Call Me Daddy ( Ereri Fan fic...

By 0w0Dera

164K 4.5K 1.9K

As you read the title, Levi will be the daddy and well, Eren will be the little pet. Levi is a yakuza and Ere... More

pt 1
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lol wut?
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quick note

pt 3

8.5K 251 178
By 0w0Dera

Eren pov

So...what should I do?

I don't have any relatives or friends beside Armin. I... I can't ask him for money, he already has too many problems...

"Eren...I, I am really sorry" he cried them hugged me tight.

"You can't do anything...I have to do something myself... I am old enough, maybe I'll get a job...."

"Good luck!" He got up and then went on the balcony.

I get up too and search for a comfortable chair. Maybe they aren't dead, I call them. No respond. I really am lost. What shall I do? All the money that they have in bank should be enough to survive 5-6 months, if I put the taxes 4 months. I could sell this apartment and get more money till I find a job, meantime I continue my studies and prepare for a career.

That should be ok...

My phone suddenly rings, an unknown number. I respond:

"Good afternoon"

"Hello, is this Jager residence?"

"Yeah, I'm Eren, how should I help you?"

"Well, I am sorry for your parents, we found their bodies and couldn't resuscitate them."

"I understand. What do you want from me?"

" Well, I don't think you got a job, so the government will help you get one so you will survive without your parents."

" ....Well, thanks."

"However, this job will provide you a house so you must sell your current apartment and give the money to us. These money will return to you due to a bigger sallary or payed vacation days"

"Ok...where should I meet you for this job?"

"Tomorrow, at the interview. Kijami business centre at 8 am."

"I'll be there."

I close the phone then smiled. Maybe this won't be that hard.

*next day*

I dressed really nicely then get in the bus. I arrive in a short time then realize how big the building is. It was huge, built maybe in a gothic style. it really didn't look like a bussines centre, more like a church. But I enter and a cute lady asks me why I'm there, then she leads me to that person's office. The person who I lakes to on the phone yesterday was a girl...or woman. She had a deep and serious voice.

When I entered the office I realised she was really beautiful, short black hair, tall and slender.

"G-Good morning!" I said shy.

"Good morning. I am the councillor, Mikasa Ackerman, and I will help you with the paper work and everything you need for this job"

"Thank you"

"Please have a, you need to sign this, this and this, write your name here and your parents' initials here."

"Can you tell me at least why should I sign them?"

"This is for your parents' insurance, this for the selling of the house, this for the job, this-"

"Ok, ok, I'll sign them"

I write all there is to write then Mikasa leads me in another room.

"Now we have to verify what rank you will be" she said, and opened a red door. Inside there was an old woman and a big mirror.

"Undress" the woman said.


"Do what she says, we have a contract"Mikasa whispers and pushes me in the centre of the room.

I obey and shily take my clothes off.

"Do you have any piercings, tattoos or imperfections on your skin?" The woman asked

"I don't, but, why is this relevant?"

"Any mark can lower your rank"

"My rank in what? What will my job be?"

"You'll see, now tell me, have you been castrated?"

"What the fuck? What is this about?" I take my clothes and run outside.

The hell? What are these questions? Mikasa walks after me.

"Eren, do you know where you are?"

"... A business centre"

She opened her eyes wide then looked down then mumbled something.

"What? What is it?"

"Eren....this is a brothel..."

"Aha...aaand, what will my job be? A manager or something?"

"Eren, I don't think you understand..."

"Than tell me! What. Am. I . Doing. Here?"

"You...Will be a prostitute..."

"...but I'm a guy"

She looked at me "Are you stupid?... You know what? Fuck it, I'm bored of playing nice. Eren, from now on you will be fucked by men every day for the rest of your life!"

"....I can't accept that"

"Well that's too bad because you signed the contract"

What? Really? How did I end up like this? My life was so beautiful...and now I have to deal with maybe 10 times Mor penises than before.

"This is so fucked up, omg!"

"Well, life is hard. Now go to that woman and talk with her about your rank. This is not a cheap brothel, so you have to be marked then they can use you. After you are marked there will be some training on how to be gay and-"

"No need, I already am"

"...okay, after that we will dress you and give you a room depending on your rank. You will be able to not work just in the days that woman says dep-"

"Depending on my rank, I get it. Now shut up." I try to move go to that woman, but she grabbs my hand.

"Eren, I don't know if you realise, but I'm your boss!"

"Than fire me if you don't like my tone"

She let go. I enter true red door again and now undress fully. He woman inspects my body and looks through some papers. After she asked me about my health and shit like that she announced that I am a rank M, the second highest rank. She shows me a room then gives me some strange clothing.

I lay on my bad, remember the good old days, and imagine what it is to come. A horrible future.

Suddenly the door opens and a cute short girl walks in.

"Are you a newcomer? I'm Krista, nice to meet you" she smiled at me.

"Yeah, I'm Eren...nice to meet you too"

"Why the sad face, Eren?" Krista lays next to me in bed.

"My parents died, and look how I've ended..."

"Hm, no need to worry, we will escape one day"

" are so cheerful, how can you be so happy?"

"You'll get used to it, I guarantee it. After 4 months you won't even feel anything, you'll just do it. Plus, here we have a little bit of luxury, it's fun!"

"That's good to hear....I'm rank M, you?"

"N, the highest. I've been working here for 3 years. You can advance your rank like that."

"I understand..."

We talked a lot, and I saw that a stranger can become a friend so easily. Krista will help me escape, I will help her too, but until then, I'll have to deal with this...

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