* ☆♡ Frederica ♡☆ *

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Rica was tougher than she looked. She never worried about her wolf ever taking over because she had her wolf with her at a younger age than anyone else.

When werewolves turned 16, that was when their wolves appeared in their minds for the first time just a few minutes before they had their first shift.

But Frederica was different, she was from a family line that from the very first werewolf created, their wolves showed up earlier than normal wolves.

Only Alpha families had their wolves as early as her family line, but while her family wasn't all Alpha's, they were the same, stronger than the average werewolves.

Her family had never let others know this fact, they kept the secret through the many generations of wolves to protect themselves or each would be have mated off to only Alpha's children instead of letting them find their own true mates.

But it worked in the reverse too, such as with her sister Florence, Rica's older sister who is no longer in the pack. She had wrongly chosen a visiting Alpha who wasn't mated and hadn't found his true mate yet and seduced him. Florence used her wolf abilities to do the worst thing a she-wolf could do and when very fertile and unprotected on purpose, she had sex with the visiting Alpha and got herself with child.

Alpha Adam was forced to take Florence home with him, seeing as she was carrying his baby. To Rica's mind, Florence did a very evil thing because they both had soul mates out there that each hadn't met yet.

Alpha Adam ended up claiming Florence as his mate, destroying any chance for their own mates to be with their true soul mates. The two now have three kids, all girls but Florence is pregnant again with the pack heir.

Rica held off shifting when she first got her wolf, like many others in the family, since they were in a pack, she decided to wait until much later to do so. If they hadn't been in a pack, Rica most likely would have shifted to help protect herself and her family.

When Rica turned 14 though, she was caught in a situation where she had to shift into her wolf early. She'd been out running and mistakenly crossed the border into no man's land.

She'd been listening to her mp3 player and hadn't paid attention where she was running, she slipped and fell, skinned both knees and when she turned her music off, she was face to face with a bear.

She immediately shifted and ran back the way she'd come, glad no one had seen her, she shifted back again and still fully clothed, ran back home.

Her wolf had a short stretch of her legs, which was good for her, but she didn't let on to anyone not even her family that it had happened.

When Rica turned 16, she officially shifted on her birthday, letting her Wolf out in front of others and ran. She'd shifted previously in her room, on the sly to keep her wolf happy.

Once the pack saw the color of her wolf, she was looked at differently though. She hadn't really noticed the color of her wolf, so when Alpha Warren stiffened when he saw her, he then took her parents aside to talk as she ran.

They never did tell her what was wrong or what they talked about until much later. The next two years went by with Rica not finding her true mate. The other pack members couldn't find their mates until their wolves matured, 18 was when they could.  Rica would have found hers earlier than them as her Wolf had matured with her.

That didn't stop the fact that the other teens had sexual relationships, as if their wolves coming out had sent them into a heightening of sexual frenzy.

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