Never Look Up (Frerard Dld se...

נכתב על ידי xxfallout_mcrxx

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Sequel to 'Don't look down' Please read the first book if you haven't already! We were all effected by what... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26(The End)

Chapter 17

1K 72 31
נכתב על ידי xxfallout_mcrxx

Gerard pov

As the court reopened the doors of what exactly happened last trial, the harder and harder it became to listen. It was like pulling a band aid off a wound that wasn't done healing.

About half an hour in, my mother leaned in and whispered, "Do you want to go home?" It was obvious I was upset, but I'm not leaving until I hear the word guilty leave that judges lips again.

"No. I'm okay." I assured her as I clenched the clutter of used tissues that were in my hands.

My mom looked like she wanted to say more, but stopped as we heard Mr. Davis begin defending his client.

"Your honor, Mr. Hood was under the influence of multiple intoxicants and that is the reason for his actions that night."

"Objection." I hear the prosecutor rebuttal as he shot up from his chair.

"Sustained." The judge nonchalantly dismissed, causing the prosecutor to sit right back down.

"The defendant has been through many months of rehabilitation, and I believe he is ready to be put back into society...with a few alterations to his rights."

The court was silent. He just purposed that they let him go! I think we all know that is never happening.

"I'm calling a recess." The judge announced, banging the gavel twice against the wood of his raised desk.

The court broke out into conversation and I couldn't handle it. I stood up just in time to see Brian being guided away. He turned his head and his eyes met with mine. I was stunned by his stare; I couldn't breathe or speak. He only frowned, but was forced to tear his gaze away as he was pushed into another room. He looked different. His hair was shorter and facial hair was unevenly growing in patches on his chin. He looked older and empty...

"Gerard?" My mother reached for my hand and held it to get my attention. "Are you alright?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm going to go to the restroom. I'll be right back." My mom dropped her hand and leaned back against the bench. I squeezed my way through the isle filled with people and exited the room. I didn't realize how stuffy it was in there till I entered the hallway were a cold breeze met my skin.

Considering the size of an average building in Belleville, this place was huge. All the walls were a cream color with oak trimming that matched the judge's desk.

I followed down multiple corridors before finding the bathroom and frankly, I have no idea how to get back to the courtroom.

Before I entered, I heard a familiar voice from around the corner. I hesitated before backing up and eavesdropping.

Dr. Armstrong was standing there talking to a women I've never seen before. He looked stressed and the woman looked annoyed. "The lawyer for Mr. Hood said they are going to try and get a deal with the prosecutor. More rehabilitation instead of jail time. Soon we can put all of this behind us."

"Behind us? Billie, you killed that poor boy!"

"Be quiet! Look, I didn't mean to alright?!" He rested a hand on the women's shoulder. "I'm sorry, love, but to be fair, the person who is really at fault is getting punished."

The woman just pulled away from his touch. It's probably his wife. She looked disgusted with him, though. "You're just as guilty as the poor Brian kid. I'm tired of all your accidents! I can't live knowing what you've done!" She cried, releasing a shaky breath before walking away.

I can't believe what I had just heard. Ray's Doctor was responsible for his death. My doctor...
I turned the corner, exposing myself completely, but I didn't care if he knew that I heard. I'm surprised I haven't done anything rash yet.

"You..." Was all I could speak.

He whipped around because I startled him.

"Gerard!" He gasped. "H-How much did you hear?" He stuttered with wide eyes.


"You have to understand that it was an accident-"

"What did you do? I deserve to know what happened." My voice shook as my emotions teetered between rage and anguish.

"I-I overdosed him on a drug that sent him into cardiac arrest and eventually to-to death." He admitted shamefully, but that didn't keep the anger from overtaking my body.

As the impulsive rush travelled through my veins I lunged at him, pinning him against the wall. I was blinded by rage and wrapped my fingers tightly around his neck. I could feel his scum pulse under my fingertips.

"You killed him!" I accused, hot tears ran down my cheeks and I felt them run down like waterfalls.

"I'm sorry! Please! I can't breath!" He gasped, his voice strained.

"You fucking deserve to die you piece of shit!" I mutter, a look of disgust altering my face.

"Killing me would do nothing but make your life even harder, Gerard." It was a valid statement that knocked some sense into me and I tried to read his face to determine if this guy was being a smart ass or not.

"Either way you're gonna rot in jail." When I said that a sudden look of realization covered his face as if this was new news to him. Perhaps, it is a mind boggling thing to remember you're a murderer.

I released him and backed away as far as possible trying to calm my nerves.

"You can't tell anyone please! It'll ruin everything I've worked for! Please." He pled.

Suddenly, I didn't know what to do. He claims it was an accident, but what if he's lying?

What would Ray do? He would sympathize for him, but he would want justice too. Right?

I shook my head as my thoughts mushed together stressfully.

"You want me to let you get away with murder?" I stated aloud, trying to wrap my head around this. He didn't reply, he just hung his head low. "Recess is probably over. You have to take the stand." I reminded him before turning on my heels and walking back towards the direction I think the courtroom is. I shook my clammy hands in an attempt to calm myself before entering.

A few wrong turns later I relocated the large double doors. The session was in place and as quietly as I could, I pushed open the heavy door and went to sit beside my mom.

She leaned in by my ear and demurred, "Are you okay? You took awhile."

I nodded, keeping my head down. I wanted to tell her everything, but now was not the time. Besides, I don't think I could get through it without crying.

I heard the doors open from behind me, I knew it was Dr. Armstrong. Before he could even sit down I heard Mr. Davis say, "I call Ray's Doctor, Billie Armstrong to the stand to give the jury statistics of Ray's health before death."

My mother visibly tensed beside me as he took his place and recited the oath. I looked over at her and her disconsolate eyes met mine. She knew something. My lips parted as the urge to ask became harder to control.

"October 11th." He began. "The date a patient named Ray Toro died. As I researched further into your cause I found that death is no stranger to those who were in your care. Explain?"

Dr. Armstrong scanned the jury petrified.

"Dr. Armstrong?" The judge urged.

"I-Can you be more specific?" He asked.

"Fine, was the two gun shot wounds to the chest the cause of Mr. Toro's death? Or was there something else?" Mr. Davis asked confidently, like he knew. He approached the stand trying to be intimidating and It was working.

"Answer the question, Doctor." The judge ordered, his voice stern and demanding.

"I'm giving you a chance to answer this truthfully before the autopsy report does." Mr. Davis threatened.

"Th-There was something else." He confessed. His voice shook with nerves and he folded his hands together in front of him on the desk. "I-I gave the patient Barbiturates because he just got out of surgery that removed the bullets from him.... Uh, I  gave him an overdose and that caused Mr. Toro to go into cardiac arrest and die. Is that what you wanted to hear?!" He cried.

"Yes, but this isn't the first time it's happened, is it?" Mr. Davis continued to pile on.


"How come you didn't tell anyone of these accidents?"

"I didn't want to get sued and lose my medical license."

"You do realize this makes you just as at fault as my client." Mr. Davis announced, and I finally understood the point of all this. He doesn't want Brian to be convicted.

"Objection! Dr. Armstrong is not the main subject of this trial.

"Sustained. Answer the question."

"Yes, I am aware." I could tell from the lifeless look on the mans face that he knew he was doomed, and I couldn't have been fucking happier. The courtroom was absolute chaos. People began to talk amongst themselves; most shocked and outraged because most people trusted this doctor.

"Order!" The judged yelled over the commotion. "I call for another recess!"

I watched in slow motion as Dr. Armstrong was arrested. Mr. Davis walked down the aisle to exit and my mother followed. When I entered the hallway I saw my mom have a conversation with Mr. Davis.

"I thought you said you weren't going to expose him here!" She hissed.

"I didn't have a choice. It was now or never. Why are you so angry?" Davis defended.

"I didn't want my son tangled in all this! We agreed to that!"

"Well I'm doing this for my fucking client, not you." Mr. Davis shot back.

"Mom, I already knew." I interrupted to calm down the escalating situation.

"Did Frank tell you?"

"No, I overheard Dr. Armstrong talking to his wife about it. I was shocked, but I'm glad he's going away. This needed to happen."

"I know, but today wasn't the day." She grumbled folding her arms over her chest. As a lawyer she knows exactly how she wanted it to go.

"Look, maybe you and Gerard should go home, Donna." Davis suggested. "It's going to be a long day."

"I'm staying. Gerard, since you drove separate, I think you should go home."

I only nodded. Arguing would only make it worse.

When I entered the house the only noise was the muffled base guitar coming from Mikey's room. I peeked into my room to see Frank sitting on my bed writing. The sound the door made at the hinges made Frank snap his head up.

"Gerard? How'd it go?"

"It was interesting. Donna staid because it is far from over," I sat beside him looking at his writing, which was upside down for me at this angle. It looked like he was writing music. "How come you didn't tell me about Armstrong?"

Frank frowned and his eyebrows furrowed together. "You found out."

"It kinda came up during the whole trial..." I shrugged, running a hand through my hair.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just wasn't expecting it, you know?"

"Me either. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"It's fine. It's just nice to finally have answers. You think I should tell Mikey?"

"Well, doesn't he want answers too?"

"Probably. I just don't know how he'll react..."

Frank looked down, pursing his lips together as he thought. "I think he can handle it."

I heard the bass playing stop from the other room and then Mikey's door open. "Gerard? You're home?" He asked as he pushed open my bedroom door a little more.

"Yeah, I am. What's up?"

"W-what happened?" He asked nervously.

I wanted to triumphantly say, 'Justice.' Like they do in those cool cop shows, but Mikey deserves so much more than an one word answer. So I told him everything.

If only it was always this easy to be open with him about everything, but unfortunately it isn't.

Hey, so I'm trying to work on editing. I edited Don't look down a little so some stuff is different but not much. Anyway, thanks for reading this. Comment/vote if you liked it plz? I feel like it's bad...

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