Kakashi's Daughter! Book One:...

By ErikaShinigami

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The famous Kakashi Hatake of the Sharingan has a 12 year old daughter named Shiori. She plans on becoming a s... More

Kakashi's Daughter! Book 1: The Struggles Of Becoming A Ninja [Naruto Fanfic]
Character Profile
Sharing A Bedroom Can't Be That Bad...? *SHORT/EDITED*
[DON'T READ] I have question..


8.2K 206 86
By ErikaShinigami

"Shiori-chan!" I lifted my head up from the medical book I was reading as I stood against the wall outside of Lady Tsunade's office. "Hey!"

I noticed Tadashi had his bangs moved out of the way and his hair tied up as he ran up to me. The look of his face made my chest feel heavy. 

"What's wrong? What's going on?" I questioned.

"Shikamaru's.." He took a breath. "His platoon has returned. Shikamaru has minor injuries and Kiba's are serious yet not life threatening. However Neji and Choji are in critical condition!"

"What?!" I moved away from the wall and dropped my book. "What about Naruto and Sasuke?! Are they alright? Did Naruto even manage to bring him back?!" He shook his head slowly.

"Sorry, I don't know a thing about them. Naruto hasn't arrived here." I felt terrified. "Look, I have to hurry to the hospital to help them out so I gotta-" I stopped him by tugging on the sleeve of his shirt.

"I'm going with you.."

"......Not a problem with me so let's hurry." Nodding, we darted to the hospital. I opened the door, letting Tadashi in first. "This way," He guided me through, eventually bumping into Shizune. "Shizune-nee, is milady finished making the medicine?"

"She's still working on it."

"And how is Kiba's condition?"

"Stabilized, nothing to worry but right now I have to start right away on Neji's treatment." She stated, pushing open a door to where he was. "I need you to help me as well, Tadashi."

"Right. Just tell me what to do." He then turned over to me. "Maybe you can go help Lady Tsunade. She's in that room down there." He pointed towards the end of the hallway. "Any help is appreciated."

"Got it. I'll do anything to help them."I said. I ran down but halted when I spotted Shikamaru along with the sand ninja Temari. His father stood around the corner with his arms crossed. I rushed over to him. "Shikamaru, thank goodness you're okay." He remained silent with his eyes staring at the ground. "...I understand your feelings but don't worry and put your faith in Lady Tsunade as well as the rest of the medics. We will all try our best to save them." I placed my hand on his shoulder for a moment before walking over and knocking on the door. "It's me, Shiori. I've come to help."

"Enter,"Lady Tsunade said. "Come here, I have stuff for you to do."


After a while, I stepped out of the room along with Lady Tsunade. She sighed before speaking. "He's going to be just fine. The antidote worked," She informed walking over to sit down. "The extermination of cells caused by the cells affect have been arrested. I couldn't have done it without your help, Shikaku. The Nara's clan sacred medicine guide was invaluable. The work that went into that manual; the years of research, well it's quite impressive."

"Thank you."

"Lady Tsunade!" We all turned when we heard Shizune's and Tadashi's voices. They both wiped off sweat from their faces, smiling. "Neji Hyuga is safe; his condition has been stabilized. I just heard that Kakashi Hatake and Naruto Uzumaki have just returned and they've been examined. Naruto's injuries are serious but not life threatening. He's going to be okay."

I placed a hand on my chest, sighing in relief. Thank goodness.. But that means Sasuke didn't return...

"Shikamaru,"Lady Tsunade continued. "Your mission was a failure. However, everyone's alive. That's the most important thing."

 I watched as Shikamaru's body trembled. "Shikamaru.."

"Next time..the mission will go perfectly." He promised with a shaky voice. I smiled sadly and felt the sudden burning sensation in my throat.

"Shizune-san, where's Naruto?"


Finding his room, I stared at the door handle, hesitating to step inside. Come on, just do it. You have to comfort him. I took a deep breath before walking in. Naruto sat up, his body covered in bandages. His eyes stared down at a headband with a scratch through the middle. "Naruto." He gasped and the moment our eyes met, he immediately turned away from me.

"Shiori..I'm sorry." He said softly. I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head.

"It's not your fault-"

"Not matter what I did or say, he didn't listen. I told him what you told me but not even that could stop him from leaving. Revenge is more important to him! He acted as if your feelings were nothing!"

"Naruto!"I shouted to get his attention. "Stop! It's okay! You're safe and so is the rest of the platoon! That's what matters right now!"

"But the promise I made to you!" He clenched the headband in his lap. "I swear I'll fulfill it. I'll bring Sasuke back to you no matter what." My eyes widened.

Is that what matters to him that much? Can't he worry for himself just once?

"You're such a dummy,"I mumbled. I then leaned over the edge of the bed and pressed my lips against his cheek. His face turned completely red. "Thank you for trying."

"S-Shiori.." He stammered. I gave him a reassuring smile, taking hold of his hand right after.

"Don't worry too much about that. Just get some rest for now."

"But Shiori!" I squeezed his hand and gave him a pleading look. "....."

"If not for yourself then for me.. Please.."I begged.

"...Alright." I let go of his hand, ready to leave but this time  he grabbed onto mine, stopping me. "Wait, can you stay here with me?" He blushed and knitted his eyebrows together. I nodded with a smile.

"Of course. Oh and Naruto, next time I'll make sure to be stronger and definitely go with you. The three of us; You, Sakura and me will convince Sasuke to come back. I'll make sure to remind him that he has a home with us.."

"Yeah," He grinned happily. I grinned in return and I sat by his bed throughout the rest of the day. I tried to comfort him as much as I could as he did the same to me. "Shiori,"


"I can tell that you want to cry.."

".......Am I that easy to read?"I asked murmuring.

"The look in your eyes tells me that and your voice isn't as cheerful as usual. It's okay. You can cry in front of me. I know you're feeling pain because you love him. You also feel happy that I'm okay." I blinked at him, shocked by his words.

"Sheesh..I've become such a crybaby.."I said laughing but the laugh eventually turned into sobs. Naruto stretched his hand out and grabbed mine as the tears coursed down my cheeks. "N-Naruto.." I sobbed. I moved closer to him and he placed his other hand on my back, trying to soothe me.

"It's okay Shiori." We were suddenly interrupted by a loud crash outside the window. Naruto, without letting go of my hand, quickly pulled the blinds apart. "Pervy Sage!" I stood from my seat and walked over to the window. He stood on top of a giant toad and stared at me before asking,

"Naruto, you made Shiori cry, didn't you?" I felt my face burn up and I flushed, quickly wiping my tear filled eyes.

"It's not his fault and I'm fine,"I assured him.

"That's good." He hopped off his toad and sat on the edge of the window. "I have to have a serious talk with you Naruto. You can stay to listen if you want, Shiori. Naruto, from no on, you're my only student. I have to make you into a full fledged shinobi in three years."

"Why three years?"Naruto asked.

"We've received disturbing information in regarding the Akatsuki."he answered.  "We have reason to believe they have chosen you as their next target and we have three to four years before they come after you."

"No way, that's not gonna work." Huh?  "I don't have time for that! Do you think I care about what might happen three years down the road? Orochimaru's already got his hands on Sasuke and his life's in danger right now!"

"Huh, I see you know all the gruesome details of Orochimaru's little scheme.."

"Wait, you mean you knew all about it too?"Naruto questioned with confusion.

"Well of course. Don't you think I've been studying that immortality jutsu of his? That's also how I know Orochimaru won't be able to reincarnate himself in another body in at least three more years. Fortunately, he ran out of time and had to take over another body before Sasuke could get there," He informed. "That means Sasuke is safe for three whole years so you do have time."

"Really? Are you sure about that? Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yeah,"he said with a nod. Me and Naruto sighed in relief. We've got time to save Sasuke from that monster's grasp. "Forget Sasuke. The both of you. You can't help him so forget about him. Sasuke went to Orochimaru on his own free will." I know that but still I can't.. "No matter what you do, he won't change."

"You don't know that.."I muttered. "You don't know! Don't  determine his future like that! You don't know him as long as I have! Like hell I'll forget him! I can't forget someone I love! I won't give up on him! No way and neither will Naruto! You honestly can't expect us too!"I shouted at him angrily.

"Unlike you, I've seen many shinobi; I know the type. Orochimaru and Sasuke cut from the same cloth." Sasuke is not like that monster! How can he say that! Is he trying to piss me off?  "Don't delude yourselves into thinking you can bring him back. You can't, it's hopeless."

"Maybe it's easy for you to give up on him!"Naruto argued. "I can't! He may mean nothing to you but he's our friend!"

"Idiot, just take a good look at the condition you're in!"Jiraiya snapped. "He's the one who did it to you! Was that the work of a friend?!" Naruto lowered his head sadly and I gasped. D-Damn it.. It hurts to hear this..It's true but I don't want  to throw away everything. I still care for him and refuse to give it all up like he meant nothing to me.  "If you insist on going after Sasuke, then you'll get no training from me. I'll have the ANBU black ops assigned to guard you to prevent you from leaving the village. You're not just some ordinary kid, you've got something inside you the Akatsuki wants: the nine tailed fox but if you're going to act like a kid and not listen to what I tell you, then I'll do what I have to. Eventually you're going to face enemies far worse than Orochimaru and it's time you started preparing for them. The first thing is for you to give up on Sasuke.  What happened was destined to happen. Dismiss him from your mind and move on. To be a shinobi you need more than strength in jutsu. You must require the judgement to make the right decisions. You must become smarter. The longer you remain a fool, the harder it will be for you to live in this world."

"...Fine then. If being smarter means what you say it does, I'll remain a fool my entire life!"he answered, determined. "I'm going after him and I'll do it alone if I have to!"

"Don't forget about me!"I interrupted, grinning. "I'll help you too! If Master Jiraiya doesn't train you, you can train with me! We'll get through this together!"

"Yeah and whenever the Akatsuki show up, we'll smack them down!"

"This is more than foolish," Jiraiya hoped back on top of the giant toad. "It's so colossally foolish that it might even work. We've got a lot of work to do once you get out of the hospital so be ready to hit the ground running. See ya then!"

"YES!" We cheered and high fived each other. I really wish we could train together but if traveling with Jiraiya ensures he'll get stronger and his safety ... I'm glad.  "LET'S SHOW THOSE CRIMINALS WHAT WE GOT!" We pumped our fists in the air.



I stared out the window from the Hokage's office. It was the day in which Naruto would begin his training journey. I could of gone to his house to say goodbye but I would only end up feeling more lonely. I haven't been with Naruto long but I'm now so use to him. I then spotted Naruto with a huge backpack and walking alongside Jiraiya. I cleared my throat, "Lady Tsunade, I'll be right back."I announced before opening up the window and stepping on the edge.

"Alright." She murmured as she lifted her tea up to her mouth. "Don't take too long." I nodded and jumped off, landing perfectly on my feet.

"Naruto! Master Jiraiya!"I called out to them, running and waving. The two stopped, turning slightly to face me. "Were you planning to leave without even saying goodbye?"I asked pouting. "How mean.. I thought we were friends.." Well I could of gone to say goodbye too but isn't it more fun to make him feel guilty?

"We are!" He quickly answered. "It's just..Pervy Sage said we were in a rush. Also, I kinda felt like it would be hard for me to say goodbye to you.." His cheeks became luminescent with blush and he held his hand behind his head awkwardly. "I mean.. We're really close and all and I thought.."

"I get it," I cut him off. "I'll miss you too." I giggled. "Take good care of yourself and Master Jiraiya," Jiraiya frowned, annoyed by my teasing. "Make sure to keep an eye on him, you know how much trouble he can cause."

"Right!"Naruto laughed. I pet his head much to his confusion. "What is it?"

"When you're back, I hope you get taller than me too," He laughed again and held both his arms behind his head.

"Heh! I'll be a lot more stronger after my training so just you wait! It won't be long till I'm home!"

"Yeah, I know. You should get going cause Jiraiya is already walking ahead." He gave me a quick nod and with the turn of his foot, he was off. I ran a hand through my hair, watching him exist the gate and soon disappear into the forest. Don't worry. Once you're back, I'll be a lot more stronger than I am now. I won't fall behind you, I promise..

To be continued in Book 2!

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