You get too close (Dean)

Da bilboaaa

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Dean Ambrose is a cold hearted,Inconsiderate wrestler who no one has been able to get close to for the past f... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

Chapter 80

2.7K 53 28
Da bilboaaa

~Six months later~

// Sadie //

"It's hotter than the devil's ass crack in here." Dean complains,Fanning himself with a magazine. I roll my eyes and huff,Wiping strands of hair that stick to my forehead away. "Well it's your fault. You left every damn door in this house open for like two hours. I told you repeatedly,'Don't do that. The air conditioning isn't currently working and it won't be fixed until tomorrow.' But did you listen to me? Nope." I grumble.

"First of all woman,Nope is my word. Second of all,I just wanted some sunlight. Come on it's Summer. We should be outside drowning in sweat,Being active. Not sitting here like couch potatoes rotting away." He whines.

"To be fair,We're still drowning in sweat. We're just inside." I mutter,Swatting away at yet another fly. I send him a glare as the pest continues to buzz in my ear. He gives me a sheepish look and shrugs innocently,As if he isn't the reason why we're getting swarmed with bugs right about now. I sigh a little and shift so that I'm sitting right next to him on the living room couch.

"Look,I know this is hard for you. I know you aren't used to this. But it isn't that bad. Sitting down,Relaxing and taking it easy isn't that bad. You'll be back in the ring soon,You're almost there." I encourage him.

After four months of having the WWE World heavyweight championship,Dean unfortunately got a head injury that needed to be handled immediately. He'll be back in the ring in two months,Fortunately,But unfortunately,He'll have to work towards the title again. I'm sure he'll get it back soon though. I know he will.

"I guess." He mumbles,Clearly not convinced.

"Come on,What have we really got to complain about? Seriously,Look around,Babe. We're living in a huge,Amazing house. We're living in it together." I smile,Looking around. We've got a big staircase,A huge living room, A huge kitchen. This is my dream house. Even Dean is in love with it. It's spacious and looks like something Beyonce would live in,And we got it for a good price. Most importantly though,It feels like home. We get to live with one another and that's all I could ask for. I'd be happy if we were living in a dungeon.

"Plus,We are getting married in two weeks. Isn't that amazing?" I smile.

Looks like we're getting a July wedding after all. Since Dean is injured,We decided it'd be the perfect time to have the wedding. This way he won't have to take any time off work in the future. If the wedding is anything like I picture it,It'll be absolutely beautiful. I'm so nervous and so excited. This is a new chapter in our lives. I feel so mature and grown up.

"Yeah." He smiles,Grabbing my hand. "I can't wait to see you in your dress." He smiles.

"I can't wait to put it on." I squeal excitedly.

"Wow..." He whispers to himself. "You know,I can't believe we've been through so much. I can't believe we made it through so much. There were times when I thought me and you would never get to this point in our lives...I'm so happy that we're here. I'm marrying the girl of my dreams soon and I just- I can't even believe it." He shakes his head. "I really do love you,Baby. More than anything. You're my everything."

"Save it for the wedding big guy." I smirk. "But I love you too."



"In five minutes,You'll be walking down the aisle and getting married to the man of your dreams." Aymie smiles softly. "I can't believe my big sister is getting married. I never thought this would happen." She giggles.

"Gee. Thanks." I mutter sarcastically. She smiles and gives me a small shrug. "You know what I mean. Seems like just yesterday me and you were sitting on the couch talking about what we'd be when we got older. And now here we are. We're older now. I just can't believe it. It's...Does it ever drive you crazy? Just how fast the night changes?" She asks.

I roll my eyes but fist bump her nonetheless for her discreet use of one direction song lyrics.

"You're right." I agree. "God I can't believe this." I whisper.

"I can't either." Mom laughs slightly,Wiping a few tears off of her face. "My baby is getting married." She says. "You look so beautiful."

"You two do too mom." I smile. Me and my mom still have a somewhat rocky relationship,But I am so happy she's here to witness the best day of my life. The fact that she's here showing her support means so much to me. I'm so happy right now,But I feel a slight pang of sadness in my heart. I wish my dad could've been here to witness this too. It'd be amazing to have him walking me down the aisle. But I know he's still with me. He's in my heart. And he's looking down at me from his comfy spot in heaven.

"For seven months pregnant you're really pulling that dress off you know." I smile,Nudging Aymie a little. She rolls her eyes and rubs her belly softly. "This boy is killing me." She huffs. "All he does is kick and punch and fucking body slam my insides-But you're damn right. I look good." She smirks smugly.

I smile,Shaking my head at her.

"Sounds like it's time for you to go out there." Nikki says,Peeking her head in. "Oh you look gorgeous." She gushes. "I am going to take more pictures than the photographer could ever dream of taking!" She shrieks before disappearing again. I laugh before straightening my posture so I can look 'Posh'. "Let's do this." I say.


"I didn't think it was possible for me to love again after what went down in my past. I've been hurt so many times and I was a hardened,Empty shell until you came along. You immediately made me feel things that I didn't want to. I fought myself for so long. I tried to tell myself that I didn't want you,But I did. You are a ray of sunshine. You spread so much joy and happiness every day without even knowing it. You help your family and friends with everything and you help strangers on the street. You're the purest being I know,And yet you manage to keep me and everybody else in check. When I first met you,I tried to piss you off in every way possible and you didn't give me an ounce of anger. You knew my game plan better than I did." He chuckles. "I hated that I couldn't get a rise out of you,But I loved it too. The fact that you were capable of showing so much restraint showed me that you were different from the start. You are a beautiful,Unique,Independent,Strong woman and I love you for it. I will never stop loving you for it." He finishes. I blush a little,Hearing a few aws from people.

Not used to being the center of attention,I've been fidgeting this whole time. I didn't realize how awkward this is up until now. Standing in front of a crowd of people and confessing your love for your partner is definitely odd,But somehow endearing.

"Sadie." The priest mumbles,Nodding towards me.

"Dean..." I mumble in a small voice. He squeezes my hands softly and gives me a small smile before leaning over to give me a kiss on the cheek. "It's okay." He whispers,Seeming to understand. "It's just me. Just you and me." He says.

"Dean,I knew from the moment I saw you that you were different too. You were every bit of your character. Unpredictable,Unhinged,Difficult,Hardheaded and definitely disobedient." I giggle. "I loved that. It was exciting. Even now,I still haven't figured you out completely. I don't think I ever will,But I don't think I mind that. I knew when you first started talking to me that you weren't who you wanted me to think you were. You acted like you didn't care,You acted like you hated me. You acted like you were scum. That's what you thought you were. That's what everyone thought you were. But I knew that you were just playing the part that was given to you. You played it well but you couldn't fool me." I smile. "We've been through thick and thing together already and I'm sure in the future,We'll go through even more. But one thing's for sure. We'll always make it through because me and you are both stubborn. We won't give up. Never give up." I smirk,Wiggling my brows.

When I'm done with my vows,The priest begins to talk but I don't listen. I stare into Dean's beautiful blue eyes and watch as they light up as he smiles largely,His dimple popping out of his cheek. You never know that you need something until it's standing right in front of you,Looking so beautiful. Dean's broken down my walls and I've managed to break down his. It's like we were made for each other,As corny as that sounds.

Dean slides the ring on my finger and I gasp at the sight of it. It's a huge diamond and it's so absolutely stunning. I have no idea how much he spent on this,But I do know that I'll kill him for it later.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest says after we say our I do's. I smile,Leaning forward and planting a soft kiss on his lips. His lips linger over mine even after we break this kiss and he smiles down at me before backing away slightly. "I love you." He mouths. "I love you more." I mouth back.


"Sadie,I should kill you for this." He chuckles as we dance together happily. I shrug. "Aymie was in charge of some of the music. It's not really my fault." I yell over the music. I wiggle my hips in a weird fashion before doing the same thing with my shoulders. I don't care if I look like a weirdo right now. Let me have my moment!

"I can't believe she chose one direction songs for our wedding." He rolls his eyes.

"To be fair,Hey angel is a beautiful song. And I suppose it isn't all her fault...I did tell her to play the Made in the Am album..." I mutter. What? A wedding is supposed to be a nice event where you're surrounded by all the people and things that you love. So one direction couldn't exactly make it to my wedding,Although I'm sure Aymie sent them numerous letters and emails. But their music is here so I guess it's okay.

"It's our wedding day so I'll be honest. I kind of like this album. But I'm divorcing you if you ever tell anyone I said that." He warns. I smirk. He's lowkey 1D AF just like all the rest of us. "Oh yay! This is my favorite song of there's,Even though it's not on the Made in the AM album." I yell as 'Right now' comes on.

Me and Dean slow dance to it as well as the other superstars and divas and family members that showed up. I don't think I can be any happier than I am right now. This day has been amazing and I'm so grateful to be enjoying it with the best man in the world.


"You guys can come in now." The nurse smiles. Me and Dean stand up eagerly and rush into Aymie's hospital room. I gasp,Covering my mouth with my hands as I turn the corner and catch sight of a drowsy looking Aymie holding a bundle in her arms. I walk over quietly and take a peek.

"Oh he's beautiful." I whisper,Noticing that he's peacefully sleeping.

"He is." She smiles.

"Congratulations. What are you two going to name him?" I ask.

"We decided to give him multiple names. We couldn't decide." Blake chuckles. "His name is Kit Madison Roman Benson. For now. But hopefully in the near future his name will be Kit Madison Roman Sanchez." Blake says,Looking towards Aymie. She looks up at him in confusion before gasping,Seeing as he pulls his box out of his pocket.

"Is that...Oh my god." She whispers.

"I'm having a baby with you and I love you like hell. Popping the question only seems right." He laughs. I cling onto Dean,Happily watching the beautiful scene in front of me unfold. "Aymie-"

"Yes." She cuts him off.

"Would you-"




"Marry me?" He finally gets out.

"What do you think. Slide that ring on my finger." She demands happily. I giggle before carefully taking the baby from her arms so she can spend a bit of time with Blake.

"He' so cute." Dean whispers,Stroking at his face softly. "Looks like a rat. A cute little rat."

"Right." I giggle.

"So peaceful." He mumbles. "Life is really changing now. I'm glad it's changing with you." He smiles.

A/N: OH MYYYY GOSSSSHHHHHHHHHH IT'S OVER. I'm so sad tbh. I had an amazing time writing this.

Sorry for throwing the 1D stuff in there but come on,You know you love it.

Still so unsure if I wanna do a sequel for this but I'm strongly leaning towards doing one. Follow me so you can know if I decide to do one,Or comment to let me know you want me to tell you if I make a sequel. In the meantime,I have other stories. My Dadny Mott story,My Sweeney Todd one shots and also my newest story,Carousel which I'm super excited for and I hope you guys check it out. PLEASE check it out,It'd mean so much to me and I'm sure you'd love it. (Not to sound like a beggar hehe.) So anyways,I love you guys and I hope you guys read my other books!

Don't worry about not hearing from me again. You will find me. In places that we've never been. For reasons we can't understand. Walking in the wind.

Sorry I had to throw that last 1D lyric in there. Love you guys! BYEEE. XX

Love you sexual kittens.

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