The Forgotten Tards

By shaytards_love

44.1K 2.2K 410

(Copyright Shaytards_Love) Jamie, a blond hair blue-eyed little girl was abandoned by her family at an orphan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 47
Ch. 49
Ch. 50
Ch. 51
Ch. 52
Ch. 53
Ch. 54
Ch. 55
Ch. 56
Ch. 57
Ch. 58
Ch. 59
Ch. 60
Ch. 61
Ch. 62
Ch. 63
Ch. 64
Ch. 65
Ch. 66
Ch. 67
Ch. 68
Ch. 69
Ch. 70
Ch. 71
Ch. 72
Ch. 73
Ch. 74
Ch. 75
Ch. 76
Ch. 77
Ch. 78
Ch. 79
Ch. 80
Ch. 81
Ch. 82
Ch. 83
Ch. 84
Ch. 85
Ch. 86
Ch. 87
Ch. 88
Ch. 89
Ch. 90
Ch. 91
Ch. 92
Ch. 93
Ch. 94
Ch. 95
Ch. 96
Ch. 97
Ch. 98
Ch. 99
Ch. 100
Special Thanks

Ch. 44

188 14 0
By shaytards_love

Jamie's P.O.V

-earlier that day-

"Okay everyone line up, because we are going to a special assembly!" The teacher piped up, as we all rolled our eyes and groaned.

The last 'special assembly' we had was with a corny game show thing, where they tried to advertise their cheap ass products. Like who wants a ten dollar yo-yo?

"It better not be those dumb shit people who tried to sell us ten dollar yo-yo's!" Valerie called out, as the entire class bursted out laughing.

"Who said that!?" The teacher said, as everyone kept quiet.

"Fine, you all get a extra quiz tomorrow since no one wants to tell me!" The teacher said, as we all groaned, and rolled our eyes.



"I hope it's not that gay ass yo-yo!" I said, as the squad nodded in agreement.

"Yep!" They said, as the auditorium lights shut off, which indicated the show was going to start now, which I was not looking forward to.

The curtain opened with a clown coming out on a unicycle. The fuck, are we five?

"Hi kids! Whose ready to party?!" The clown said, as everyone mumbled a 'me', not being satisfied with this stupid ass performance.

He performed some corny ass tricks, and a couple of other people came out. I rolled my eyes, as I took my phone out and started viewing people's stories on snapchat.

Dad let us have Instagram and all the other social medias when we were 12. He lowered the age a little bit, which I was happy for, since Gavin got a phone at 12.

"Butler, put the phone away, now!" My teacher said, as my whole face turned red, and I slide my phone into my pocket. The class was laughing.

"And do we have some volunteers to come up?" The clown asked, walking to our class. Some of the class was afraid of clowns, so they scooted over.

"And how about you, young lady?" He said, coming over to me. I was kinda afraid of clowns, but kinda not, they were just so weird.

"How about a, 'no thanks'" I said, as he grabbed my arm, and led me up to the stage anyways.

"Alrighty kids and this is?" He said, as he pointed the mike towards me. In the background, there was a announcement about something, but I couldn't hear it. It was probably for the teachers or something.

"Someone who doesn't want to be up here!" I said, as the whole auditorium laughed. The teachers gave me a look, but it ignored it.

"Awh, well that's not the right attitude you should-"

He was interrupted by a couple of gunshots going off. Bullets were flying everywhere, and everything went super-fast motion. People were falling down, indicating they had been shot.

One of them hit the clown, as he yelled, and fell. The whole auditorium screamed, as I let out a big scream, as the clown collapsed on the ground.

"Stay quiet, and don't try to leave, and no one else gets hurt!" A loud voice rang from the back of the auditorium as I looked down at the clown.

Blood pooled from the clowns head, the place where he had been shot. I let out a gasp, witnessing the horrible sight in front of me. My hands shook, as the life left his eyes, and he had stopped trying to gasp for air. Blood was flowing from his head, and on the stage, near my shoes.

"Now, I'm looking for someone here!" The man said, as he walked around. Shivers went down my spine, I had a feeling something bad was going to happen.

From the crowd, I could see people crying, and people in shock. I saw that there was more than one person here. I also saw Mason motioning for me to get down. I was still in shock, but then I snapped out of it.

The man wasn't looking so I crawled off of the stage. My shoes had the blood on them. The clown laid motionless on the stage, his head facing upwards, as if he was looking up at the sky.

I crawled down the small steps, and saw a corner where I could hide.

I crawled towards the corner, and made my body as small as possible. The man was yelling at everyone to get down, and some other things I couldn't comprehend, because I was lost in my own thoughts.

He shot the clown right before my eyes, how could a person be less humane and do such a thing? The image of the blood was in my head, there was just so much of it. I know I was a rebel sometimes, but I wasn't prepared for this.

My body shook with fear, as my lip trembled. Tears fell down my cheeks.

Then, someone grabbed my shirt, as the forced me to stand up. I yelled, as the person covered my mouth. I looked, and saw it was one of the man's helpers. My blue eyes widened.

I trembled in fear, as I let tears slip down my cheeks.

"Stop your crying!" He screamed at me, as I stopped, from fear. I don't ever think I have been this scared, well, besides the kidnapping. This is one of the scariest moments in my life.

He dragged me to where his 'friends' were, and the shooter. There were about three other guys. I gasped at who was next to them.

They had gotten Mason.

"Jamie!" He yelled to me, as people took a glance at us, and look at us with wide-eyes. One of the helpers pointed his gun at them, and they quickly turned around.

"Mason!" I yelled, as the guy smacked my cheek. I gasped, as I felt the hand connect with my face. The man laughed, as he whispered something into the other guys ear.

"Now, if anyone tries to tell call for help, we will shoot you!" The man yelled.

"Wait, please let them go!" Someone yelled from the crowd, as I looked up to see it was Amelia. Masons eyes widened, and he mouthed to her to get down.

"Awww, and what are you gonna do sweetheart?" The man said, with a evil look in his eyes. The man motioned for his other free man to grab her.

"Leave her alone!" Mason yelled, as he tried to get out of the mans grasp. The one leading this paused, to look at him, and back at Amelia. She stood their, determined, but with fear in her eyes.

"Okay, that's fine." The man said, a Mason relaxed. But, deep down, I knew someone would have to pay, and it wasn't gonna be good.

And that was us.

"Sir, the cops are here!" One of his helpers said.

"Let's go then!" He said, as they grabbed us. I started to struggle out of his grasp, and kicked the man in the shins, before he groaned over in pain.

He let go of me, as I tried to ran away, but the leader grabbed me. Another one of his helpers had a gun pointed at the auditorium. Wow, he had more than three, like five of them.

"Knock them out!" The leader said, as the sirens got closer and closer.

At instinct, the person holding Mason hit him on the back of the head, which made him get knocked out. I screamed, but the man put a cloth over my mouth.

"Say goodnight." He said, as the evil smirk came across his face. He motioned for the man holding me to knock me out, like Mason was.

The last thing I saw, was the clowns blood flowing off the stage. The red liquid dripped off of the stage, as it fell onto the floor.

Yep, I definitely more scared of clowns now.

Then, everything went black.


Oooh, cliffhanger!

Things are getting intense!

I'm not revealing anything else, but I'm writing chapter 45 right now!

Anyways, comment, and vote!


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