Are you happy?

By diydolls

865K 11.1K 3.2K

He closed the distance between us he brought his hands slowly up my waist and pulled me towards him. i couldn... More

Are you happy? chapter 1 goodbye
chapter 2- finally home?
chapter 3 - first kiss
chapter 4- Pain
Chapter 5- the truth hurts
Chapter 6- over it
Chapter 7 -stacy
Chapter 8-his lips
Chapter 9-lier
Geo or kyle
Chapter 10- What are you?
Chapter 10 - part 2
chapter 11- just jump
Chapter 12- thoughts
Coming soon
Co author
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
I have decided
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
I don't know who to choose!!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Vote .
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Coming soon
Please read.
Chapter 28 ! This is the new update!! Read me! (:
Chapter 29
Main character contest
Quick update
Chapter 30

Chapter 24

7.4K 217 136
By diydolls

An over whelming feeling of serenity indulged me as my eyes slowly opened to a dimly lit room, the pain I had been feeling minutes ago had subsided and I awoke from my cruel slumber. I vaguely remember their voices as they stood by my bed arguing as if I wasn't there, in reality I wasn't. I was asleep, but there at the same time. It was an out of body experience I remembered my sweat drenching me as my wolf cried out in pain, it was then that I decided i was not willing to lose her...or him. He had hurt me, but had I not done the same? I played the same game dating or kinda seeing three guys at once.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the dim lighting, I saw a tall figure lying beside me, before I could panic he placed his arm on my stomach pulling me close to his hard bare chest warmth covered my body, assuring me that laying next to me was Geo. I let out a sigh of relief as he nuzzled his face into my neck, I felt safe. He snored lightly into my ear causing me to giggle, a tingling shiver traveled down my body. He moved his lips to the side of my neck and kissed me lightly, butterflies fluttered around my stomach.

"Hey there, " His voice voice was a low rumble.

"Hi." was all I manged to say.

He flipped me over his face was nearly inches away from me, he was close enough for me to smell his cologne and male scent. Warmth flooded my panties as he seized my mouth into a hard kiss, he penetrated my lips with his tongue and I found myself moaning in pleasure.

"Wow I missed that," I gasped out loud mentally slapping myself.

His laugh was something between a purr and a growl.

"I missed you so much," He slowly placed his forehead on mine as he inhaled deeply .

There was soft knocking on the door before it quickly opened revealing Blake, "Alright love birds, we need to talk."

She reached over to the right of the door and a bright light blinded me for a few seconds, when I finally adjusted to the lighting I was already sitting up on Geo's lap, his arms wrapped protectively around me.

"You're safe here Geo put your guard down." Blake sat down on the ground looking up at us her long red hair settled around her on the ground forming swirls around her, I felt Geo slightly loosen up underneath me.

"So if you haven't figured yet, yes Kyle is evil. Something you should have caught on to as soon as he told you he was a fallen angel." Blacke's eyes narrowed as she looked at me.

"You could have said something Blake. " I snapped, a hint of annoyance in my voice as she seemed to be blaming me for everything.

"I couldn't intervene Misty, not until know, all along I was hoping you would figure it out, Elivera, used to be Kyle's mate that's why she she's always around and shows so much dislike towards you because she sees how much he wants you." I sat there astonished by the information Blake had reviled.

"What does he want with her?" Geo asked with a growl, his grip tightened around my waist. Blake paused and looked over at me a look of concern in her eyes before she began to talk.

"Misty's wolf, she's something special. She's a goddess the last time she embodied someone was centuries ago and Kyle tried his best to have her in the end he ended up killing her, leaving Leo all by himself, yes Leo was your husband, not your soul mate though so when you were reborn he could do nothing to have you. So he chose to be your guardian angel if it meant having you close to him. He will never give up hope of being with you , kind of romantic, if you ask me. " Blake gazed into the distance.

"So what do we do, Kyle wants me dead right?" I asked.

Geo stiffened once again underneath me.

"If he can't have you, he won't let anyone have you...and with Elivera on his side wanting you dead as well it makes it easier for him, more powerful Leo won't let any harm come to you and Geo won't either."

"He let Kyle harm her before, I won't leave this in his hands." Geo's voice came out in a snarl .

"I wasn't there to protect her ." Leo's voice came out of know where as he leaned lazily on the door frame his eyes boring into me, before I knew it I was on the bed as Geo launched at Leo his arms at his sides.

"Get out of here, you've caused enough damage" he snarled and glared at Leo.

"Kind of hard to do I mean I'm always here by her side." he looked pain flashing through his eyes before it was replaced by love. "No matter what I will always love her and she will always love me." I couldn't deny that fact it was true but I could see how that hurt Geo.

"When your gone I'll be there." Leo said just to piss Geo off it seemed to work, Geo's grip tightened as he swung his arm making impact on leonardo's face as he vanished and materialized by my side blood dripping from his mouth, Geo hit him harder then I thought, he quickly wiped it and planted a kiss on my cheek .

"Like I said always here," He spoke before vanishing once again, yet I could still feel his presence.

Kyle's POV

I narrowed my eyes and moved from my perch on the window so now she knows, she can't live if I can't have her then no one can she is mine and mine only." I jumped from the roof and spread my wings flying to a vacant field. Elivera was already there waiting she glared at me she looked much older her chest was full and her waist slim she had the perfect body and my eyes darkened at the sight of her but we didn't have time, "She knows." I said simply getting straight to the point.

She narrowed her eyes, "What does this do to your plan?" she asked

"We kill her." I said my eyes narrowing.

She smiled and placed her arms around my neck, "I've missed you."

I kissed her, but in the back of my mind all I saw was Misty.


So dolls ? Who hates me !? Don't panic there is still a chance for Leonardo .

Team geo or team Leonardo ?

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