Back to Wonderland (Heart no...

By blairanderson2001

10.8K 315 224

Alice decides to leave the Country of Hearts, but agrees to come back when she's ready. When Alice gets back... More

Author Notes
Whos who?
The Rules
Young Alice
Down we go
Ball at the Castle
Amusement Park
Hatters Mansion
Last Tea Party
Castle of Hearts
Clock Tower
No place like home
Nightmare to Daydream
High School Life
Wonderland is back
Tour of the school
Music Class
White Rabbit encounter
Dreams turn to Nightmare
Remembering the Past
Heart Castle Hallway
Moving day
Quality time in the garden
Nightmares return
Nurses office with worried friends
Cat and Master
Costume Shopping
March Hare
Joker Card
Sibling Rivalry
Fight with new and old friends
Poor Unfortunate Soul...
Dodge the Ball!
Deuce Ace
Cat Crush
Hatter Tea Party
New and Old Friends
Gleam and Glow
Center of a Circus
Young Nightmare
Roses are Red
Christmas Ball Prep
Don't Drop My Heart
Christmas Ball
Goodbye Friends
Everyone Knows...
Let's Just Explain
Nightmare, Gray, and Julius!
All Reunited!
Alice's new Nightmare
Off to Wonderland
All Must Come to an End

Hat to Rose

316 11 9
By blairanderson2001

Alice had had a long day at school, and it had been forever since she had been able to sleep. She though that Nightmare had forgotten all about her, but nope. In a few minutes, the devil himself appeared before Alice. He looked awful, with bags under his eyes and some blood running down from his mouth. 

"Nightmare! Are you alright?!" Alice shirked. She ran over to Nightmare to check him, but he shook his head.

"Alice, you do not need to worry. I am perfectly fine. Gray just decided to trick me into taking some medicine. It was very cruel of him," Nightmare explained. "I think the medicine made my sickness worse." Nightmare pulled out a handkerchief and cleaned himself up. "So, it's has been awhile since I've seen you darling."

"It has. School is taking up so much of my time," Alice chuckled. "Hey Nightmare, could I tell you something. Something I've noticed about this world."

"Of course my darling. Talk away," Nightmare set himself down on the ground to listen to Alice. He could tell Alice was trying to put it all together before she spoke, but Nightmare just let her talk.

"I've met so many people in this world. People that I care about a lot. I just find one thing, well, weird," Alice shared her thoughts with Nightmare. "What I find weird is that every time I look at Sibyl, I remember Vivaldi. Every time I see Amy, she reminds me of Elliot. Every time I see Ralph, I recall Boris. And every time I see Ramin, I think of Ace." Nightmare stood up with no emotion on his face. He was hiding something.

"Well, I hate to say this Alice, but you've experienced weirder things in your life," Nightmare remarked. Alice didn't understand why he had said that. She knew that, but she just thought it was a funny thing to think. "Think of the positive Alice, now you'll never forget Wonderland."

"Nightmare, I don't mean it as a joke. I feel like their personality's were plan in someway. There are millions of people in this world, and the people I have become friends with are just like the people in Wonderland," Alice argued. Nightmare smiled the devilish smile he always did.

"Alice, I'm sure it's just a coincidence. I guess people with their personality are attracted to you," Nightmare commented. Nightmare got close to Alice and ran his hand through her golden hair. "I know I'm attracted to you..."

Alice took a step back, away from him. Nightmare didn't believe her. She had become more stubborn since she had  entered the new world, and she realized that she needed to believe in herself more. Nightmare tried to get close to Alice again, but she would always take a step back.

"Nightmare, I know you don't believe me, but my goal is to prove it to you! I'll get evidence to show you!" Alice vowed. She wanted a challenge, and Nightmare wasn't going to back down. 

"I bet you will, and I believe in you. Now Alice, I hate to ruin the party," Nightmare disappeared and reappeared right by Alice's ear. He leaned in a whispered "It's time for you to go to school..."

Alice sat up immediately in her bed. She had papers all over her room and her hair was a mess. She got up and stretched her arms in the air. As she was putting on her outfit for the day, she noticed something missing in her room. Blood's hat! Alice ran over to the window  and opened it up to see her backyard. There the hat was, lying on the ground. Alice was about to close the window when the hat started to glow. It glowed many colors, red, blue, green, purple, yellow, and white. It was transforming into something beautiful. Shamrock colored leaves started to come out of the hat, growing bigger and bigger each second. Soon the hat was no longer wearable, it had turned into a bush.   

But it wasn't finished. The first rose started to bloom, the color of a white pearl... Peter White.

The second had already started to catch up, the color of red wine... Ace.

The third rose, the color of a yellow daffodil... Elliot March.

The forth rose, the color of coffee... Pierce Villiers.

Some many other roses started to bloom on the new rose bush. A sliver rose, Nightmare Gottschalk. An Iris rose, Julius Monrey. A sapphire rose, Mary Gowland. A hot pink rose, Boris Airay. Two rose's were attached together, one the color of a cherry and the other the color of the blue sky, Tweedle Dee and Dum. A shadow rose started to bloom next to Nightmare's rose, Gray. The biggest rose looked just like a ruby, Vivaldi. The last rose was the one Alice would see first every morning. The emerald rose, Blood Dupre, the very man who had given Alice his hat. Alice didn't know why the hat did had done that, but she was so thankful it had happened.

Alice opened her door and started to walk downstairs. On the stairs, she smelled bacon, eggs, and toast. She never realized how hungry she was. Alice raced downstairs but suddenly froze. She looked in the kitchen and saw that the master chef was George. George had been living at Alice's house since him and Lorina were married, but Alice and Edith needed Lorina to live with them since they were both underage. 

"So glad I'm not in love with him anymore," Alice thought. She walked into the kitchen, trying not to be noticed, but George made eye contact.

"Good morning sunshine!" George cheered! How old did he think Alice was. Alice was going to respond, but Edith pushed Alice out of the way.

"Good morning George. I'm late for school, so I'll just have the toast," Edith commanded. Oh my god, she treated George like her butler. Edith had become a brat in this world. Sure, she was a brat in the old world, but she was more snobby than ever. George just smiled and handed the spoiled child a piece of toast covered in raspberry jam. Lorina walked in the room, looking as beautiful as ever. 

"Alice, there you are. I swear, you need to have an alarm clock in your room. You always wake up late..." Lorina couldn't finish her sentence because Alice had shook her head.

"NO! Please. I don't want an alarm clock. I enjoy my sleep," Alice wailed. Lorina just smiled like the sunrise.

"Well, alright pumpkin. You better get going. You'll be late for school," Lorina shooed the two girls out the door, waving goodbye as they boarded the bus.

The bus was always crowed, and Alice hated it. She didn't want to sit alone, but she also didn't want to sit by a stranger. Edith walked with propose and walked right over to her friend Jessica. 

"Hi Edith! Come sit by me. We have so much to talk about!" Jessica protested. Edith slid into the seat and started to fan girl about boys with her other spoiled friend. Right when Alice was going to take a seat, she heard something come from the back of the bus.

"ALICE! COME SIT BY US!" The shout belonged to Amy, of course. Alice dashed to the back of the bus, and plopped right next to Sibyl. Amy and Ralph were right behind their seat and Ramin sat across from Alice. 

"So, last day of school! I'm so excited for summer vacation. Alice you should come to my beach house!" Sibyl suggested. Alice still couldn't believe that her best friend was one of the richest people in the city. Every time Alice went over to Sibyls place, she would discover something new. But she could never stay long because her younger sister, Jessica would start to throw a fit.

"Maybe. It sounds fun. We should all go!" Alice replied. Sibyl loved the idea! She loved hanging out and spoiling her friends. 

"Are you two excited for prom next year! We're going to be seniors, so we get a dance just for us!" Amy cheered. Amy liked to party and everyone knew it. She was invited to all of them, no matter who was hosting it. Even if she wasn't invited, she found a way to show up. Ramin scooted to the edge of his seat to join the conversation better. 

"Amy, I hate to rain on your parade, but aren't you ground for like ever?" Ramin questioned. Amy's smile turned into a frown, trying to remember. A few seconds later, she had an idea.

"Look, I may get in trouble more than I would like to say, but I know how to have fun. I'll make a plan after school that will allow me to go," Amy promised. She hit Ramin's arm because he was a buzzkill sometimes.  

"SO! I think we should all go together in a small group. That way we can have more fun and it won't be as crowded when we meet up!" Sibyl suggested. Ralph stood up and put his hands on top of Alice's head.

"Hey! Are your Wonderland friends going to join us at prom," Ralph joked. Alice started to blush from embarrassment. She had told them about her trip to Wonderland, but they would always tease her about it. They didn't believe her, but they loved listening to the story.

"I don't know Ralph. I can't answer for them. But I think I know who you want to invite to prom..." Alice started to trail off, waiting for Ralph to responded. And he did. His whole face turned red and he started to sweat.

"A-Alice. You promised not to tell," Ralph croaked. "You wouldn't dare!" Ralph tried to cover Alice's mouth, but he couldn't reach all the way over the bus seat. Alice pulled Sibyl close to her and whispered in her ear.

"Ralph loves you Sibyl," Alice whispered. Everyone already knew that Ralph had a small crush on Sibyl, but Sibyl was in love with Ralph. Her favorite animal was a cat, and since his call is meowing, she loved him even more. 

"THAT'S WONDERFUL!" Sibyl declared. She grabs Ralph's head and pulled it close to her chest, giving his head a hug. "I love you too Kitty!" Ralph was not enjoying himself, but he couldn't just pull away from a Sibyl hug. That is the worst thing anyone could do. Ralph held his arms out towards Alice, who was laughing.

"Alice! SAVE ME!" Ralph cried. The bus came to a halt in front of the school, and all the kids started to get off the bus. Sibyl let go of Ralph, but held his hand. He was never going to be free.

"Sorry Ralph. The dance isn't till next year," Alice smiled. That's what he gets for always teasing Alice 24/7.

"I guess that means we're all going to have to stay friends until than!" Amy laughed. They would stay friends, because they all really cared about each other. They all walked together towards the school, for their last day before summer break.

That night, Alice was visited by Nightmare in her dream. Nightmare looked like his usually self, but Alice had determination in her eyes.

"Is there something you want to talk about darling?" Nightmare snapped. He knew that Alice wasn't in the mood for flirting, and he didn't want to get a lecture for the 100th time.

"Yes, there is Nightmare. I want to talk about how my new friends in this world are like the people in Wonderland!" Alice started. Nightmare smiled, remembering the talk they already had.

"Alice, I already told you. That is just pure coincidence," Nightmare swore. Alice knew that Nightmare was lying, which made her more upset. Why wouldn't he just admit that she was right!

"NIGHTMARE! Please listen. You may think I'm wrong, but I know for a fact that I'm right," Alice protested. Nightmare was surprised that Alice was standing up for herself. Usually she listened like a good little girl, but the new world had begun to change her. Obeying the girls command, he kept his mouth shut.

Alice closed her eyes and thought of Sibyl and Ralph. She knew that they had the same kind of relationship as Boris and Vivaldi. Vivaldi would do things that Boris did not want to do, but he did it anyway. Sibyl would always grab Ralph, even if you wanted to be left alone. For example, that day Sibyl pulled Ralph close to her and he tried to escape, but he soon caved in. They reminded Alice so much of Vivaldi and Boris that her heart started to break inside. Nightmare watched Alice's thought in horror. Alice was getting hurt, that wasn't part of his plan at all. 

"So you see Nightmare, I feel like..." Alice started to stutter. Nightmare stood in shock, looking deep into Alice's mind. "Nightmare, are you even listening to me!"

"Alice, like I've told you before. I think it's just pure coincidence," Nightmare reassured. Alice looked at him with disbelief.

"But... But the way Sibyl and Ralph act. It's just like Boris and Vivaldi! I'm not making this up Nightmare! I know you're hiding something from me! Why don't you believe me!" Alice cried. She hated that Nightmare was lying to her, and it was breaking her heart! Nightmare was the only one she trusted, and her trust for him started to fade away, fast.

"Alice, I never said I didn't believe you! I just think you're overthinking everything. Plus, you could be lying about them" Nightmare explained. That was all it took. Nightmare had said it and Alice had had enough of him.

"Nightmare, you can read my thought, look back at my memories! Nightmare, you're acting strange and I don't like it!" Alice snapped. The kindest people are the people you never want to make angry, and Alice was one of those people. Nightmare started to back up a little, keeping his guard up. He wasn't going to lose this fight. He just needed to change the subject.

"Hey Alice, I think Gray is looking for me in the Tower. Can you continue sleeping for a little bit longer. I don't want to go to the hospital," Nightmare whimpered. Alice stood tall, showing authority. 

"I'm sorry Nightmare..." Alice continued. "But I don't believe you!" Nightmare started to fade into the night and Alice woke up to see the sunlight shining through her window. After that night, Nightmare never came back to visit Alice. And the beautiful rose bush started to wilt.


I am having so much fun writing this book! And I hope you all are enjoying it! I've had some free time, so I posted this one early. I'll try and hurry with the next chapter. Maybe you'll recognize some old characters. Who knows. Thank you readers. You're my motivation to keep writing! Love you all!

~Blair Anderson

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