Chapter 5: I'm Off To See The Professor That Might Be My Demise. Fun Right?

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I tried to go as slowly as I could, getting caught in stairwells, getting lost in corridors. "Ms. Stevens." A voice behind me said, making my jump.

I wheeled around and saw Professor McGonagall standing behind me. "I was just going to my office to meet you. What are you doing all the way up here?" she asked.

"I-I got lost," I said, which was kind of true. I was purposely getting lost.

"Ah, that has happened to many students. Well, fortunately, I was up here. Come, I'll show you were my office is," she said, holding out an arm. I walk toward her, not feeling much different than a caged animal.

She closed a surprisingly strong hand onto my shoulder and wheeled me around the other way. She led me down a few stairwells and seemingly endless hallways.

She stopped me in front of an old door. She waved her wand and it unlocked. I followed her in, feeling more like a trapped animal than ever. She closed the door.

"Have a seat, Ms.Swan," she said, seating herself behind the desk. I did. "Would you like some tea?" she asked. I shook my head. "No, thank you, Professor," I replied cautiously.

"Are you sure? I made it myself." I shook my head. "I don't drink tea." She nodded in understanding. "Of course. Now, I'd like to speak with you about something, some thing important."

I nodded, as though I had no idea what this was.

"Some thing that could produce harm to my students." I pretended to be shocked. "You think I am a Death Eater?" Her grim expression confirmed it.

"I am appalled that you would think that! Why would I want to hurt anyone?" I asked, now genuinely shocked.

"Because you are not who you say you are, Rebecka Stevens, if that is your true name." She grabbed my wrist and pulled off my bracelet.

"Hey!" I shouted, though it was too late. In moments, I felt the robes grow a few sizes too big and I couldn't see through my glasses.


I took off the glasses and combed my fingers through my now brown and curly hair. "Di immortales!" I muttered in greek. McGonagall stared at me in shock.

"You speak Greek?" I stared at her wearily. "Yes," I muttered. "You definitely aren't what I thought you were going to be. Who are you? What are you?"

I looked at her. "Whatdaya mean? What am I? Human, obviously." Yeah, I was stalling. Whatever. "You aren't an ounce mortal, are you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"How am I supposed to know? I'm an orphan." Half-truth. "But you know who your parents are, don't you?"

I looked up into her eyes wearily. Caution was something I've been learning over the past few years. She seemed trustworthy.

"If it makes you feel a bit better, I know your not a death eater and I'm not either. I also knew Ms. Granger was tutoring you." I sighed.

"A bit, I guess. My name is Sierra Lestrange. Yes, Bellatrix is my-" I gulped "-mother. But I don't care. I'm nothing like her, honest. I don't like death and pain like my parents do. I hate blood spill and I'm completely against all of this war and he-who-must-not-be-named. That's why I'm here. To help."

She listened silently to my rambling.

"Your telling the truth. I believe you. But there's one other thing I tell about you, Lestrange. You aren't just a wizard. I sense something more... ancient. Powerful, nonetheless. I have sensed it only once before. Who is your father, Lestrange?"

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