Back to Wonderland (Heart no...

Oleh opeuphie

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Alice decides to leave the Country of Hearts, but agrees to come back when she's ready. When Alice gets back... Lebih Banyak

Author Notes
Whos who?
The Rules
Young Alice
Down we go
Ball at the Castle
Amusement Park
Hatters Mansion
Last Tea Party
Castle of Hearts
No place like home
Nightmare to Daydream
High School Life
Hat to Rose
Wonderland is back
Tour of the school
Music Class
White Rabbit encounter
Dreams turn to Nightmare
Remembering the Past
Heart Castle Hallway
Moving day
Quality time in the garden
Nightmares return
Nurses office with worried friends
Cat and Master
Costume Shopping
March Hare
Joker Card
Sibling Rivalry
Fight with new and old friends
Poor Unfortunate Soul...
Dodge the Ball!
Deuce Ace
Cat Crush
Hatter Tea Party
New and Old Friends
Gleam and Glow
Center of a Circus
Young Nightmare
Roses are Red
Christmas Ball Prep
Don't Drop My Heart
Christmas Ball
Goodbye Friends
Everyone Knows...
Let's Just Explain
Nightmare, Gray, and Julius!
All Reunited!
Alice's new Nightmare
Off to Wonderland
All Must Come to an End

Clock Tower

267 9 4
Oleh opeuphie

Alice was about to make her journey to the Clock Tower, but Blood stopped her. Elliot and the bloody twins had already left, so why was Blood still there?

"Why aren't you walking back to the mansion? Don't you have work to do?" Alice asked. She knew Blood was always busy and he never had time for her, but he always made time. She didn't want to be a bother.

"Do you not want me to accompany you?" Blood responded. Alice really wanted to walk by herself, but she couldn't just say no to him. She was stuck with him until she reached the Clock Tower.

The two started to walk towards the Clock Tower, Alice's last stop before she went back home.

"Alice, I know there's a man back at home who you were very fond of. I just have one question. Did he look like me?" Blood questioned. He wasn't trying to tease Alice, he was being completely serious. He wanted to know why Alice had a hard time looking in his eyes. He wanted to know why Alice acted the why she did around him. He wanted to know everything about this man back at Alice's home.

"I feel you have the right to know Blood. His name was George, and yes I thought he was very handsome. He looked just like you," Alice trailed remembering him. "But soon I realized that he did things to his own advantage and he would lead women on, convincing them he loved them. Soon me older sister fell for the spell as well, but thing time he truly loved her."

Blood was speechless. Leading women on is an awful thing, but Alice of all people to fall for that. She must have been a different person back then.

"So you're saying that George and I are selfish jerk who only care about ourselves?" Blood teased. He liked to tease Alice because that always seemed to cheer her up.

"You two are completely different. But you can sometimes be selfish and a jerk to the faceless," Alice chuckled. Sure, Blood and George may look alike but they were two different people in Alice's life.

"Alice, you're the only one I allow to talk to me like that," Blood commented. If it was Elliot who was saying these things, it would be a bloody mess.

"I let your inappropriate jokes slide. You know how I feel about those," Alice jokingly complained. "Besides, I remember when I met your younger self in diamond, and boy did he get angry when I talked to him like that. When did your personality start to control your anger?"

"Don't change the subject. I don't like talking about the Diamond Blood. He's boring compared to you. Besides this George character..." Blood got interrupted by Alice.

"I know what you're thinking and no you may not hurt him. That's considered wrong in my world. But you are a mafia leader, so I can't really control you that well". Alice may have hated George, but she would never let anyone hurt the people she knew. She didn't like violence. Yet she still hung out around the Mafia, the people who kill the most. Alice always felt safe with them, even though they tried to kill her when they first met. After awhile of awkward walking, the two arrived in front of the Clock Tower.

"Alice, before you go, I have a gift," Blood flattered.  He took off his famous mad hatter hat and placed it on Alice's head. It was a little big and covered Alice's eyes, and she pushed it up to see Blood.

"I bet you do this to all the ladies in your life," Alice teased. Blood was a flirt when it came to ladies, but Alice never let her guard down. That's why Blood was so fascinated by Alice. Alice was about to take off the hat, but Blood stopped her.

"You are the only one I will ever do that to. Please, keep it. I way to remember me," Blood proclaimed. That was a very big gift, for he is know as the hatter. What would he do without his hat.

"No, you are the hatter, and I can't take this without feeling bad," Alice denied his offer, but that wasn't going to stop Blood.

"Alice, I have plenty of hats. I want you to keep this hat. It would make me the happiest person if you kept it," Blood objected. Alice was going to keep that hat. It meant the world to her. Alice was starting to cry. She loved Blood, so much. How could she leave him. Without a second thought, she was in Bloods arms and their lips were connected. Alice's heart melted. They released from each others grasp.

"I'll see you in your world, princess." And with that, Blood started to walk off, but he was stopped by Alice pulling him back.

"You can't just show up in my world. Your name is, how do I put this, different. You need to change it when you go up there," Alice recommended.  Blood pushed Alice's hair out of her face and kissed the top of her forehead.

"Don't worry about anything. I want to see your smiling face when I go up there. I'll take care of everything," Blood swore. At that moment, Blood realized that he would do anything Alice wanted. He had fallen under her spell, and he didn't want to escape. Alice starts to tear up, and that was Bloods cue to exit.

~In the Clock Tower~

Alice walked in to Julius work room. He was really busy fixing his clocks because Elliot went on a rampage in the village. Alice always worried about Julius. He was pale and got sick a lot. He needed a break.

"Julius. How are you doing? I'm so glad to see you!" Alice cheered. Julius always welcomed her to the Clock Tower, but never really welcomed her. Julius glanced up and saw the girl standing in he doorway.

"You can come in. What do you want? Did Ace drag you here again?" Julius said salty. He didn't really know how to interact with people. So everything he said came across as salty.

"No, I came by choice. I wanted to see you!" Alice exclaimed. She walked over to Julius and took a seat across from him. He didn't really pay attention to Alice because he was so focused on his work, unlike some of the people in Wonderland *cough* Peter White *cough*.  "Julius, I really wish you could teach me how to fix clocks, so you could get a break..."

"No," Julius answered. He was used to this question and he would always give the same answer.

"Is it because you don't trust me?" Alice asked.

"No, Alice. That's not it at all..." Julius started to trail off. "Your hands will get dirty. I don't want you to touch the clocks". Julius went back to working, but he seemed more irritated than usually.  Alice realized that was her time to stop talking and make him some coffee.

She brought two cups of coffee back. One for herself and one for Julius. Julius took the cup and took a small sip. He went back to fixing the clocks.

"42," Julius stated. Alice stood there shocked. That was the best coffee she had ever made, and it only scored a 42!

"But last time I got 75!" Alice complained. She liked there talks, because she could be herself.

"It's been awhile, so I guess you forgot how to make coffee right.  Do you hate me because I gave you a low score?" Julius questioned without any emotion. Alice only smiled.

"I could never hate you Julius. In fact, you're really important to me!" Julius frozen hearing those words. He may not show it, but he cared about Alice too. He snapped back into reality and only smirked.

"Don't say such things that aren't true." Julius knew that the only way for Alice to leave was to be rude to her. He didn't want her near the clock, but he couldn't just tell her to leave.

"But Julius, that is true. I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for you," Alice reminded. He was the first person Alice had met, other than Peter. Alice doesn't count him. Julius gave her a place to stay and feel safe. "Julius, do you remember that day I asked you if I should leave Wonderland?"

"Clearly. You already know my answer," Julius reminded. He supported whatever Alice choose, but thought it best if she left. It was no one's decision except Alice.

"Well, I made up my mind and I decided that I'm going to leave the Country of Hearts," Alice states.

Julius dropped his fixed clock  on to the ground. He only stared at it. This was new news to his ears.

"How many people have you told about this?" Julius  questioned. Alice looked at him weird and realized she could never lie to this man.

"I've told the Castle of Hearts territory, the Amusement Park territory, and the Hatter territory," Alice responded.

"Please tell me you didn't tell the mafia!" Julius stressed. He still sat on his chair, not making eye contact with Alice.

"Of course I told them. I needed to say my goodbyes. It wouldn't be fair if I didn't go there!" Alice pointed out. Alice always wanted to be a lady when it came to greetings and goodbyes. Julius finally looked up at Alice, with a very serious face.

"Alice, you've been here for awhile now. The mafia doesn't take these kind of things lightly," Julius hinted. He was worried that Blood or Elliot would try and stop her from leaving. Sounds like something they would do.

"Julius, you don't have to worry so much. They're not going to do anything because I'm coming back to Wonderland. Peter White is going to make the potion again, but this time he is going to bring everybody!" Alice announced. Julius was surprised. Peter would never let anyone go up there, especially Blood. "Also, I added you to the list, because I want you to go!"

"Who will get me when the time comes?" Julius asked. He never answered if he was going or not, but he wasn't going to come to Peter to get more details.

"Just talk to Ace when he comes with the clock. He should have all the information you will need," Alice swore. Julius chuckled at the thought of Ace actually remembering something. Alice waved Julius a goodbye, but she would make sure to properly give him a goodbye in the morning. She would contact Nightmare and Gray when she woke up. Alice walked off to her room and left Julius alone in his work office.

A few seconds later, Blood entered Julius office, without Alice knowing.

"So the rumors are true. You convinced Alice to leave," Blood snickered. He had been easing dropping on them. Julius stood up from his chair, ready to defend himself and Alice.

"I never told Alice anything. She once asked for my opinion and I gave her an honest answer," Julius concluded. Blood smiled.

"Listen Clockmaker. I'm not here to cause trouble. All I want is for you to bring Alice back to the mansion. I don't like her around all these clocks," Blood commanded. Julius felt the same way, but he also knew who Alice felt. He knew Alice felt safe here and there was a reason she picked this place last to say her goodbyes.

"I refuse! If she's here because she chose to be, then I'll allow it. You have no power over me Hatter, and you certainly don't have the right to control Alice the way you do!" Julius snapped. Blood's eyes widen in disbelief. No one ever talked back to him, and he did not like how that person was a clockmaker. Blood looked down at his feet and started to grin.

"Wrong answer," Blood whispered. Blood swiftly pulled out his gun. Before Julius could pull out his, the bullet was already through Julius shoulder. Red blood started to stain Julius clothes and he fell to the floor. He wasn't dead, but really injured. Blood gave a small laugh and started to walk out of the office towards Alice's room.

"Foolish Clockmaker..."


Hey guys. Sorry for the cliffhanger, it's just what I do. The next chapter is called No place like home. Hope you guys are enjoying Back to Wonderland, and I'll update as soon as I can.

~ Blair Anderson

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