Driving Myself Insane (Origin...

By ilikemychoices

308K 5.8K 539

"Every girl has three guys in her life: The one she loves, the one she hates, and the one she can't live with... More

.:Driving Myself Insane:.
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Two
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Four
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Five
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Six
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Seven
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Eight
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Nine
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Ten
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Eleven [Colby's POV]
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twelve
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Thirteen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Fourteen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Fifteen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Sixteen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Seventeen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Eighteen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Nineteen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty One
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Two
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Three
,:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Four
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Five
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Six
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Seven
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Eight
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Nine
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Thirty
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Thirty One
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Epilogue

.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Three

11.1K 266 14
By ilikemychoices

"SUPRISE!!!" Everybody screamed at me. I looked around silently for the demon himself while Tina said:

"She figured it out already. What kind of people park their cars right in front of the house when you're trying to make it a surprise? You bunch of noobs." She shook her head, making a tsk-tsk-tsk sound, so you could tell she was kidding. 

Courtney came up to me and knocked the breath out of me with an air hug. I noticed that her blond hair smelled like peppermint. Is that weird? Nope! It's awesome! I want to smell like candy! Hopefully she got me the shampoo she uses. 

See what I mean what I said I can be as creepy as Tina?

Anyway, Courtney shrieked into my ear, still suffocating me, "Happy birthday!!!"

I managed to choke out, "One: It's not my birthday. Two: You're killing me." 

She stepped back, "Sorry." Then she grinned. I looked past her, checking out who else was there. There was Blake, Conan, and Jake, but no Colby? Maybe he got uninvited. Phew. At least I didn't have to worry. Skyler was there, too, but he put his arm around Tina with a huge smile on his face. Alina went up to Blake and started talking about something. My parents weren't here, but that was because this was supposed to be a 'teenage' party, I guess.

Courtney rose her eyebrow, "What're you looking for?"

Her blue eyes met with my brown ones, "Um, nothing." I said, lying. Thankfully, I was much better at lying than Tina could ever be. 

My best friend nodded slowly, "Ooh-Kay..." Then she smiled again, grabbing my arm, "Present time!" 

I frowned, letting her drag me along, "Already? Sheesh." 

Blake overheard me, so he answered, "Oh, heck yeah. Kids have to wait until the end to open the presents, but not almost-eighteen year olds."

I rolled my eyes, but still smiled. Blake was awesome, which made me question how he could be possibly related to Colby. Well, they looked a little bit a like. They both had the dark hair and blue eyes, but Colby was much more annoying! It was like he was adopted. Everyone else in his family was perfectly nice, but he just had to be the exact opposite didn't he? Wait, wait, wait. Why would I even think about him? Jeez.

I sat down on the couch, while everyone gathered around me. I always wondered why they got so close. I mean, they probably knew what other people bought me. Or maybe they wanted to see my reaction. It had only been bad once. But that was because my uncle bought me a Barbie doll when I turned five. I ended up electrocuting that thing a few hours later. That was fun.

Conan plopped a rectangular, mostly flat thing on my lap, "Bam." 

I rose my eyebrow then tore it open without hesitating. When I saw what it was, I grinned while Alina and Tina groaned and asked Conan why he would buy me Black Ops. I used to have it, and play it a lot, until someone AKA Tina fed it to our dog, Arrow. What dog eats video games!? Well, obviously our bad ass yellow lab. 

Conan shrugged while Courtney dropped a iPhone box in front of me, saying, "Didn't have time to wrap it."

So, pretty much, all the others were awesome, too. I got three new CDs from Blake, Ashley, and Skyler. Alina got me an actual crossbow, which she for some reason thought was better for me than Black Ops. Sure, I could only kill real people with it, but no big deal. Tina got me an awesome bracelet that said my name on it. 

When I finished opening the presents, I pouted.

Courtney frowned, "What's wrong?"

I crossed my arms, trying not to smile, "You didn't buy me the shampoo you use. I want my hair to smell like peppermint!"

"Your hair smells just fine." She said.

Blake leaned over and grabbed some of my hair, holding it up to his nose. He took one sniff then leaned back, "Nah, it could use some improvement."

I frowned, "I was kidding! My hair doesn't smell bad." When they weren't looking, I smelled my own hair. It smelled good, if anything.

I sighed, getting up, "Well, I be hungry. So I be going to kitchen right now."

Skyler snorted, "The English teacher would scream at you for using such improper English, Kat."

"Is Mr. Storm here? I think not! Now watch as I make a dramatic exit." I pretended to cry as I walked into the kitchen. No one followed, so I stopped as soon as entered the room. I frowned, staring at the bag of chips on the fridge. Why did we have to buy such a tall fridge anyway? Stupid dad. I got on my toes and tried getting the Cheetos, but no, I was too short. 

A hand reached up and grabbed it, then handed me the bag, "Here."

"Th-" I stopped myself. No. I knew that voice all too well. I looked at the dude who helped me and squeaked. Yup, it was Colby. Great.

He got this amused look, "Did you seriously just squeak?"

"Did I? I don't think so." Damn it. I thought that I'd escaped him! Such a cruel, cruel world we live in.

"No, I'm pretty sure you did." He smirked, leaning on the fridge door. 

I scoffed, "I'm pretty sure you've been watching too much Tom and Jerry."

He rose his eyebrow, "Do they even squeak in that?"

"Pfft, I don't know. I haven't watched it in years, man."

Colby grinned, "Are we getting along here?"

I rolled my eyes, opening the bag of chips, "We'll get along when dogs fly."

"Hm, okay. You ever seen the movie Underdog?" He smirked again.

Damn! Should've been normal and said 'when pigs fly.' I blame Alina and Tina for my abnormalness. I just frowned, "You bothered to show up without a present? How rude. Oh, I know! You should get the hell out of my house as a present. Yeah, sounds perfect." I smiled hopefully.

Colby seemed to think for a moment, "Nah. I got you something else. First, I need to tell you something. Alone. Like, outside."

"Oh my God. You're finally moving to Alaska! Yay, Colby! I'm so happy for you. Now, just go there and don't come back." I grinned.

"No, Katherine. I'm serious. Come outside with me. Please?" He looked pretty serious. And he had this sort of determined look in his eye. I sighed. I might as well see what he's up to.


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