Extinct Legends The Iregular...

By HeiroXcalibar

778 58 8

Book one in the extinct legends series. The world through Heiro's special eyes of fire. Heiro is a young over... More

Chapter 1 alpha and omega what the hell am I
Chapter 2 Who's Flare? My family is just a bunch of rippers.
Blaze! Flare! Heiro! Back stories
Chapter 3 Excalibur explode Lets go to salem
Monster recape
Chapter 4 Lara the hybrid Heiro's a ripper superman
Chapter5 Three tailed wolf vs 360 and 540 year old vampire Pair
Chapter 6 Incomplete form what's granter wish granter
Chapter 7 The True Powers of a Wish Granter
Wishgranters and irregulars
Chapter 9 Disaster strikes
Chapter 10 It's the final count down
Chapter 11 The Final Fight Against Yourself Heiro
Magic and mystic energy
Chapter 12 Dream?
Excalibur and Dragons
I'm starting a book two
Extinct Ledgens and The Unknown. (Book Two)
Chapter 1 New times my family has a marrige new enemys pt 1
Chapter 1 New times my family has a marrige new enemys pt 2
Chapter 2 Two Year Gap What's Going On pt 1
Chapter 2 part 2

Chapter 8 I Ain't Never Had Friends Like These

25 2 0
By HeiroXcalibar

We were on on our way already in south west Canada. I looked over to blazes car. "Bluetooth on blaze." "Yep!" "Illuminate on that blaze." "The possibility of me or any one for that matter. So you'll kill her with Judah's help. Your her favorite and she can't control you or Judah. Plus you and Judah are our strongest." "Who is Judah." "He's a half angel half human so he says. I think he's a average warlock with the ability to fly." "Superman kind of flight." "Yeah and he can teleport short distances with quick reaction time and an archangels blade." "Why do we need an other one." "It's his plus you both will need one till you master the Excalibur." PUURRRR! "What was that Heiro." "DracoXcaliburn." "You brought the dragon." "Yeah!" "You guys gonna keep talk or are you gonna realize that the destination is on your right." Luna sighed. "Oh snap it's right there!" We looked out the window. And saw a mansion the looked like blazes. We parked on the lawn and drive way. I went up and rang the bell. This looks like Pyro's cousins house. And opened the door was Pyro's cousin. "Heiro long time no see. I stepped to the right so he could get a better view of every one. "Heiro, Jayna, Luna. Blaze, Lara, flare? Why are you with them. You know what he is right?" I stepped up. "Yeah he's my brother Blaze, Flare, and Heiro fire Nightmare." "What?" "I'm an irregular three tailed wolf. Jay she's a witch. Blaze and Luna sorta have a thing." Blaze walked up to him. "Heiro put down a leviathan. She's loose we need your help." "No!" "It wasn't a question Judah." "Too bad!" "Sorry I came to this but if I have to drag you I will." "Bring it." He teleported behind blaze and tossed him in to my Ferrari. "Son of a.. THAT WAS MY CAR!" "Well too bad Heiro." He started to light up gold. His right arm, left leg his, chest, his dark black hair, and the right half of his face. His eyes changed from black and empty to silver. And out came the Archangel blade just as described but more like a regular sword then a beam saber. He teleporting all over the place and we couldn't even trace him. Then his arm extended straight out to the right holding his sword to blazes neck. Blaze quickly zoomed behind him. "Draco in flammas turbine." I saw a dragon of complete fire arise from blaze and it breathed a fire tornado which judah got caught up in. Then the beast ate Judah and exploded. Blaze tried his best to contain the fiery blast but at least 10% leaked destroying half the house and the rest of my... My amazing car. He teleported plunging the sword into blazes heart. My tails, claws, fangs, and whiskers sprouted as my eyes turned a reddish yellow with the tiny black pupil. Before his stab was effective enough to kill him I grabbed the blade of the sword and stopped him. "Heiro I don't care who or what you are I will kill you if you get in my way." "You want to test that theory. If a wish granter can't kill I'd like to see you try." I tossed him into the air jumped up and the slammed him. "Kay you got me. Your a lot stronger then I thought." I went back to normal. "Dammit my shirts ripped. Well glad that's settled lets be on our way shall we." We go in the cars I jumped in the mustang 69, Lara, Judah and flare split up Lara and Judah with me flare with Luna and blaze. We drove and drove I followed blaze. Till we ended up an a desert in Alaska, and it was freezing cold. "Blaze is it here." "Close 1 mile to go Heiro." "Why here? It's freezing cold." "Heiro cold cannot freeze it's a temperature aka a perception not a state of matter." "Shut up blaze." "Shut doesn't necessarily go up Heiro." "I'm gonna kill if you keep being such a smart ass." "I'm pretty sure donkeys aren't that smart Heiro." "I'm tired of you and your jokes." "Oh if your tired get the cover so I can put your ass to sleep." I stared at him. I zoomed over and snapped his neck. 1 hour later he woke. "Where to blaze?" "Ow! Um into that sand trap or what ever." "What?" "Trust me." We jumped in to what felt like quick sand. I moved around as much as I could so I could sink as fast as I could. Next jumped Lara and Judah. The other tried to jump but blaze and flare stopped them but not little Draco he made it in. The others looked to blaze. "Guys it'll only let three in at a time and Draco is little so I guess he can get through but not you. I walked through a room surrounded by gold every thing. "Don't touch any thing. We walked in saw a carpet flying around. "Awesome a flying carpet." I jumped on it and the room started caving in. Lara looked at me. "I didn't touch anything just like you said you did." I glanced at Judah. "Hey don't look at me you screwed up." "Shut your mouths." We al got on the carpet and flew into the next room. Judah saw a lamp on top of a pillar. "That must be it right?" "Nah it's just up there by it self and happens to be a container that most genies live in and are trapped. We climbed the tall pillar it had to be like 149 feet tall. We climbed and climbed till finally we made it to the top. We jumped on top. I grabbed it and started rubbing it. Blue smoke went every where. And out came a blue girl couldn't be more then 14 or 15. "What's your name genie?" "Gemini or gem for short." "How old are you?" "10,354 years old master." "Why do you look so young?" "I appeal to my masters softer side hoping that they will free me." "Well then how does this work." "Master well I'll let you ruminate while I illuminate the possibilities..." "I've herd this song." "But..." "I mean it'll be different cause I'm not Aladdin and your a girl but at best it'll be 70% same." "Kay. So let's get to it bet you a
Got a list that's three miles long  no doubt." "Not really first I want a Lamborghini the fastest one. Net I want an archangle blade. Last I want Diana's cage restored. Wait!" "What that's three." "I need away home like could you teleport us." "Your blazes bro and you seem nice I'll let it slide. Just let me help you out." She looked at my puzzled face. "You seem a little buggy eyed master." "You've been saying the lyrics from the song." "No!" She smiled."Well could wish to teleport me outta here but I wish you were free." "What? No way! Thanks" she flew around the room. She looked at me from the sandy ceiling. "You have away of letting things free and you have a thing for orphans . Like when freed Diana,?or when you got a baby dragon and two soon to be baby leviathans, and when you thought you killed a Leviathan but just let it get away." "What!" "Nothing!"were teleported to the border of Maryland and West Virginia. We go into our cars and listened to music. She looked like she'd never been or seen anything before asking to touch every thing. Then a heavy metal song came on and she started rocking out as a monster like the one that lives under your bed in your closet or at your window. We got back and I grabbed the angel blade. Judah teleported and hid inside. I walked in she turned to me. "Heir you know I have the eyes of God I see every thing but can't hear every thing. Judah get up I know where your hiding and I know
You guys went to the genie. Those weapons can't kill me." "They can't I know. But.. They will put you to sleep for now!" I stabbed her in the heart. She tried to grab me with her Left hand then she got stabbed by Judah in her left hand. She then tossed Judah and I out of the window. "Judah take this angel blade, I've got to go get some thing." He took the blade and went in. "Just you. Judah I remember torturing you. You don't have the juice or power to take me on." "Let's find out." They went at it. Swinging, slashing, guarding, and bashing but she was killing him. He was giving it his all teleporting, stabbing and hacking but it wasn't enough. I ran into the basement unseen. I ran into the third cellar. I grabbed the gun. I ran up. He saw me and teleported us out. I dropped the gun and he dropped the swords. "Heiro I need a favor." "What is it?" "Let me touch your soul." "What?" "Souls are like pure energy like gold coins with nuclear power." "Sure." "Really." "Yes we don't have time just do it. She'll find us out here." I heard Jayna in the background. "Numquid deficiet de petra conspectu Heiro, Lara, Draco, Luna, flare, blaze, Judah, and I." We were invisible. He stabbed his hand into my chest slowly. I clenched my fist and teeth. Diana walked out side. Man this hurts. Hurry! He touched my soul and he looked like he got energized. He gave me the blades and he picked up the gun. She looked in our direction. "Dispel!" We were all visible again. Jayna looked confused and scared. "How did you... what the... How in the... What are you." "Your worst nightmare." I got up clench the Excalibur and the archangel blade. "You right so it's time to wake up." "Draco in flammas turbine!" I swung my blades at it. Excalibur Dispel!" I struggled getting the blades through the tornado, but then excalibur just sliced through. The tornado went away along with the flaming dragon. "My, my Heiro you've gotten so strong." "And you'd know." I ran up and stabbed her in her chest, slid by her and stabbed her in her spine with the Archangel blade. "Judah now!" He put all his power into the gun and shot her. She collapsed on to the floor. She was out. "That's that." Gem walked out of the car. "What happened here." "Teleport her to the cave to the cave now. Please gem." "Kay master." "My names Heiro." "Kay master Heiro." "Just Heiro." "Kay master just Heiro." "Heiro." "Kay Heiro." Diana vanished. "Yo Judah what did blaze do to you." "Oh he... He and I killed the leviathan so that Diana could revive flare. At the time I had a thing for her. Blaze found a genie and force me to get her in to the cave. Then we both got trapped in there Diana and I. She tortured me every day for 1 whole year, and used vampire blood to make sure I didn't die. One day she screwed and I be came a vampire and was able to pass through and I left the cave. To my surprise blaze was doing nothing to save me, and he said it was cause he got a lead on finding his little brother. Little Heiro nightmare at the time you were ten." "Oh umm well that sucks." Genie looked at us. "Sorry for Interrupting but I have no where to go." "Stay at our place. Man  no one has ever had friends like these." "You ain't never had a friend like me master." Call me Heiro already ."Judah question?" "Go ahead question away." "Can you split souls?" "Why?" "Can you?" "Yes. Why do you want me to split your soul and that's dangerous." "I want you to split my more brave but vengeful strong rage full, and heart less side." "Isn't that side like twice as powerful." "Yes but he's quintuple the danger to my friends and everyone." "Heiro I can't destroy a soul." "What does that matter." "Ok just remember I told you I can't destroy a soul." Let's do this it'll be worth it right? He stabbed his hand into my chest, and then into my soul." I screamed out in pain as I chomped down and clenched my fist. "Let's get this started shall we." I felt my other side. "Heiro you trying to rid me my king. Well then let the games begin my master. Have never had an enemy like me."

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