* ☆♥️❣ Rennie Anne ❣♥️☆ *

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Rennie Anne


Rennie wiped herself dry then started getting dressed for the day when her door opened and she heard someone come in.

She sighed and finished dressed after figuring out who it was. She walked out of her bathroom and found him lying on her bed, rolling in her scent making her growl.

Mark looked up at her and grinned while she shook her head and said you're going to be an ass about it aren't you. He tried to get her to go to him but she said no Mark, I'm not having sex with you and that is final.

He snorted and rolled on her bed as she just grabbed her bag and slipped on her shoes then headed out her door, yelling back asshole get out of my room.

She had blanked out her emotions and walked downstairs to only bump into Trevor. He grabbed a hold of her and put his nose to her neck, slipped a note in her back pocket before he kissed her sweet spot then let her go, making her grin.

From the top of the stairs they heard a growl, making her sigh and move away from Trevor before she slipped out of the pack house.

After six hours of school, she reached her car and found the pack Alpha standing beside her car. She grit her teeth and walked up to him slowly as he looked freaking angry.

He pointed at her bag and held out his hand so she passed it over to him and asked what's wrong. He growled and said I want to know why? She looked at him shocked and asked why? What? She was confused.

He snorted and lowered his voice and asked why did you have Mark in your bed? She scoffed and said I didn't have Mark in my bed, what are you talking about?

He growled and said your scent was all over him that's why, I went to your room and his scent is all over your bed, tell me why? She sighed and said as she looked in his eyes and said I was just out of my shower this morning and drying off when I heard my door open.

I dried and dressed and found him rolling on my bed. I told him to forget it, that I wasn't having sex with him and left my room. He was still there when I left, I was never in that bed with him, honest Alpha Galen.

He sighed and said he told me that you and he are an item and he gave you presents that I would find in your bag. She frowned asked said what presents?, I have been in school all day, you can ask all my teachers as I went to them all.

She lifted out her arms and said smell me, you won't find his scent anywhere on me. She lifted her arm to his face and said see. He sniffed her arm and hands before handing back her bag and said okay, I believe you this time as I already knew you were in classes all day.

She nodded and said I have never had or wanted sex with Mark, Alpha Galen. He keeps irritating me, trying to get me to say yes, but I always tell him no, that I don't want to.

He watched her face and finally said okay, see you at our usual place, 9 pm, be there Rennie. She nodded before he turned and rushed away, and it wasn't until he drove away that she took a deep breath.

Damn she couldn't wait to get out of here, the sooner the better because Alpha Galen was not going to stop, not until he got her pregnant. Then she would be stuck here for sure.

She got in her car and dumped her purse out on the passenger's seat and search the items, before looking in the bag itself. Not trusting it, she shoved everything back in and drove to the mall.

She went inside to buy a new one, picked up a cheap thing that cost very little and proceeded to transfer everything inside and found the nearest trash bin to toss the old bag out.

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