Back to Wonderland (Heart no...

Da blairanderson2001

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Alice decides to leave the Country of Hearts, but agrees to come back when she's ready. When Alice gets back... Altro

Author Notes
Whos who?
The Rules
Young Alice
Down we go
Ball at the Castle
Amusement Park
Hatters Mansion
Last Tea Party
Castle of Hearts
Clock Tower
No place like home
Nightmare to Daydream
High School Life
Hat to Rose
Wonderland is back
Tour of the school
Music Class
White Rabbit encounter
Dreams turn to Nightmare
Remembering the Past
Heart Castle Hallway
Quality time in the garden
Nightmares return
Nurses office with worried friends
Cat and Master
Costume Shopping
March Hare
Joker Card
Sibling Rivalry
Fight with new and old friends
Poor Unfortunate Soul...
Dodge the Ball!
Deuce Ace
Cat Crush
Hatter Tea Party
New and Old Friends
Gleam and Glow
Center of a Circus
Young Nightmare
Roses are Red
Christmas Ball Prep
Don't Drop My Heart
Christmas Ball
Goodbye Friends
Everyone Knows...
Let's Just Explain
Nightmare, Gray, and Julius!
All Reunited!
Alice's new Nightmare
Off to Wonderland
All Must Come to an End

Moving day

285 8 13
Da blairanderson2001

Everyone was patiently waiting for Alice. Soon, Alice, with Blood and Peter right behind her, joined the rest of the group. They all hoped into the car and drove straight to Alice's house in silence. Before they exited the car, Mary broke the silence.

"Okay everyone! Here is the plan. Ace, Peter, and Boris are going to help Alice pack her bags. Blood, Elliot, Dee, and Dum. You four are going to go over to Edith and talk to her. As for the rest of you, stick with me!" Mary ordered. Dee and Dum crossed their arms and scolded at him.

"Who made you in charge?" Dum demanded. Mary turned back to look at the twins.

"Didn't you all agree that I am the adult on this trip?" Mary reminded. Pierce put his hand to his head and took a couple of deep breaths. His skin was more pale than usual, but no one seemed to notice.

"Why do we have to be on babysitting duty" Dee complained. Elliot opened the door and sighed.

"Nothing has changed for me. I've been babysitting you two my whole life," Elliot implied. Dee and Dum followed the dumb rabbit out of the car. Blood exited the vehicle and helped Alice out. The twins and the hare were not getting along.

"Shut up you stupid rabbit!" Dum smirked, with Dee right next to him. Elliot stood tall, trying to show them who was in charge.

"I am not a rabbit! I am a hare!" Elliot corrected the twins with force. They both waved their pointer fingers in the air and ended it with pointing at Blood, who was standing right behind Elliot. He slowly turned around and received a punch in the gut.

"Calm down you bunny," Blood ordered. Elliot nodded his head and began to rise next to Blood. Dee and Dum followed behind, laughing their butts off. Blood gave them one glare, and they stopped. In the front yard was a little girl with dirty blonde hair working on homework. Blood gently lowered himself to the girls height and caught her attention. "You must be Edith?" Edith looked up and shrugged him off, knowing exactly who he was.

"Hello Brett. I must say, I am very surprised to see you here out of all places. Besides, my older sister has a crush on you if you were wondering," Edith smiled, ready to cause trouble. Blood cracks a smile, knowing exactly what she is trying to do. She would be a good asset to the mafia, becasue Blood almost believed her lie. And it seemed Elliot, Dee, and Dum had fallen for it.

"Who wouldn't love me," Blood smiled. Elliot, Dee, and Dum caught on. Blood had just signaled to them that she was a liar. All four of them smiled, with Edith spell bound by their beauty.

"So pretty boys. What do you want to know about my sister?" Edith asked them, laying back on her hands. Blood and Elliot thought for a bit. What did they want to know about Alice that they didn't know already? Dee and Dum scooted to Edith's side. Dum and Dee leaned into to Edith and got next to both her ears.

"What do you know?" Dum whispered? Edith turned her head so they were faced to face.

"Everything! Dark secrets to embarrassing moments in her past," Edith responded with confidence. On the other side of her, Dee gave out a little laugh. Edith turned her head the other way, facing Dee.

"You're a bad liar. You know that?" Dee teased. Edith's faced turned red. She had never been told that before. In fact, she thought of herself as the best. Blood squatted in front of the little girl.

"Lets just say. Us four, we know how to do things..." Blood left her in mystery. Edith got down and bowed to her new senpai's.

"Teach me your beautiful ways of manipulation!" Edith begged. All four had their mischievous smiles on. Meanwhile, in the house, Lorina and George were sitting at the dining room table, drink their tea, when Alice and her friends walked in. Lorina looked up and smiled.

"Welcome home Alice." Lorina smiled. "I see you brought all your boyfriends over." Lorina winked at Alice. Peter took it very personally, think Lorina was talking only about him. George finally joined in on the teasing.

"Look, you all can't take Alice away from us so soon. She still needs to finish school," George teased Alice and messed up her hair. He was like an annoying father that Alice did not appreciate in any way. Vivaldi stood next to Alice and wrapped her arm around Alice's.

"Actually, I want Alice to move into my place," Vivaldi flat out told them. George looked over to Vivaldi and his heart skip a beat. His eyes were in love with her body and his mouth began to drool. Vivaldi took advantage of this and blew him a kiss. He almost passed out. Lorina looked over to see her husband looking at another women.

"George! How dare you!" Lorina scolded. George seemed to forget all about the vows he had promised Lorina.

"Well, I can't help that she is way prettier than you!" he drooled. Lorina had had enough of these people. She walked over to her husband and wrapped her arms around him, trying to being him back into reality.

"Alice, who are these people?" Lorina growled. Alice knew her sister was pissed and wanted them to leave, but she stood her ground.

"Let me introduce you to Vivaldi, Peter, Ace, Boris, Pierce, and Mr. Gowland. Outside with Edith are Brett, Elliot, Dee, and Dum," Alice responded. Lorina went to the window and saw Edith talking to the four men.

"You left four strangers alone with Edith!" Lorina worried. They weren't strangers. They all went to the same school. Lorina was just trying to make it a big deal, as usually.

"Calm down. They aren't going to hurt Edith or anything," Alice reassured her older sister who was having some sort of panic attack. George wasn't helping at all. Ace laughed at Alice comment.

"You want to bet on that?" Ace laughed. Peter hit him in the side. Ace stopped, realizing he had said it out loud.

"Back to the topic of why I am here, I have decided to take Alice home with me. She'll be happy there," Vivaldi stated. George stopped looking at Vivaldi and turned to Alice with a concerned face.

"Alice, are you not happy here?" George asked? Alice knew what he was trying to do. As much as Alice hated it, George knew that Alice use to have a crush on him. In fact, when he wanted something done, he would flirt his way into making Alice do it. Sometimes it would work, but Alice finally caught on. She was not comfortable in this environment and she knew she was not wanted.

"You two tease me all the time like I am your own child, which I am not. Have I ever looked happy here? Open your eyes and stop focusing on yourselves for once. This place is one big... Nightmare..." The word slipped out. Nightmare. Alice remembered how he was not with Alice right now and all the terrible things he had done to Alice when she was younger. He made her friends into people from Wonderland. He was the reason George looked like Blood. This was all his fault. But Alice couldn't hate him for some reason. She missed him so. She had a lump in her room throat, and tried not to cry. All Alice could do was point to the wonderful group "These are the only people that make me happy and feel alive."

"She pointed at me," Peter leaned in and told Vivaldi, who rolled her eyes. Lorina ran up to Alice and embraced her.

"Alice, I know it's been hard since mother and father passed away. It's been hard on us sisters..." Lorina tried to comfort Alice. Alice shrugged her off.

"You don't know how I feel. You're finally married Lorina. You have the life you've always dreamed of. Now, you're just waiting for me and Edith to get out of your perfect life so you can start a family of your own. I was happy with my old life when we use to go on picnics and play cards..." Alice confessed. Ace put his hands on her shoulders. Alice turned around, letting her head rest on his chest.

"Alice, what are you talking about? I've never played a game of cards in my life and we certainly never went on picnics when you were little," Lorina corrected. Alice sniffed her tears away.

"Thank Nightmare for that as well," Alice cried. Ace patted Alice and started to lead her upstairs, with Boris right behind.

"Alice, lets go get your things. Okay?" Ace guided her up until Alice, Ace, and Boris were out of sight. Peter looked around and rushed after them.

"I don't trust you two alone with her! Remember the last time I left you alone with her!" Peter reminded, sprinting after them. George double check that Alice was upstairs and then got up the the groups face.

"What did you do to Alice?" George demanded. They all seemed a little confused.

"Whatever do you mean sir?" Mr.  Gowland asked politely. Pierce was covering his ears and looked sick. Vivaldi noticed, but didn't seem to really care about him. She hated mice. 

"She was perfectly sane before you all entered her life! Now she's acting like a crazy child again!"  George complained. Vivaldi would have smacked him, but knew she had to keep her cool for Alice. As if on cue, Blood, Elliot, Dee, and Dum entered the house. Pierce shook his head back and forth and screamed.

"I can't handle it anymore! I need to get out of here! Their hearts are terrible. Offbeat to the music!" Pierce blurted and raced out of the house and waited in the car covering his ears from the outside world. Lorina and George looked at everyone with crazy eyes.

"What's the problem with that guy?" Lorina pointed to the car. Mr. Gowland laughed nervously.

"Oh nothing. He just drinks too much coffee!" Mr. Gowland promised. Like a robot, Edith swung open the door and walked over to Lorina.

"I want to let you know that I have no homework tonight and that also I should get my desert early tonight because I cleaned the front yard," Edith resisted. Dee and Dum held in their laughter. Lorina looked down at Edith and looked concerned. 

"Edith. Why are you lying to me? You always have homework every night and you never finished your chore. No dessert!" Lorina decided. Edith stood with her mouth open and turned around to get some back up. Dee and Dum were dying from laughter. When Elliot cracked a smile.

"Wow, I fell for their trick..." Edith did the walk of shame and set her self at the table to finish her homework. Vivaldi resumed the conversation.

"I know it's hard to believe, but we all know what Alice wants. We are more than acquaintance to Alice. Just trust us," Vivaldi requested. Edith lifted her head and looked over to the group with a smile.

"Wait! Are you taking you guys taking Alice away from here! Finally, my prayers were answered!" Edith smiled. She happily went back to her homework, and knew that she would be able to move into Alice's room when she left. George had had enough of this nonsense. Everything was perfect until Alice had made these new friends. He was done!

"Alice will not be leaving this house no matter how bad we all want her too! I made a promise to her father that I would watch over her and I regret it everyday! I cannot allow her to leave!" George raged! Everyone stood speech less. George really didn't care about anyone other than himself, but he would never break a promise. Alice cleared her throat and they all looked in her direction, surprised that she was there. She had heard everything! Alice eyes went over to Blood.

"See. What did I tell you about him. You two are nothing alike," Alice reminded. Blood cracked a smile and Lorina did a double take. First at George then back at Blood. Her jaw dropped.

"I couldn't help but notice that you both look almost identical!" Lorina realized for the first time. Blood lowered his head and looked up at her.

"Does that bother you my lady?" Blood asked. Lorina was very confused of what all was going on. It was going to fast! All she knew was that she did not want Alice to leave her, but that wish would not be granted. Alice made her way down the stairs with Boris, Ace, and Peter not far behind. Her bags were all packed and she was ready to leave.

"Bye Edith and Lorina. I will miss you both dearly and I hope you can have a better life now that I will be gone," Alice said, trying to be polite. Alice couldn't tell if Lorina was angry, sad, happy, or a mixture of all three. "Lorina, you heard your husband a second ago. I know you guys don't want me here. He wants me to leave so you two can have your own family." Lorina ran up to Alice and grabbed her hands.

"Alice darling, George didn't mean a thing he said," Lorina reasoned. Her tears started to fall across her cheeks, splashing into a million pieces as they hit the floor. Alice couldn't bare it. George did not deserve Lorina! He was just relaxing at the table, drinking his black coffee.

"Stubborn girl..." George mumbled to himself. Blood was right behind him, not happy. If Alice was not in the room, he would have ripped his black heart out of his chest. Instead. Blood bent down to George's level.

"She's my stubborn girl!" Blood jested. Blood prowled over to Alice's side, putting his arm around her waist. Lorina had already given up. She wasn't going to fight with Alice. She sat herself down at the counter and put her head down. Dee and Dum had taken Alice's hands and hugged them.

"You're coming with us Alice!" Dee cheered. His brother followed.

"BIG SIS! We love you so!" Dum smiled. Peter held out his gloved hand and Alice took it. She was ready. Edith started to realize that Alice was actually leaving. Edith never really wanted Alice to leave. She was only teasing her in a sisterly way. But Edith didn't say anything, because she knew that is you truly love someone, you let them go. Lorina stood frozen in her spot and Alice waved goodbye.

"Goodbye Alice..."

They all walked a couple block to find the limo with Pierce crying in it. They all slid there way in. Elliot was the first to speak.

"Okay! You all have no idea how much I wanted to beat the crap out of that guy after the things he said," Elliot ranted. They all knew exactly what he meant. They wanted to go home, but Alice was thinking.

"Um... If you guys don't mind, I would really like to stay in my world until the school year is over," Alice requested. Peter turned and nodded his head yes.

"Whatever my love wishes!" Vivaldi rolled her eyes, not wanting to live there for another minute. Pierce sat up and wiped away his tears. Alice looked over with some concern.

"Why are there hearts so bad? Was I the only person who could hear them?" Pierce asked. By them, he meant Lorina and George. Boris chimed in.

"Ace and I could hear it from upstairs," Boris said. Ace nodded his head. Pierce adjusted his ears, making sure they still worked after the annoying noise.

"I want you guys to know that I really happy to be here with you. That trip wasn't the best experience of my life, but I'm glad I left," Alice admitted. Everyone smiled at the thought. They were glad she was with them now as well. Alice laid her head on Peter's shoulder. His hairs spiked up! "And it's all thanks to Peter now that I think about it." That comment surprised everyone!

"What?! Why Peter?!" Vivaldi snapped. All Peter had ever done for Alice was cause trouble and put her life in danger thousands of times.

"Because Peter had never come up to my world and found me, I would never have gone to Wonderland and met all of you," Alice explained. Peter started to blush and Ace patted his back.

"Hear that Peter. You finally did something right," Ace smiled. Mary laughed.

"I'll drink to that! Nice job Peter!" Mary congratulated. Peter felt like a million dollars, but he knew that even if he wasn't around, Alice would have still gone to Wonderland. But they didn't need to know that.


Hi everyone! I am so sorry for posting this chapter so late. I've been so busy with schools, performances, and friends making me be social. Plus, I've been writing English lyrics for anime songs. Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving (If you celebrate it) and I hope you like the chapter!

Have a wonderful day!

-Blair Anderson

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