Por NerdyCharlieee

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chapter 1
...Chapter 2- The One
Chapter 3- Saving You
Chapter 4-Move-in and Sleep with me
Chapter 5-Handling Victoria
Chapter 6-Lost Memories
Chapter 7-Meeting Jennet
Chapter 8-OH MY GOD
Chapter 9-BACK!
Chaper 11-What Happened?!?
Chapter 12-Asking a favor
Chapter 13-Courting Her
Chapter 14-BOSS?
chapter 15-I love you.
Chapter 16-3 months later

Chapter 17-#ENDING

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Por NerdyCharlieee


"THAT DOES IT"He shouted and went closer, took out the knife and put it in my chest,where my heart is.


"Now wear this!"He handed out an ring, and I wore it,I cried cause I won't marry the man I love.
"Now now stop crying,were going to London and get married there"He said,I wiped my tears,wait what!.




"Good"he said and brushed my cheeks,and I brushed it away,as usual"Dont you dare"he warned then kissed my cheeks,I leave him be or else I would get killed.

"Our flight is on 3:00 pm later"




"Now pack your things"he said,how the hell would I get things if its in my house "I cant get it,it is in my house"I said

"Dont worry, Ill buy you"he said,then I smiled even he isnt the one I love, he is sweet though."Thanks, Luke"I said then he smiled.


Its almost my birthday and I don't know if I should stay here on earth,Im still here in the abandoned house,I will just go back to heaven,cause she gonna marry another man,and I have nothing to do with it.

You have a chance.

"No I don't,cause if I said the three words,Im back there"

Just say those words to her, you'll be surprised.

"My surprise is up there"

Maybe or maybe not,just try.

"Fine,Ill take the risk"

I planned to do it later when the time is 11:59 one second till my birthday its just easy to say those words,then ill get my surprise,it shouldn't be hard,Isn't it?.

"Ari,I know where you are but,I can't I just cant" I whispered to myself.


Ariana is okay,she is just fine the girl I loved; The girl who was there always for me,is now gone, she is matured, she knows what to do,she thinks okay now,she she

Doesnt love me.

Actually now me and Ari are in the airport,I told her to shut her mouth, or else it would be gone,she is an respectful girl,obedient she is the perfect girl in my life.

"Lets go"I said and she followed.

Now we are on our way to London.


I guess Ariana is happy,with the person she loved, I need to go back to that abandoned house again, I will not do my plan anymore,I dont care I will get my surprise, I quickly went to my car and drove off.


As I got there,I positioned myself first then,barged in.

No one is in here,I walked across the halls opened each door no sign,I saw a light in one of the rooms,and I saw a laptop, I looked at it

She is in London.

I cried on my knees,and cried and cried,I only had one way to finish mission.

"I love you, Ariana"

Then I saw a bright light and....


Me and Luke are in the airplane,I am thinking..


How is he,hes birthday is tomorrow, I have no contact on him, I can't eveb greet him, Happy Birthday and I didn't even say goodbye, What am I doing,I should've thought of a way of eacaping Luke, but it's no use,he has full eyes on me,even when he goes to the bathroom he lets me come with him,of course jusy outside the door, handcuffed.

He is so possessive, He has all eyes on me 24 hours , when im in bed there is like a trigger if I step even a little bit out of the door, there is a loud noise,then he said, he kill me if I try to escape,he said our marriage is in 5 weeks,and we are already done with the church,then I need to pick out clothes,I have here a new friend, Katty,Katty Perry.

"Baeri"Luke said,thats what he calls me for now "Yes"I asked I hate the way he calls me.

"Lets pick out your gown or whatever it is"he said "Can Katty come with me only the two of me and Katty,Please have trust in my I promise I wont sneak out"I begged.

"Alright,I cant stay mad at you,even if im not mad,but promise me,text me when you're done,Ill pick you up"

"Of course"I said and we pinched each others cheeks and laughed, He is not the same old Luke anymore,he is new matured,trustful, well mannered,he is a new person.


Me and Kat or Katty are at the gown or I dont know what,Kat picked a strapless gown,it had the shade of pink,I wore it.

"Kat,maybe no,its to showy"I said "Come out"She ordered
I did what she said.

"Its perfect, let's take it"she said and pushed me back in the fitting I took it off and wore my clothes.


We wore done with the clothes,now we arr going to buy shoes,I picked flat but she insisted heels.

"What if ill trip"I said "Dont worry, we'll practice"she said.

"Finee"I said then she clapped and paid for it.


We are done with every thing and I texted Luke

To: Luke

From: Baeri

Can you pick us up now were done.

Then I send it,then seconds later he replied.

From: Luke

Sure on my way.

Then I out my phone back in my bag,I looked around the mall,then I saw a famliar person.


It couldn't be,he is back there in L.A.

Wait later is his birthday, might as well walk up to him,I walked up to him,and gonna tap on his shoulder but,Kat pulled me away..

"Where are you going he is here"she said then we walked away, so close.


Today is my last day of being single, then tomorrow im married, The last time I saw Niall was at that mall,was it him or not, Im confused.

"Ready for tomorrow?"Luke asked,I nod in response actually im excited-------NOT I dont like him.

"Wait,I forgot to tell you we have a to attend a party,they are gonna congratulate us"Luke said,okay later a party fun!,sarcastic people,im not in the mood.


I am already done preparing for later,Luke and me went to his car,I ride in shotgun.


We arrived,then there were many drunk people.

"Hey babe..wanna..OWW" I slapped him,whats wrong with that drunk person. "Wanna drink?"Luke asked,I shooked my head.

"Come on"he said "I said no"I managed ro handle myself from shouting.

"Fine"he said and drank his drink.


It has been awhile already,its already 11:23 pm,and Luke is no where to be found.

Wait is that Niall?.


Im at a party of my friends house,he said,they will announce a couple who will get married.

Wait Ariana?

"Hey..Ari...lets...d...dan...c..e" drunk guy said infront of her and started to dance "If tou wont dance ill kill you"he threatened,but Ari didnt so he pulled her out making me follow behind them,I saw the man took out the knife and almost hit Ari when I went infront of them and transformed into an Arch Angel.

"N..Niall?"she stuttered I looked infront of her and smiled "I Love You" I said.

~~~~~~~~~~ The End ~~~~~~~~

So D E F E N D E R is done, I cant make a sequel, cause im gonna take a break of writing,Ill make a new story,I said horror but no,its ONCE UPON A DREAM.







~Rae Marie

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