock upon noticing the blood-soaked snow.

I opened my mouth to reassure him that I was fine (more or less). But in a split second, a split second too fast, a split second for me to have saved him, the witch plunged a sharpened wooden leg of a chair in his chest.

"NOOO!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. My mind was fogged and going in a million different directions.

He collapsed onto the floor, hands fixated on the chair leg.

'Marshall Lee...'

All I could feel was guilt, and dismay, and anger, oh especially anger. My eyes locked onto the Ice Queen.

Everything turned red and I didn't understand or know what was happening, until my knuckles began to ache. I was throwing wild, uncontrolled punches at her. I was being reckless and I knew it too. I wanted to stop but I couldn't.

With each connection my fists made with her face, she took a step backwards. Once the hard candied stairs were right by her feet, I swung one last blow to her cold, swollen face, sending her down them. The only problem was, she had grabbed the collar of what was left of my dress and I went tumbling down with her.

I felt my arms and legs being twisted in uncomfortable directions, then a snap was heard. I didn't like the sound of that.
Finally, we both landed on the soft grass outside of the castle. Well, I landed on the grass anyway. The Ice Queen landed on top of me, unconscious.

"Fionna!" I turned my head to see Cake running towards me. I looked around, seeing the party goers wrapped in blankets, trying to stay warm. I heaved the cold body off of me and stood up dizzily.

Penguins came out of nowhere and picked up their queen carrying her away like ants at a picnic. And for a second, I couldn't tell if anything was real or not. But I knew one thing that was real. My Marshall.

Ignoring the cheers and applause from everyone, I ran back into the castle.

"Fionna, what are you doing?!" Cake called to me.

"Checking for others!" I managed to say, being winded and fatigued, along with blood dripping from my leg.

When I reached the ballroom, no one was there. Marshall was nowhere to be seen.

'Oh no. What if I'm too late? What if he turned to dust while my dumb butt was falling down the stairs? This is...this is all my fault!' I started tearing up with sobs and sniffles. This couldn't be how it ends.

"Now, why is my little bunny crying?"

I quickly turned my head upward, seeing Marshall floating in front of me.

"M-marshall...you're okay!" I pulled him out of the air inro an enormous hug.

"Yeah, she stabbed me on the wrong side of my chest." he said.
I nussled my head into the crook of his neck. His shirt that was once white, was now stained black with blood and had a hole in it, but the wound was almost completely healed.

"Easy, Fi. I'm still a little sore." he whispered into my ear.

That's when it happened. That's when I broke down in guilt. "I'm sorry, Marsh! I didn't mean for this to happen! For any of this to happen! I'm so sorry, I--"

I was cut off with a pair of cold lips. They felt forgiving.

We broke apart but he held his forehead against mine. "It's alright, Fi. We'll find another way."

We held each other's gaze for a while, our eyes refusing to break apart. He lowered his head down and rested it on my shoulder which was bruised and beaten. His lips found their way to my exposed neck.



He let a cold breath onto my skin, creating a field of goosebumps. "Go home and get your wounds treated."

Feeling tears sting my face, my arms squeezed him like snakes.
"It's okay, Fi. We'll find another way. I promise." he said. But all I was busy doing was trying to hold back sniffles.

The sound of footsteps came from the stairway leading outside.
"Fionna? Are you okay? Did you find anyone?" Cake's voice ecoed before she appeared in the room.

"Fionna, what's going on--baby, why are you crying?"

I sniffled one last time before answering. "It's nothing. I'm fine. Anyway, the room is cleared. There's no one in here. Let's go home now please." I started walking away, but I was forced at a limp instead.

"Fi, wait!" Cake said, gently lifting me onto her back. "You're hurt right now. Let my carry you home."

"Okay." I said in a barely audible whisper.

As her foot touched the first step, I looked over my shoulder. Marshall was nowhere in sight.


The hours it took cleaning the wounds felt like centuries. Long, pained centuries. Laying on my bed, sore and angry, I tried to roll over but couldn't. I was bandaged up so heavily I felt like a mummy laying still in its sarcophagus.

Determined to roll onto my side, I lifted my hips. I, however, almost instantly regretted it.

Pain soared up to my neck and down my extremities. I felt stinging in each finger. Biting the inside of my cheek stopped my from grunting, but it also drew blood.

The taste of blood had overpowered the pain in my body. So swinging my legs off of the bed, I made the brave move of lifting myself to the bathroom to wash the awful taste away.

Turning on the piercing light, the fist thing I spot is the almost empty bottle of cyclops tears.

'Oh thank glob!' Grabbing the bottle, I removed the lid. The amount was scarce so I had to use it wisely.

'What hurts the most?' I thought.

'My heart. That hurts more than any wound.'

I lifted the clear glass bottle and drank it down. Normally that's not usually how it's used, but who knows, it might work just the same.

I felt a bit dizzy at first, but soon after, there was no more pain. Everything was almost practically healed. All except the one thing that I wanted healed. My hurt. That was still there.

I let out a sigh. 'Well, you can't fix everything.'

Remembering why I came to the bathroom in the first place, I reached for my toothbrush. Only...my hand grasped nothing.
I always kept my stuff where it was...how could...? Upon inspection, half of the things in the room were missing. And it was all mine.

"What in the--mphf!" A hand went over my mouth and waist, pulling my back into the darkened part of the room.

I tripped over my feet and stumbled as this person stuffed me into a burlap sack. I tried thrashing around and shouting for help but it seemed like a lost cause since my yelling was most likely muffled, and even though I was almost fully healed I was still worn out from the fight.

I then decided that it was in my best interest to wait for the right opportunity to strike.

Sitting at the bottom of the sack, I waited patiently, going through the list of possible kidnappers and how I was going to destroy the one responsible for coming between me and my toothbrush!

'I swear, if it's those gnomes again ugh...'

My kidnapper came to a halt, causing me to tense up. 'Am I too quiet? Is it suspicious?'

The sound of a lock clicking was heard, along with the long familiar squeak of a door.

The sack was placed onto the floor. I sat in it motionless. I could feel the top being untied.

I slowly got into a pouncing position, ready to attack.

'Let's go, pal! Bring it on! I'll take anything you throw at me! Come at me, bro!!' I felt my heart pounding. Two fights in one night? Pfft, I'm Fionna, I can take anything.

The top of the bag opened, revealing some light.
My fist shot up through the opening, and I felt it connect with someone's jaw. Leaping out of the bag, I knocked this person over and was now on top of them.

I quickly sat up and drew my fist back, ready to land another blow.

But I stopped. I stopped because my eyes met with my kidnapper's.

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