Stuck Like Glue (Derek Hale F...


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Christina Laymen met and fell in love with Derek Hale almost a year ago and now they're starting their lives... Еще

Stuck Like Glue
Chapter One: The Return
Chapter Two: Argument
Chapter Three: Distrust
Chapter Four: Separation
Chapter Five: Captivity
Teen Wolf 3x01 Rant
Chapter Six: Loss
Chapter Seven: Shut Down
Chapter Eight: Forgiveness
Teen Wolf 3x02 Rant
Chapter Nine: The Discussion
Chapter Ten: The Choice
Teen Wolf 3x03 Rant
Chapter Eleven: Acquisition
Chapter Twelve: The Search
Teen Wolf 3x04 Rant
Chapter Thirteen: Pursuit
Chapter Fourteen: Flight
Teen Wolf 3x05 Rant
Chapter Fifteen: Betrayal
Chapter Sixteen: Depression
Chapter Seventeen: Reconciliation
Teen Wolf 3x06 Rant
Chapter Eighteen: Forbidden
Chapter Nineteen: Heat
Chapter Twenty: Battle
Chapter Twenty-One: Change
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Alphas
Chapter Twenty-Three: Resistance
Teen Wolf 3x08 Rant
Chapter Twenty-Four: Reunion
Chapter Twenty-Five: Missing
Chapter Twenty-Six: Breach
Teen Wolf 3x09 Rant
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Lost Girl
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Halo
Teen Wolf 3x10 Rant
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Getaway
Chapter Thirty: Watched
Author's Note: Great Big Thank You to the Fans
Teen Wolf 3x11 Rant
Chapter Thirty-One: Revelation
Author's Note: Third Book, Peter Hale love story, and Twins story
Chapter Thirty-Two: Big Picture
Teen Wolf 3x12 Rant

Teen Wolf 3x07 Rant

3.5K 61 51


I AM SOBBING RIGHT NOW. Oh my god...BOYD! Okay so can I just say I am so fucking miserable and depressed that fucking Kali (who's a lil motherfucker btw) made Derek kill Boyd! Like when Stiles and Cora and Lydia were turning on the switches I thought Derek AND Kali were gonna die and I was like NOOO but then like what the fuck ISAAC just went and grabbed Jennifer and let Boyd sacrifice himself for Derek! Like ARE YOU FUCKING ME THAT BITCH MEANS NOTHING YOU JUST LET YOUR BEST FRIEND DIE LIKE WHAT THE FUCK!?!? I was cursing a lot at the end of this episode. From the moment Kali dropped Boyd onto Derek's claws, I gasped, jumped up from my couch, and then burst into tears. Like, I was sobbing. For reals. Again. This keeps happening in the recent episodes! I have legitimately been crying my eyes out at one scene or another, since the whole Derek-fake death episode (I think that was 3x05?) When Derek was like apologizing to Boyd and then DEREK STARTED CRYING AND I JUST SOBBED EVEN HARDER LIKE THAT WAS TOO MUCH I CANT EVEN. Derek never cries. But he lost one of his own! And you could tell he loved Boyd so much. Just...I'm crying again. I'm sobbing while I write this in my room, with mascara tracks all down my cheeks like a loser. But then when Cora and Stiles and Lydiacame in, and Cora ran over to Boyd and started crying, at first I was like the fuck? And then I remembered - they were cell buddies! Of course she'd be sad. But just to round off this rant about Boyd...I'm so sad. That was a horrible thing to do (having Derek kill him) and I will be severely depressed for the next 5-7 days because of it. So thanks, Jeff Davis (Writer and producer of Teen Wolf). 

But now on to the rest of the was a pretty good episode overall. Until the end, that is. But to start off OH MY GOD DANNY! When Ethan dragged him into the emergency room, I screamed and was like FUCK NO! Danny just could not die. But Scott's mom, being the total badass she is, saved his life and then Ethan's concern for Danny was just too adorable for words. That whole thing with the doctor lady in her car with the butterflies? Creepy as FUCK. How come the darach is so sketchy and weird? Like why can't he just use chloroform and handcuffs like the rest of the psychopaths in the world? Geez. Derek was his usual hot self in this episode, and I am actually in love with him like I want to marry Derek's face. And body. And everything. Oh and SCISAAC WAS TOO CUTE! I loved how they were guarding Melissa but then both fell asleep. They are just utterly fab. And who else was like DAMN when Jennifer walked into class in that tight ass skirt? *cough cough slut* Haha no jk I've decided I actually like Jennifer & Derek together! But seriously, it's like we know you just got banged by the hottest guy on earth, but tone down the sex glow, please. Lol

Oh my god, the feels when Isaac and Boyd showed up to protect Derek...I can't even. It is TOO FLIPPIN CUTE how much they all love each other! Like the pack has been kinda spacey this season since Erica died, but tonight they were finally all back together again (looking back, I realize this will be the last time ever now that Boyd's dead AHHHH SOBS) And who else loved Boyd and Isaacs plan? When they mentioned bare feet, I fist pumped the air and shouted TAKE DOWN THAT BITCH. Because let's be honest...Kali really needs to go. That hoebag bitch-faced motherfucker is really getting on my nerves...SHE KILLED BOYD. SHE NEEDS TO DIE. But anyways...who else got tears in their eyes when Stiles was like "I can't lose both my parents"? I was BAWLING. So sad, I love you Stiles. And AIDEN AND LYDIA SO HOT! Like bow chika wow wow! They are sexayyyy. And after this episode, I felt like we actually got to know Cora better and I kinda like her! She's funny and ruthless, kinda like Derek. But why the fuck was she at school? Is Cora a student? Like what? And then Deucalion WHAT THE FUCK THAT WAS SO CREEPY! Scott was pretty badass, but I mean let's be serious...Deuc is the King of Kings, the God of Gods, the ALPHA OF ALPHAS! He's too badass for even you Scottie. When Deuc was like you have to choose who to save - Deaton or Derek? I was like ARE YOU FUCKING ME, THERE IS NO CHOICE! DEREK OBVIOUSLY! But as we were soon to realize, Scott made the wrong fucking choice. I mean, what's so special about Deaton? Sure he helped Scott out a few times but Derek is his father figure, his friend, his mentor. Why the hell would you choose a little fucker like Deaton over DEREK HALE? Ugh. But I do understand why it was important for him to save Deaton.

               As usual, Stiles and Lydia were adorabley hilarious in this episode, LOVE THEM TOGETHER. Same with Cora and Stiles actually, they were pretty funny together...hmm..but I dont quite ship them yet haha. And when Derek was fighting to save Jennifers life and she was screaming every time he got was actually cute, with their whole thing. I might be starting to ship them. Except for she KEPT screaming his name, it's like shut the fuck up he needs to concentrate! Damn. And then Scott being a "true alpha"? It's cool, but the entire time I was just crying and holding my face in my hands sobbing about Boyd so I didn't really retain much of that. Although kudos to Scott for finally getting an upgrade! Whatever, hope that will be explained further next week. And last but not least, when they showed the flashback with Erica I ONLY CRIED HARDER! By this point I was shaking and biting down on my blanket while I suffered like heartwrenching sobs and I actually screamed in agony. I was doing those gross sobs where your mouth hangs open but no sound comes out and you just shake with sobs...and my nose is running, the whole deal.  Too sad for me to handle. And we found out that KALI WAS THE FUCKING BITCH HOE SLUT MOTHERFUCKER WHO KILLED ERICA TOO! This bitch needs to die. Like tonight, like RIGHT NOW. Grrrr I hate her so fucking much. So anyway! To sum up, I'm incredibly sad about Boyd, that broke my heart. Dethan is my new favorite ship <3 Catch ya guys next week! xoxox

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