Stuck With Them Pokemon Peeps

By PersonSayinStuff

40K 2.3K 5K

Welcome to do the crazy universe known as the Elemenoverse. Join Milani and the Pokémon Peeps in their crazy... More

The Intro
Out of Ideas
About the bet..
Eh em febeles
Milani goes on a date???
I woke up and...
Tomodachi Life
Tomodachi Life pt. 2
Tomodachi Life pt.3
Budew Wonder Trade Part 1
Tomodachi Life pt.4
The Pokeathlon! Human version. The Intro
Pokeathlon Human: The Final Pairings
Budew Wonder Trade Part 2
Pokeathlon Human: Event 1
Pokeathlon Human: Event 1 result and start of Event 2
Shipping Names...
Pokeathlon Human: Result of Event 2. Start of Event 3.
Stuff About Nameshipping
Tomodachi Life pt.5
Drew and Gary Play the Crazy Pokemon Character Quiz
Ash and Paul join the fun (CPCQ)
Someone took the game a bit too seriously
Pokeathlon Human: Event 3 result. Start of Event 4.
More CPCQ Fun with the Boys!
Tomodachi Life pt.6
Pokeathlon Human: Result of Event 4 + Start of Event 5
Tomodachi Life pt.7
Boys play Would You Rather? (CPCQ)
Jace plays the rest of the game (CPCQ)
Pokeathlon Human: Finale
Gary's Petition
Response to Gary's Petition
Not So Exciting Round...(CPCQ)
Boys Play Would You Rather II (CPCQ)
Girls Try the 5SOP Horoscope
Budew Wonder Trade pt. 3
Guys Play Alone (CPCQ)
Pokemon Peeps Awards: NOMINEES
10 Questions
By the Power of Shuffle
Budew Wonder Trade Part 4
Tomodachi Life pt.8
Tomodachi Life pt.9
Tomodachi Life pt.9.5
Tomodachi Life pt.10
Touchy Feely things...
Tomodachi Life pt.11
Pokemon Peeps Awards: EVEN MORE NOMINEES
Tomodachi Life pt.12
Guys play as Wedding Planners (CPCQ)
Truth or Dare
Tomodachi Life pt.13
ARTWORK?!?! Eh...not really.
Some Get Extra Crazy (CPCQ)
Completing Sentences (CPCQ)
Pokemon Journey Challenge
Kanto Grand Festival
Completing Sentences: Song Edition (CPCQ)
Shipping Games (CPCQ)
Random Questions with the Pokemon Peeps
A Wild Betch Appeared!
Power Outage
Enemies (CPCQ)
Let It Go
A Messed Up Thing
Ash and Gary play Pokemon Emerald
Ash and Gary play Pokemon Gold
Fall (CPCQ)
Switchin' (CPCQ)
Milani has a Wattpad account?!
More Would You Rather (CPCQ)
LeafGreenShipping Day?!?!?!
Doing Requests (CPCQ)
Tomodachi Life pt. 14
Mafia: Yandere Edition
Tomodachi Life pt. 15
More Messed Up Things (CPCQ)
Mafia: Yandere Edition PART DOS
But It's Pokeshipping Day (CPCQ)
It's someone's birthday...
Uno Frozen Edition
More Requestos (CPCQ)
Mad Libs Part 1
Mad Libs Part 2
Two lies and a truth
The Derision Album
MASH with the guys
They were gonna play Pokemon Emerald but...
Hotline Bling (CPCQ)
Q&A once again
Palletshipping Musical??? (CPCQ)
Answering your questions!
Sea Looks So Perfect
Pokemon Horoscopes
Guys play Cards Against Humanity
Top 8 ships?
She's Kinda Cold
Introduction (Elemeno Winter Games)
Mario Kart Time! (EWG)
Some darn luck based card game (EWG)
Some Very Good Cooking! (EWG)
Fanfiction-ception (CPCQ)
Mario Party + Super Battles! (EWG)
EWG Finale Part 2
Mad Libs part 3
Pokemon Dating Quiz
About time we did these dares....
Date, Marry, Kill (CPCQ)
Welcome back, Elemeno.
Please help
MASH with the girls! on 4/20
CPCQ Finale???
Matchmaking Weirdness
Matchmaking and some UNO Stacko
The Bet - 2016 Edition
Switch it up Switch it up!
Why not? (PACITS)
Q&A thingy
More Q&A
The Finals Bet Results! + Last of the Q&A
Gary Asks
Contestshipping Day!
Return of the Tomodachi
Tomodachi Life part Ruby Pendant
Really Romantic Mad Libs
Pokemon Peeps Preach and Rap
Bonus Chapter :]
Arceus' Turnwheel

EWG Finale Part 1

161 10 11
By PersonSayinStuff

Brock: Good day everyone.

Cilan: Welcome to the final day of the EWG.

Barry: Wait...WHAT?!

Brock: Elemeno initially planned this tournament to be a halfway mark game, but due to personal reasons, Elemeno won't be able to write as much as she wanted.

Cilan: If Elemeno were to continue her initial plan of 10 events, it won't be winter anymore.

Brock: Well...Elemeno doesn't experience winter where she lives, though.

Cilan: She some things to do in real life. She has to focus on some things, and her exams are coming soon.

Brock: We apologize for the inconvenience.

Cilan: Don't worry.

Barry: HEY! How come I wasn't informed of this?

Cilan: were not given a message?


Brock: So...let's get to the battle!

Barry: The Elemeno Winter Games is sponsored by...

Cilan: We don't have any sponsors. Do we?

Brock: Nope.

Cilan: Let's get battling!

Barry: So...before we begin...

Brock: We will only see the battles in the winner's bracket.

Cilan: We don't want to make this too long.

Barry: Here's the recap for the loser's bracket!

(Let us now use own imaginations and pretend that we're seeing a video montage of what happened in the loser's bracket.)

Brock: James and Paul had the first battle in the loser's bracket. James still used Jessie's Wobbuffet. Paul used Dawn's Togekiss. Wobbuffet managed to give serious damage to Togekiss, but in the end, Togekiss still managed victorious.

Barry: After that, Gary and May had their battle. Gary used Leaf's Pidgeot (Let's pretend she has one, okay. She's a game character. I can give her any Pokémon I want for as long as it is in her region.). May used Drew's Flygon. It was one heck of a showdown, but in the end, Flygon came out on top.

Cilan: Shortly after, James and Gary battled for 7th place. James still used Wobbuffet. Gary used Leaf's Lapras. Gary was about to win, but then James discovered another move for Wobbuffet. A move called Destiny Bond. Lapras managed to land an Ice Beam on Wobbuffet, but Destiny Bond came through, so both Pokémon fainted.

Brock: That was a smart move if you ask me.

Barry: They were like 'If I'm going down, you're going down with me.'

Cilan: Honestly, Team Rocket was surprised with happened. They didn't even know what Destiny Bond could do.

Barry: In the end, the match was considered a draw. Both teams get two points for this game.

Brock: After that, May and Paul battled it out for fifth. May still used Flygon, and Paul still stuck with Togekiss. It was somewhat difficult for Flygon. Ground moves didn't hit because of Togekiss' Flying typing, and Dragon moves are useless because of its Fairy typing. Good thing for May, Flygon knew Steel Wing, which is very effective on Togekiss. However, Togekiss learned a move at the last minute. This move was Dazzling Gleam. In the end, Togekiss came out on top.

Cilan: No matter how much Flygon spammed the Steel Wing, the STAB Dazzling Gleam for Togekiss pulled through.

Barry: That means the Red Team gets 4 points. The Yellow Team gets 6 points.

Brock: And now...

Cilan: Let us proceed to the winner's bracket!

Brock: The first match of the winner's bracket will be between Jace and Silver!

(Nameshipping huddle)

Milani: Okay. If they're going to use Typhlosion again, it will be difficult to go for Blaziken again.

Jace: If I remember, Gold also has an Ambipom, a Politoed, a Sunflora, a Sudowoodo and a Togekiss.

Milani: Don't forget Pichu.

Jace: They're not gonna use Pichu.

Milani: Hmm...I don't see him using Sunflora. Maybe he might use Togekiss, but that's like repeating Pokémon because Ikari also used one.

Jace: It could be their strongest option, though.

(PreciousMetalShipping huddle)

Gold: Hmm...I don't think we should use Explotaro for this. We need to have an advantage on them.

Silver: Ugh. Milani has too many Pokémon. Who knows what she'll use?

Gold: Hmm...I feel like they're not gonna use Blaziken because they're gonna think we're going to use Explotaro again.

Silver: Okay...other than Blaziken, what are Milani's other Pokémon that can kick butt?

Gold: A lot.

Silver: Hmm...I remember her having a Roserade.

Gold: If they're expecting Explotaro, they're not gonna go for Roserade.

Silver: Hmm...she also has a Gallade.

Gold: Oh true. That could be a viable option for them. If they're bringing out Gallade, Togetaro would be perfect.

Silver: But are we sure they're going for Gallade?


Cilan: Alright! Our teams have told the judges the Pokémon they're going to use.

Brock: Same rules as the first round!

Barry: Let us now begin!

Clemont: Trainers! Bring out your Pokémon!

Jace: Blastoise! It's time to shine!

Blastoise: Blastoise!

Silver: Poltaro, let's go!

Barry: Alright! It's Blastoise versus Politoed! A battle between two water types.

Silver: Poltaro! Use Dynamic Punch!

Jace: Dodge, and use Hydro Pump!

Silver: Take that, Hydro Pump!

Barry: Wow.

Brock: Politoed just took that!

Cilan: This is due to Politoed's ability, Water Absorb.

Jace: Darn it.

Milani: COME ON!


Silver: Now go for Hypnosis!

Jace: Dodge!

Silver: Nope!

Barry: Not looking good for Jace and Blastoise right now as that Hypnosis hit. Now Blastoise is asleep!

Jace: Wake up, Blastoise!

Silver: Now go for another Dynamic Punch!

Barry: Ooh.

Brock: Blastoise wasn't able to dodge this time.

Cilan: That was one powerful attack.

Jace: Blastoise!

Blastoise: *wakes up*

Jace: Alright! Now use Ice Beam!

Blastoise: *hits self*

Jace: Are you kidding me?

Cilan: Ooh. That's an effect on Dynamic Punch. Blastoise is confused. (I don't know if you can get confused while being asleep, but let's pretend that it's possible for the sake of this thing.)

Silver: Now go for Bounce!

Barry: Wow! Politoed is a jumper!

Brock: Another strong attack from Politoed.

Jace: Come on! Blastoise, go for Ice Beam!

Silver: Bounce some more!

Jace: Uh-oh...

Brock: Ooh. That Ice Beam didn't do any damage at all.

Clemont: Blastoise is unable to battle! The winner is Politoed!

Barry: Wow!

Cilan: Even though Blastoise looked like the stronger Pokémon, it was Politoed's excellent moveset that really won this.

Brock: Don't forget to mention Silver's skills as a trainer.

Cilan: Of course.


Jace: Sorry, Blastoise.

Blastoise: Blas...

Jace: You did your best.

Milani: We'll get that third place. Don't worry. We just have to hope Ash will lose.

Brock: Let's proceed to the next match!

Cilan: A match Pokémon fans have been waiting to see!

Barry: Well...they're not using their own Pokémon, but it is still gonna be awesome!

Cilan: Next up...Ash versus Red!

(Pokeshipping huddle)

Ash: should we stick with Gyarados?

Misty: Hmm...maybe? We could use Politoed, Starmie or Corsola.

Ash: Hmm...I have a very crazy idea right now. I'm not sure if you'll agree to this, but hear me out.

Misty: I'm listening.

(Originalshipping huddle)

Blue: They will definitely use a Water type. The bad news is that I didn't bring a Pokémon that is strong against water.

Red: Great. If only I could use Pika right now.

Blue: Wait...I have the perfect Pokémon. The move is risky, but it is our best choice right now.

Red: Okay.


Tracey: Let's get ready to rumble!

Barry: Geez. It's not a boxing match.

Tracey: I've always wanted to do that. Anyway...let us begin our match! Trainers! Bring out your Pokémon!

Red: Porygon2! Let's go!

Ash: Psyduck, I choose you!

Crowd: HUH?!

Barry: What?

Cilan: Well...this is quite interesting.

Blue: Red! You know what to do.

Misty: Come on, Ash and Psyduck! You can win this!

Ash: Alright...Psyduck! Use Water Gun!

Psyduck: Psy? *produces a cute little water gun*

Cilan: Uh...

Red: Okay...I guess go for Zap Cannon.

Ash: Psyduck! Dodge!


Red: Now go for a Tri Attack!

Psyduck: Psy!

Cilan: Oooh...right on the head.

Barry: Not looking good for Psyduck. All it has done is flail around. I don't even know why they chose him to go.

Brock: Wait and see, Barry.

Psyduck: psy...

Ash: Alright.

Barry: Looks like Psyduck has a terrible headache. Someone give that guy some meds.

Brock: No need, Barry.

Ash: Confusion!

Psyduck: Pssy...DUCKKKK!!!

Crowd: WOW

Red: What the...that was strong.

Blue: You're kidding me.

Cilan: One-hit KO?! But how?!

Tracey: Porygon2 is unable to battle. The winners are Ash and Psyduck!

Ash: We did it, Psyduck!

Psyduck: Psy?

Misty: Alright!

Red: Well that was...unexpected.

Cilan: It looks it's going to be Ash versus Silver in the final round!

Brock: Who will win the 20 points?

Barry: Also, Jace and Red will battle it out for third!


WHOOPS. Cutting it short there. I don't want to make this part too long.

Who will win the tournament? Stay tuned!

The images used do not belong to me. I just used them here because I love Psyduck.

See ya!

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