The Wolf Is My Killer (A Naru...

By kibalicious

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Aisha Inumaki was found by leaf ninja running away from Orochimaru, late at night. The Hokage allows her to s... More

Chapter 1: I Made A Deal With The Pervy Hokage
Chapter 2: Excuse Me Bitch-cakes?
Chapter 4: Zabuza Momochi Is My Buddy
Chapter 5: Kakashi Is A stupid, Old, Asshole
Chapter 6: I Hate Everyone With A Fiery Passion
Chapter 7: Awe! What A Cute SasuNaru Moment
Chapter 8: I'm A Food Ninja, Beware!
Chapter 9: Why Don't You Have Eyebrows?
Chapter 10: You Weird-Ass Little Fuckwad!
Chapter 11: Well Fuck Me Sideways With A Lunchbox, We're Screwed!
Chapter 12: Dont. Ever. Call. Me. Short.
Chapter 13: Team 7 VS The Creepy-Ass Pedophile
Chapter 14: Someone Give The Boy A Gold Star
Chapter 15: Let Me At The Little Shit-Fuck!
Chapter 16: I'm A Fucking Rainbow Sent By The Gods
Chapter 17: Mr. Grouchy Pants And The Cunterpillar
Chapter 18: Chatting With Captain Obvious And The Hormonal Emo
Chapter 19: Mrs Inuzuka Doesnt Want Grandchildren...Yet
Chapter 20: The Hoe-Kage
Chapter 21: Tanaka Returns (You're Welcome Fangirls)
Chapter 22: Hey Lovebirds, I've Been Abducted By Aliens!
Chapter 23: Hide And Seek; Ready Or Not, Here I Come Uchiha!!
Chapter 24: Today Seriously Sucks
An Update (a/n)

Chapter 3: He Calls Me Cutie

1.6K 43 6
By kibalicious

Aisha's POV

I woke up screaming. Sweat beads trickled down my forehead and I'm panting hard. I look at my surroundings frantically, but thankfully, I'm still in my room. It was just a dream, I repeat in my head.

Gulping, I through the covers back and go to the bathroom. I splash some cold water on my face and tie my hair up in a long ponytail. Still a little shaken.

Knowing that I won't be able to go back to sleep after that nightmare, I look out the window in my room to see its still dark out. Sighing, I go to my closet and put on some clothes. It's just a simple loose, black t-shirt with the Inumaki crest on the back, and some black shorts.

I head out the door, locking it, and walk through the streets of Konoha. It's been a few days since Kakashi's survival test and they've given me a headband of my own. It's the standard blue cloth that I tie traditionally on my forehead.

I jump onto the roofs of the buildings and start to run towards the training grounds. I usually go there every morning to train.

Once I'm there I begin practicing my ninjutsu, tijutsu, and genjutsu. After about and hour or so, it's still dark out. I must've gotten up earlier than I thought. Oh well, and I continue training.

Kiba's POV

Akamaru and I were out for a walk early today. The sun was only barely rising. We decided to go to the training grounds where my team usually trains. As we near it, we hear someone.

Jumping into to trees I motion Akamaru to stay quiet but follow me. The small dog nods his head and starts leaping after me.

Cautiously, I peer from behind a tree, only to see a girl. She had long, spiky brown hair that even in a ponytail, reached past her butt. She wore all black except the red symbol on her back. I couldn't see her face because her back was turned to me. She was training, punching and kicking holes into the trees, looks like she's been out for hours. I continue to study her when suddenly something is throw right at me, aimed so that it would just barely cut my cheek.

"I know your there, come out." She says, still not facing me.

She seems harmless enough (minus her aim and all), so I jump down landing behind her along with Akamaru. As soon as she turns around I literally die.

"Wow." I mutter under my breath. She was pretty-no beautiful. She had bright blue eyes that reminded me of the sky and full pink lips. She had these three red triangles on each side of he face from her jaw to just about the apples of her cheeks. Damn girl.

"See something you like?" She says, showing no emotion as she talks.

"Yes actually, so why don't you tell me your name cutie?" I wink at her. Seeming unimpressed at my newfound nickname for her she sighs and turns around going back to training.

Irritated that she didn't fall for me instantly like I planned I went in front of her. "My names Kiba Inuzuka, but you can call me tonight."

"Hi tonight, I'm not interested." Still not looking at me she continues to punch the tree.

"Feisty, I like it." Akamaru walks up to the front of her legs and stands on his hind legs. He pats her knees and barks. Bending down she picks him up and stares and him for a while, deciding something. Then suddenly, brings him close and starts petting the white puppy.

"So cute!" She says and nuzzles her nose with his. I cross my arms at the amount of attention he's getting from her. He licks her face and she giggles, setting him down on the ground where he wags his tail.

She sighs and looks at me, "sorry forgot you were there, heh." She rubs the back of her neck a ting of blush on her cheeks.

"So what are you doing, cutie?" I say taking a step forward . "Training obviously, you?" She says taking a step backward. "Walking Akamaru, obviously." I mimic her, taking more steps forward only for her to move back.

She deadpans and rolls her eyes. "Are you going to continue your lame flirting attempts or can I continue?"

I gasp and fake hurt, "lame?! My flirting skills are awesome."

She gives me a look and walks away. I continue to try to talk to her to which she shuts me down, by then it's time for breakfast.

"Well mutt, it wasn't nice meeting you and I've got to go, later." She says then scratches Akamaru behind his ear and  jumps into the tree I was in earlier and grabs the card thing she threw.

"Wait!" I call out. She turns her head. "What's your actual name, cutie?"

"Aisha Inumaki." She says and runs away. I leap up to the tree she was in and watch her go. As soon as she's out of sight I sigh and lean against the tree. Aisha Inumaki. I think then call up Akamaru and walk back home, thoughts filled with the strange, new girl.

Aisha's POV

"How far away is the target?" Kakashi mutters into the transmitter.

"Five meters and closing!" Naruto replies, "so... How much longer are we gonna wait?!"

Sakura inches closer to the target, "I'm in position."

"So am I." Sasuke says from the tree he's behind. I grunt back a 'same' and sit down on the ground, beyond bored with this stupid 'mission'.

"All right!" They get ready to move I just pull out my cards and start shuffling them for no reason. "GO!"

As soon as Kakashi says those words, they jump out of their hiding spots and charge for the target. Naruto letting out a war cry.

"GOTCHA!" Naruto yells as he grabs the poor cat, thrashing it in the air. The fuzz ball doesn't take it to kindly and let's out a screech as it attacks Naruto's face.

I smirk at that. 'Serves him right.. The boy's annoying.' Tanaka suddenly speaks from the back of my mind. 'Like your any better, flea bag. Now shut up!" I say. "You bi-" he starts but I cut him off and throw up a chakra wall trying to save myself from getting a headache from that fucking wolf.

Kakashis voice rings in my ear, "Make sure it has the red ribbon on its right ear. It Should say 'Tora'."

"Affirmative." Ooh big word, for lil' Sasuke. "Good. Then mission accomplished!"

We arrived  at the Hokages office ten minutes later. "Poor Tora! Good little kitty-kitty, I was so worried about you, I could've died!" The fat ugly lady, who was the cats owner, Lady Shijimi, says as she squishes the gray cat to her face. Only for Tora to Meow and attempt to push away from her.

"That stupid cat deserve it after he attacked me!" Naruto says next to me pointing at the lady and her cat.

"I don't blame him for running away." Sakura sweat drops at the scene ahead of us.

As the fat woman leaves the Hokage pipes up "Now the next assignment for team seven will be... Hmm... To babysit for the council of elders... To run errands to the neighbouring village... To help dig up sweet potat-"

"NO WAY!! NO THANK YOU! BOORRINNGG!" Naruto shouts cutting off the Hokage. His hands forming an 'X' as he continues, " GIVE US SOMETHING DIFFERENT, SOMETHING IMPORTANT, SOMETHING AMAZING!"

As pissed off as I am for his yelling, he has a point and I can see Sasuke and Sakura agreeing as well. Kakashi looks apologetic at the Hokage for Naruto's banter.

"DON'T BE A FOOL!! YOUR ONLY A BEGINNER! EVERYONE STARTS OUT DOING GRUNT WORK! ITS WHERE YOU GET EXPIRENCE SO YOU CAN WORK UP TO BIGGER THINGS!" A ninja with brown hair in a spiky-pineapple like ponytail, and a scar across his nose yells back at Naruto. The Hokage just sighs.

"WE HAVE DONE LOTS OF SMALL STUFF. CANT WE GET SOME ACTION?!!" The blonde knucklehead yells back.

Kakashi whacks Naruto over the head, "Naruto, that's enough. Knock it off!"

"Apparently Naruto needs an explanation of just what these duties are.." The Hokage says. Taking a drag from his pipe.

I zone out and listen to Naruto's ramen talk on what he kind he'll eat today. A lot better and far more interesting than whatever the Hokage's talking about.

He finally realized that none of us were paying attention to him so he yelled at us.

"I'm... Sorry." Kakashi says bashfully.

"I don't want to hear it! There's more to me than the trouble making screw up, The old man thinks I am!" Naruto yells.  I'm surprised he is actually standing up to the Hokage. Here I thought everyone worshipped him.

Kakashi sighs, "I am going to be in so much trouble later..."

"Very well... Since you put it that way... I'll permit you to attempt a C rank task,  The protection of a certain individual." I'm shocked the old man actually gave in. It's good though.

Naruto's grin gets bigger, " WHO IS IT? SOME LORD? A PRINCESS?"

"Bring in our guest."

A man holding a bottle of alcohol comes out. He's swaying slightly and slurs as he talks, "What's going on here? They look like a bunch of snot-nosed brats. Especially the little guy with the idiot look on his face. You kids aren't really ninja."

"HA! Who's the little guy with the goofy face!" Naruto yells crossing his arms. We line up tallest to shortest. First Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, then me.

I would've gotten angry but he said guy so it's not me. I turn to Naruto "you."

It takes him a moment of looking back and forth between us and the he finally gets it.

"ILL KILL HIM!!" He lunges for the old man but Kakashi grabs onto the shirt of his collar. Naruto thrashes screaming to let him fight the old man.

"Wrong. No killing the old man you've been assigned to protect."

"I am Tazuna, a bridge builder, until I am safely back in my own country where I'll be completing my next bridge, you'll all be expected to protect me. Even at the cost of your lives!"

"Okay that's all." Kakashi says, "Meet back at the gates In 1 hour."

I shrug and walk away towards the doors of the building. I head home and restock my weapons and bring some food and medical supplies. Hey, ya never know what might happen. Then I leave my home and begin walking.

"AISHA! AISHA! WAIT UP!" I hear Naruto scream. I stop and turn around. He's closing the door to his apartment that's right next to mine. I guess we're neighbors. Great.

He comes up to me, "wow, I never actually thought you would wait for me, thanks!"

I scowl. "Whatever." And continue to walk, Naruto beside me.

"Oh hey Aisha, wanna know how I got out of the ropes that tied me to the post last week?" He runs in front of me, making me stop.

"I don't care." I say and I walk around him.

"Yes you do, ya know your playing cards? Well you left one near me and I was able to use it to cut the ropes. Here," he hands me the card that was missing. Relief floods through me but I don't show it. Instead I keep my blank expression. "Thanks." And I take it.

"Ya I thought you'd want it back." He says grinning.

I mutter something and then we walk together until we get to the gates. We had joined up with Pinky and duck-butt along the way.

Soon everyone including the bridge builder arrives. "ALL RIGHT ROAD TRIP!" Naruto yells fist pumping the air.

Sakura looks annoyed at his yelling, "What are you babbling about?"

"This'll be the first time in my life outside the village!" He says moving around looking everywhere, with a huge grin on his face.

"Really?" I say. Hard to believe that he's never been anywhere, when I've traveled almost everywhere.

"Yup!" As he says that, I look back at the gates. I admit, I may be scared that Orochimaru might pop up out of nowhere. I can see my scratch marks from my nails still fresh. I shake my head and turn away.

Tazuna points at him, "Am I really expected to place my life in the hands of this fool?"

Kakashi sighs, "There's no call for concern. I'm an elite ninja and I'll be along too."

"Listen you old geezer! You don't mess with ninja!" Naruto points at Tazuna, "Especially a really good one like me! Some day I'm going to become Hokage! So remember my name, ITS NARUTO UZUMAKI! BELIEVE IT!"

Tazuna and Naruto continue to bicker so I speed ahead and walk the dirt trail  alone. Eventually Sasuke comes up and walks with me. I pay no attention to the emo boy.

"Who are you?" He says. I roll my eyes and keep walking.

"Hey!" He walks in front of me, stoping me. Geez, seems like everyone is doing this today."I said, who are you?"

"Aisha Inu-" he cuts me off. Ass hole. "I didn't ask for your name."

"And I didn't ask for you to be such a pain in the ass. Move." I say and push him away.

I keep on walking and he finally leaves me alone. Good. Kakashi's talking to the trio about the land of waves or something. I don't really care since I've been there before. Not my favourite place for a few reasons.

Looking at the ground, I notice a puddle up ahead. I exchange a look with Kakashi. He sees it too. But gives me a look that says to keep quiet.

I of course, am not going to do that. So as soon as I get to the puddle, I leap high in the air and focus some chakra into my feet, then come down splashing the water everywhere. I stomp on it some more. "Cut it out!" Sakura shrieks. Her pink hair is wet from the droplets and her clothes are now dirty.

I look back at her, "Oops..Sorry." I give her a innocent grin showing my fang-like canine teeth, and eyes closed. She looks a little shocked that I; 1. Said sorry, 2. Smiled and 3. Didn't glare but instead seemed childish.

She try's to clean herself up and keeps walking. Kakashi catches my eye and I give him a sass filled 'what?' Kind of look in return.

Finally my ears pickup a slight trickle in the water. I bring my hands to the ninja pouch that holds my cards and get them ready between my knuckles.

A man jumps out of the puddle and goes to attack. I immediately go towards Tazuna to protect him when Kakashi is tied up with their poison laced chains, enabling him to move. I throw my cards, slicing the guys skin, when another ninja appears. They together pull the chains and rip Kakashi to shreds.

The others realize that we are being attacked and get in position, scared of what has become of their sensei. I still can sense his chakra in the tree nearby so I'm not worried.

The attackers get Naruto from behind and bring up their chains. Sasuke jumps up and throws shuriken at the metal, holding it against the tree. While he fights one guy, I get the other. Sakura protects Tazuna and Naruto is frozen in place.

It's a tijutsu battle and I have the advantage. He's wearing a hidden mist headband and he used a transformation jutsu to turn into the puddle, so he must be a water style user. But there's no water in sight.

I block his punch with my arm and smirk. Focusing chakra into my knee I bring it up and hit him straight in the stomach. He doubles over and try's to catch his breath. But I quickly kick him straight in the jaw sending him flying backwards. I make sure he's unconscious then go to look at everyone else.

Sasuke is in front of Sakura and Tazuna prepared for the on coming attack. But at the last second Kakashi appears and flips the guy over.

Sakura and Naruto look happy that he's 'alive' but Sasuke looks mad that he stole his spotlight. Attention whore.

"Sorry Naruto, I should have moved to help you sooner before you got injured," I look at Naruto's hand and sure enough there was a cut through his skin. "It never occurred to me that you would freeze up. Good job Aisha and Sasuke. You too Sakura."

Naruto gets a funny look on his face, now noticing how strong his rival is. "Are you okay?" Sasuke turns to him, "Scaredy cat." He mocks.

Naruto gets irritated. I walk up to him. "Oi blondie, stop moving or the poison will spread. If we cut it deeper the blood flow will wash away the poison." He stands still.

"Mr. Tazuna, I need to speak with you." Kakashi lifts the enemy ninja up and ties them to a tree. "Our attackers appeared to be journeymen level ninja of the hidden mist ninja. They're shinobi renowned for their willingness to fight to the death until their goal is achieved. Obviously they were watching and waiting for us. The sun is out and it hasn't rained for weeks, so there shouldn't have been puddles on the ground." He looks at me and I nod back.

"If you knew all this, then why did you let those creeps attack you?" Tazuna said. "I could have killed them at any time, but, I wanted to find out who their real target was."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Were you really the ones they were after, or was it one of us ninja? There had been no word of any shinobi seeking to take you life. The request was to protect you from any roving bands of thieves or brigands." Kakashi clears his throat. "It's clear that this is more than a 'B' rank mission. If you expected to be the target of a ninja assault, then that is beyond question."

Pinky pipes up "We're not good enough yet to handle something like this... Can we quit? We need an anesthetic for Naruto's wound before we can reopen and drain the poison. Can't we return to the village and have the doctors look at it?"

I focus on Naruto. Suddenly he brings out a kunai and stabs it in his cut. Sakura screams at him. "Why am I always so different? I should be strong by now. I swear no ones ever gonna have to save my life again. I'm not going to be the one who hangs back or freezes up. And I'm not going to be outdone by Sasuke! With this kunai knife, I promise you, I will protect the old man!"

While everyone is moved by his speach I go up to him. "Touching speech and all, but you exceeded the need of the blood flow. Meaning you could bleed to death."

His face falls and he starts to panic, "AHHHHH! NO WAY! IM NOT GOING TO DIE LIKE THIS!"

I grab him by his collar, " Calm down and give me your hand." I say roughly. He does as I say and I look at the wound. My eyes widen. The cut is almost healed. How is he doing this? I focus chakra in my hands and they glow green. As soon as I place my hands on his wound, to prevent it from scaring, I feel a strange bolt of electricity pass through me. Instantly I pull away. Ignoring it, I continue healing it and release his hand. "...There."

Tanaka starts to go wild in my head, yelling something about his chakra. As  I'm calming the beast down with many chakra walls, Tazuna speaks up, "Kakashi...I....I have some things to say."

New chapter! What did you think? I can't wait to write about Zabuza soon because he is fricken fabulous!

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