Here We Go Again (Sierra Lest...

By crazyspazzyme123

62.2K 1.7K 401

Sierra Lestrange is back once again and this time, she's going to Hogwarts for the year, searching for a cert... More

Here We Go Again (Sierra Lestrange Book 3)
Chapter One: Home Sweet Home (Yeah, Right)
Chapter 2: Here I Go
Chapter 3: The New Adventure Begins
Chapter 4: One Thing I Didn't Bargain For
Chapter 5: I'm Off To See The Professor That Might Be My Demise. Fun Right?
Chapter 6: Got Ya, Huh?
Chapter 7: I Learn Alot, Like The Fact That I Hate Water
Chapter 8: Boys. Enough Said.
Chapter 9: Peter's Story
Chapter 10: To Amy Gretto With Hate and Loathing
Chapter 11: My Identities Everywhere Today
Chapter 12: WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??
Chapter 13: Even If It Breaks Your Heart
Chapter 14: How To Deal With A Broken Heart (SUPER IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE)
Chapter 15: Home At Last
Chapter 16: Falling Into A Freezing Creek. Just a Normal Holidays
Chapter 17: CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 19: A New Life At Hogwarts
Chapter 20: News Is News
Chapter 21: All For War
Chapter 22: Uh-Oh
Chapter 23: Harry
Chapter 24: The Beginning of War
Chapter 25: Amy Is WHAT!?!?!?
Chapter 27: Here We Go
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 18: Back to Hogwartss

1.7K 55 7
By crazyspazzyme123

Hey guys! :) I updated. I seriosly had trouble with this :( I really need ideas. I'm probably going to do a one-shot contest. Would you be interested?  

The last few days of the holiday went by quickly considering not much happened. Which was pretty torturous, considering the fact I couldn't get two major things out of my mind.

The first was Harry and Hermione. She hadn't told me what they were looking for, which was their business, I didn't want to pry, but she had told me about their trip to the Ministry.

I had heard about Umbridge from the other students, but man, she was a pink piece of poo. She told me how they had been running around, evading the Ministry and Snatchers, and all that.

Then about how Ron had left them. Hermione had seemed so torn up about him. I would have to throttle that stupid donkey. She also had told me about Harry.

How he could see into Voldemort's thoughts. I could see why she wanted him to close him mind to it, but I could also see how it could be useful to them. That was about all.

The second was the dream. How the heck did he know I was going to get that knife? How did he even know about the knife? I hadn't even known anything about it until I'd received it.

How? That's the question I seem to be asking myself a lot now, besides why of course.


Nico and I were leaving the same day. He told me he had some kind of 'business' to do, though he wouldn't tell me what it was. I didn't pester him for more information. After all, I was hiding something too.

We both packed the night before. An odd silence pressed down on us. It was thick and tense, though I had no idea why.

Maybe it was his posture, stiff, rigid and to the point, or his air, the I'm-all-alone-and-that's-how-I-like-it air.

Or maybe it was me.

I hadn't talked much since Christmas, too much on my mind. Now, looking at him, I felt guilt like a large, hard rock in my stomach.

I had wanted to come to spend time with him, not to ignore him and keep secrets from him.

Ugh, my life was so much easier before I knew my parentage. I looked over my shoulder at him. I sighed, breaking the first layer of silence. He glanced up at me, saying nothing.

"Nico, I-" I stopped. I didn't know what to say. Actually, I knew what to say, but I wasn't able to phrase it the right way, without it seeming hollow and meaningless. "I'm sorry," I said.

"You're sorry? Sorry about what?" he asked, looking genuinely confused. "That I haven't been a very good sister. I mean, I know I'll never be able to replace Bianca, but I want you to know that you are so important to me." He sighed. "I know that I can't do that anymore. I will change-"

He cut me off with a wave of his hand and a few steps closer to me. "It's not your fault. You've been amazing. You've done a lot for me," he said, coming closer toward me. "You're there for me when I need you, like she was. I never, for one moment, wanted you to replace her. I was hoping you would help fill the hole she left, and you did. But I never, for one moment, would I ask you to change."

He was standing front of me now. He was two years younger than me, but just as tall. I smiled slightly. I gave him a hug, which he returned quicker than I'd expected.

"I'll miss you, baby bro," I whispered to him. "Miss you too, big sis."


The next day, I stood on Platform Nine and three quarters, with the rest of the students returning to Hogwarts.

I looked around and spotted Neville and Ginny. Assuming we'd find Luna on the train, we climbed on. As the train set off though, she still hadn't shown.

"They got her, before, you know," Neville said. "I expected that she wouldn't come back, even if she got away from them, which I hope is the case." We nodded.

"I hope so," I said quietly. "Luna'll be fine. She can take care of herself, Rebecka," Ginny whispered. I nodded. "I hope so."

Hope is all we got right now, I thought.


As the train pulled into the station, we had no time to go hide in the Room of Requirements. The teachers were there personally to escort everyone to the Great Hall for dinner.

The Great Hall wasn't very full. A lot of students from the Gryffindor and Slytherin table weren't there. Gryffindors were probably in the Room of Requirements, but I had no idea where the Slytherins could be.

Once everyone was seated, Snape stepped up to the podium. "Quiet!" he said, and everyone went silent.

"Now that all of our students-" (he glared over at the Gryffindor table, while saying students as though he were saying poisonous toads) "-are back, classes will be beginning as usual tomorrow morning. And, due to recent goings on, punishments for bad bhavior will be increased tenfold." 

A few quiet groans erupted up from the Gryffondor table.Snape glared in our direction, shutting everyone back up."And, Care of Magical Creatures class is suspended until further otice, due to the resignation of on of our teachers." Bursts of outrage erupted from the Gryffondor, Hufflpuff and Ravenclaw tables. "Quiet!" he shouted once more. It took a little longer for silence that time. "That is all."

Food magically appeared, just as it did everyday, but the mood was much different. There wasn't much talking. It was practically silent. I guess the fact that people were disappearing was weighing down on everyones shoulders. 

After dinner, me, along with a small number of others, snuck back off to the Room of Requirements.We all wnt in silently. The room was as packed as before. Many students weren't there. I tried not to dwell on what happened to them. 

The few of us left all took one of the beds and tried to sleep. Keyword, tried. By the sounds of shuffling and groaning and the absense of the usual nighttime sounds, I could tell not many could sleep. Friends and family were missing.

But, an awful realization hit me. It wa so horrib it made me feel like I was going to be sick.

All th missing people, being tortured, or killed. Many of them were victims of my mother.

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