ever since we met // r.r [✔️]

By chrismotiontits

27.7K 987 1.8K

***Read "You Clicked Your Heels & Wished For Me {Ryan Ross x Reader}" before you read this*** Panic! At the D... More

Chapter 1: New Beginnings
Chapter 3: What Have I Done?
Chapter 4: What Is Love
Chapter 5: I Still Love Him
Chapter 6: I Don't Love You, Or Do I?
Chapter 7: I Regret My Past Actions
Chapter 8: Overprotective Younger Brother
Chapter 9: I Want You Forever
Chapter 10: Northern Downpour
Chapter 11: Better Kiss, Hotter Touch, a Better Fuck
Chapter 12: Uninvent Hate
Chapter 13: I Want Her To Be Happy
Chapter 14: Finally Home
Chapter 15: Today Is The Day

Chapter 2: We Are Panic! At the Disco

2.4K 77 97
By chrismotiontits

~~|2 Weeks Later|~~

~~|Brendon's POV|~~

"Ok guys. Is everyone ready to perform?" Pete asked

We all nodded

"Ok! First, Brendon's gonna introduce all of you. Then, you're gonna play The Only Difference, London Beckoned, Nails For Breakfast, Camisado, Time To Dance, and Lying." Pete explained, abbreviating the song titles and reading off of something, which I assumed it was the set list

"Then, we're gonna have a 10 minute intermission. After that, you're gonna play But It's Better If You Do, I Write Sins, Esteban, Tables, and you're gonna thank everyone for coming to your first show and, whoever wants to, can give a special thanks to someone. Then, you'll finish off with Build God." Pete finished

We all nodded again

I really hope I don't fuck this up

We all walked on stage and went to our planned spots where our instruments were sat.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen!" I exclaimed into the mic, there was at least 150 people in the audience, maybe more

The small crowd clapped and cheered

"I am Brendon Urie, over to my right we have Ryan Ross, on guitar, to my left we have Jon Walker, on bass, and last but not least, we have Spencer Smith, on drums. We are, Panic! At the Disco!" I said cheerfully into the mic

      We started playing The Only Difference... and I could hear a portion of the crowd singing along. I mindlessly entangled my fingers in the chord for the mic as I sang the lyrics. We played five more songs then it was time for our intermission.

"You guys are an awesome crowd!" I exclaimed into the mic

The crowd roared

"We're going to take a 10 minute intermission. But we'll be back!" I said

Everyone clapped and cheered as Ryan, Spencer, Jon, and I walked off stage. Right on the side of the stage is Pete and my sister waiting for us.

"That was great guys! Ok you guys should have some water, especially you Brendon." Pete said, he noticed I was really sweaty

We all nodded in agreement

Y/n handed Ryan and I each a bottle of water

"Thanks, y/n." I smiled

"You're welcome." She smiled back

"Thanks, babe." Ryan smiled, kissing y/n on the cheek

"You're welcome." Y/n smiled

      I smiled at how happy they made each other. Our 10 minute break was over and we had to go back on stage. The crowd clapped and cheered as we walked back on stage. The next song we played was But It's Better If You Do. I loved hearing people sing the lyrics back to us, even if it just sounded like screeching. We did 3 more songs. Ryan and I wanted to do the special thanks thing that Pete offered.

"Before we do our last song, I want to thank everyone for coming out tonight to our first show. You guys were a great audience. I want to give a special thank to my sister, y/n. She has supported us since day 1. I think she's the best sister I could ever ask for." I said into the mic with a huge smile plastered on my face

      I looked over at y/n, who was standing on the side of the stage with Pete. I could see her smiling.

"I, also, would like to thank y/n. She has been extremely supportive and she is here with us tonight. Brendon is extremely lucky to have her  for a sister as am I to have her as my girlfriend." Ryan said into his mic and he kept shooting glances at y/n

"Before we go we're going to play one last song and it's called Build God, Then We'll Talk." I exclaimed

~~|Ryan's POV|~~

      After we finished the last song, we walked off stage. Pete and y/n stood, waiting for us, on the side of the stage. Y/n had the biggest smile on her face. I couldn't help but smile. I engulfed her into a hug and kissed her forehead, my guitar was hanging off of me by its strap.

"You guys were amazing!" Y/n exclaimed into my chest

"Thanks." I said, smiling

"I love you so much." I whispered in her ear

"I love you so much, too." She happily muttered into my chest

I pulled away from the hug and grabbed y/n's hand. She looked up at me and smiled and I smiled back. We walked to the band's dressing room. The first thing I did was put my guitar away. Y/n sat on the small couch and was using her phone. I went and changed into my other clothes and I went into the bathroom to try to take off the eyeliner I was wearing. I got as much eyeliner off as I could, then I walked out of the bathroom. I walked over to the tiny couch and squished in between Spencer and y/n. I gave y/n a quick peck on the lips.

"You guys were great! You guys are gonna play a few more local concerts and in a few months you guys are going on tour." Pete said

      Everyone nodded at Pete. I looked over at y/n and she had a worried look on her face. I grabbed her hand and gave it a firm squeeze as I smiled. After everyone was ready to leave, we all went home. I was going to y/n and Brendon's house, as usual.

      Once we got to y/n and Brendon's house, Brendon tiredly walked to the door. Y/n and I followed him as he slowly went up the stairs. Brendon went to his room and collapsed onto his bed as y/n and I went to her room. Y/n let out a yawn as she sat down onto her bed. I sat down next to her and pulled her close, leaving a kiss on her forehead and she rested her head on my shoulder.

"I'll go so you can change." I said, kissing her cheek

She nodded

      I grabbed some clothes out of my bag and brought it to the bathroom and I got changed. I walked back into y/n's room and she was already curled up under the covers. I climbed into the bed and under the covers, before pulling y/n close to me.

"I love you." I whispered

"I love you, too." She whispered back

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