Stuck Like Glue (Derek Hale F...

By salvachesterhale

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Christina Laymen met and fell in love with Derek Hale almost a year ago and now they're starting their lives... More

Stuck Like Glue
Chapter One: The Return
Chapter Two: Argument
Chapter Three: Distrust
Chapter Four: Separation
Chapter Five: Captivity
Teen Wolf 3x01 Rant
Chapter Six: Loss
Chapter Seven: Shut Down
Chapter Eight: Forgiveness
Teen Wolf 3x02 Rant
Chapter Nine: The Discussion
Chapter Ten: The Choice
Teen Wolf 3x03 Rant
Chapter Eleven: Acquisition
Chapter Twelve: The Search
Teen Wolf 3x04 Rant
Chapter Thirteen: Pursuit
Chapter Fourteen: Flight
Teen Wolf 3x05 Rant
Chapter Fifteen: Betrayal
Chapter Sixteen: Depression
Chapter Seventeen: Reconciliation
Chapter Eighteen: Forbidden
Chapter Nineteen: Heat
Chapter Twenty: Battle
Teen Wolf 3x07 Rant
Chapter Twenty-One: Change
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Alphas
Chapter Twenty-Three: Resistance
Teen Wolf 3x08 Rant
Chapter Twenty-Four: Reunion
Chapter Twenty-Five: Missing
Chapter Twenty-Six: Breach
Teen Wolf 3x09 Rant
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Lost Girl
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Halo
Teen Wolf 3x10 Rant
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Getaway
Chapter Thirty: Watched
Author's Note: Great Big Thank You to the Fans
Teen Wolf 3x11 Rant
Chapter Thirty-One: Revelation
Author's Note: Third Book, Peter Hale love story, and Twins story
Chapter Thirty-Two: Big Picture
Teen Wolf 3x12 Rant

Teen Wolf 3x06 Rant

3.6K 64 31
By salvachesterhale


Just...there are no words to describe this episode. My reactions vary from scene to scene, so I'll just go through them all for you guys. First of all...nothing else mattered until we saw Ethan and Danny hooking up. Like I just could not handle it. Ethan shirtless is always a sight to see, but Danny too? My poor heart was about to give out. Just...dear god, that was hot. I was fangirling to the max, and I actually bit down so hard on my finger to keep from screaming that I left teeth-shaped bruises that actually kinda hurt now :/ (Last week when I screamed during Teen Wolf my aunt yelled at me). Ethan and Danny is the best thing thats happened to me since ever. But then Ethan had to go run off and try to kill himself. Like, what's up with that? 

But actually, can we just take a minute to say how FUCKING CREEPY THIS EPISODE WAS OVERALL?  Like I was covered in goosebumps the entire time. I was pretty much one big goosebump for an hour. From when Boyd went all Hulk on the vending machine, to when Scott attempted to shower-rape his ex, there was so much weird happening tonight that I barely know what's normal now. (To add to the general creepitude - there's a storm here in NY so it was thundering and flashing lightening!) But like by the end of the episode they explained why all the wolves had tried to kill themselves, but it was still scary as hell. Suicide is a touchy subject, but I thought MTV handled it well. When Boyd nearly died, I was literally bawling my eyes out and shouting "No, Boyd, no!" And his whole sidestory with his sister (I assume Alicia is his sister) dying and him thinking its his fault...I was crying. There was just too much emotion. Boyd has become quite the tearjerker lately! And when he hallucinated finding his sister in the ice? I'm never going to be comfortable in a hotel again, and I most certainly will never ever get ice from one of those things again. And the next time my food gets stuck in the vending machine I'm just gonna smash my fist through it, haha. Although did anyone else notice that Isaac was the only wolf who didn't actually attempt suicide? Like he was curled up under the bed but last time I checked that wasn't exactly life-threatening...I mean I hide under the bed all the time and I'm not even a werewolf! 

On another totally different note...OHMYGODDEREKANDJENNIFERIJUSTCANNOTDEAL. You guys may think I'd be super happy and blah about Derek finally getting some, but actually...I was left with a  bad feeling after watching him and the teacher play Romeo and Juliet. First of all - they just met! Like I know it doesnt seem like it but...let's think. What do they know about each other, really? She saw him get nearly killed by two strangers, and then he helped her up. He came to check on her, but she was totally terrified of him and that ended with them introducing themselves. Then, later that same day, he shows up by the side of her car, all bloodied up and requiring medical attention. Now in what world does that equal take him back to his secret werewolf hideout and hook up with this dangerous stranger who I just met? Like, what the fuck??? Now trust me, I love the fact that she commented on Derek's amazing physique, because damn. He is fine. But like I'm starting to think Jen is either a creepy adrenaline junkie, an undercover werewolf hunter who's sleeping with the enemy, or just a slut. Because despite Derek's spectacular hotness, I would not give it up to someone I just met. Like she just found out his name for fuck's sake! And then not only did they kiss but THEY HAD SEX WHAT THE HOLY HELL?!!?! I think my jaw dropped so far that it disconnected from my body, rolled on the ground, and then broke into a million little pieces. That's how shocked I was. My jaw muscles still hurt. So yeah, I'm not sure I completely ship them just yet. But don't get me wrong, it was cute. And Derek was hot. And then Derek healed like right away and i'm glad he did but..what? Like...just what? It just seemed a little rushed and a tad bit suspicious. 

And now of course, we've come to my all-time favorite part of the episode. Seeing Lydia and Stiles team up together was adorable, and I really ship them hard. Also, TEAM HUMAN FOR THE WIN! Like actually, they got some serious shit done in tonight's episode, so I doff my cap to Stiles, Lydia, and Allison. No surprise that whenever there's some creepy supernatural shit happening, it's most likely Lydia's fault. And then when they went around saving everyone, I was cheering and smiling and just loving it. And Stiles saving Boyd? TOTALLY HOT. Like I will go out and buy a safe right now, fill it with heavy stuff, get naked, jump in the bathtub, and try to drown myself JUST so Stiles can come rescue me. And then we can have passionate bathtub sex :D Teehee, no sorry I got distracted in my sexual fantasies. (WHO ELSE WAS GETTING HOT WHEN ETHAN AND DANNY WERE GETTING IT ON, BTW? BECAUSE I CERTAINLY WAS!) And now to my favorite part actually...Scott and Stiles

The feels during this scene...I cannot even describe to you what I was feeling. There are no words. Only feels. But I will try my best to paint a vivid picture of my emotions for your enjoyment. When Allison and Scott were talking about hope and shit I was just like yeah, okay, yawn (but actually how funny was it when Scott was like there's no hope for Derek and then the show cuts to Derek making out with Jen..yeah he looks pretty hopeless to me too LOL) But then when Stiles stepped forward and was like "Scott, you're my best friend." I was SOBBING. Like tears just started pouring out of my eyes, and my heart actually physically hurt, and I couldnt breathe even if I'd tried. I was biting down  on my finger again just so I wouldn't scream in pain because the sadness and compassion and worry in Stiles' eyes was just making me cry so hard I think I actually alarmed my aunt, who once again came to check on me and found me crying as hard as I had when my grandmother had died. And then Stiles said "Scott, you're my brother." and now I did let out a loud sob and bit down hard enough to leave worse bruises on my poor index finger. It was just too much. I hadn't even cried this much when I'd thought Derek was dead (although that was a different type of saddness, so dont get the wrong idea - I still love Derek more than my own life). And finally, when Stiles stepped into the gasoline and said that if Scott killed himself, he'd have to kill Stiles too...well I just lost it. I had to pause it, turn over, bury my face in my blanket, and BAWL MY FUCKING EYES OUT. I was quite literally sobbing. Like eyes bloodshot and red, cheeks blotchy, snot pouring out of both nostrils sobbing. I still haven't recovered and if you believe one thing that I've told you, believe this: I will never be that sad ever again in my life. The pure love between Stiles and Scott (and not bromance, you bitches - LOVE) just touches my heart and makes me want to cry even harder, if possible. As a matter of fact, after watching that scene, I grabbed my phone and sent a very heartfelt text message to my best friends, telling them how much I loved them and that they were my sisters and ending it by saying that if they ever got turned into werewolves, were poisoned by an ancient corrupt Celtic druid, and tried to kill themselves with gasoline and an emergency flare, I would die with them. One of them promptly responded with "Sam you watch too much Teen Wolf" so there you have it :) No one will EVER have as strong a friendship as Scott and Stiles! I totally love them to death. 

And finally...Gerard. Ah, that stupid son of a bitch is still alive, is he? Dammit. Not that I give a damn what he talks about, but it actually was pretty creepy how Deucalion bit Chris Argent's uncle and that's what made him commit suicide. I know that's all connected somehow...the motel, Deucalion, the suicide, but I just can't figure out how. Maybe I missed something, or maybe they just didnt give us enough information yet. Do you guys have any theories? Also, I was so relieved that Deuc didnt actually kill Melissa! Like thank God! Oh and also - what Ethan said to Scott about Derek either joining them or dying made me scream FUCK NO at my screen. Derek is perfect just where he is and HE WILL NEVER BE ONE OF YOU! SO DONT YOU EVEN TRY! Anyways, I think this has been a sufficiently long enough rant! I hope you guys enjoyed the episode as much as I did and I'll catch you next week! xoxoxoxo

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