*** ☆ Tatiana ☆ ***

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Tatiana could not believe what she was seeing, let alone feeling.

It all started with an argument over who should be the better pet, and the next Jason flipped out on her. He flipped out and in his anger he shifted in front of her, scaring the hell out of her.

She froze, and watched as his large wolf stared her right in the eyes and he growled. Her whole body shook, and what he did next, she blamed on her father who yelled out for them to keep it down.

Jason licked her, yeah he looked like he was going to take a bite out of her but he didn't, he then spun and leaped out of her bedroom window, a two story drop and landed on his feet.

She didn't have a clue he was a werewolf, he kept the news to himself and that hurt. Next day at school, he wouldn't even look her in the eyes and she tried her hardest to get him to.

That had happened a few weeks before her own 16th birthday. Jason, from then on would have nothing to do with her. He shunned her, started being seen making out with girls he had once made fun of.

In the long run, her parents watched as she went from a funny and happy go lucky girl to a sullen and pale version of herself that scared them as she no longer even wanted to eat.

They would find her just sitting in her room staring at the wall, no music or TV blaring, just all quiet as she sat there.

They made a decision and while she was at school, they packed everything, her things too and by the time she got home from school, sat her in the back of the car and they drove away.

Not even one word was said as they drove, and kept driving without her asking where they were all going. She slipped into sleep, curled up in the back seat and didn't wake until much later.

They ended up at a large house, dozens of cars already parked in front as they parked. She hadn't spoken, not even asked where they were until a wolf, larger than even Jason's rushed to them.

They had gotten outside the car, Tatiana was basically dragged out of her comfy nest she built around herself in the back seat.

She faced the wolf as if she'd seen one before, scaring her parents because they watched her face cautiously.

The wolf huffed in her face, then jumped on her, making her fall backwards on her ass as it licked up her face in one swipe repeatedly. She snorted and said get off.

Her parents chuckled, and said meet your uncle Tatiana, he's just weird. Tatiana, was still on the ground with the large wolf standing over her when her father asked why she wasn't afraid.

Tatiana said he won't hurt me, I see that clearly. So am I a werewolf too? Her parents sighed and her father said we don't know, your mother isn't a werewolf but I am.

She huffed and said Jason's a werewolf too. Her father growled and said what? She said it again, Jason is a werewolf, we got into a stupid argument about which was the better pet and he shifted in his anger.

Her mother gasped and asked, did he hurt you honey?, they can get very angry and without thinking and hurt others. She snorted and said he didn't hurt me physically, just emotionally.

Her uncle got off and raced away, her father helped her to her feet and asked how did he hurt you honey? She teared up and said after he shifted into his wolf, he jumped out my bedroom window, and he never spoke to me again. He shunned me dad, turned into a horrible asshole who rubbed his relationships with girls we had once made fun of in my face.

She wiped her face of all tears and said that hurt, I thought we were friends and he just dropped me like I was fowl piece of trash for those dirty disgusting skanks.

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