Tamed? ☆

Por bclulu

11.7K 364 51

Werewolf story ideas Más

☆♡ Ebony ♡☆
💥 Cheyanne 💥
*** ✫✪ Lorena ✪✫ ***
* ☆♡ Frederica ♡☆ *
* ☆♥️❣ Rennie Anne ❣♥️☆ *
* ♡☆ Shereen ☆♡ *
* ♡☆ Dakota ☆♡ *
** ☆○ Maylissa ○☆ **
☆♡ Tannis ♡☆
* 💜☆ Lauryn Tianna Marigold ☆💜 *

*** ☆ Tatiana ☆ ***

1.1K 33 3
Por bclulu



Tatiana could not believe what she was seeing, let alone feeling.

It all started with an argument over who should be the better pet, and the next Jason flipped out on her. He flipped out and in his anger he shifted in front of her, scaring the hell out of her.

She froze, and watched as his large wolf stared her right in the eyes and he growled. Her whole body shook, and what he did next, she blamed on her father who yelled out for them to keep it down.

Jason licked her, yeah he looked like he was going to take a bite out of her but he didn't, he then spun and leaped out of her bedroom window, a two story drop and landed on his feet.

She didn't have a clue he was a werewolf, he kept the news to himself and that hurt. Next day at school, he wouldn't even look her in the eyes and she tried her hardest to get him to.

That had happened a few weeks before her own 16th birthday. Jason, from then on would have nothing to do with her. He shunned her, started being seen making out with girls he had once made fun of.

In the long run, her parents watched as she went from a funny and happy go lucky girl to a sullen and pale version of herself that scared them as she no longer even wanted to eat.

They would find her just sitting in her room staring at the wall, no music or TV blaring, just all quiet as she sat there.

They made a decision and while she was at school, they packed everything, her things too and by the time she got home from school, sat her in the back of the car and they drove away.

Not even one word was said as they drove, and kept driving without her asking where they were all going. She slipped into sleep, curled up in the back seat and didn't wake until much later.

They ended up at a large house, dozens of cars already parked in front as they parked. She hadn't spoken, not even asked where they were until a wolf, larger than even Jason's rushed to them.

They had gotten outside the car, Tatiana was basically dragged out of her comfy nest she built around herself in the back seat.

She faced the wolf as if she'd seen one before, scaring her parents because they watched her face cautiously.

The wolf huffed in her face, then jumped on her, making her fall backwards on her ass as it licked up her face in one swipe repeatedly. She snorted and said get off.

Her parents chuckled, and said meet your uncle Tatiana, he's just weird. Tatiana, was still on the ground with the large wolf standing over her when her father asked why she wasn't afraid.

Tatiana said he won't hurt me, I see that clearly. So am I a werewolf too? Her parents sighed and her father said we don't know, your mother isn't a werewolf but I am.

She huffed and said Jason's a werewolf too. Her father growled and said what? She said it again, Jason is a werewolf, we got into a stupid argument about which was the better pet and he shifted in his anger.

Her mother gasped and asked, did he hurt you honey?, they can get very angry and without thinking and hurt others. She snorted and said he didn't hurt me physically, just emotionally.

Her uncle got off and raced away, her father helped her to her feet and asked how did he hurt you honey? She teared up and said after he shifted into his wolf, he jumped out my bedroom window, and he never spoke to me again. He shunned me dad, turned into a horrible asshole who rubbed his relationships with girls we had once made fun of in my face.

She wiped her face of all tears and said that hurt, I thought we were friends and he just dropped me like I was fowl piece of trash for those dirty disgusting skanks.

She added he wouldn't even look at me, turned away as soon as I walked into a room. He had others look at me like I was a crazy bitch who before that were my friends.

Her father swore and said son of a bitch, that rotten piece of work. If I ever see him again, I'll shove my fist in his face and show him what a useless piece of crap he is.

Tatiana chuckled and said no dad, you'll do nothing of the kind, he's not worth you being put in jail over. Striking him in the face won't bother him as much as taking away everything he values, like his stupid precious car.

Her father grinned and asked is that so? She nodded and said you strike him and it will heal, but you destroy his prized possession, demolish it, cremate it so he couldn't put it back together will hurt him much, much more.

Her father laughed out loud and said why Tatiana, have you been thinking hard about this? She turned to face him again and said oh yes, every chance I could.

Her dad winked and said well then, let's you and I talk about what you've figured out honey. Maybe we can plan for a visit to this prized possession he owns without him knowing.

She burst into a smile, one that they hadn't seen for weeks that made her parents tear up seeing once again. She said I'd like that dad.

He almost fell to his knees if his brother hadn't shown up and said my god, look at that smile, boy has my niece grown up well. She's absolutely stunning, but needs to put on a little weight don't you think?

Tatiana turned to look at her uncle and frowned before saying I don't know you, do I? Her uncle gasped, pretended to grab his chest, stagger back and said oh honey, that hurts that you don't remember me.

Her father snorted and said maybe you terrorized her so she doesn't remember Logan. Her mother snorted and said Tatiana, this is your uncle Logan, you have met him but he must not have made an impression on you.

Tatiana smirked and said no worries mamma, I know who he is, just pulling his tail! Her father chuckled as her uncle burst into laughter and said you, little one are going to get it now.

She hugged him and said I even remember your wolf uncle Logan, like it was a dream. His name is Brick if I remember rightly. Her uncle laughed again and said that is what you used to call him, but his name is Bricker, you just like calling him Brick like a brick wall.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and said so honey, your dad and mom has been so worried about you. She teared up and sighed before saying I'm sorry dad, mamma. I was just overwhelmed by Jason's treatment of me after he shifted in front of me, then made it hard for me at school. She sighed again and said it's like he was a completely different person, one who hated me.

Her father growled and said well honey, we can talk about getting him back later, we are moving here, close to the pack again.

She smiled and said I like that, we can plan on my revenge later. Her uncle growled and said count me in, I want a piece of that action too.

Tatiana whispered, you know how to take apart a 1968 Trans am? He grinned and said no, but I have a few men that know how to hot wire it and transport it here.

She grinned and said that would work too, leaving no sign of it for him to track? Her father winked and said transport truck, move it across the country without being seen.

She grinned and said leave a junker in its place, one that's painted like it, now that would be a hoot to see his first sight of it.

Her father burst into laughter and said oh honey, you have a wicked mind, just like your mother. They all chuckled as they made their way around the side of the huge house, into the crowded back yard.

Her parents stayed by her side, watching closely for any adverse reactions to the pack. Tatiana gave them no sign of grief, she chatted and smiled and overall had a great evening.

She was taken up on stage, stood between her parents when introduced to the pack. Her father looked so much more livelier, her mother grinning at women who came up as they reconnected after their time away from the pack.

The teens though, they frowned as they looked on, one female Tatiana noticed almost growled as her handsome boy toy looked at her and winked.

Tatiana was taken inside by her Uncle Logan. She was shown to an upper floor and rooms where she was told their belongings had been arranged and where her room now was.

She smiled and thanked him, saying seeing your wolf brought me back you know. It has me wondering if I was going to shift like you and dad?

Her Uncle sighed and asked do you want to? She nodded and said yes, I would like to. He nodded and said then you shall Tatiana, all we need to do is initiate you by a blood ritual, one like we did with your dad.

She grinned and asked how about now? He nodded and took her hand and said then come, my office first to grab my knife then to the pack infirmary for the doctor to watch over the ritual just in case.

She smiled as he took her along. In the infirmary, Doctor Seth watched carefully as his Alpha did the blood ritual, making Tatiana, a close blood relative, a hopefully new werewolf.

She didn't flinch as her Uncle sliced his palm, then hers, joined their hands and spoke a ritual. She felt a rush of warmth go through her, felt it go straight through her starting in her blood as it felt warming her up, then felt a shiver race up her spine to the top of her head.

She gasped when she heard a weak voice say, Tatiana, oh my god, that felt wonderful, thank you for the blood boost. I'm still weak at the moment but no worry, we'll be able to shift but you need to eat more because I'll need all the energy I can get for our first shift.

She grinned and leaped at her Uncle and said I heard her, my wolf. She said I needed to eat more for her to gain the energy to shift. She thanked me for the blood boost as she's still weak at the moment.

He grinned and said blood boost, so if you were given more of my Alpha blood it will make her stronger? Tatiana nodded and said yes, that is what she meant.

The Doctor nodded and said her mother's human blood has an effect, weakening the werewolf blood from her father, I get it now. Together, her uncle donated his blood, she was given more but not too much as the Doctor watched over her closely.

He also bite her wrist and injected his venom, which caused her wolf to immediately hum louder in her head until her wolf's voice was strong. Tatiana said that's enough, my wolf now sounds stronger, she's humming like she's drunk on power or something.

They stopped the transfusion after only a minute, not much but it sure helped. They watched as the bite mark on her wrist closed and healed right before their eyes. Her Uncle laughed and said that's done it, you my beautiful niece are now a full fledged she-wolf.

She smiled and hugged him tight and whispered thank you Uncle Logan, you've made me so happy. The best birthday present ever. He chuckled and said your my family Tatiana, a full fledged flesh and blood she-wolf now.

He said you smell like me now, so consider me your second father honey, blood and all. She grinned and said I'm happier and don't mind but dad might will be pissed.

Logan shook and growled so she calmed him down as she placed her hand on his face and said leave it to me, I'll make him understand why we did it, don't worry Uncle Logan.

He sighed and said sorry, I don't want Lucas to get angry. She said he might get upset but I'll tell him the truth, it's always better that way, no lies between any of us.

He calmed down quickly, making Doctor Seth huff and say she's right Alpha Logan, the truth is always better. Logan nodded and said I called him to us Tatiana, be ready.

As soon as her father rushed in, he gasped taking in his daughter's scent and asked what's going on, why has my daughter's scent become more?

Tatiana patted the bed beside her and said dad, come sit here please. Once he did, she took his hand and said dad, remember when I asked you if I would ever shift?

He said yes, I told you the truth, that we didn't know honey. She nodded and said you did and I thank you. Then she said, I asked Uncle Logan too, and he said all we needed to do was do the same blood initiation you and he did.

Her father frowned and asked did it work, is that all it took? She said in a way dad, after we exchanged that little amount of blood, I heard my wolf speak.

She was very weak though, and said that I needed to eat more as she needed all that energy to get stronger so we could shift. So Doctor Seth figured it out that mom's human blood weaken the werewolf blood from you and if I was given more werewolf blood, then my Wolf would get stronger.

Her dad gasped and said oh, so Logan donated his strong Alpha blood? She nodded and said yes, it was only a small amount and he also bit my wrist and gave me some of his venom.

She showed him her wrist and said the wound is gone, it closed and healed right before our eyes. He kissed her wrist and said I'm happy it worked honey, thank you Doctor Seth, and thanks Logan.

Tatiana said I was worried dad, that this would anger you. Uncle Logan said since she has his blood now she smelled like him a bit more. He said now I'm to consider him as my second father, I hope that is okay with you because I don't mind.

Her father sighed and said it does in a way, angers me, you're my daughter. But then again, he's my brother, if I could pick anyone to keep you safe, I would pick Logan as my second any day over anyone else.

She smiled and teared up then said oh daddy, I love you so much, don't think he will replace you ever, he is your twin and I love him too. You will always be my number one dad.

Her father grinned, hugged her tight and said I know honey, your my number one daughter, always will be. He sighed and said good time to tell you, your mother's pregnant sweetheart.

She shocked him when she replied and said I know dad. You can't fool me, you think I didn't know why you rushed off to the store late at night for nothing. She's craving foods we don't normally buy.

He chuckled and said we can't keep any secrets around you Tatiana. This move was so she gets all the medical attention she needs. Here, she has a horde of pack females that will help too.

Tatiana said well dad, have you ever bitten her? He sucked in his breath and said long ago, when I claimed her as mine, I marked her and that bite mark you always asked about.

Tatiana nodded and said I would say you need to bite her again dad, inject what you did back then, reclaim her as yours and make your second child strong.

He groaned and moved off the bed then said god honey, quit talking about this. He rushed away saying love you honey, I need to go to see your mom.

Logan chuckled and said you go girl, you stirred him up and he will reclaim her now. The Doctor snorted and said probably won't see them for days.

Logan said so Tatiana looks like you need lessons about werewolves. Has your dad never told you about our species? She said no, why, what am I missing?

He took her hand and said claiming, bite mark, mates? She huffed and said I've read stories. Mates are soul mates, true mates are your other half, the single person you are fated to be with.

He nodded and she added, bite marks, are when mates claim their other soul mate, it shows others that they are claimed, the intimate act of sex after marking, finishes the claiming of their true mate.

He grunted and asked where did you learn that honey? She snorted and said not from dad, he wouldn't be able to talk about it. But to tell you the truth, I found a book at home long ago and read it from cover to cover.

He grunted and said good, that means you understand some of it. I will teach you everything you need to know honey. Doctor Seth sighed and said I'm shocked, why your father didn't sit you down and explain?

Tatiana sighed and said I understand doctor, he didn't say anything because we didn't know if I would even be a she-wolf, so he took the easy road and never said anything just in case I ended up human.

They both grunted and Logan said but he did keep that book and never said a thing, probably knew you were reading it Tatiana. She nodded and said he did but we never talked about it.

Uncle Logan said did you not want to ask questions? She grunted and said yes, I did try but he always said we would talk later, when I showed signs of shifting.

She blew a breath out and said I believe he never talked about it so mom wouldn't be upset over it. They both nodded and said happy wife, happy life.

Tatiana said that is so right on the mark. He is focused on keeping my mother fully happy and she is oblivious. Uncle Logan grunted and asked did you ever feel left out?

She sighed then nodded and said yeah, sometimes. I'd walk in a room and their eyes were focused on each other, made me leave the room as they never even noticed I'd come in. But I know they both love me, and I gave them room to be together.

But there was always this gap between us, I'd say. Then after they had their time alone, I'd be included. I always thought it was because they felt guilty for having spent lots of time where I'd be left alone. I filled that gap, but would spend it on my own.

Uncle Logan huffed, the Doctor said that sounds lonely Tatiana. She sighed and said in a way it was, but I survived. Probably why I took Jason's rejection of my friendship so bad. He and I would fill some of that gap when my parents were spending time together.

Her Uncle grabbed her hand after her stomach growled and said come honey, let's fill that void, you need to eat well from now on.

She nodded and said thanks so much for all your help Doctor Seth, watch over my mom please, she'll be in good hands if you do.

He waved bye and said of course Tatiana, see you later. Her uncle took her outside to his car and opened her door then said I'm up for a steak dinner and if we stay here I'll be constantly interrupted.

She grinned and said steak dinner sounds delicious, and dinner alone sounds great. Some of those teens looked quite angry seeing me, facing them on a full stomach sounds better.

He grunted and said you have any problems with them, you come to me and I'll deal with it. She smirked and said if I can't deal with them on my own first, I'll come see you.

He huffed and she said I need to face them on my own Uncle Logan, if I have any problems, I'll talk it over with you and I hope you understand.

He sighed deep and said okay, but you come to me about the pack, not your dad. She smiled and said I agree, you're the expert on pack matters and dad is the mom expert. He grunted and said you got it, now let's go eat, I'm starved too.

He drove to small restaurant and asked do you drive honey? She said I took drivers ed in school, dad promised he'd teach me but nothing yet.

He said well, we will have to fix that. I'll get volunteers that will have you driving asap. You need to learn so you can get to school. She nodded and said I think I'd be a good driver.

He grinned and said you'll be an excellent driver Tatiana, you being a she-wolf will keep your reflexes sharp, your keen eyesight will help keep you safe. She grinned and said good, that sounds great.

They took a lone booth, sitting there eating and laughing, talking and telling stories, her about her life growing up, he about himself, his son Dominic who was away at a training school and sadly his lost mate.

She took his hand and said you're not alone, you have your son, the mate he'll find, grandchildren, maybe even a companion. He smirked and said don't forget to add yourself to that list Tatiana, your now considered my child too.

She smiled and said fine, me, your second child. He grinned and said I did a good job with Dominic, so don't fret. She laughed and said I still need to meet him because I don't remember him at all.

Uncle Logan huffed and said yeah, he won't remember you either. Tell you what, how about you and I take a trip and go see him, surprise him as I haven't seen him in a while and need to make sure he's okay.

She smiled and said sure, school's over for the year and with my mother needing dad's full attention, I'd really love that. He smiled and said good, the more time we're together I'll be able to teach you all you need to know.

She said I'll be in good hands for my first shift then. He nodded as they finished their meal, even dessert. They walked out to the car after paying and settled into the car when Tatiana thanked him for dinner and asked what he thought of her plan to get Jason back.

He grinned and said I liked it. We need to execute that one really soon, he can't get away with what he did to you. She grinned back and said I can't wait, then I can move forward.

They drove home in good cheers, both thinking about her plans. They walked into the pack house laughing and both grunted when they were met by her dad, who was crossed armed and frowning.

She rushed to him, hugged him tight and said dad, I missed you, you deal with that situation with mom? He coughed and she snickered before saying I didn't use the words like you said.

He chuckled and said the oh yes, I dealt with it. She added we went out for dinner thinking you'd be busy, per say with mom still. He sighed and said I would appreciate being given the heads up young lady, I almost worried about you.

Tatiana said yes dad, sorry, I just thought you'd be too busy with mom. Uncle Logan took me out for a steak dinner so we could talk. We came right back home, even though school is over and I would usually stay out later than this.

He sighed and said no, you're right. Logan is more than capable of keeping you safe, I just would have liked to know where you'd gone is all. Your mother is sleeping and I figured to spend time with you.

She said my apologies dad, I will kick myself for not leaving you a text message next time for sure. He said good, you have a good time? She grinned and said yes, we came in talking about paying Jason back, and needed your input on it as well.

He chuckled and said well, I have time now to do just that honey, come on Logan. Let's do this in the office. Logan chuckled and said conference room, I'll bring in some warriors who want something to do.

The two men rushed upstairs, Tatiana followed more slower and walked in as two Warriors nearly shoved her in their haste. She stopped and said still human here, don't push me, they won't start without me.

The Warriors grunted and looked at each other before saying after you. She smiled at them and said why thank you, then moved faster as they stood there in stunned shock.

She got to the door and looked back and said well, you coming? She entered without looking back and seeing their grin before hightailing it after her.

She took a seat as the Warriors entered and grinned at both her dad and Uncle. She asked do we need more help? The Warriors grunted and said no, we don't want any more involved.

Her father sighed and said we might, I think first we need to figure out which pack Jason came from, where he lives and where he stores his car.

She said you need to figure out the pack angle, I know where he lives and stores his car. She wrote on the board Jason's name on top, then his address and drew a diagram of the shop he worked on that was on the same property.

She added in more details like the position to the house, main road and fenced area. She sat down and nodded. They stared at her then the board and she asked what? My diagram no good, I think it looks right.

Her father snorted and asked when did you get so good at drawing? She huffed and said you know I draw in my spare time, no different than using the board.

He said it's remarkable honey, good dimensions, excellent memory for facts and details too. She smiled and said thanks dad, I only went there once but remembered everything.

He frowned and asked when? She said the day you took mom on that little side trip. Jason and I took the bus from school to his place. He showed me his spiffy car, talked nonstop about it, boring me to death.

We left after his father showed up, yelled at Jason then we left. She frowned and said he was one angry man, didn't like me being there at all, that's why we left.

Uncle Logan looked up the address and said well, well, well, what do we have here. He lifted his head from his papers and said that address is the same for a Alpha Vernon McCormack, leader of the Red Devil's Pack. His home address not pack house address.

Tatiana snorted and said so your saying Jason McCormick is Alpha Vernon's son, and if so, that makes Jason not only an asshole, but the next Asshole Alpha to be of the Red Devil's Pack, right?

Her father snorted while her uncle said precisely Tatiana. So we need to divert the pack's focus from that house, hot wire the car and get it loaded into a truck trailer.

Tatiana said but you need to see if it runs first. I have my doubts. And I want a junker placed in its spot that's painted like it too.

The Warriors snorted making her Uncle look at them and say if that is what she wants, make it happen. She grinned and said and I want a camera so I can see the expression on his face when he see's not only his car gone, but the junker in its place.

That's it she said, that's what I want, now let's plan how. Her father and Uncle grinned so she looked at the Warriors and said well? Input? We break each part down and we figure out how to do it then plan the whole event.

She grunted and said we need others or more Warriors? Uncle Logan lifted his brows at his Warriors and said well, can you do this or what?

They groaned and said we don't know about the camera part. We can hot wire the car, bring in a junker, and get the car away but the camera issue to get his reaction is unknown.

Her father said easy, wireless camera, uploaded footage to the Internet website that won't be traced back if set up correctly.

Tatiana grinned and said good, like a web cam, nanny cam, that type right? He nodded and said correct. He said I can arrange that but we need someone to place it correctly.

The Warriors grinned and said easy enough. Uncle Logan then said we need someone to enter the land and take pictures to make sure of the car still there and paint job. Finding a junker and painting it, trailer to transport it and plan the removal of his car.

He hummed and said we need a car buff who could say have heard about his car and wants to see it, praise his car to his face who can take the pictures without him knowing.

Tatiana said sounds like a job for a female. The Warriors snorted before saying Shania. Her uncle grinned and said good choice you two, let's bring her in.

When the door opened and the same angry female who glared at her entered, followed by the male, Tatiana stiffened. Her uncle took note and lifted his brows.

She smiled back at him and said that could be a problem. He shook his head and stood. He introduced Shania and Curtis, who looked, then Shania seeing her glared.

Her father growled and said keep it up. You little girl will just piss me off with your attitude. Tatiana said no, she can't do it, her attitude sucks so we'll find someone else.

The Warriors frowned and one asked what is your problem Shania? When her father and uncle moved in on Shania, Tatiana said she's jealous, and won't be any good. We'll get someone else because I know I can't work with someone who took an instant to dislike me.

Her uncle growled and said okay Tatiana, you may leave then Curtis and Shania. I'll be talking to you soon Shania, about your attitude towards my niece. Her father said as will I brother.

Shania looked shocked and said sorry, I can't help my feelings. Tatiana snorted and said oh you can, but you don't want to, just leave. Curtis frowned and asked what am I missing here?

Tatiana said her feelings for you Curtis, she is very possessive of you, not wanting any other female to get close or for you to even look at another. Your problem is going to be enormous when you find your true mate. Whoever she is will need to watch her back for a knife to be stuck in by her, good luck on that.

Curtis gasped and said Shania, what did you do? Shania looked at him innocently and said nothing Curt. Her uncle sighed and said oh man, I see you have no clue Curtis, we'll talk later too.

Shania took one more look at her, glaring, so Tatiana glared back and said piss off Shania. I haven't done a thing to earn that look, keep it up and you're going to need a visit to the infirmary to remove the silver bar I'm going to shove down your throat.

Her father chuckled and said leave Shania, I trained her to take care of troublemakers like you single handed. Watch your back because I'll hold back all helpers you have so she can do it too.

Shania gasped before rushing out of the room, followed slower by Curtis who apologized then left too, closing the door behind him.

The Warriors grunted before saying Caterina? Her father frowned as Uncle Logan said good choice, better than Shania and her problem.

Tatiana said bring her in, I'm feeling ready for just about anything. She took her seat with a huff and said damn, I could do with a workout.

Her father grunted and said good lord honey, you sound aggravated. She snorted and said kind of hard not to after experiencing Shania and her inflated ego, thinking she's queen shit and lording over Curtis with all her might. I never even looked at him and I get glared at, she needs to be put in her place once and for all.

Her uncle snorted and said sounds like an anger issue? Her father nodded and said your fault, she was fine before you donated blood. Tatiana growled and said shut up, I can hear you both and I don't have an anger issue.

The two men chuckled and said no? You just growled. She closed her eyes and said your both irritating me, geez. Shut up both of you.

All the men chuckled and it pissed her off, soon she felt like she needed to leave before she exploded at them. She stood and said I'll be right back, not looking at any of them in particular.

She rushed out of the room, making sure to not hit the girl brushing by her. She went outside and took off running to get rid of this extra energy she was suddenly feeling overwhelming her.

Once she couldn't see the pack house, she stopped and cursed before she gasped and fell to her knees in pain. Her wolf growled in her head and said we're shifting, that bitch just had to anger me.

She grit her teeth and stripped off her clothes fast as possible as her wolf explained and within 5 minutes, shifted into her wolf who growled, angered they were pushed to do this so soon.

Tatiana huffed and said calm down this minute, if we should run into someone your likely to kill before thinking. Her wolf gulped down her anger and soon Tatiana started to run the anger she focused and turned to energy.

She followed the trails, raced after an imaginary leader as she ran hard and fast. She past by others, not paying attention as they looked slow and tired to her.

She stopped immediately and then turned as the trails did and continued until she was content, then turned back to find her clothes.

Once she made it back, she stood there and asked now what, to her wolf? Once she shifted back and dressed, she wiped her hair out of her eyes and made her way back inside.

She stopped and used a bathroom, washed her hands and face then tidied her hair before going back upstairs, not noticing or caring she was being watched.

She entered and took her seat, silently listening. They stopped talking once Uncle Logan, with a puzzled look on his face, lifted his head and sniffed the air before turning to her.

She touched her nose and face, then hair and asked what? He leaned closer sniffed, then pulled a twig from her hair before asking what have you been up to Tatiana?

She pulled the twig from his hands and looked at it carefully before saying looks like I was rolling in the hay? She sniffed it before he growled and said now the truth!

She sighed and said I'm sorry, but she irritated my wolf, then you all angered her enough that I went outside. He gasped and said you didn't, you're too young?

She said I'm sorry, she was angry and I felt pain and she told me we were shifting. I couldn't call out and yeah, sorry I shifted but never hurt anyone.

He grunted and ordered everyone out. When the Warriors and female left, he took her hand and said spill it. She took a deep breath and said I felt my nerves on edge, went outside and once I was away from the pack house, fell to my knees in pain.

I shifted and my wolf howled. She was so angry I had to calm her down before she attacked anyone. I made her swallow down her anger and used that and went for a run.

I think I hit the border and turned, followed the trail before I went back to my clothes then shifted back, dressed and came inside. He grunted and asked how do you feel now honey?

She thought about it and said calmer, not tired or sleepy but I feel good. He sighed and turned to her father. She winced seeing his shocked face and said sorry dad.

He opened his mouth then closed it, shook his head then said my god Tatiana, you shifted? On your own? She nodded and said I passed these wolves in the woods, they were going slow and looked tired.

They stood and her uncle said show us your wolf Tatiana, outside right now. She nodded and said okay. She followed them downstairs then outside.

She took them to where she shifted and they both turned while she stripped her clothes off again and shifted. She yelped and they spun and gasped before he uncle said you're a red wolf honey, where in the world did that fur come from?

Her father snorted and asked did we ever have a red wolf in our family before? She sat down as they felt her fur then asked you up for another run? She grinned and nodded before laying down and closing her eyes.

When she heard the sneeze, she opened her eyes to see Bricker and her father's wolf ready to run. So she sneezed, making them turn to her and she was off, tearing off through the woods ahead of them.

They soon caught up, passed the other shocked wolves who chased them too, thinking they were under attack or something.

Her uncle moved in front to lead while her father moved behind her while they ran. She followed her uncle and watched as they turned and ran the border, understanding from the scents.


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