Back to Wonderland (Heart no...

By opeuphie

11.3K 316 228

Alice decides to leave the Country of Hearts, but agrees to come back when she's ready. When Alice gets back... More

Author Notes
The Rules
Young Alice
Down we go
Ball at the Castle
Amusement Park
Hatters Mansion
Last Tea Party
Castle of Hearts
Clock Tower
No place like home
Nightmare to Daydream
High School Life
Hat to Rose
Wonderland is back
Tour of the school
Music Class
White Rabbit encounter
Dreams turn to Nightmare
Remembering the Past
Heart Castle Hallway
Moving day
Quality time in the garden
Nightmares return
Nurses office with worried friends
Cat and Master
Costume Shopping
March Hare
Joker Card
Sibling Rivalry
Fight with new and old friends
Poor Unfortunate Soul...
Dodge the Ball!
Deuce Ace
Cat Crush
Hatter Tea Party
New and Old Friends
Gleam and Glow
Center of a Circus
Young Nightmare
Roses are Red
Christmas Ball Prep
Don't Drop My Heart
Christmas Ball
Goodbye Friends
Everyone Knows...
Let's Just Explain
Nightmare, Gray, and Julius!
All Reunited!
Alice's new Nightmare
Off to Wonderland
All Must Come to an End

Whos who?

1.2K 27 31
By opeuphie

In this chapter I have listed all the characters in the story just in case it gets confusing.

Alice Liddle: Ever since she was a little girl, Nightmare has been haunting her dreams. When she was older, Peter White kidnapped her to Wonderland! Alice made the choice to go back to the real world, but promised to return to Wonderland when Peter came to retrieve her. She attends high school in the 21th century now.  Has a heart.

Peter White: Known as the White Rabbit. Has the power to turn into a rabbit. Loves Alice very much, so he brought her to Wonderland! He was the reason she was stuck there for a long time and wasn't able to leave! He hates everyone in the Country of Hearts, but tolerates them for Alice's sake. He is the Prime Minister of Hearts Castle. He's usually late for his job because he doesn't care that much. He lied to the people in the Country  of Hearts saying that Alice chased him down the rabbit hole, drank the potion out of curiosity, and that they're dating. He likes to turn into a rabbit when Alice gets mad at him because he knows she loves cute things. He stalks Alice all the time and hates it when she hangs out with other men. Likes to use his gun on everyone. Has a clock.

Ace: Known as the Knave of Hearts. Works for Vivaldi, Julius, and the Joker. Loves Alice and his swords. He is known for getting lost every time he walks. His favorite thing to do is listen to Alice's heart or just carry her in his arms. He puts Alice in danger a lot, but hates being the bad guy. He may seem harmless, but he becomes more violent as time goes on. His sword can turn into a pistol, but he prefers the sword. He secretly works for Julius. He uses Alice as a shield every time Peter gets angry at him. She nearly dies every time they're left alone together. He was supposed to kill Blood along time ago for the Joker, but he always forgets. He's never heard of personal space and is the kind of person who goes straight for a hug. Has a clock.

Vivaldi: Known as the Queen of Hearts. She loves cutting off people's heads and anything cute, such as Alice. Her younger brother is Blood. She hates anyone annoying AKA Peter. She makes it clear that she is not married to the King of Hearts. Red roses are her favorite. She hates Pierce because he looks like a rat. She secretly ships Alice and Blood because they're perfect for each other and if they did get married, Alice would be her younger sister! She is cold and very powerful, and she is feared through out the land. Has a clock.

Blood Dupre: Known as the Mad Hatter. Loves Alice and wants her to himself. A very dangerous person to mess with. His older sister is Vivaldi. He likes having tea parties and drinking black tea. He is the leader of the Hatters Mafia and in the enemy of Mary Gowland because he told the whole country his first name. He sees Mary are a little thing to tease, not a threat. He only thinks the Joker is a real threat, but he would never admit it to anyone. He is VERY jealous whenever Alice hangs out with another wonderland character. Blood is very smart, especially under unexpected pressure. His personality changes a lot. If he makes a plan, he makes sure there are no holes. He has a Machine Gun. Has a clock.

Elliot March: Known as the March Hare. Can turn into a hare. He is Bloods right hand man. Second in charge of the Hatter family and works at the mansion. He destroyed someone's clock which ended him up in jail. Blood rescued him, so now he is in debt to him. Elliot is always loyal to Blood and never questions him. He hates raw carrots, but loves carrot dishes. Carrot cake is his favorite! He has a tempered when you first meet him, but once you get to know him, he's rather sweet and gets embarrassed easily. Has a clock.

Tweedle Dee: One of the Bloody Twins. He is twins brothers with Dum. He is the blue one. He loves Alice and calls her big sister. He can also turn into an adult, so he can do special things to Alice. His weapons of choice are poleaxes and guns. He will kill anyone, no matter who they are, unless his boss Blood tells him otherwise. He will stay loyal to Blood as long has he gets paid. Likes to hang out with Boris and tease Pierce and Elliot. The only time they hate Boris is when Alice is around because they know he likes her. Cute, but psycho. Has a clock.

Tweedle Dum: One of the Bloody Twins. He is twins brothers with Dee. He is the red one. He loves Alice and calls her big sister. He can also turn into an adult, so he can do special things to Alice.  His weapons of choice are poleaxes and guns. He will kill anyone, no matter who they are, unless his boss Blood tells him otherwise. He will stay loyal to Blood as long has he gets paid. Likes to hang out with Boris and tease Pierce and Elliot. The only time they hate Boris is when Alice is around because they know he likes her. Cute, but psycho. Has a clock.

Boris Airay: Known as the Cheshire Cat. He can turn into a cat. Loves Alice and telling riddles. His favorite food is ice cream and hates it when people give him cat food. He likes to goof off with the Bloody Twins and almost eat Pierce. His weapon is any gun. He never hides anything from Alice and makes it very noticeable that he loves her. He glues himself to Alice whenever he has the chance. He likes Mary like an older brother, but wants to kill him when he pulls out the violin! He's not a fan of Ace, and always keeps his guard up around him. He would never kill anyone around Alice. He hates Peter to the bone, but who doesn't. He has never heard of personal space and will hug or lick Alice's face like a cat. Has a clock.

Pierce Villiers: Known as the Dormouse. He is a very kind person and doesn't like to fight a lot. But if he feels the need to fight, he will. His weapons include a revolver and a curved knife. He's not a fan of getting blood on himself. He can turn into a mouse or shrink really small. He use to work for the mafia, but his cowardice took over him so he moved to the amusement park, which isn't any better. Boris and the twins tormented him on a regular bases. He loves Alice very much and always tries to kiss her. He feels safe around Boris if Alice is close by. He suffers from insomnia because he drinks too much coffee. He always has to stay awake so the twins and cat don't prank him. He thanks Nightmare when he gets a goodnight sleep. He hates Blood and Vivaldi because they choose tea over coffee. He hates the circus and gets nervous in big crowds. Has a clock.

Mary Gowland: Known as the Duchess. He is the owner of the amusement park. He carries a violin and plays it wherever he goes. Everyone hates it. He only goes by Gowland, and hates his name because of the pun. Blood is the reason that everyone in the country knows his name. Blood is his enemy and would kill him the next time he sees him. He is a good friend to Alice, Julius, Boris, and Pierce. Pretty laid back. He doesn't like Boris getting blood all over the place when Boris gets hurt from his adventures. He can't play music but is the music teacher anyway. Has a clock.

Nightmare Gottschalk: Known as the Caterpillar.  Loves Alice. He is a demon. Wasn't able to go to the real world because no one told him. He invades Alice's dreams all the time and likes to read her thoughts. He has the power to read others minds at will and posses them. He pukes blood from smoking and is very sick. He is deathly afraid to needles, hospitals, and doctors and will never see any of those as long as he lives. He's a nice guys just very mysterious. He is the head of Clover Tower. He is respected and has a high social standing, but is really a slacker. Has a serious side and goofy side. Has an eye patch over his right eye. Has a clock.

Julius Monrey: Known as the Clock Maker and Father Time. Loves Alice. Wasn't able to go to the real world because Ace forgot to get him. He is the owner of the Clock Tower. He has to repair all the peoples clocks. Nightmare likes to hang out with him and Ace is there to help bring all the broken clocks. Alice tries her best to get him outside of the tower and reminds him not to work too hard. He is a hermit. He is a workaholic and forgets to eat. He dislikes a lot of people, especially Blood. He feels Alice isn't safe around him. He allows Alice to make coffee for him and always scores her on it. She hates that. Has a clock.

Gray: Known as the Lizard. Loves Alice. He is an employee for Nightmare. He wasn't able to go to the real world because he was also not informed. He tries to take care of Nightmare and help him stay on track with paper work. He ends up doing it all because Nightmares to lazy and sick, or just invading Alice's dreams. His weapon of choice are knives. He's very friendly, but not take that as a weakness. He was a former assassin and was tried to kill Nightmare. He hates Julius and Ace because he feels they put Alice in danger to much. He hates Ace even more because they are at the same level with a sword. He's a workaholic. Has a clock.

Joker (He is one person in this): The card everyone hates. He is the villain you could say. Will kill anyone who gets in his way! He loves Alice and pulling pranks/magic spells on people. He was not invited to the real world, but found a way to get in. He breaks the rules to get what he wants, and that is a crime in Wonderland. All the Wonderland people try to kill him, but nothing ever works. Only one person can kill him, but she would never do it. All the role holders are required to come to him shows, no matter what! Has a special clock.

Sibyl: One of Alice's friends in the real world. She's like Vivaldi. Sibyl loves being in charge of people. She is always the judge in debt club, but sometimes the cases can be boring. She's a big flirt when it comes to boys. Her favorite animal is a cat, and she just so happened to have a crush on Boris. She hates her younger sister, Jessica, and loves to go shopping. She's very rich. Has a heart.

Amy: One of Alice's friends in the real world. She's like Elliot. Amy is the techno girl. She loves hacking into others peoples accounts and stocking people on the Internet. She can also mash music on her computer and is a DJ in her spare time. If you give her rules, she will break them. Sadly she's in debt to all her friends somehow and has to help them when they need it. She is the loyalist friend and if she breaks that loyalty, something is REALLY WRONG! Has a heart.

Ramin: One of Alice's friends in the real world. He's like Ace. Ramin loves to fence and collect old fashion movies. He wants to be a stunt double and do fighting scenes. He's kind of shy around new people, but once you get to know him, he's pretty outgoing with things he's passionate about. He gets lost in school so he asked Alice make him a map. He is a world champion at fencing, but didn't even realize he was participating in the event. He was just lost, again. He drives his dad's pickup truck. Has a heart.

Ralph: One of Alice's friends in the real world. He's like Boris. He loves every sport, except swimming and fencing. Every time he scores a goal, he meows like a cat. He teases Alice about her weird dream, but loves having her as a friend. Not a huger, unless it's a cute girl hugging him. Likes to be the center of attention. He use to have a crush on Sibyl, but then only thought of her as a close friend. He got friend-zoned! Has a heart.

Edith Liddle: Alice and Lorina's younger sister. She has to live with Lorina, but she always goes over to Jessica's house. She hates Alice and is a wanna be popular girl. She's kind of a brat for a freshman. Has a big crush on the Bloody Twins. She will act sweet and innocent when the Wonderland gang is around. Has a heart.

Jessica: Sibyls little sister and Edith's best friend. She loves to go shopping and hates her sister. She's a little brat and gets jealous when people are more popular than her. She likes to annoy her older sister and all her friends. Thinks Alice is crazy. Has a huge crush on Peter White and doesn't understand why he would love Alice. Has a heart.

Lorina Smith: Alice's oldest sister. She stays at home to take care of the house. She is married to George and loves him very much, no matter what he does. She loves her sisters and doesn't want them to leave. She hates the Wonderland gang. She is kind and gets a little scared when Alice talks nonsense. Has a heart.

George Smith: He was Alice's teacher before she went to Wonderland. He fell in love with Lorina and in the 21th century he married her. He hates having other people in the house. He thinks Vivaldi is hot, even though he's married! Alice is not in love with him anymore because he is a big jerk. Has a heart, no matter how much Blood denies it.

Thank you to everyone who has read my story so far. I just want to give a shout out to Multiple_fandoms25  for the amazing cover. I love it so much!
They are amazing!
~ Blair Anderson

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