Chapter 4: Awaken

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Kohta was relieved when Yuka announced that Lucy/Nyu didn't appear to be hurt. Once she had washed off all the blood, she found out that none of the blood was the Diclonius'. She didn't appear to be hurt, but both of her horns were gone, leaving only jagged stumps.

Mayu was out of her mind with worry. Nana was aware of her friend's distress, which made her even more concerned. She too wanted Nyu to be alright, but she was concerned of what would happen if it was Lucy who was in control. Though Lucy had seemed less hostile than when they had first met, Nana felt that Lucy was still dangerous. And no matter how much she cared for Nyu, she would take down the Diclonius queen if she attempted to hurt her friends.

'As if I really stand a chance' she thought to herself. 'I'll have to… have to kill her when she's Nyu. But I don't want to hurt people. Oh, Papa, what should I do?'

But Lucy wasn't her only concern. She had felt that other dark presence within Lucy/Nyu. What it was, she didn't know, but it frightened her more than Lucy ever could. This new mind was dark and twisted. While Lucy was full of pain and anger, which drove her to kill, this new one was anxious to kill, excited by it. Wanted it. And that scared her. Nyu was nothing to worry about, and Lucy only harmed others that attempted to harm her or to take control of her. If this new one actually wanted the killing to continue, then who knew how serious the situation was.

'I have to talk to Kohta.' She decided. "I will trust his judgment.'

Her mind made up, she went in search of her new fatherly figure. She found him sitting by Lucy/Nyu's side, where he had been since Yuka had finished cleaning her up. She felt so bad for him. The expression on his face revealed his inner turmoil. She couldn't blame him. He cared for Nyu like a little sister, yet it had been Lucy who had killed his father and real sister. The situation was similar for her. Nyu was a dear friend, almost like a sister, yet Lucy had mercilessly torn off her arms and legs. It was hard to comprehend.

"How is she?" Nana asked.

Kohta sighed. "I'm no doctor, but I think she'll be alright. She doesn't seem to be hurt physically." He looked at Nana. "Which one is she?"

Nana knew what he meant. "I can't tell while she's unconscious. But before she fell unconscious, I did sense someone." She took a breath. "It wasn't Nyu or Lucy."

Kohta gave her a confused look. "Neither one? What do you mean?"

"I'm not entirely sure myself. The only possibility I can come up with is that a third personality has appeared."

Kohta gasped, looking worriedly back at Lucy/Nyu. "A third personality. What do you mean?"

Nana scratched her head, trying to find the right words to use. "It's hard to explain. I'm not entirely sure myself. It's like, depending on who is in control, I can sense the thoughts and emotions of them. There's a difference between them. This new presence, I fell nothing but the drive to kill. It's very dangerous. Lucy may have killed, but it was never out of desire. This new one wants to cause pain. It wants to kill and take the role of the Diclonius queen. And if this presence has its way, all of humanity will die, and Diclonius will take over. That is something we can't let happen!"

Kohta remained silent, comprehending everything Nana had told him. He didn't really understand, but from what he had gathered, there was a drive deep inside Lucy that wanted to kill. He knew that it wasn't Lucy or Nyu that wanted this, but someone, something, did.

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