☆♡ Tannis ♡☆

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Tannis roamed all over town, she was new to the place and wanted to get to know the area. Her sister Connie was the opposite of Tannis, as she had already found dozens of friends and invited out to parties instead.

Without knowing, Tannis was being shamelessly followed. She made her way into the town's huge mall and window shopped. She had little money on her to buy anything, nothing new really until she got herself a job.

An hour later, she made her way out the front door and headed home. The aroma of food inside the mall had made her hungry.

When she arrived back home, it was close to dinner time. She walked inside and rushed up to her room and got washed up before heading down for dinner.

But she found out when getting downstairs that they had company. Her mom sent her back up to change clothes, Tannis rolled her eyes before sighing seeing her mother's face and did what she was asked without a word.

Tannis changed out of her sweats and into a loose dress with tights and slipped on some shoes. She pulled her hair up off her face and up into a messy bun then headed downstairs.

She had lost a fair bit of weight and all her clothes were baggy on her theses days. Compared to Connie, Tannis was ugly, so she'd been told over and over again.

She wasn't up to competing with anyone, especially not her sister. Tannis wasn't vain like the majority of other females. She resigned herself to always being who she was and not fake.

She headed back downstairs, but on reaching the kitchen, she heard more voices as if there was a dinner party going on. She shuddered, not really wanting to enter.

She slumped against the wall, her mind going back to a past event. She slipped into the kitchen after hearing the voices move off towards the dining room.

She hated dinner parties, and her parents knew too. It made her stomach lurch and all she wanted to do was turn back around and head straight back up to her room.

Her hunger for food was gone now, so she turned and exited the kitchen and headed back upstairs. In her room she rushed to her bathroom and drank two glasses of water then stripped her clothes off and stepped into the shower feeling the need to be clean.

When she was drying off, Connie rushed in and pounded on the bathroom door, telling Tannis to hurry up. Tannis sighed as she didn't know her sister was even home.

Tannis put on fresh undergarments, then under duress, she put back on the dress and tights. She dried her hair with the towel, then combed it straight and opened the door.

Connie grabbed her hand and only let her slip on her shoes before taking her downstairs. In the dining room, she froze at seeing all the strangers faces and took her seat quickly as both her parents glared at her.

She wrapped her arms around herself as she felt uncomfortable and listened as Connie squealed as a guy wrapped his arms around her.

Tannis blinked and looked at Danny, her older brother. He grinned back and elbowed her then said isn't that great Tannis, Connie found her mate.

Tannis nodded and looked back at Connie and heard her parents congratulate them, boasting really all about their precious daughter.

Tannis looked down as they talked about Connie as if she were their only daughter and that made her feel horrible. As quick as Tannis could, she slipped out of her seat and left the room. She rushed upstairs and threw up as her stomach lurched.

Once her stomach settled, she gulped some fresh air. She brushed her teeth and gargled before leaving the bathroom to find her dad standing in the doorway. With a grunt, he dragged her back downstairs.

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