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The next day I woke up earlier as I had to, got ready for school, ate breakfast and waited for Peter to knock at the door, but he didn't, it was simply too early.

I took my school bag, said goodbye to my parents and went over to the Parker's.

I knocked at the door and May opened it.

"Good morning, darling. I bet you are waiting for Peter... Where is he, by the way?", said she and turned around to look for him.

There were only a few possibilities.

Super villains, though I hadn't seen any of them on TV while eating breakfast.

He had to obtain things for his equipment, which he always does before school.

He was still in bed.

Well, it was the last possibility.

I climbed up the stairs to his room, turned on the radio to full volume and shouted: "Morning sweety, rise and shine, it's time to greet the day!" Then I ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

Peter was up as fast as I had locked the door and now he was pounding on it, telling me to open it.

I bursted out laughing and shouted: "I can't! I'll change clothes, we're late. We'll have to swing to school, if you understand me, this early in the morning."

I laughed and thought about if I had been too mean. Usually its Peter making jokes and bantering the whole time, I just enjoy being the joker sometimes, when he is too tired.

I quickly put on my suit and unlocked the door. Peter had already changed clothes - that means, he had put on his suit, before that he had worn nothing but boxers...

He got into the bathroom trying to not even give me a glance, but he failed because he had to smile and then watched me for a while.

As he brushed his teeth I packed his backpack and after a few minutes we could finally leave.

We swung through the city to school and were accompanied by JJJ's shouting voice and his face on every enormous screen.

"I know you are out there, you wall-crawling menaces. And it's the duty of every New Yorker to report the actions of these two masked mysterious. So listen up, as long as J Jonah Jameson is CEO of the Daily Bugle, these criminals will-"

He was going on but Peter shot a web onto the screen and the voice stopped.

"And a good morning to you, J Jonah loud mouth!", he said and I laughed.

"No really, every other kid starts his days with orange juice. We get yelled at by a hundred feet tall crank. Where is the love for the Spiderteam? We are out here, nearly alone, every day trying the best we can as heroes and it really is not easy.", he said.

Well, that was true.

With the last swing we arrived on the roof of the school and changed clothes again.

We both had Spanish class first and went there together. On our way we met MJ and Harry and talked a bit.

As we wanted to enter the classroom, infamous Flash Thompson blocked Peter the way.

"Heeey, Puny Parker, where are you going? Don't you think it's locker-knocker-time?", he yelled.

Then he realized I was with Peter.

"Hey, aren't you the new girl? Joi, right? I am Flash, Flash Thompson, football quarterback at our beloved Midtown High!", he said proudly.

"Well, I'm not really new anymore, but yes, I am Joi. Err... nice to meet you?", I said and smiled over to Peter.

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