Cold Mate

By Itztyciaaj

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He's the most heartless Alpha to ever exist, it says it all in the great books and even in kids bedtime stori... More

Chapter 1 (Douche bag)
Chapter 2 (Everyone Deserves To Be Loved)
Chapter 3 (The Denial)
Chapter 4 (Leaving Home)
Chapter 5 (The arrival)
Chapter 6 (After Introduction Comes The Dreams)
Chapter 7 (Never A Fairytale)
Chapter 8 (I love her not)
Chapter 9 (Background History)
Chapter 10 (There's more to Him)
Chapter 11 (The World Of Friendship And Rejection)
Chapter 12 (Mystery Solved)
Chapter 13 (I'll Kill Anyone Who Tries To Harm You.)
Chapter 15 (The Effort Is All That Matters)
Chapter 16 (Start of the Love Battle)
Chapter 17(Your Duties or Me?)
Chapter 18 (The Guardian)
Chapter 19 (Sorry Isn't Enough to Fix This)

Chapter 14(I Really Want Her Back Here With Me)

9.6K 270 11
By Itztyciaaj

Beta Ashton's POV

"We're being attacked, help." It was sent to all the warriors through our mind link and instantly we all knew it was from Vince. That meant that the Luna was in danger, before he cut us off, he sent a visual image of their location where they were. That pond wasn't in our territory.

"I need warriors at the scene right this minute!" The Alpha exclaimed through the mind link and stormed out of the office and in the middle of a meeting with Tyler without saying anything to him. "Follow me," he looked at me and I did.

He called some of the warriors around the pack house to follow us as we ran to the pond. Even though he told me that he wasn't in love with Leticia and would never be in love with her, he seemed extremely perturbed at the idea of something happening to her.

Getting to the scene, there was blood all over Vince, he was beaten up and even though he was still alive, one could barely hear him breathing. "Tell Doctor Nathaniel to get ready to start giving medical attention to Vince as we rush him to the pack house." He looked at me and I nodded mind linking our pack doctor. The Alpha kneeled next to Vince trying to see if he could at least utter the name of the perpetrator but only groans and moans of pain came out of him.

Jordan laid his hands over him trying to heal some of his wounds and broken bones. "Alpha, I don't think that is advisable right now." I interjected because healing Vince right now wasn't a good idea since it would drain him off so much energy. Vince is in really bad shape and his injuries are serious.

Jordan has the power to heal but when the injury is serious, his body will feel weak since it will take much of the person's damage. He will be able to heal the person but he will endure the pain the person is supposed to feel so I don't know why he's doing all this just to find a mate whom he claims will never love.

"Remember the guy I caught lurking around my house," he asked and I nodded. "Go get him, I want you to torture him to the highest degree until he tells you where my mate is." He commanded and I turned to the direction of the pack house, the guy he was referring to had already been beaten up by the Alpha and torturing him was going to be a lot for that idiot to handle.

Who in his right sense of mind would fearlessly step into our territory expecting to kill the Luna and get out freely without being captured and killed?


I couldn't describe the excitement and joy in my heart when DeMarco told me that they have been able to capture my step brother's mate. I have long awaited this day, to finally have the one person who meant everything to Jordan. With her, he will soon step into my trap. I'll kill him, take over his pack and have my name written in history as the one who was able to eliminate the most feared Alpha in werewolf history.

When I first heard of him having another mate, I couldn't believe my ears until I followed her in the woods. I guess she was angry that day because she ran for hours and I wanted to use that opportunity to kidnap her but I step on a twig and it alerted her.

I expected her to run back to the pack but she stayed there and even slept under a tree. I was about to capture her when a girl saw me and screamed but I guess she was in deep sleep because she didn't hear her. I decided to handle the girl before any of the warriors got to me just in case they might have heard her scream. I chased her and when I got to her, I pushed her on the ground, got on top of her and hit her on the head with a rock several times leaving her there to die.

The door to the abandoned factory where we stayed at opened and I knew my delivery was here. I could smell her before she was brought before me. DeMarco put her on the floor and she was unconscious because they injected her with silver. She wasn't going to die because it wasn't a large amount of it meaning she was going to be awake pretty soon. Quite honestly, I didn't exactly know what I was going to do with her so I ordered her to be tied to a chair.

"Hope you guys didn't leave any traces or clues." I asked DeMarco because even though he's my right hand, he has the tendency to be reckless sometimes and with a serious situation like this I can't afford any silly mishaps.

"Trust me Cain everything went perfectly well. Not even the guy she was with can point to us since he doesn't even know who we are." He replied with a smile and it gladdened my heart knowing that right now Jordan was somewhere desperately trying to find his mate with whom he had no idea where she was. I wonder who he thinks has her.

"Good job DeMarco, now I have to come up with a plan on what I will do to her." I told him as I stood behind the girl who was being tied to a chair.

"Not that I'm telling you what to do but if Alpha Jordan was able to kill you own brother, his step brother all because of a witch, it makes sense that you kill his mate to make him feel the pain you went through when he murdered you brother. It's not like he's going to be mateless because, Elisa is still alive just that no one knows where she is and when she is going to strike."

DeMarco's idea made perfect sense but I didn't want the poor innocent girl to die because of the deeds of her cold-blooded mate. She doesn't deserve that and I bet she has no idea what transpired between us back then. If I needed to kill anyone, it would have to be that evil witch Elisa and Jordan.

"Death is out of the plan, she has done nothing to deserve a capital punishment." I responded.

"Leticia isn't as innocent as she looks, I learnt she killed some wolves in her uncle's pack and almost ended the life of a she wolf in Jordan's pack. Trust me, she will kill you any chance she gets providing you pose as a threat to her which you currently do." He asserted as he finished tying Leticia, I didn't know that was her name and if what he was saying was true, I would love to see her in a fight against three of my strongest men just for the excitement. I guess she can only beat up inexperienced fighters.

"What do you think about watching her fight with three of our men so we could see how strong she is considering the training her mate must have put her through since arriving at his pack." I asked DeMarco and with the smile on his face, I know perfectly well what his answer would be.

"I love that but she's going to get hurt because knowing these guys, they aren't going to take it lightly on her because she's a female." He responded.

"I want to see her suffer in pain so that when Jordan discovers her, he's going to be outraged and in his angry state, I'll kill him." I laid out my simple plan before DeMarco.

DeMarco looked at me like I was crazy, "How are you going to kill him when he is angry."

"That's easy, I'll leave the guys here to fight his warriors and then take off into the forest with him behind my trail. Knowing my step brother, he will tell his Beta and warriors to stay back and not follow him. I will then intentionally fall and have him hover over me then, you will emerge behind a tree behind him and shot at him with a longbow as I stab him with my silver dagger. We will render him weak and then I'll cut off his head."

That was the brilliant strategy I had come up with and I had no doubt that it was going to be executed excellently without any screw up.

"That is indeed a fantastic idea." DeMarco said with a bright smile and I nodded, "now I just need this she wolf to wake up from her slumber."

Pointing to Luke, one of my men, "get me two buckets of cold water." I ordered, he went outside and came back with it. I took the first bucket and dumped the water on Leticia which caused her eyes to open instantly. I took the other bucket with water and dumped it on her.

"WHAT THE HELL, CAN'T YOU SEE I'M ALREADY AWAKE JERK!" She exclaimed, this girl really has some balls yelling at me her abductor. I went to squat in front of her to properly look at her. She is beautiful. "Who are you?" She asked.

"Your worst nightmare." I replied and started laughing.

She spat in my face and that was the greatest mistake of her life because I don't tolerate that kind of disrespect from anyone so I slapped her leaving a slap mark on her face.

"You will pay for this with your life, I promise you. My mate will kill you." She said erupting laughter from both DeMarco and I.

"We'll see about that but until then, prepare yourself for the best day of your life." I stated happily and ordered her to be untied for the fight ahead.

"What are you going to do with me," she asked clueless.

"You will find out really soon, telling you will ruin the fun sister in-law." I responded.

With a confused look she asked, "Since when was I your sister in-law, who are you?"

I chuckled and replied, "Cain, you mates step brother. Now I have two choices for you, one, you run out that door to save your life or two, you remain here and become my slave." As easy as that.

"Why should I believe you will let me go freely without harming me?" Leticia inquired, "You must want me for something that's why you sent you men to kidnap me and kill Vince."

"I know I might not seem like the nicest guy right now," she huffed and rolled her eyes, "but I'm a man of my word." I convinced her and with the look she gave me I believed she bought it. She nodded, stood up and looked around studying my men and I before bolting for the door.

Before she reached it, Luke tackled her to the door and she started struggling with him. That was when Walter and Jerry jumped into bash her while she was on the floor. They stomped on her repeatedly but she was able to cover up her face, I guess the fight wasn't fair because she didn't even stand up to defend herself against them.

"Stop," I commanded and they did, "at least let the girl try to defend herself. You can't just jump on her. I said and Leticia spat out blood but she managed to get up.

"Continue," I ordered and Jerry threw a punch at her but she escaped it swiftly making him punch the wall. He growled in anger taking steps towards her furiously.

He grabbed her neck and started choking her, she scratched his hands to make Jerry release his hold on her but to no avail. Strangely every emotion was stripped out of her eyes and her nails elongated. She kicked him in the crotch really hard, Jerry let go of her immediately and fell down holding his crotch, damn that must hurt.

Leticia began kicking him in the stomach nonstop then got on top of him and started laying punches on his face. Walter went towards them to intervene but I stopped him wanting to know what the girl was capable of. Jerry pushed her off him and got in top of her. He too began punching the living daylight out of her.

She got a hold of his fist when he was about to lay a punch on her. With his left hand he tried to get her to let go of him therefore giving her the chance to dig her claws into his lower right abdomen. He screamed and she smiled retracting her claw which was now stained with blood.

Jerry got off her and touched his wounded area to put pressure on it. Leticia got up and stood behind him and pulled something out of his pocket and stabbed him with it. He yelled in pain and from his reaction, I realized she had stabbed him with his silver pocket knife.

"Seize her." I commanded and told DeMarco to take of Jerry as I took care of the girl who just attempted to kill one of my men.

I had Luke and Walter hold her as I thumped her for as long as I could until she fell down weak and hurt. Getting a metal rod, I struck her violently with it till I got tired. She was covered with blood and couldn't even get up so I had her chained to the chair this time with silver chains.

Beta Ashton's POV

"For the last time, where is Leticia." I questioned the bloodied up guy chained to the wall in front of me for the hundredth time.

"As I told you already, I have no clue." he gave me the same reply he had given me since I came in here so I shocked him again.

"It's better you tell me the truth before the Alpha get here because, if he arrives, he'll have you head on a plate. I tried persuading him but his guy kept on giving me the same answer that I kind of started to believe him.

"What about the people you came here with to capture the Luna, where are they?" I questioned because the news we got from Alpha Jason's pack suggested that he was not coming here alone, he was coming with a group.

He took in a deep breath, "I came here alone, trust me."

"Give me one reason why I should trust you?" I inquired.

"Well that's because, the death of my two brothers drove my father who was an Alpha to make sure that I would never become the next Alpha after his death, all because a she wolf of a lower ranking was able to beat us up and kill two of his intoxicated sons. To him, I was deemed not worthy because he believed that I was weak and a weak person could never rule a pack."

"That doesn't answer my question." I replied.

"Well get this, you are disowned by your father and stripped of your title. You lose respect and unofficially become a lower ranking wolf, meaning no one will want to be your friend and you lose the friends you already had. I had no one to help me or side with me so I decided to embark on this journey alone." He finally started to make sense, I just hate when people beat around the bush before moving to the main idea.

"You think that would make me believe you?" I questioned.

"I don't care what you believe, I know I'm going to die and Leticia might be somewhere beaten up whiles you guys stay here stupidly wasting your time debating on whether I'm telling the truth or not." This guy really cannot keep his mouth closed.

I shocked him one last for saying we were "stupidly wasting our time." That was an insult.

"Pray to the Moon Goddess to preserve your life after death because as soon as the Luna is found, the Alpha will get rid of you." I said and exited the room to look for my Alpha.

"Did he confess to having a hand in her kidnapping?" He spoke up out of nowhere leaning against the wall when I closed the door behind me.

I shook my head and said, "I don't think the guy has anything to do with the Luna's disappearance. I kept on shocking him continuously even increased the volts but he never admitted to anything."

Jordan raised an eyebrow and asked," Since when did you believe anything someone ever told you."

"I don't believe him but I have a gut feeling that he's actually not responsible for this." I replied and he just ran his hand through his hair. I knew he was very frustrated, "Don't stress it man, we will figure out where she is." I tried to make him feel a little better but with Jordan, it will never work but at least I tried.

"How can we figure out where she is when we have no idea who has her? It's been hours and I really want her back here with me safely." Is he starting to like her?

"Do you like her?" I questioned.

"My human side does and my wolf kind of does but I feel like a big part of him is still stuck on Elisa. I told Leticia that my wolf and I were willing to get to know her that's why we are in good terms lately." He replied and I was happy that he was opening up to someone else after Elisa and Alina.

"I'm happy for you man." I confessed.

"Thanks Ash but she is very feisty and I fear she might say something or do something stupid to which will cause whoever has her to possibly hurt her." Jordan said and I could sense how worried he was, "what sucks the most for me is that I'm standing here with no information about who took her or where she is. Not knowing whether she's safe or not drives me crazy and weirdly I have a feeling that she is badly hurt."

Jordan sounded miserable, "was Vince able to tell you anything relevant." I inquired.

"He has no idea who took her but he described a guy who to me looks like DeMarco. I sent the warriors to look around and see if they could catch any fading scent." He replied and I was surprised because I had no idea that DeMarco was in Canada and I hadn't seen him in a long time.

"Since he is Cain's right man and they sent two werewolves here to find out more about the Luna, it makes sense that he has something to do with her disappearance." I told him.

"Yeah, it does and it sucks that I have any idea how to find them since I killed the two wolves he sent." He said and since I had nothing to say, I nodded.

Jordan's phone rang and he picked up, from his furious reaction and growl I couldn't figure out who he was talking, until he said "I'LL BE SEEING YOU SOON BROTHER."

"Gather up the warriors, we are going to be paying Cain a visit." He ordered in his Alpha tone.

"Do you know where to find him?" I questioned.

"Yes, he told just told me how to get to him and trust me I will not hesitate to kill him just to get my mate back," was his reply.

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