Back to Wonderland (Heart no...

By blairanderson2001

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Alice decides to leave the Country of Hearts, but agrees to come back when she's ready. When Alice gets back... More

Author Notes
Whos who?
The Rules
Young Alice
Down we go
Ball at the Castle
Amusement Park
Last Tea Party
Castle of Hearts
Clock Tower
No place like home
Nightmare to Daydream
High School Life
Hat to Rose
Wonderland is back
Tour of the school
Music Class
White Rabbit encounter
Dreams turn to Nightmare
Remembering the Past
Heart Castle Hallway
Moving day
Quality time in the garden
Nightmares return
Nurses office with worried friends
Cat and Master
Costume Shopping
March Hare
Joker Card
Sibling Rivalry
Fight with new and old friends
Poor Unfortunate Soul...
Dodge the Ball!
Deuce Ace
Cat Crush
Hatter Tea Party
New and Old Friends
Gleam and Glow
Center of a Circus
Young Nightmare
Roses are Red
Christmas Ball Prep
Don't Drop My Heart
Christmas Ball
Goodbye Friends
Everyone Knows...
Let's Just Explain
Nightmare, Gray, and Julius!
All Reunited!
Alice's new Nightmare
Off to Wonderland
All Must Come to an End

Hatters Mansion

286 12 0
By blairanderson2001

The day couldn't last forever, well it could but it didn't. Night fell upon the Amusement Park and it was forced to close. Alice was invited to spend the night, but she had to make her way to the Hatters Mansion.

"Kiddo, we're sure goanna miss you. Who's going to keep these in order while you're gone," Gowland asked. They turned to look at Boris and Pierce who were already fighting. Boris was pulling on Pierces tail and Pierce kept trying to hit Boris with his little knife. Pierce wasn't doing a good job, so Boris had the advantage. Pierce noticed that Gowland and Alice were staring at them and he gave a little scream for help. Boris looked up and stopped bugging Pierce. Pierce ran over to Alice.

"One last kiss sweet heart?" Pierce gave Alice a peck on the lips and cheered. Pierce gave a wave and ran for his life because Boris was going to kill him for doing that. Boris was already red.

"Boris, will you escort me to Hatters Mansion," Alice asked. This put a smile on his face.

"Why of course madam. Will you be spending the night there?" Boris questioned with some concern. He wasn't a fan of the Hatter Party.

"I'm planning to. Do you think it will be rude? I don't want to be a bother?" Alice said. She hated when other people were busy and than she came along. That was another reason why she was leaving.

"Alice, you're never a bother to anyone. More of a blessing. Everyone loves you, remember that." Boris started to comfort Alice.

"We better be on our way then. Lets go kitty," Alice commanded. She started skipping out of the Amusement Park, but Boris just stood where he was. "Well...? Are we going to Hatters Mansion or not?"

"Alice dear, we're not walking. We're traveling through door." Alice froze. That was how Boris got around to so many places. He enjoyed it very much, but Alice on the other hand did not! Boris walked over to Alice and picked her up in her arms.

"Can't we just walk like normal people?" Alice panicked.

"I'm not normal or people," Boris replied. That didn't make any sense, which was Boris most of the time. Boris started to gain speed, making sure to hold Alice tightly so he wouldn't lose her. Gowland opened a door and right before the two went through, Boris kissed Alice. Alice couldn't think straight when Boris did that. She closed her eyes tight and let her lips be touched by the cat. When she opened them, they were in front of the gate to Hatters Mansion.  Boris set Alice down and tried to catch his breath.

"Why do you always do that," Alice asked with someone concern. Traveling through door always made Boris really weak and it worried Alice.

You want to know why," Boris asked. "Because I always get to kiss you!" Boris started to laugh, seeing that Alice was not please with the answer he just gave her. "We better get you inside before someone attacks here. This place is never safe." They opened the gate and started to walk to the front door, but someone was already blocking there path.

"Boris, stop breaking in to the Mansion. For the last time Alice is not..." Elliot looked over to see Alice was behind Boris. "Oh, Alice. What are you doing here?"

"I came to see my favorite mafia. Is now a bad time? I kind of need a place to stay, but Boris and I can head back to the park," Alice suggested.

"Alice, you're always welcome. Come right in, but the cat has to stay outside." Elliot gestured Alice to come right in to the mansion. Alice walked over to Boris and gave him one last hug. Boris kissed Alice on the cheek and bowed down to her. He turned into his purple cat form and prowled off.  Alice and Elliot strolled right into Hatters Mansion, one of the most beautiful places in Wonderland.

"By any chance can everyone meet in Blood's office?" Alice asked. Elliot was a little confused, but saw no problem. He ran off to fetch Dee and Dum who were supposed to be working. Alice had been at the mansion many times and was not new to where all the rooms were. She finally found Hatter's office, a place were she had spent most of her time. This was the room were Blood first kissed her.  Alice gave a small knock on the door.

"May I come in," Alice peaked her head inside to see Blood focusing on some paperwork. He had two huge piles of papers that need to be read and signed. He never told anyone what they were all for. Blood looked up to see Alice.

"Come in young lady. Long time since you've been here. What do you need? New book?" Blood offered. Alice always came to get new books to read. He had every book a girl could dream of, but her never opened them. Alice staggered in. She looked very weak and pale. Blood noticed. "Are you alright Princess?"

"NO!" Alice cried. She fainted, but Blood was able to catch her before she touched the ground. Alice had tears running down her face. Her head was burning up and her check's were on fire. Blood held her in his arms until Alice recovered. She started to catch her breath and she calmed down a bit. Blood held on to her as she wobbled over to the couch. The two just sat there, and Blood made sure to hold Alice tight and to comfort her.

A few minutes later, Elliot came in with Dee and Dum following. When they strutted in, Blood and Alice were drinking some tea and not talking to each other, as if nothing happened.

"BIG SIS!" Dee and Dum cheered. The twins ran over to Alice and gave her a big hug. It had been awhile since they had seen her. 

"So, did you have something you want to tell us, or what?" Elliot suggested. Alice never want to speak to all of them at once unless it was important.

"I'm leaving the Country of Hearts," Alice reported. Dee and Dum were shocked and Elliot did a double take. As for Blood, he just continued to sip his black tea.

"What!?" Dee snapped.

"Why?!" Dum echoed.

"I just feel like I put all of you in danger, when I'm around," Alice told. Dee and Dum started to laugh at her answer.

"Alice, that's alright. We love danger," Dee explained.

"We're the Mafia, so it's no trouble," Dum joined. Alice had a tiny laugh of her own. She gave a small hug to Dee and Dum.

"That's not what I mean," Alice said. Elliot started to think things over of why she would ever want to leave, then it hit him.

"Because you're an Outsider?"  Elliot concluded. Dee and Dum waited for Alice's reaction. She smiled and shook her head yes. Blood finally engaged in the conversation.

"Well that's a shame," Blood commented. Dee and Dum were about to kill him. Why was he acting so cool about this? If anyone was going to overreact about this situation, it should have been Blood, but no. He just pretended like nothing had ever happened. "It's Alice's choice, so we shouldn't stop her."

Alice was a little disappointed with his reaction, but that was how Blood handled problems. He  didn't want others to think he was weak.

"I don't want to be rude, but I was wondering if I could spend the night?" Alice remembered.

"Of course Alice, I'll show you to your..." Elliot got interrupted.

"Come with me," Blood commanded. He got up and grabbed Alice's hand. He pulled her behind him as they walked out of the door. Elliot, Dee, and Dum were left behind.

"Will we ever get to see Big Sis again," Dee whimpered.

"I want to see her again," Dum chimed in. Elliot rolled his eyes at the little children.

"Act more mature, like me and Blood," Elliot offered. Dee and Dum looked at each other and smiled. In a second, they started to grow into older men, and way more attractive.

"I'm still sad," said the older Dee.

"I want Alice to stay with us forever," older Dum cried. The Bloody twins started to hold on to each other and cried their hearts out. Elliot watched with some tears forming. Elliot started bawling. The twins grabbed him and pulled him into their hug. The three just sat on the floor and cried for their lose of Alice.

Blood and Alice started walking down the hall. Blood was still holding Alice's hand, which he secretly enjoyed.

"Did you enjoy the Country of Hearts, again?" Blood asked. Alice had travel to all the country's and now she was back at the Country of Hearts.

"I did, I enjoyed them very much, and it's fun to be back in my favorite. I guess I feel kinda homesick now," Alice responded. Blood stopped Alice.

"You are home. You can live here if you'd like," Blood corrected her. Alice stared into Bloods emerald eyes. Alice started to blush.

"Why are you being so kind to me? I've been waiting for you to make some sexually joke," Alice teased. The moment they had was ruined. Alice was kind of oblivious on everyone's feelings towards her. (My life).

"It's because I don't want you to leave," Blood replied. He didn't want to make Alice angry, he wanted to smooth talk his way to her heart.

"Well you've had a nice way of showing it this whole times I've been here," Alice snapped. Ouch. Sure he did try to kill her, multiple times, and has kissed her without her permission, multiple times, but that's just Blood.

"I do the best I can," Blood snickered. They arrived in front of a door with a hat symbol on it. Blood was about to open the door but Alice grabbed his hand.

"Why are we in front of your room," Alice declared. Blood looked down at his princess in a "you seem to remember that very well" way. Alice let go of his hand the instant he made that face. It was slimy. "Yes I remember where everything is when I use to work here." Alice had been a maid to earn some extra money. Blood enjoyed her so she got promoted Bloods personal maid. That made her quit and move to the castle. Blood opened the door to escorted the young lady in. He had a desk in the middle of the room, a bed surrounded by books, and a tea set.

"You may sleep in my bed tonight. I have a lot of work that needs to get done and I will most likely sleep tonight."

"I could just sleep in my own room, so when you get tired I don't take up to much space." Alice insisted.

"I want to make sure you don't leave in the middle of the night and so I know for a fact that you are safe."

"I love how the mafia leader is saying that," Alice teased. She slid into the bed and started to yawn. Blood takes a seat at his desk and starts writing his report. "Blood, thank you for everything."

"Anytime Princess. Now you need your beauty sleep," Blood said.

"Maybe Peter will let you guys come with him to get me," Alice yawned. Blood sat up straight, surprised with what Alice had just said.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I didn't tell you? Peters going to remake the potion that will allow him to go back to my world. I'll finally be able to say my goodbyes," and with that Alice fell fast asleep.

"He better let us come," Blood announced. "I can finally see that world for myself."

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