Miles Per Hour 2

By YamiJaquez

3.5K 148 1

"If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough" ― Mario Andretti Living with Ralph now, the... More

Author's Note
Highway Gas
Pepper Spray
Hacking Aid
Melvin Again
Old Friend
Fear Drives Speed
The Day of the Wedding
Racing in Reality: Bullets per Second
Mansion Down
Not ready to forgive
Landing in Thailand
Turning Point
Flare of love
A Joke
MIA Bound
External Freedom
Back To Druid Hills part 2
Hot & Dry, New Mexico
Dirty Business
Ascension, Mexico
Eve's Crisis
La Sangre
Blood Runs Thick
High Hopes
No more dead Bodies
Near the Abyss
Rebellious yet Free

Flashbacks: Military Acad Days

62 4 0
By YamiJaquez

A/N This part is just a flashback of how military academy was like for Rosie. You are welcomed to skip it and proceed to the next chapter.

A month into Military academy: 1st grade

I was 6 years old when I got enlisted in the Military Academy. I didn't know why Deckard would put me in such a cruel place. It didn't look like a stereotypical, scary, boarding school. It was clean and the halls were painted in white and everything looked nice and orderly. But I just didn't like it at all.

And to be honest, it was not like they tortured me, no not at all. We had normal classes and then actual military training every day. Training at first was horrible, but I eventually got used to it; it was like a mini boot camp. I learned how to defend myself physically and mentally. I learned to listen to others and respect those who were older than me.

One month into Military Academy, I was still a innocent little girl who just wanted her dad and brother and of course her mom. Chris was in the same academy and I saw him at lunch and on weekends but not as much as I wanted because we were in separate dorm halls. I didn't understand why I had to be away from the people I loved.

"Rosie, your Dad is here." The supervisor said walking in my dorm. 1 month without seeing my dad. I remember being excited like it was Christmas or something. I was on the floor playing with my roommates. I had three other roommates who were in the same grade as I was. I got up, excited and ran to grab the supervisor's hand as she led me down the hall. We went across the building to Chris's dorm to go get him.

"Daddy is here!" I said running up to Chris who was 10 at that time. Chris wasn't all that excited, but I could tell he was trying. We walked to the meeting room and ran up to Deckard.

"Are we finally leaving dad?" Chris said with a sad expression. Deckard looked at him and then at me.

"This is your school Chris, you can't just leave." Deckard said showing no emotions whatsoever. He wasn't as excited to see us I guess.

"I miss home daddy." I said holding on to him. My plan was to never let go.

"I'm sorry sweetie." He said patting my hand.

"I don't want to stay here!" Chris screamed as he started crying. The supervisor tried to calm him down, but it was useless.

"Mr.Shaw. They are in good hands, I assure you." She said grabbing Chris's hand as he cried. I looked up at Deckard and saw how he didn't show no emotion towards Chris. I remember feeling mad, because that's my brother, his son. I sudden realization hit me and at that moment I knew my brother needed me, so I let go of Deckard and ran to Chris.

Two years ago. My 13th Bday.

I hated boarding school since the moment I stepped inside it, but over the years, I guess I got used to it. Getting in trouble never got old though. I was inside my dorm, doing my homework when I got called out of my room to see a "visitor". The last visit I had gotten was from Ralph a few weeks back, and Deckard 6 months back. He called to check up and stuff, but it was never like I wanted to talk to him...I rather not hear from him.

"Happy Birthday leedo one!" Chris said to me as I walked out to the family visiting place. He picked me and hugged me really hard. He was 17/18 at this time. It was his last year there before enlisting in the marines.

"Stop let me down!" I said kicking him.  bit him in the arm and he let me go. We always liked to play around and physically hurt each other. I always wanted to prove him I was stronger.

"Deckard is here apparently." I said as we made our way to the room. Chris grimaced and rolled his eyes.

"I guess he brought you a birthday present." Chris joked and I pushed him playing around. We got to the room and there was Deckard with 2 wrapped boxed gifts in his hand and a half smile. I hated how he always tried to seem like he was happy to see us, like stop pretending.

"I'm surprised your remembered my birthday." I say walking up and grabbing the gifts. I fake smiled as I took the boxes from his hand. Two can play this game.

I gave Chris his box as I walked back.

"It isn't my birthday." Chris said to Deckard with rude sarcasm.

"I know, but I know you are graduating in a couple of weeks and I decided to give you an early gift." Deckard says looking at me and then at Chris.

"Ha." Chris fake laughed and gave me back the box. "Grandfather has that covered with the BMW he got me. Can't wait to give it couple' spins once I get out of this place."

"Chris we agreed on the Marines." Deckard said in a "father tone" voice.

"No Dad. You agreed on the Marines. Because my fucking opinion doesn't matter"  Chris said about to walk out the room.

"Chris." I said trying to calm him. Let's just say he doesn't have the best character when he gets mad.

"Do whatever you want then." Deckard said shaking his head. "But one day you will regret not listening to me and listening to Ralph."

"Whatever. Fuck it." Chris said turning around and walking away. "Oh and Rosie, I will call you later."

And there we were, just Deckard and I.

"Don't blame him." I simply say sitting down on one of the chairs in the room.

"I know its my fault . I know you guys hate me." Deckard says shaking his head. "You guys are safer here then anywhere else though." After he said that of course, I argued back and forth about the same topic we argue all the time about, mom. I told how I suspected he had something to do with her death and he denied it of course. At the end of the argument, I am a bit settled, so I decide to just leave.

"Bye Dad. Thanks for the gifts." I said with no emotion.

"Ill be here for Chris's graduation." Deckard said.

"Good." I said ."Oh, and you will not force me to join no branch of the army sorry." I walked out and went to my room.

Oh and the gift Deckard got me was a necklace with my name and a book that dealt with love,struggles, and ironic. I don't know what he got Chris since I didn't open his box. Until this day, that box hasn't been opened. It sits in the attic of our house.

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