Back to Wonderland (Heart no...

By blairanderson2001

10.8K 315 224

Alice decides to leave the Country of Hearts, but agrees to come back when she's ready. When Alice gets back... More

Author Notes
Whos who?
The Rules
Young Alice
Down we go
Ball at the Castle
Amusement Park
Hatters Mansion
Last Tea Party
Castle of Hearts
Clock Tower
No place like home
Nightmare to Daydream
High School Life
Hat to Rose
Wonderland is back
Tour of the school
Music Class
White Rabbit encounter
Dreams turn to Nightmare
Heart Castle Hallway
Moving day
Quality time in the garden
Nightmares return
Nurses office with worried friends
Cat and Master
Costume Shopping
March Hare
Joker Card
Sibling Rivalry
Fight with new and old friends
Poor Unfortunate Soul...
Dodge the Ball!
Deuce Ace
Cat Crush
Hatter Tea Party
New and Old Friends
Gleam and Glow
Center of a Circus
Young Nightmare
Roses are Red
Christmas Ball Prep
Don't Drop My Heart
Christmas Ball
Goodbye Friends
Everyone Knows...
Let's Just Explain
Nightmare, Gray, and Julius!
All Reunited!
Alice's new Nightmare
Off to Wonderland
All Must Come to an End

Remembering the Past

320 11 11
By blairanderson2001

The limo pulled up to the front of the mansion. It was way bigger than Alice had thought. Elliot opened the door and one by one, each person slid out of the vehicle. Alice was the last to get out, but Brett helped her out. Dee and Dum opened the grand doors to reveal the mansion form inside. It was gorgeous. The entrance was fit for a king. They all walked in, with Alice admiring every little detail of the house.

"Come Alice. We will be working in the living room," Brett explained. Alice caught up with the group and entered the living room. There was a warm fire place and a couple couches spread out across the room. The room was bigger than Alice's house.

"Well, I'll leave you kiddos alone! Don't have too much fun," Mr. Gowland teased. Vivaldi, Ace, and Peter all sat down on the red couch, and Brett, Elliot, Dee, and Dum sat across them on the blue couch. Boris and Pierce sat on the two yellow chairs. Alice looked around and plopped down on the white one.

"So! What type of songs should we do?" Pierce asked the group. No one seemed to really care about the project except Alice and Pierce.

"I think Alice should sing for us," Peter suggested. Everyone was now interested in the conversation. Alice didn't want to sing and she wouldn't agree.

"Oh come Alice. Please just one song. We have a piano you can use," Vivaldi pointed to the grand piano. It had a beautiful design of flowers. It looked just like the rose bush in Alice's garden!

"Well, I guess I can sing one song..." Alice got up and slowly walked over to the grand piano. She never preformed in front of people, and really didn't want to start. But she had this feeling that she had too. They all turned to face her. Alice placed herself and moved her hands on the keys. (Play the song now)

The minute she started to play, everything around her disappeared. The faces, the walls, and the piano were all gone. Alice was in a dark room and had no idea how she had gotten there. She started to hear familiar voices.

"Oh Alice dear where have you been," the voices sung. In the distance, a bright light shined. A beautiful young woman stood tall and in power. She wore a red dress with hearts all over it. Her crown was on her head, stating that she was the Queen.

Beside her was a man with glowing red eyes, but this glasses covered it with the light reflecting back. His hair was white as snow and his hand was placed over where his heart should be. His tall bunny ears twitched as he heard Alice walk towards them.

As Alice started to strolled over to them, a man with light brown hair and a warm smile came down from the air. He held a sword that was covered in blood! Alice step back, frighten. Alice couldn't see his face, for it was covered by a silver mask and a brown cape with blood spots. On his waist was a black bag that made a ticking noise.

Alice turned around and ran in the opposite direction. She ran into a man who wore a lot of pink and magenta. He had the cutest cat ears and a long fur scarf. He had a Cheshire smile. He reached his hand out to Alice, but Alice couldn't touch him. In his other hand, there was a gun! A gun that had just been used.

Alice backed up and bumped into another person. With his mouse ears, Alice couldn't help but get curios. She looked over the boy. He held some type of knife, which was covered in blood. What was wrong with these people. Who had they killed. Alice had fear in her eyes. She ran away from the freaks. She ran towards the darkness.

A bullet barely passed Alice's head. She froze. Someone had tried to shoot her. She could feel the presence to the person behind her. She turned around. A man with blonde hair stood tall. He had light brown rabbit ears and a gun pointed to Alice's head.

Alice stood shaking. Next to the man with the rabbit ears were two small boys, each holding an ax. Alice was trapped, there was no way to escape! They cornered her and were about to kill her until...

"Alice," a soft voice came from behind them. They all disappeared and in their place was a man with a hat. That hat looked for familiar. Alice reached out to touch the hat, but instead the man forcefully grabbed her hand and pulled her close. Their feet slowly danced across the darkness. Alice could barely see who the man was. They span around, and Alice started to feel dizzy. She pushed away from the strange person, and her head started to spin.

"Alice remember us! Remember who we are..." The voices echoed through the room. Alice couldn't stop hearing the voices. She didn't know what they were talking about, who was talking to her...

"Wonderland," Alice mumbled to herself. "Wonderland!" Alice fainted.

When Alice opened her eyes, all of the people she had seen in her dream were standing above her.

"Where... Where am I..." Alice stuttered. She was really dizzy and had a hard time getting up.

"ALICE! MY LOVE!" Peter attacked the little girl with a hug.

"Ack! Peter not so close. Come on we've had this talk multiply times, especially in Hearts Castle..." Alice froze. Alice had mentioned Wonderland.

"Alice, am I in love with you?" Peter asked with a very serious face. Alice was confused where she was.

"Am I in the country of diamonds again!" Alice panicked. She remembered being there last time. No one knew who she was. Brett started to smile.

"Alice, we've missed you," Brett spoke. Alice stood up shocked.

"Oh my god! BLOOD! MAD HATTER!" Alice raced to Blood's arms crying tears of joy. She was getting her memory back. Boris and Ace were growing impatient.

"What about us?" Ace and Boris said at the same time. Alice released her grasp and pulled them close to her.

"Boris and Ace. My Knave and Cheshire Cat," Alice cried. Boris started to purr and Ace enjoyed her heart beating. Vivaldi tapped on Alice's shoulder.

"Please tell me you haven't forgotten about me," Vivaldi sighed.

"Vivaldi! The Queen of Hearts!" Alice cheered. Vivaldi pulled Alice in for a hug. Vivaldi was actually crying. She had missed Alice very much and was always surrounded by those boys. She liked to have some girl time.

"Twins and my sleepy mouse," Alice recalled. The bloody twins raced to Alice's open arms, with Pierce not far behind.

"Big sis!" Dee sang!

"You've remembered us!" Dum finished. Pierce fitted his way so he was facing Alice.

"May I now squeak a kiss!" Pierce smiled. Elliot came up from behind and knocked the twins and mouses head. Alice gashed, hoping they weren't hurt.

"My my March Hare," Alice marched right over to him and tugged his ears. Elliot was not happy and made her they were all right.

"Alice, you know I hate that!" Elliot whimpered. Alice chuckled, she felt kind of bad for doing that, but his reaction was cute.

"Sorry. Had to make sure it was really you," Alice said. Alice turned around to see Peter White. She raced to his arms and held him tight. He stood shock that she would come to him, but started to enjoy the moment.

"White Rabbit. You found a way for me to come back to Wonderland," Alice sobbed. Peter petted her hair, remembering the first day he had saw her. This was the girl he loved so much.

"Alice, you had forgotten all about us. But now you remember and that makes me the happiest man in the world!" Peter cheered. He was hopping all over the living room, happy that Alice had remembered him. He was very happy that no words can describe it.

"I didn't want to forget. I'm just so glad to have this dream again," Alice smiled. They all stopped what they were doing. Alice thought it was a dream.

"Um... Alice. This is no dream. We all attend your high school now," Vivaldi confirmed.

"Right my school," Alice repeated. It finally kicked in. "Oh, you all attend my school now... This isn't a dream! This is all real! What am I going to do!" Alice started to pace across the floor in panic. Peter tilted his head.

"What do you mean? There's nothing wrong, is there?" Peter asked. Everyone else was being chill, except Alice.

"Keeping all of this a secret! We can't like anyone know. So many of the people in this world would see you as a threat! I mean, you chop off heads," Alice gestured to Vivaldi. "You kill people for fun," Alice looked over at Ace and Boris. "And all of you carry a weapon at all times!" Alice thought for a second. "Where are your weapons?" Ace sighed.

"In each hallway we have a special room that holds our weapons for us. It's been VERY hard no to touch them when we want to deal with our problems," Ace confess. Ace then started to smile. "We also have these really cool fighting rooms!"

"Well, you guys just need to keep acting... Normal," Alice ordered. Peter walked up to Alice side.

"Can we be a couple?!" Peter reached out for Alice hand. She waked him away.

"No," Alice rejected his request. Mr. Gowland finally entered the picture.

"So, how's the project going?" Mr. Gowland sweated.

"Pretty good. How's everything at the Amusement park?" Alice asked. Mary's eyes widen. He didn't know if Alice had her memories back so he played it cool.

"Whatdoyoumean?!" Mr. Gowland could barely hold the secret anymore. Alice laughed.

"She already knows," Boris snickered. Mary looked at her and she nodded her head. He gave a breath of relief.

"Thank god! I was starting to worry! Nice to finally see you again kiddo! You need to visit Wonderland more often," Mary teased. Boris rolled his eyes.

"You missed everything! You missed your cue, but whatever," Boris didn't like Mary that much.

"Well sorry. I've been trying to blend in with this society," Mary said. "You all almost blew my cover with the way you treat me in class. Now all the teachers are making fun of my name!" The Hatter family couldn't help but laugh.

"I don't blame them. I laugh every time someone says it," Elliot laughed his head off. Mary didn't blame Elliot, oh no. He blamed Blood for everything. Mary got face to face with his enemy.

"If Alice wasn't with us right now, I would see to it that you would be dead," Mary threatened. Blood didn't seem to care for Mary's threats. It was now just a normal thing. Boris wrapped his arm around Alice, exhausted.

'I knew I shouldn't have brought him. All I was thinking about was how happy Alice would have been when she saw him." Boris was saying it a little bit other dramatic. "Alice, I hope you're very happy that I brought the person you told me to bring. Look around. Are we missing anyone?" Alice looked. There was Vivaldi, Ace, and Peter. The Heart family was there. Blood, Elliot, Dee, and Dum were all together. Check for Hatters. And Boris, Mary, and Pierce for the Park family. And Julius was...

"Wait, where's Julius?!" Alice realized. She looks around the room and noticed some more people missing. "Nightmare and Gray are not here as well!" Alice turned her head to Ace. He started sweating and gave a fake smile to hide it. "Ace, you were supposed to bring Julius with you.

"Um... Julius didn't want to come with me," Ace sputtered. No one could tell if he was telling the truth or not. Alice looked heartbroken. Julius was always there for Alice, and she would have thought he would like to have come. "Alice don't get upset. you know how Julius is. He's been behind on a lot of work all because of these guys." Ace pointed back to the Hatter and heart family. Mostly Vivaldi and Blood.

"I guess I understand, but how come Nightmare and Gray aren't here?" Alice asked. Blood got up to answer the question.

"They were too far away. They were in a different country and we had to leave without them," Blood walked over to a table and poured himself some tea. Alice was upset that she couldn't see her dear friends, but she was glad she could at least see the ones that came.

"We all know how close you were to Julius, but no need to worry. When we take you back to Wonderland, you can see him then!" Mary was thinking positive. Alice eyes widened.

"Back?! That's right, I have to go back with you guys," Alice fretted. Peter hopped over to Alice's side and picked up her hand.

"Will you be staying at the castle my love?" Peter romantically asked. Pierce crawled under Alice's chair and looked up at her. He got down on one knee.

"No, no, no. You should come to the park," Pierce proposed. Dee and Dum stood behind Alice and each placed a hand on her shoulder.

"We would show you a better time at the mansion," Dee began. Dum followed.

"You could come play with us everyday," Dum finished. Boris got on the opposite side of Peter and got on one knee. He licked Alice's hand and rested his head on it.

"Or, you could always come on the run with me," Boris purred. Ace magically appear between the Bloody Twins. He got down to Alice's level.

"Julius and I would love for you to continue living at the Clock Tower," Ace whispered into Alice's ear. This was all too much for Alice! Peter over heard Ace and ruined the moment for everyone! He grabbed Ace by the collar and dragged him to a corner.

"You know very well that I don't want my dear Alice surrounded by those clocks!" Peter yelled. Ace kept a straight face, not really caring for Peter and his words. Blood made a move on Alice, while Peter was occupied.

"Come Alice. I would love to show you around the place. Things had changed since you've been gone," Blood held out his hand, waiting for Alice to take it, but Vivaldi was also making a move at the same time. She pulled Alice away from her younger brother.

"There is a very cute pond, along with a couple rose gardens," Vivaldi smiled. Alice always loved the rose gardens in Wonderland. They were so pretty and full of life. They were the only place where there was no violence. Boris started to chime in!

"There is also this really cool tea party table," Boris cheered. Then he looked over in Blood's direction. "But you have to have a personal invitation from the Hatter to go!" Blood smiled. He liked having power.

"Did I mention that we have a fighting room?!" Ace recalled. Alice nodded. Ace wouldn't shut up about that room. Blood was losing his patience, so he grabbed Alice's hand and dragged her behind him. The rest of the group followed them. The came upon a hallway this the theme color as red.

"As you see here, this is the Heart Castle Hallway!" Ace began. "People who live in Heart's Castle are the only people who may go down this hallway, except you Alice. You can go anywhere. Even into my room if you want..." Before Ace could say anything else, Peter waked his head.

"Don't say such silly things! Why would she ever dare step into that filthy place! Besides. People who live in this place can walked around wherever they want. That means I can go down any hallway at any time!" Peter explained the trust. Ace was trying to make it more romantic. They continued down to the next hallway. This one had the theme color of yellow.

"It's the Park hallway! Boris, Mary, and I live down there!" Pierce announced. Boris rolled his eyes. He didn't like sharing a hallway with the old fart and mouse! The strolled past and arrived to the next one. This hallway had a theme color of blue and dark colors.

"This is the Hatter Mafia one," Elliot told Alice. "And down there is your room." Boris and Peter were stunned.

'What are you talking about you dumb bunny?! We made Alice a room in our hallway," Boris declared. The hare and cat started to fight. Then the little white bunny, budded in.

"Please, you are all casing so much trouble for Alice. Let's just let her sleep next to me where I know she's safe," Peter honestly suggested. Boris pushed his and Peter fell on the floor. Alice finally spoke up for herself.

"You all know that I already have a place to stay. I live with my sisters," Alice reminded them. They all stopped for a moment, realizing their mistake, but...

"Oh Alice, you won't be living in that sick environment anymore," Vivaldi snapped. She didn't want Alice to go back to her old home. Alice was going to live with them.

"I-I-I can't just leave them?!" Alice replied. She couldn't just pack her bags and walk out the door. Teenage girls don't do that. Boris put his hand on one of Alice's shoulders.

"I'll come and help you break the news if you want?" Boris offered. Looks like Alice didn't have much say in the new arrangements. She never likes living with her sisters and her new brother in law. She knew she would be happy living here. Ace pulled Boris back and took his place.

"Alice doesn't want a damn cat to help her! She wants her best friend," Ace declared. he pointed to his chest, symbolizing that he was the best friend. Boris rolled his eyes and pull Ace towards him.

"I know. That's why I should go with her!" They were fighting again. Vivaldi had had enough of those boys.

"Alice, come with me! We are going to my room. No boys allowed!" Vivaldi ordered! Before Alice could speak up, Vivaldi grabbed her hand and marched into the red hallway, without anyone following them. 


So sorry for not updating sooner. I've been so busy with school and rehearsals. I hope we all enjoy the new chapter. It took forever. I'll update as soon as I can. Love you all.

~Blair Anderson

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