A war of the Icy Sea

By LukeBlake

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Pressed into service in WW2, HMS Norway, a British Great War era battle cruiser is steaming in full retreat f... More

Chapter 1, the chase
Chapter 2, first sights
Chapter 3, HMS Norway to the rescue
Chapter 4, meeting the princess
Chapter 5, Docking in Arendelle
Chapter 7, An Alliance is born
chapter 8, the Sunderland
Chapter 9, WOLF ATTACK!
chapter 10, a request is made
Chapter 11, Force 10 from Arendelle sets sail
Chapter 12, Kicking butt, HMS Norway style
Chapter 13, the aftermath
Chapter 14, surprises
Chapter 15, Uh oh, we're in trouble!
Chapter 16, Declaration of Love
Chapter 17, First kiss
Chapter 18, HMS Snow Queen's first battle
Chapter 19, The Battle of Corona
Chapter 20, Revenge plans
Chapter 21, after the Norway we go!
Chapter 22, the final battle begins
Chapter 23, Berlin arrives
Chapter 24, HMS Norway vs DKM Berlin
Chapter 25, the Surrender of Wesleton
Chapter 26, Awards
Chapter 27, Proposal
Chapter 28, Congratulations Alexander and Elsa!
Chapter 29, The Wedding March
Chapter 30, Hope
Chapter 31, a new dawn

Chapter 6, Dinner with the Snow Queen

262 5 0
By LukeBlake

Later that evening

Alexander, the Officers and many of the crew stood on deck, in their smartest uniforms as the Queen of Arrendelle's private sailing launch made its way gracefully towards the Norway. The mood was tense on-board the Battle Cruiser to say the least. The past few hours had been hectic as the crew cleaned every inch of the Norway and the Galley prepared the finest food that was available on a ship of the Royal Navy.

Oscar Vincenzo, the Norway's Bosun turned to Alexander and said "Captain, the launch is coming alongside"

Alexander nodded as he saw the Queen's launch pull alongside the much larger Battle Cruiser. He could see Queen Elsa, Princess Anna, Prince Kristoff and a few of their royal guards all staring up at the Norway in wonder.

"Bosun, pipe them aboard if you please" Alexander ordered.

A sharp, crystal clear whistle rang out as Oscar blew on the Bosun's whistle, the standard procedure for welcoming a VIP on-board a warship. Slowly Queen Elsa climbed up the ladder and stepped onto the Norway's deck. Alexander and everyone on deck saluted the young queen as she stepped forwards to allow Anna, Kristoff and the Guards to climb on-board.

"Welcome on-board HMS Norway, finest warship in the world!" Davies said with a smile. Alexander shot him an angry look before he turned to face Elsa and the others.

"This ship, it's so big!" Elsa said in awe.

Alexander just grinned before he gestured towards an open door.

"Would you like to have a tour of the ship before Dinner is served?" Alexander asked.

Elsa, Anna and Kristoff looked at each other eagerly before Elsa said "We would be honoured, Mr McDonald"

Alexander chuckled before he said "Please, Call me Alex. All my friends do and I don't see any reason why we all can't be"

"Indeed" Elsa agreed.

At that, Elsa, Anna and Kristoff followed Alexander into the depths of the Norway. As they walked through the corridors, the three Arrendelle royals glanced left and right in wonder at what was hidden inside the Battle Cruiser's armoured steel hull. Elsa did feel a little uncomfortable when Alexander showed them through the boiler and engine rooms due to the extreme heat generated by the boiler fires. All three royals were also treated to a demonstration of the loading and firing of B turret.

Unfortunately, Anna managed to find the whistle and Arrendelle was filled with the sound of the Norway's whistle screaming its guts out for several moments until Elsa and Kristoff managed to stop her acting childish. Alexander just chuckled at the exchange between the royal family. Eventually after the tour was finished, they all gathered in the Officer's mess to eat. The meal today was gammon steak, assorted vegetables and gravy. The taste of the food made The Royal Sister's faces light up and Kristoff just smiled as he ate.

Alexander talked with Elsa, Anna and Kristoff about their pasts, the Royals keeping out the parts involving Elsa's ice magic for the time being. Not that they didn't trust Alexander and the crew of the Norway, they were afraid of the Norway's weaponry which could easily smash anything Elsa could create using her powers.

But by the time it came to Alexander's turn to explain about the Norway's adventures, everyone in the mess had conspicuously left except for Davies, Alexander, Anna, Elsa and Kristoff.

"So, how come no-one has ever heard of the Norway?" Anna asked curiously.

Alexander sighed and Davies said "Captain, they might be able to help" as quietly as he could.

"Ok, I will tell you why. But this stays between us and it may sound impossible at first" Alexander warned.

"Try us" Anna replied, thinking about Elsa's ice magic again.

Elsa just rolled her eyes at her sister.

"Ok then, just 2 weeks ago, we were fighting a war. A war of huge proportions where millions of people had already died. The Norway was the only survivor of her class in a world full of ships like her but of all shapes and sizes. We were patrolling the northern waters near Russia and were sailing back to base in England when we were attacked by an enemy German ship called Berlin. Norway was damaged in the battle and we barely managed to escape using Norway's superior speed. We were forced to sail into a snow storm for cover and next thing we knew, we couldn't communicate with anyone and encountered the Spirit. As far as we know for sure, we have either travelled in time or travelled to another world where everything is the same geographically but nothing much else is the same except for the existence of Humans" Alexander explained.

Elsa, Anna and Kristoff just stared at Alexander in Disbelief. Elsa's brow furrowed as she thought about what Alexander just said. She was also worried, two weeks ago she had used her powers in a heavy capacity to hold off a Wesleton attack near Corona, could her powers have accidently pulled the Norway from one world into her own?

But Anna and Kristoff were focused on another thing which shocked them as it shocked Elsa.

"You were already fighting a war in which millions had died?" Anna asked in shock.

"How long has this been going for?" Kristoff asked curiously.

"By now, we will have been at war for four years now." Davies replied.

"I offer my deepest condolences" Elsa added.

"Thank you, all of us on Norway have suffered from the war one way or another" Alexander replied.

But then as Anna was trying to contemplate the sheer numbers of deaths in the war the Norway had sailed from, she had an idea.

"Elsa" she whispered "Why don't we ask for the Norway's help to end the war against Wesleton? With its help, we can win this war very quickly and deaths can be reduced on our side!"

"Anna!" Elsa snapped quietly "We can't just ask for help. They have already been through hell as it is and it would be cruel of us to ask their help in our own war!"

Little did the two sisters realise was that Alexander and Davies heard every word they said with ease.

"We can hear you two" Davies said, cutting short the sisters argument.

"In my own opinion, Norway isn't for taking lives away. She is for defending lives, sure she may have to kill to do so but she is doing it for the greater good" Alexander added.

"Are you saying, you will help us?" Elsa asked in astonishment.

"If you like. As long as Arrendelle can provide Fuel, Food, Water, Spare Parts and Ammunition" Alexander replied.

"I will see what I can do" Elsa replied and shook Alexander's hand warmly whilst also feeling the tingling sensation she felt when Alexander first shook her hand on the Arrendelle dockside.

"Then the Norway is at your disposal your majesty" Alexander said with a bow.

Elsa, Anna and Kristoff were now thinking about the Norway and how close victory could be now that they had just secured an alliance with the crew of the most powerful warship in the world.

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