Me & My Toyboy [Complete]


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" "Just think about it." He said. How could I not think about it? It kept me up all night; I tossed and turne... Еще



229 2 0

"You had me from the start, won't let this end..."
~Justin Bieber, What Do You Mean

As soon as I got to work on Monday Adam cornered me. "Listen, forget about what I said. I just want to be your friend. Let's start over."

"How can we start over when I clearly know what your intentions are?" I asked quietly aware that we were surround by colleagues.

"Let's just get to know each other first. Okay?" He touched my arm to calm me down but it only had the opposite effect. Felicity looked at me warily from across the room.

I smiled meekly at her despite feeling confused by what Adam said.

It was my first week on the dialler and like all new trainees, I was given an upline to guide me. I had targets to meet and I wasn't about to let a horny young boy and his silly words get the better of me. I only had to bear Adam for a few more minutes so I nodded, "Okay."

Once pitch-practice ended I reminded myself, 'You are a strong and confident woman. Act like it!' before getting to my assigned workstation and settling into the day.

It wasn't difficult to shut Adam and his ludicrous ideas out of my head. There wasn't any time to think on the dialler. You had to be on top of your game constantly calling people up and persuading them to buy our insurance policy. I eventually settled into an average of two sales a day within my first week. For a new trainee it was actually pretty good.

The feeling of euphoria that surges through you once you confirm a clients details, and give them a policy number thus securing the sale, is like no other!

At the call centre we had a little tradition of ringing a bell everytime we made a sale, followed by everyone cheering you on. Everyday and everytime I rang the bell there was always an extra loud cheer coming from the direction of Adam's work station.

When I rang the bell for my second sale of the day, instead of smiling back at Adam graciously, I hurried back to my desk and worked on surpassing my average.

Being an introvert, I usually sat in the canteen with Felicity but on Tuesday at lunch I was suprised to see someone pull up a chair next to me. It was Adam. He started chatting to us animatedly; like the world was a perfect place to live in. I decided to play along as well.

We spoke about sports and politics and evern travelling. He was smart and witty and very respectful. I started experiencing a see-saw effect, playing devil's advocate constantly in my mind regarding his character. The guy sitting in front of me, could he really be the same guy who was at my place this weekend begging to sleep with me? Maybe he had a twin!


By the next week I hit a three sale average. The highlight of my week was Wednesday when. I managed to bag four sales, my personal best for a single day. The last sale was definitely the most difficult to close because the customer gave me more than four objections. I had to call Elena to listen in on the conversation and handle all my objections efficiently.

It was way past five when I eventually captured all the customers details into the computer system. When I got up to leave the call centre was empty save for a certain 'reception dude'.

Adam was so excited for me he waited patiently for me to lock that final sale, congratulating me while I coyly took his praise.

"Madison. I was thinking why don't we travel together?" he suggested.

I contemplated what this suggestion would mean. Before I could say anything Adam continued, "I mean, why not. We live close by and I'm sure your legs could use a break."

"I do have a car," I snapped, failing to keep the surge of anger out of my voice. "I just choose to walk instead." What a dweeb - assuming shit about me!

"Woah!" he raised his hands up into the air in defence. "Calm down, Maddy-bear, I didn't know you were going green. Maybe I could join you."

I laughed apologetically draining away my previous irritation. Why was I always so rude to him, so on edge around him when he was nothing but kind to me.

"Yeah! Okay, let's travel together. Why the hell not, we could alternate weekly."

He looked genuinely satisfied with himself when we reached the carpark. Might I add he had a smile that could bring a girl to her knees! It was honest and wholesome with a tinge of 'badass' attached.

"Let me give you a ride home. We can start tomorrow." Before I could refuse he opened the passenger door for me.

In the days that passed we travelled together, spent tea breaks and lunch together, and, after work we would sometimes hang out together. He basically filled up my days and soon I began analysing him. Everything he did, from his comments about the world to his interactions with others.

Besides his good nature Adam was the total opposite of me: where I was shy he was friendly, I couldn't dance to save my life but he had moves for Africa! While I stuck to being my boring self on the dialler he was pragmatic and dynamic. I had a shabbiness to my dressing because I really was beyond caring what others thought of me, Adam dressed impeccably; always neat and tidy. He could charm people into listening to him because in a word he had an unforgettable personality.

We complimented each other very well, I realised. That could only mean one thing; I was mentally preparing myself to fall for him. And I knew in my heart of hearts that this was a bad idea because he wouldn't fall for me too. Way to repeat history, Madison, I shuddered stopping my thoughts from wandering further.

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