Elfen Lied Season 2 ( Complet...

By RaiProject

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season 2 of elfen lied ( FAN MAKED ) More

Elfen Lied S2 STARTER
Chapter 1: I Am Kaede
Chapter 2: The Escape
Chapter 3: The Return
Chapter 4: Awaken
Chapter 5: Back to Normal
Chapter 6: Insight
Chapter 7: Afraid
Chapter 9: Keep On Killing
Chapter 10: Kaede and Kohta
Chapter 11: Fight
Chapter 12: Mayu's Revenge
Chapter 13: Touch and Slaughter
Chapter 14: Rescued and Reasoned With
Chapter 15: It Comes To An End
Chapter 16: Revenge and Desire
Chapter 17: It All Comes Out
Chapter 18: The Final Slaughter
Chapter 19: Inner Conflict
Chapter 20: Blood On Our Hands

Chapter 8: Meeting Kenshin

1K 34 6
By RaiProject

"So, what do you think of Lucy?" Nana asked.

It had been a little over a week since the Diclonius had returned. So far, there had been no trouble, but there was an air of uneasiness around them all. Lucy always seemed to be on her guard and would only allow herself to relax around Kohta. And even then, she seemed to be worried about something.

Mayu tapped her chin. "Hmm, well, she's very different from Nyu. She is a little cold-hearted at times, but I don't think she's the monster everyone made her out to be."

Nana had to agree with that. Lucy had changed a lot since the first time they had met. Although she was still unfriendly, she was trying to be more open. It was strange though. Sometimes it seemed as if Lucy was arguing with herself about something, or having a private conversation with someone who wasn't really there. Nana would have dismissed it as simply talking to herself or something, but she would occasionally sense a dark presence creep up in Lucy's mind. It was the same one she felt when Lucy had first returned. It left her with no doubt that Lucy was hiding something.

"I still think you should be careful." Nana told her. "She may have changed, but she still has that killer instinct."

Mayu frowned. "That's not fair, Nana. All Diclonius have that instinct. You do too, so did Nyu. Deciding to act upon it is what makes a difference."

Nana looked down. "That's true," she admitted, "but there's still something about Lucy. You have to admit that she does act… strangely at times."

"It's none of our business. We're all entitled to our own secrets. She's not doing anything bad, so it's ok. I think you should just leave her alo- Wanta, don't go to the bathroom there!"

The puppy looked up innocently as he finished his business. He trotted over to the two of them and barked happily.

"Oh, Wanta, I let you off your leash and look what happens."

Nana chuckled. "Want to walk by the beach? Maybe we'll see some dolphins."

Mayu smiled. "You just want to walk barefoot in the sand."

Nana giggled. "But it feels so nice! And when the waves wash over my feet and then go back, the bubbles tickle!"

Mayu looked at her dog. "What do you think, Wanta? We can play fetch."

The dog barked in reply and rolled over to have his stomach rubbed.

"Oh, Wanta." She picked the dog up, receiving a lick on the nose from it.

"I'll race you!" Nana cried and took off.

"Hey, that's not fair. Come back."

Nana laughed as she got her head start. But as she approached the beach, her run came to a slow jog and then a walk before she stopped. Mayu quickly caught up, giving her friend a strange look.

"I thought you wanted to race to the beach."

Nana waved the comment off. "Hold on, I'm sensing something."

"Oh?" Mayu closed her eyes for a moment. "I don't sense anything."

"That's because it's another Diclonius… I think."

"You think?"

Nana crossed her arms, trying to figure it out. "It's strange. I know it's a Diclonius, but I don't sense anything from them. No emotions, no thoughts, nothing."

Mayu cocked her head to the side. "I don't get it."

Nana sighed. "It's like sensing the difference between an inanimate object and a person. I know it's a person, but it feels like an inanimate object."

"Hmm." Mayu muttered, and then continued walking. "Well, let's check it out."

Nana nodded. "Yeah lets check it… wait, what? No, what if it's dangerous?"

Mayu didn't think so. "You said you don't sense anything from them. So there's no hostility."

"There's no compassion either. Mayu wait!"

They continued towards the beach, Mayu curious and Nana looking nervous. When they made it to the beach, they saw a figure walking down it all alone. Mayu looked at Nana for confirmation and the Diclonius nodded. Mayu made an attempt to go forward, but Nana stopped her.

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea."

Mayu shook her finger at her. "Nana, you have to learn to trust people."

"But they're a Diclonius."

Mayu shrugged. "So are you. Look, if we want peace between our two races, then we have to make an attempt. Now come on."

Nana made a small noise, but followed her friend over to the person walking on the beach. They didn't even acknowledge their presence until they were standing directly in front of them.

Kenshin blinked, looking at the two girls. Aside from looking at them, he gave no indication that he even realized that they were there.

"Hi." Mayu greeted. "My name's Mayu, this is my friend Nana. You've got horns just like her."

Kenshin's gaze shifted to Nana alone. This wasn't Lucy. The Director hadn't mentioned anything about another Diclonius. He had only spoken of Lucy.

"Not her." he muttered.

Nana pointed to herself. "Hmm? Me? Who am I not?"

Kenshin simply walked around them and continued on his way.

"Wait!" Mayu cried. "Are you trying to find someone? Maybe we can help."

Kenshin stopped. He slowly turned around and looked at her. "Help? Why?"

"Well, if you're trying to find someone, three pairs of eyes are better than one."

Kenshin blinked as if he didn't understand. "Why help me? It's of no concern to you."

Now Mayu looked confused. "Well, that's ok. We'd still be happy to help. Right, Nana."

Nana shyly tried to make herself invisible behind Mayu. "Um, yeah, sure. Who are you trying to find?"

"Classified." Kenshin replied.

Mayu blinked in confusion. "Well then how can we help you if you won't tell us who you're trying to find? By the way, what's your name?"

"Kenshin." He replied.

"Well, Kenshin, we'd like to help, but you'd have to tell us who it is you're looking for."

"Not supposed to. Was told not to."

Mayu glanced at Nana curiously. Her friend just shrugged. Mayu looked back at Kenshin with a raised eyebrow. "Ok then, why aren't you supposed to tell?"

"Don't know."

"Didn't you ask?"

"Why ask?"

A slight chill ran through Mayu. Nana was right, there was something wrong with this person, and it had noting to do with the fact that they were a Diclonius. It was the way he spoke and reacted with no emotion.

"So you're just doing what you're told without asking?"


Nana tugged on her friend's sleeve. "Mayu, he's weird." She whispered. "Lets get out of her."

"But I think he needs help." Mayu whispered back.

Kenshin just continued staring at them, not seeming to care that they were talking about him.

"So," said Mayu, attempting to get more information out of Kenshin, "who told you not to talk about who you're looking for?"

"Director Kakuzawa."

Nana gasped. When Mayu glanced at her, she whispered in her ear, "That's the bad man who's in charge of the place where they hurt Lucy and me."

Mayu also gasped, looking back at Kenshin worriedly. "Are you… trying to find Lucy?"

Kenshin merely cocked his head to the side. "Can you tell me where she is?"

Mayu narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "That depends. What are you going to do once you find her?"

"Bring her back or kill her." He spoke as if this meant nothing.

Mayu's eyes widened. "No, you can't! Leave Lucy alone! She's suffered enough."

Kenshin blinked. "So?"

Mayu seemed taken aback. "So? So just leave her alone."

"I was given an order."

Nana peaked out from behind Mayu. "That doesn't mean you should follow it. Hurting people is bad."


"So?" Mayu cried. "Why do you want to hurt Lucy?"

"I don't."

"Then why are you doing what this director guy said?"

"Because I was told to."

This was getting them nowhere. Mayu felt Nana's grip on her shirt tighten, indicating how nervous she was getting. "That's not a good enough reason. If you don't want to listen to him, then just do what you want."

Kenshin simply blinked again. For a moment, he seemed confused. "I don't want."

Now Mayu and Nana were the ones confused. "I don't get it. If you don't want to do this, why are you doing it?"

"It's something to do." It was said as if this should have explained everything.

"Mayu," Nana muttered, "I don't like this. Let's just go before he kills us."

"Kill you?" Kenshin repeated. The thought seemed to have never had occurred to him.

Nana suddenly moved in front of Mayu, holding up her arms. "I won't let you hurt Mayu. Just go away."

Nana was suddenly knocked off her feet. Kenshin's vectors had shot out, knocking her over. Then they were strangling her. Nana gasped as her hands clawed at the invisible ones around her throat.

"Nana!" Mayu cried. "Stop it! Let her go! Don't hurt her!"

And strangely enough, he did. Nana sucked in a mouthful of air, coughing rapidly. Kenshin just watched as Mayu fussed over her friend, the expression on his face not changing since they met.

"Nana, are you ok?" Mayu asked worriedly.

Nana nodded, still trying to catch her breath. She was slightly confused as to why Kenshin didn't kill her.

Kenshin continued to watch them. "Will you tell me where Lucy is?"

Nana coughed. "No… leave us… alone…"


And he turned and continued walking along the beach as if he had never even run into them. Mayu helped Nana to her feet as they watched Kenshin walk away.

"What's going on?" Mayu asked.

Nana rubbed her neck. "Director Kakuzawa still hasn't given up. We need to warn Lucy about him."

They both shared the following thought. 'I'm just worried how she'll react.'

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