50 Shades Of Shame (Jai Brook...

By NotAPerfectionist

172K 2.2K 572


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 18

4.1K 85 54
By NotAPerfectionist

"But you NEED to keep calm, okay? You overreacting there could cost me my job."

"Relax, I've done it before. Do you think I'm one of these kinda girls who are afraid to talk to their crushes and stalk them in the hallways instead?"

Well, that's an understatement. Vic's had at least twice as much boyfriends as me. 

We get out of the car and start walking towards an old factory building where the set is. On our way here, I told her everything. And surprisingly, she took it rather calm. Much calmer than in my kitchen, anyway. But I don't know yet how she's gonna be when the guys are around...  Maybe bringing her here was a bad idea. How can you trust a teenage fangirl? Those creatures are unpredictable. 

Once inside, I drop my purse on a table and so does Vic. "Hi guys!" 

All 5 of them turn their heads uncomfortably while crew members try to dab light-reflecting foundation onto their faces. They mumble a few 'hey's, totally grossed out expressions on their faces.

"There's someone I'd like to introduce you." Vic steps forward and shakes their hands. I don't dare to breathe. I can see her eyes sparkle as she shakes Luke's hand and a sly smirk creeps onto her face. 

But as fast as it came, it fades and she shoots him her trademark smile, showing a row of perfect white teeth. "Hey. I'm Victoria." 

Luke takes her hand and lifts it to his mouth, brushing his lips against it slightly like in an old movie. "I'm pleased to meet you too, Victoria. I'm Luke."

"Your interview starts in 5, be ready!" shouts a petite blond woman with big dark-framed glasses and a headpiece. Luke and Vic start chatting about Melbourne and Jai steps closer to me.


"Hey," I smile and ruffle his bangs. He could easily be my little brother. If it only was that simple...

 "You're a girl, so tell me: what kind of stuff is this on my face?" Jai asks, his face a mix of annoyance and disgust. 

I giggle. "It's foundation, you silly. A makeup product that's supposed to make your skin look prettier."

"So they think my skin's not pretty enough?" He clearly doesn't understand the definition of 'makeup'.

"No, not that, it's supposed to make your face more fresh and less shiny and camera-ready in all. By the way, what interview you had today?"

"With a teen magazine called Cheetah Drum...?"

"Tiger Beat maybe?"

Jai laughs and facepalms himself. "Or that. But we should really go to the main room now, so I guess I'll see you guys later..." 

I look around the room to see who is this 'you guys'. Then I remember: Vic! She and Luke have gotten into a deeper conversation, not breaking eye contact even for a second. She has him pretty much tied around her finger. 

I smirk. "Oh. You mean the flirt queen over there."

Jai looks at them and smiles too. "Yeah. Luke's just come out of a bad relationship. That bitch he used to date... He deserves someone fun in his life after all that." He looks at them with hazy eyes, shoots me a shy smile and turns to go. 

A hot rush shoots through my body. "Jai, wait." 

I grab his sleeve and whip him around. His hazel eyes are just inches away from mine. He looks at my lips and then into my eyes again. It could happen any second.

"Your... bowtie is wrinkled. Here, let me fix it." Jai steps back and chuckles slightly while I adjust his tie straight. Damn you Ari, why must you be so awkward?

Beau takes a final glance in the mirror, shakes his fringe into place and turns to others, "C'mon, lovebirds and other faggots, time to smash this thing."

Hey guys it's me again! :P 

Sooooo, how did you like this one? Sorry it's not my best, but I just promised you that I would update tonight as well to make it up for me 2 months delay and I just had to throw something out there to fill the gap. And I knooow how much you guys will be mad at me for that, the next part won't come before 2-3 weeks, blame my parents, they're the ones dragging me to various wifi-less places :( 

Ok but enough of my whining. I've decided to shorten my afterwords a bit, since they're getting a bit boring even to myself :D (Usually I'm a huge fan of blabbering, as you can tell.) I have a feeling my best friend hasn't noticed her dedication on the previous chapter yet but oh well, she will sooner or later :3 

PS. The last 2 times I was too *insert a negative word here, I'm too lazy to think about one myself* to put a video and/or a picture, but no more. One the pic is Victoria from the profile with sunglasses on and the song is what I was listening to while editing this, t
hought you'd be interested :) It's hilarious, gotta love my Hoodie songs :D And Ariana's a white girl so maybe it clicks with the story? Idk don't judge me I'm a bit messed in the head today.

Comment, vote, fan, add!

You're beautiful <3

-Yo gurl Sasha :-*

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