Winter Wolf

By AmazeGreenie

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-Book One in the Winter Wolf Series- Amelia Winters had a normal life. Parents who loved her, a home, friend... More

RavenHills: Chap 1
First Day at Raven High: Chap 2
Full Moon Party: Chap 3
Confusion: Chap 4
Who Are You Really: Chap 5
Training: Chap 6
Bitten: Chap 7
Football Match: Chap 8
Lunar Eclipse: Chap 9
Gasoline Really?: Chap 10
Vampire King: Chap 11
Lots of Fire and Melting Ice: Chap 12
Family Reunion: Chap 13
Control: Chap 14
Ressurection: Chap 15
Guilt and Redemption: Chap 16
When the Darkness Seeps In: Chap 17
Cracking Bones and Breaking Hearts: Chap 18
The Battle on the Horizon: Chap 20
Ceremony of the Dead: Chap 21

Yin and Yang: Chap 19

16 1 0
By AmazeGreenie

Not edited

Sebastian's POV

The alpha was smashing things. Across the room. Against the walls. Through the floorboards too. I stood there calmly as he growled in frustration with his eyes glowing bright blue. I hadn't even told him the bad news yet, I just came home to this. 

"Ace." I said trying to get his attention. But he continued to break furniture, growling in anger. I sighed knowing I would have to get a hold of him in order for him to listen to me. I had a feeling that wasn't going to happen.

I watched him as he started ripping up the floorboards and throwing them towards the walls. I was getting impatient with his little temper tantrum. I growled deeply making his head shoot towards me. "Sebastian." He spit out his glowing eyes demanding a challenge. 

"Alpha, are you done acting like a two year old?" This seemed to upset him even more. He snapped his fangs together snarling at me. Spit trailed down his chin, really added to the whole scene. 

I held my hands up. "I'm assuming you know, by the way you are ripping and tearing everything up." He turned away from me and connected his fist with the drywall. 

"Amelia has already shifted! And she took down eight of their strongest men! Derek told me everything. The poison did not work." He dug the tips of his claws into the wall, he dragged them down slowly leaving giant marks in the plaster.

"They will pay for what they did to me." He said growling. His knuckles were dripping with blood. I watched it slowly fall down the tips of his fingers and over his claws before dripping onto the floor.

"I think we need to think about this before we act. We think about it logically. So what, she shifted big deal. We can still take her, we can still take down their pack but you need to have your head clear and you need to focus on the task at hand." He nodded breathing through his nose slowly.

"You're right. I was letting my anger get to me." He straightened his back, composing himself, "Is there anything else you would like to tell me?" He asked pouring himself a glass of whiskey. 

I shook my head. "That's all Alpha." I bowed my head and turned to leave the room but he called me to wait.

I stopped and turned around. "I'm glad that I chose you to be in my pack. And I'm truly sorry about the way that I treated you, the way I treated everyone." I nodded once turning around trying to get the hell out of there. "And Bash," I stopped but didn't turn around to face him, "I'm sorry about Trina." I clenched my jaw, trying to keep myself composed as I walked away.


"Do you think we could ever just go back to the way things used to be?" Mia asked while laying on the rough cracked hardwood floor of the pack house, "I mean back to when we were first bitten. When we only had to worry about our parents finding us coming home super late like regular teenagers. Now we have to worry about werewolf battles." 

Quinn and Tyler nodded, "I remember when we were freshmen, I mean I had asthma for crying out loud." Said Tyler chuckling softly. I remembered the days of having to carry an inhaler. It seemed so far away now.

"Yeah, remember how determined we were that we were going to make the football team?" Quinn said laughing while shaking his head, "We probably wouldn't have made the team." I rolled my eyes listening to their conversation. They sounded like a bunch of.... well teenagers. I didn't want to go back, there was no point. Not after everything that had happened. 

"I honestly could care less about freshmen year." I said laying my arm over my eyes, "It's in the past and it was one of the worst years for me, with Trina and all." I said lying through my teeth. I honestly could care less about it but I had to make them believe that I still cared about little shit like that.

They stayed silent for several moments as if to see if they were allowed to speak again. I rolled my eyes under my arm and sighed. 

"I can't believe that we have to fight a giant pack of werewolves tomorrow. I mean we've spent the last couple years pretending to be normal teenagers. They honestly they have no idea what's going on around them." Said Quinn staring at the ceiling.

"Most people go back to school on Monday... we have to go into the army." Mia spoke softly.

"We could be dead tomorrow." Tyler pointed out making us quiet. We could be dead tomorrow.

Quinn closed his eyes and breathed in slowly, "Do you guys know where elves usually reside?" He asked looking at the now confused looks we were all wearing. "I was just curious." He held his hands up in surrender, placing them back on the dusty floor.

"Don't they live in like an alternate reality away from all the abominable creatures such as ourselves?" Tyler commented getting a chuckle out of Quinn and Mia.

Tyler had yet to warm up to me since I had kicked his ass. He wouldn't even make eye contact with me, or hold a conversation with me. I was surprised he was still in the same room as me. "Do you guys want to go to the barn tonight? I mean as like, the place where all this started." Mia shut her mouth after that to see our reactions.

"It might be for the last time." Quinn said quieter than Mia.

"It's settled then. We're going." Said Tyler standing up, dusting off his pants.

"You coming Bash?" Asked Quinn, I didn't miss the uncertainty in his voice. I removed the arm from my face and smiled at him. 

"Of course. Why would I miss it?" Well that was laced with more sarcasm then intended. But he bought it, so win win. Great. 

I couldn't stop the words from coming out of my mouth, "So I get to waste my time doing childish things, instead of preparing for I don't know, a battle." I said with a chuckle. 

Mia frowned and Quinn blushed turning to leave the room like I had hurt his poor feelings. "Bash, don't do this. You know we all need this, even if you don't." I rolled my eyes watching her chase after him.

Once they left my thoughts drifted to Amelia, like always. I couldn't wait to see what her wolf looked like. Probably white, like in the books, and with the purple eyes that ran in her family. Maybe when I kill her, I'll keep her fur and her eyes as trophies. I smiled, I couldn't wait to taste her blood in my mouth.

Amelia's POV

I stared at my hands, looking at the black ring around my fingernails. Kaden hadn't left my side since he found out I'd been poisoned. He's been testing all my food and all my drinks, saying that it was for my protection but, I have a feeling he just wanted some of my food. My dad had yet to speak to me, it was like he was afraid of me...

My mom had welcomed me into her arms, forgiving me for what I had done. Promising they would lock me up next time. Grandma was currently brushing my tangled hair, she had been teaching me to control the shift these last couple days, testing weird herbs that are "supposed" to help.

She said it would get easier once the poison left my system. I was getting the hang on it now. It was easier to will my bones to shift and crack, no longer feeling the pain I had during my first shift. "I've literally never seen so many wolves in one place at the same time." Kaden commented looking out the kitchen window. 

"Well it's not like there are several packs here preparing for battle or anything." I said my words covered in serval drops of sarcasm.

"Don't be like that." He said sticking out his tongue. He continued the conversation his words blurring to my unfocused hearing. I bit into my sandwich thinking about what would happen when I saw Bash tomorrow. Would he really be ready to kill me?

The bite I swallowed threatened to come back up.

Yes. Yes he would.

"Amelia are you okay? You aren't even listening to me are you?" I looked him in the eyes placing my food down on the plate. 

"Sorry. What did you say?" I pushed the sandwich away from my body and Kaden gave me a look of utter confusion. 

"You not hungry?" I shook my head and he joyfully grabbed the rest of it and shoved it into his mouth. What is it with all the men in my life needing to dummy the food I don't consume? 

"Anyway... what I was saying," He said mouth completely stuffed, "I was wondering if you'd like to go train some more but you seemed completely zoned out. Are you nervous about the battle?" Nervous didn't even begin to describe what I was feeling. I was fucking terrified. I was so unexperienced... even with the numbers we had, we still weren't guaranteed to win. These people were rushing into battle because of me... their blood would be on my hands.

I nodded feeling the salvia build inside my mouth. "Kaden, I'm terrified. I'm not ready for this. I can barely shift on my own. I'm clumsy... it's just not going to work. I can't do this..."

"Amelia look at me. Yes you can. You are strong and independent. You are learning faster than anyone I've ever known, including myself. You are the only one who can do this." He stared into my eyes as he spoke. His eyes shifted down to my lips before he quickly looked away. I watched the pink spread across his cheeks as he nervously ran his hand through his hair.

"What if the prophecy was wrong? What if I'm not the one everyone has been hoping for?" I exhaled roughly running my fingers through the tangled mess I called my hair, "Kaden, I'm going to have to fight an alpha who is using other mystical forces to enhance his power... the ones he took from my father."

"And you're a winter wolf. There is only one. One. Every couple of generations. They are always strong, fast, and born to be leaders. Born with gifts we all wish we could possess. Your eyes don't glow purple because they want to." I remembered staring at the eyes he described in the mirror. How powerful and ready they were, "We are going to win this." He reassured.

"If I'm going to be ready, I need to get stronger." I looked him dead in the eye. "I need to become deadly."


It had been several days without the disturbance of Ace's pack. In fact, none of us had even seen a single member or heard a single rumour about their where abouts. I was getting stronger and leaner in build. I could out run any challenger, which was usually only Kaden but still, I was faster than him now. I had even managed to get Jordan to say uncle the other day during a brawl.

My father and I had agreed to hold off our differences and come together with the other pack leaders to build strategy. I felt like a leader giving directions and suggestions in battle strategy.... even though I know very little about it. I liked being a part of it. It made me feel important. Dad and Derek had decided on the area we wanted, to optimize our advantage. It was a clearing outside of town and near the mountains. It would ensure no humans would discover us. The battle would be happening soon and I wanted to believe I was ready, but I couldn't help feeling insecure and small.

Throughout the last couple of days the Moon Goddess had continued to visit me and help me through the shifts. My wolf and I became one with her help, no longer two forces battling for control. She reassured me the hardships that were about to come were worth it and I would persevere. 

My thoughts drifted to Sebastian. I wondered where he was and if he was safe. I even worried about Quinn. I hadn't spoken to him since the night he had met Adele. 

"Amelia?" My father asked from across the dinner table. 

"Yes father?" I asked shoving steak in my mouth. I let my thoughts fade as my attention set onto my dad. Mom sat next to him eating in silence.

"I spoke to the other leaders. We want to push the battle forward instead of waiting for Ace to come to us. We have been tracking him for days now and he still hasn't moved the way we had predicted him too. The rumour we had heard about him attacking was days ago." He was right. Our inside man had said that he was going to attack several days ago but something obviously changed his mind.

"And you're proposing to do this how?" I asked with a little less enthusiasm then intended.

"We want you to find Sebastian." He said nonchalant while eating another piece of his steak.

I choked. I began coughing drawing my mothers eyes. 

"You want me to do what?" I asked in utter shock and disbelief. 

"Sebastian will come to you if he believes you are unprotected." He said. 

"One problem. I have no clue where he is." Was I really ready to face him? On my own for that matter?

"He'll come to you." I stared at my father is disbelief. He wasn't actually going to make me do this was he? "You've been training, I've seen how strong you've become. You can take him if he decides to do anything." I was still in shock as I placed my fork onto my plate. He cannot to be serious.

"I haven't been outside our territory in months. Who knows where Ace took his pack. I'm only familiar with our area." I looked at my mother for any kind of support. She just continued eating. I flicked my eyes to the eyes that matched my own, in the face of my exhausted father.

"Fine. I'll find him." I stood from the table, no longer in the mood for this conversation or the steak that was left on my plate unfinished.

Sebastian's POV

"AGAIN!" I screamed at Tyler watching him lose yet again to Quinn. I had managed to convince Ace to hold the battle off for a few days once we had learned the vampire clan had moved into Winter Mountain territory. Steven was still gathering numbers in his favour. Even with Derek on our side, there was no guarantee we would have the numbers anymore. The Fairy King had migrated in last night, but we had lost the element of surprise. Steven knew that the Fairy King was on our side, and unfortunately he now had three packs that would fight along side him. Ace had been gone for a few days now, looking for new recruits. The news of the battle had stretched far and even into the other provinces. I was stuck training our soldiers. Some had really improved in the last few days. Tyler not so much.

"Come on Bash," Quinn puffed out, "I'm stronger than him now."

"Tyler could beat you if he just listened to my advice." Tyler rolled his eyes at my remark. He jumped to his feet rubbing he wrist that was slowly healing from the crack Quinn had caused.

"If you're so strong now why don't you take me on?" I challenged Quinn. 

He growled at me but he stopped smelling the air, "You smell that?" he asked.

I lifted my nose inhaling deeply. My nose was filled with the sweet smell of roses and pine that I had loved so much.


"She's alone." Quinn pointed out. Sniffing the air for anymore intruders. So much for border patrol.

"Why would she be alone? She hasn't left her territory in months." Tyler speaking the question hanging in all of our minds.

"I'll check it out. Don't inform the alpha till I return." I told them shifting onto all fours. I inhaled the distilled air around me catching her scent once again. I sprinted North following my nose. My paws ripped at the snow and down into the hard frozen earth. I pushed myself to run faster, I needed to get to her faster.

There she was, in human form sitting in a cluster of snow covered rocks. She heard me coming her sea-green eyes darting in my direction.

"Hello Sebastian." Her sweet, soft voice rolled off her tongue. I stayed wary, not daring to come closer to her. This could be a trap after all. I could feel the newly born power pour off her. She was strong now, I sensed that. Her scent had changed slightly since I had last smelled her, but the base of it was the same. She had her own distinct wolf smell now that she had shifted. My eyes scanned over her body, noticing the muscle that lined her arms which was the only part of her body that was exposed. 

I shifted to my human form the pendant bouncing off my chest. Her eyes avoided my form as I did. For several moments she looked off to the left until she gracefully turned, her hair falling over her shoulder. "That pendant doesn't suit you." she said eyeing it carefully. 

I watched as she got to her feet. Her boots breaking the surface of snow with a soft crunch. She approached me slowly. Her body became unbearably close to my exposed one. Her warmth and scent driving me mad with lust. "I wasn't expecting to ever see you alone." I spoke, my voice echoing in the trees.

"I wanted to see you." Her voice was steady, her heartbeat quickening. 

"Why's that Angel?" I said searching her eyes as if they would tell me why. Her pupils were wide as she stared back. I watched as her tongue darted out of her mouth and over her plump pink lips. Part of me wanted to kiss them and the other wanted to watch blood slip out from between them.

"We both know that this war is on the horizon. I know you're waiting... waiting for a chance to kill me, but I know a part of you knows that pendant is influencing you. You can help me stop this. Come home Bash." My fingers reached up to the pendant, the right corner of my mouth turning up into a smirk.

"Well Angel, I'd like to tell you that part of me doesn't want to kill you. But the urge to have the glory of sticking my claws in your flesh is so overwhelming." Her face didn't show any signs of fear. Couldn't even hear the skip of her heartbeat. 

"I'm not scared of you." She spoke. Her voice didn't even tremble to my surprise.

"You may be stronger now, but you're no match for me Angel." I told her still fiddling with pendant on my naked chest. The snow had basically melted around us now from the heat coming off of our bodies.

"Please." She whispered stepping even closer to me. There was a time where hearing her beg would have made me fall to my knees. I had to admit that her new found confidence made her more striking than the first time I had met her that day by the lake. 

"This battle is going to happen whether you like it or not Angel." I said letting my fingernails extend into claws. My face showed no emotion, but I was ready to sink my claws into her, so fragile flesh. I couldn't wait to feel the warmth of her blood on my skin. My muscles grew tense as I was ready to pounce.

She reached up placing both of her hands on my chest. Her hands were cold against me causing a shiver to travel up my spine. It made me hesitate. Having her skin against mine, even if it was just her hands. 

"Please." She whispered again searching for anything she could find in the colours of my eyes. My body was being called to her in ways that disgusted me. She was the enemy. 

A growl erupted from deep within my chest. With all of my strength I shoved her away from me causing her to fall back into the snow. Her eyes were wide as she scurried backwards until her back was pressed against the rocks she had sat upon earlier. She looked down at her right hand to see the impact had split the skin wide open. Now was my chance.  

I shifted into my wolf form and launched myself towards her, but with her quick reflexes she used her legs to lift my body up from the ground. With all of her strength she flung me up over her and my body slammed into the rocks giving her enough time to crawl forward on her hands and knees. I shook my head from the impact, I was definitely impressed.

"Sebastian, you don't have to do this." I growled at her again, barring my teeth. Saliva dripping down my jaw as I dug my paws into the ground, getting myself ready to launch towards her once again. She must have seen it coming because she darted to the left avoiding my oncoming body. As I turned to face her, the sound of her fabric ripping filled my ears. When I turned to face her she was no longer in her human form. This was the first time I had ever seen her in her wolf form.

She was absolutely striking. Her fur was as white as the snow around us and her eyes glowed a beautiful shade of purple. She stood tall and on alert with her ears flattened, waiting for my next move. I was frozen as I looked over her new form. I wasn't expecting her to be so large considering she was female. 

She caught me off guard as she launched forward. I was too busy taking her in that I hadn't noticed her tense up. She was unreasonable fast as she pushed away my head and locked her jaw onto my jowl. Her teeth were sharp and pierced my skin with ease, drawing blood. I whimpered as my hind legs gave out beneath me. As she detached her jaw ready to take another bite, I stepped back causing her to lose her balance. I took my chance and raised my claw to strike her across her exposed chest.

She growled at me as the blood stained her white fur. We made eye contact as we circled each other. I admired her appearance as I noticed the way my blood had stained around her mouth. It was like a work of art. She truly looked like an animal. 

Her eyes were filled with anger and sadness. Two conflicting emotions that were clouding her instincts to kill me. That would be her downfall, her feelings for me. 

Her head whipped to the right, but I didn't have any time to react as a sandy coloured wolf launched from the rocks beside me. Kaden. Why did he like to ruin my fun?

His body slammed into mine causing both of us to crash to the ground. His jaw snapping and his claws digging into my skin. We were a ball of fur as Amelia watched us kicking and scratching one another. Kaden's jaw locked onto the already tender skin of my neck and bit as hard as he could. I could barely breathe as I heard Amelia shouting at him. 

He released me. My body went limp and my vision darkened around the edges. My vision was blurring as Amelia's naked body came into focus. 

"Kaden you almost killed him!" She shouted placing her hands over the wound. 

"He was attacking you! I did you a favour." I couldn't see Kaden but his voice and scent were close. I didn't want to draw my eyes away from her. She mouth was still stained with my blood and the wounds on her chest from my claws were healing quickly. I couldn't draw my eyes from the lines I had created over her breasts.

"We have to leave him Amelia. There's nothing you can do to save him. He's Ace's pet."

"Kaden, you know I can't just leave him." She pleaded.

"I'll take him." I watched Amelia look over her shoulder towards the new voice. Quinn.

"Quinn are you sure?" She asked suddenly aware of her expose body as she covered her breasts. 

"I am sure I can drag his ass to the pack house." He told her making his way over to me. I couldn't focus on his face as my vision continued to get darker. I wanted to stay awake but I could feel sleep that was engulfing my entire body. I blinked once more as Amelia turned back to me. She pressed her blood palm to my face and kissed my forehead before pressing hers to mine.

"Please." was the last thing I heard before everything went dark.

Amelia's POV

 Kaden and I ran back to Winter Mountain territory on all fours. It hadn't taken long for us to get back, but I could feel the exhaustion sinking into my muscles. I felt drained. My efforts to convince Sebastian to change his mind was wasted. With that pendant on his chest there was no way for me to reach him, even as his potential mate. The Sebastian that I had grown fond of, the one who had done everything he could to protect me was gone. Kaden and I slowed our pace as we approached the pack house. My father, Derek and Sebastian's father were waiting on the front porch for us. Kaden must have alerted them we were on our way back.

I was still upset Kaden had put himself in harms way today. I was handling the situation just fine before he showed up. The front door opened and my grandmother walked through holding a bathrobe I knew was for me. I paused and let her walk over to me. I shifted into my human form taking the robe from her to cover my exposed flesh. The marks that Sebastian had left were already healing really well, but I was still covered in his blood and my own. I could still taste the iron on the inside of my mouth. Kaden hadn't bothered to cover up after he shifted and I watched his well toned ass walk up the steps and through the front door. 

I didn't have to read their thoughts to know they were dying to ask about what had happened as I walked towards my father.

"What happened?" He asked placing his arm around my shoulders to lead me inside.

"Sebastian is wearing Ace's pendant, the one that helped him take your powers and rise from the dead." My father did not looked pleased as we pulled out the stools to sit at the kitchen island, "I think it's controlling him somehow. It's like he's not even there anymore." As the words came out of my mouth my shoulders slumped. I had lost him completely to dark magic.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked as his eyes scanned my face.

"Yeah, but I will heal." I hold him.

"Why don't you go wash up and get some rest. You look exhausted." Well he wasn't wrong and I did enjoy the thought of having a hot shower. 

I hopped off the stool to exit through the doorway but I paused and turned back to him. "We need to get that pendant back, don't we?" He didn't respond but his contemplative face spoke for him. 

"I think if we get that pendant back, it may help restore your werewolf abilities. I have been doing a lot of thinking about that. If it can take your powers away from you, maybe it could give them back." He still stayed silent for several moments. 

As I was about to turn away he spoke, "You may be right. I will call Matilda tomorrow and she what she can find." I nodded to him before making my way up the stairs.

I turned into my room which had been untouched since last night. The bed was still an unmade mess and my clothes were still lightly scattered across the floor. I made my way to the bathroom, my muscles protesting because they were extremely tight. I turned the tap and lifted the tab to get the water running through the shower head. I pulled the shower curtain across before I turned towards the mirror. I had been avoiding my reflect since I had gotten back. With my hands I untied the robe and let it fall from my shoulders and cascade down my body and onto the floor.

Sebastian's claw marks had drawn lines across my beasts, as he had stroke from my right shoulder and across to the bottom of my left ribcage. The lines were ugly and red but were slowly closing shut. I wasn't sure if they would leave a scar. I looked down to my forearm to see teeth marks that were swollen and sensitive to the touch. He had really done a number on me. 

My mind flashed back to him laying in the snow before we had left. The images of him on the brink of passing out as the blood was gushing from his throat and tinting the white fluff pink. I shook my head and looked back into the mirror. My face was still stained with his blood. I looked like a feral animal.

I inhaled deeply and tore my eyes from my reflection to draw the curtain back and step into the hot water. I closed my eyes as the water at first burned my skin when it pounded against my raw skin, but I adjusted quickly allowing the hot water to relax my muscles. I opened my eyes and watched the bloody water fall off my skin and swirl down into the drain. 

I recalled Sebastian's cold eyes. Him pouncing. Him sinking his jaw into my flesh. 

I closed my eyes forcefully, trying to rid my brain of the images. The images of the black and white wolf from my dreams. I knew that Sebastian was not going to let me walk away away. Next time he was not going to stop until I was dead.

I grabbed my body wash and my loofa. I wanted to scrub my skin raw. Until there was none of him left. He did not care about me anymore.

I had to accept that.


After my shower I had crawled into bed. Despite my exhaustion, I could not make myself fall asleep and it was frustrating. I had not gone down for dinner with Kaden when he had poked his head in hours earlier. I had no appetite as fear was eating at my stomach like it had been starving for months. I ran my hands over my face and huffed out aggressively before pulling back my covers. 

My patted my feet quietly out of my room and stood in front of Kaden's door. I was sure he would be sleeping by now since he never seemed bothered by things. I turned the knob slowly to try and not wake him, and well, my father that was right down the hall. I am sure he would not approve of me going into a boys room this late at night. I pushed the door inwards.

Kaden was laying on his back, inhaling deeply with slumber. He looked so peaceful that it made me unsure if I wanted to disturb him. His eyes peeled open as he sensed my presence. Too late.

"Amelia?" His voice was groggy with sleep as he sat himself up. I watched him rub his eyes fiercely before speaking.

"I couldn't sleep. I'm sorry." I turned to leave because I regretted coming in, in the first place. What was I doing?

"No. No. Come here. Don't go." He whispered. I turned back towards him and made my way to the bed as he pulled back the covers for me. I hesitated for a moment but then slid in beside him, "Why can't you sleep?" He asked once I was settled beside him. I flipped onto my side to face him.

"I keep seeing what happened today. No matter what I do I can't make it go away." I whispered to him. It was dark inside his room but I watched his eyes flicker down to my lips. 

"Turn over." he said shuffling closer to me. I did as he asked and turned over to the other side. He wrapped his big warm arms around me and pulled me close until I was snug to his chest. The warmth that radiated from his body soaked into my muscles. I slowly relax against him feeling suddenly really tired, "Go to sleep. You need it. I will be right here to protect you." 

I drifted to sleep with ease. I felt safe in his arms.

Sebastian's POV

My whole fucking body was on fire when I had finally returned to consciousness. Quinn had managed to carry my body to the pack house and I laid on the couch with Mia and Tyler hovering over me. They had placed bandages over my wounds to try and stop the bleeding. 

"He does not look good. What happened out there?" Mia asked feeling my forehead with the back of her hand, "Jesus he's burning up. Tyler go run an ice bath." Tyler nodded and left the room quickly to do as she asked.

"Amelia and him got into a fight. Then Kaden showed up. It did not go well, clearly." Quinn told her pressing a cloth to my head. 

"Look at his cuts, they are bleeding the same black colour mine did the day I scratched Amelia." Mia noted peeling back the bandages making me hiss. My whole body was aching. I whimpered closing my eyes and leaning my head back. The movement made it worse as the wounds on my neck tore open slightly. Mia tilted my chin down to try and stop me.

"It must be a reaction to something from her. Maybe because she's a Winter Wolf or whatever." Quinn said. 

"The bath is ready." Mia and Quinn turned their heads towards Tyler before looking back at each other.

"Alright, help me carry him." Quinn demanded crossing my arms over my chest. Tyler walked over and placed his arms under my legs, as Quinn grabbed under my shoulders.

"Guys-" They looked over towards Jake's voice. I unfortunately could not turn my head as the pain reminded me of the wounds on my neck.

"What do you want Jake? As you can see, we are a bit busy at the moment." Quinn spit, already struggling to hold on to me.

"The Alpha has returned." He said, "I will let him know that you guys are busy."

"Thanks Jake." Mia responded softly before motioning the boys to carry me to the tub. 

The carried me to the bathroom quickly and they lowered me into the tub as carefully as they could. I yelled out as the ice water hit my skin. The noise that had exited my body was gurgled and sounded completely inhuman. Even screaming caused pain to spread through my throat. I instantaneously started to shiver at the contact with the water. I tried to struggle but Mia held me down, forcing me to stay submerged.

"We need to break your fever Bash. Please stop fighting." I could feel tears start falling down my cheeks. I wanted this to be over, "Tyler take that pendant off of him, you will." I tried to shake my head but I couldn't stop him from pulling it up over my head. 

As it left my body I felt everything rush back at once. The heartbreak. The anger. The fear. 

The tears flowed down my face harder as I thought about Amelia. What I had done to her. What I had wanted to do to her. What was wrong with me? 

I thought about the way her blood had tasted on my lips and it made my stomach flip with disgust. I never wanted to hurt her. I stopped fight Mia and let my body relax into the cold water. My whole body shook. The noise of my teeth chattering together filled the room. I opened my eyes and looked at the three pairs of eyes of my closest friends.  Mia seemed to be the first one to notice the change in my behaviour because her face lit up as a smile spread across her lips. 

"You're back." She said as her eyes watered, "Let's get him out guys. I think we broke his fever." Quinn and Tyler grabbed my again and lifted me from the tub, both of them grunting from the weight. I hissed feeling my wounds shift under their bandages.

They laid me back onto the couch. Mia sat down next to me with materials to replace the gross bandages. They were soaked through with dark blood. I winced as she pulled each one from my skin. The blood had stuck them to my skin which was not pleasant as she removed them. She coated them carefully in gel before she redressed them. 

"They are healing. They may leave scars, but I am sure you will be able to speak soon." She looked up quickly towards the hallway, "Alpha." She said as she stood to her feet and bowed her head.

"Quinn explained to me what had happened. I am not pleased that Amelia was able to get onto our territory. Will he heal?" His voice sounded angry, which was understandable. Mia nodded her head looking back down at me.

Ace made his way over to me and scanned the damage I had received, "Where is my pendant?" He snapped using his alpha voice. Mia whimpered as Ace raised his hand to hit her.

"I have it!" Tyler interjected coming into the room just in time. He held it out to Ace but he didn't take it.

"Put it back on him." He demanded. Tyler lowered his arm and looked at me. I shook my head as much as I could, hoping my eyes communicated my plea. I did not want to go back to being that monster. Go back to not feeling. I wanted to feel for her, for Amelia. 

"Please don't." I told him through the pack link as fresh tears formed in my eyes. 

"I don't have a choice. I'm sorry." With Mia's help, they lifted my head to pull the chain over my head. He placed the gem carefully on my chest. Both of their eyes looked sad as the watched the pendant work its magic. I felt the darkness take over my body once more. I couldn't fight the dark magic that began to flow through me, making me feel numb. 

I knew I could not fight it. I let my feelings for Amelia slip away, as if they had never returned. I knew it would make it easier to kill her. 

And I wanted to. I wanted to kill Amelia Winters. 

Soon I would have the chance and she would not escape me this time.

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