Life as Spiderwoman

By EraseMe

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Well, what can I tell you about me now, right at the beginning of my story? My name is Joi Leroy. My boyfrien... More

The Beginning
New in New York
A real life saver
Another good deed
Keep my secret
1% Of The Worlds Population
How I became Spiderwoman
The Trapster
The Frightful Four
Responsibility - Part 1
Responsibility - Part 2
Doomed - Part 1
Doomed - Part 2
Doomed - Part 3
Venom - Part 1
Venom - Part 2
Venom - Part 3


1.4K 47 13
By EraseMe

As I woke up I laid in my own bed at home.

I sat down on it and looked at my cell phone. It was Saturday afternoon now, I had slept for a whole day. What kind of pills did they give me?

With another look at my phone I realized I had 8 unanswered calls and 10 messages.

Oh, dammit! I had forgotten to call Alissa, after she told me to call the next day. She had called me 3 times since then, and 3 more times since yesterday.

I presume she had called at home here since I hadn't answered cell phone calls and my parents had told her about my little accident.

All the other calls and messages were sent by Peter, MJ, Harry and some other friends from high school. I didn't even read them.

I sighed and laid back down on my pillow. I had the feeling I was still tired, after sleeping for 24 hours. But as soon as I got up to get something to drink I felt pretty energetic.

"You're up? Fine, how're you feeling, honey?", my mum said.

"I'm good, pretty good! Where's dad?", I asked after I had drunk one whole bottle of water.

"He's over at May's, her microwave's not really working anymore..", she answered. "Would you mind going over and calling your dad? Dinner is ready, we'll eat a bit earlier than usually, your dad and I are going to the theatre this evening."

Did I hear the right thing? For the first time since we moved here I had the house to myself!

"No problem.", I said pokerfaced and went upstairs into the bathroom to change clothes. When I brushed my hair I unintentionally touched the bandage on my forehead and it fell off.

But there was no wound, there was normal, uninjured skin.

Oh right, I remember, I'm kind of having superpowers now. But not even Peter is inviolable..

I shook my head to make this thought leave my head and it kind of worked.

When I wanted to knock on Peter's door I heard children laughing in the garden, so I took the path next to the house that led me into it.

Before I could even see the 2 kids running around the garden, I heard an extremely loud bell ring in my head and automatically threw my hands up.

There was a football flying directly onto my face. But before it could crash onto my forehead I caught it.

I didn't know how I did that, but I had reacted super-fast.

I was just standing there, staring at the football and wondering if this is what Peter calls the spider sense.

My arm didn't hurt anymore and I ripped off the bandage. What the hell?

"Hey Pete, who's that? Is that Joi?", the little girl asked. She must've been around ten years old.

"Yes she is.", said Peter smiling to the little girl. "Hey Joi, I see you're feeling better?", he asked.

I wanted to answer him but couldn't because he was already standing right in front of me and hugged me.

"I'm still so sorry, for the accident, and for that I decided something important like that for you..", he whispered.

Suddenly I had a goose flesh all over my body.

"N-no problem, I err.. I think I will be okay with it.", I answered, hoping he hadn't realized my hesitation.

"Hannah, Tommy, we'll go upstairs now, if you're hungry or thirsty just tell May, alright?", he said to the kids.

"Alright, Sir!", the little boy said laughing, he might've been around 6 years old.

As we went into the house I heard my dad in the kitchen and remembered what I had come here for.

"Dad? Mum asked you to come back and eat dinner, I heard you're going out today?", I told him.

"Sure, we just got ready with this monster microwave here. Won't you come with me?", he asked.

"I err.. I'm not hungry yet, I'll eat later.", I told him and said hello to May and goodbye to my dad.

As Peter and I were in his room he closed the door and I sat down on his bed.

"You've got super-fast reactions and the spider sense but you're wound is fully gone. I don't think we share the same powers to 100%...", he said.

"I know, I already thought about it."

"Have you tried climbing walls by now? Try it!", he encouraged me and I got up. I touched the wall with one hand and then with the other hand. Then I tried the same with my feet and it totally worked out. Peter watched me like a proud dad.

I laughed. "I love doing that!"

"I know, it's fun.", I heard Peter saying, being set on his office chair. I climbed back down and looked over his shoulder.

He was holding another web shooter.

"Wanna learn how to be my Spiderwoman?", he grinned.


However, May and my parents were okay with me and Peter, leaving the neighbors' kids in the garden and 'meeting Harry' without any explanation.

Of course we did not meet Harry, we went over to the place Spiderman had learned how to fly with his webs, how to shoot them and how to climb buildings.

It was a wide blind alley, looking a bit like a big backyard with a few giant rubbish containers.

"Okay. First Lesson: Climbing high buildings. Let me put on web shooters and then we'll climb. You go first, I'm behind you. You will never have another accident, I swear.", he said guiltily.

I sighed and he understood what I wanted to say, at once. It wasn't his fault and he should forget it.

After we both had our web shooters ready I started my first try. It was as easy as in Peter's room. Peter encouraged me the whole time till were at the top of the building.

"Such an amazing view and you get to see it actually every day..." I said my a dreamy smile. I didn't hear him coming but suddenly Peter hugged me from behind and laid his head on my shoulder.

And there goes the goose flesh again.

I didn't really know how to react but I felt so safe I laid my head back at him and just watching the sky.

Unexpectedly one of our phones rang and he went to our bag to check who was calling. As I wanted to turn around and ask who called, I nearly fell to the ground.

Peter had shot some web around my legs when I didn't realize it and now they were stuck together. He laughed at me and I had to laugh aswell.

As soon as I pulled the web down I ran after him and tried to shoot him aswell.

I was surprised that every shot got on its target and soon Pete's arms were stuck together and he couldn't run that fast anymore.

"Okay, okay, I give up. You already shoot as good as I do!", he admitted.

The two roofs opposite to each other were perfect for swinging from one to the other. Peter showed me how to shoot a web to the lamppost and then step and swing over the roof frame.

The first time he waited on the ground to catch me if I'd fall, but everything went well and we looked for more difficult places to practice.

The next rooftop was set a bit higher and it wasn't that easy to reach the lamppost but I did it.

We practiced until it got dark.

"Okay, if we swing slowly now, we'll arrive at home in 15 minutes. Do you wanna swing or drive? You look a bit tired.", Peter explained.

"No, I want to train! Catch me if you can!" and then I swung up the building and was gone. But soon Peter was close on my heels and then next to me.

As we were home I actually was pretty tired. We first went over to Peter. May had already waited for us with some pizzas.

"Oh, May, you're the best!", I said and hugged her. "Oh, no problem, my dear!", she answered. "I know, right? She is the best of all!", Peter said grinning. "Aunt May? Can we take them upstairs?" he asked.

"Sure, just go, you two.", she said and went back to the living room.

In Peter's room we ate the pizzas, watched TV and talked all night. At eleven May didn't let me go home anymore because she was too afraid and we built up another bed next to Peter's.

"Peter, be a gentleman and let her sleep in your bed, this one is not that comfortable...", May said.

I laughed. "No! That's no problem for me!", I said.

"She's right, this one's pretty old.", Peter explained and went to the bathroom. As he stood on the door sill he turned around, smiled and signed me to come with him.

Peter gave me a new toothbrush and we got ready for going to bed.

We had planned to watch some more TV, but as soon as I laid in Peter's bed that smelled so good like him I fell asleep immediately.

I dreamt of Spiderman and Spiderwoman swinging over New York together.

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