The Trapster

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I woke up by the smell of pancakes with maple syrup and chocolate cream, mixed with orange juice and strawberries.

I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was a tray filled with all these good smelling things.

Then I saw, that the bed Peter had slept in was empty. He had placed a note on it.

Sorry for not being here when you wake up. I turned on the TV; hopefully you'll see me on there, at least. ;)


As I read the text I looked up to the TV and saw that Peter didn't renege on his promise. You could see him swinging on the Brooklyn Bridge saving people out of their cars that some villain threw over the bridge.

Peter had showed some villains from New York, those he already fought against. I now recognized, that it was the Trapster.

The Trapster is an idiot.

He's not really intelligent, but he has bag of hot melt glue on his back, that he can shoot out of two pistols. Peter says, the only way not to end up stuck on the wall is to avoid his shots.

Once you're shot it's over.

While watching I had eaten everything May had cooked for me and I wanted to do something. I got up but as I got into the bathroom, I saw another message Peter had left.

While you slept yesterday I had nothing to do... Try it on, if you like it.


I couldn't believe it. Peter had made a whole suit for my. It looked literally to 100% like his, except that it had curves for women and the mask had a hole for my hair.

I tried it on and it felt amazing.

Since I was bored and Peter had so much to do, I decided to try something totally new, something Peter had forbidden me to do.

I reached the Brooklyn Bridge by starting from Queens in a few minutes and saw that Peter was still working very hard. I sat on the highest building near the bridge in Peter's spider position.

It's standing on your feet, but having your legs turned to the sides while having your arms on the floor in front of you.

I had tried hard to not get the attention on me, while being on my way to the bridge, but now people on the sides started shouting.

"Hey look, is that another Spiderman?"

"No, I think it's a girl!"

"Is that Spiderwoman?"

"I bet it's just some girl in a costume pretending to be like Spiderman. We need serious help here, and no fools."

I ignored their comments and swung over to the bridge.

Now they were quiet.

Peter and the Trapster hadn't realized that I'd come so I used the chance to come from behind and smash him down.

While Pete was busy catching a whole bunch of people out of 3 cars at one time I positioned myself on a bridge girder directly behind the Trapster.

I just thought of a clever way to defeat him when he started his pistols to shoot another heap of glue at Peter, so I had to react faster.

"Hey Trapsie, turn around, you sleaze bag!" I yelled loudly at him and got into position.

Even Peter had heard me and turned around but I ignored him, I had to concentrate.

As the Trapster turned around I had an advantage because he was so surprised. He wanted to shoot me but I had already shot two webs into his pistols.

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