I'll see you again ( Alice A...

By Alicevbrose

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Miyu Sakura Darkmoon a girl who has lived most of her life in Alice academy Alice her farther left her there... More

Dark Angel ( Alice Academy. / Gakuen Alice )
chapter one : doll
chapter 2 Jinno
chapter 3 : sweet dreams
chapter 4 trip to the Northern Woods
chapter five : Mr . Bear
chapter 6 :
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
Alice here
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20 Cultural Festival
Chapter 21 The pain of a first love
Chapter 22 Unknown feelings
Chapter 23, Nekosume
Chapter 24, New ray of hope
chapter 25, Silly dream
Chapter 26, Little bird

chapter 12

1.8K 56 7
By Alicevbrose

"Miyu-chan , I know you don't want to go to class but ...please let me go ." Narumi said with a sweatdrop smiling as Miyu clinged on to him with a pout tears filling in her eyes .

"No ." She said in a childish tone shaking her head furiously clinging on to him more .

"But ...it's kinda hard to work with you clinging on to me ." Narumi tried to reason with her but failed when she shook her head once again . Sweatdroping Narumi sighed letting his head hang as he sat down on the chair of his desk in the faculty room

"Good morning ,Narumi ." Serina Yamada said as she walked into the room her eyes widen when she saw Miyu clinging on to him before chuckling .

"Ah, seems your finally gotten Miyu to cling on to you ." Serina said to him with a chuckle .

"Yes... I suppose ." Narumi replied with another sweatdrop before looking down at Miyu who slowly drifted off to sleep still clinging on to him from his shirt . Smiling softly he brushed back the hair from her face .

"Its kinda hard to get her to go to class since she starts crying each time she's left alone . So I thought I'd be better to keep her around for now ." Narumi said with a soft chuckle . Smiling Serina gazed at Miyu 's sleeping face before turning to Narumi.

"I think this was a good this , that that had happened , it helps Miyu start over fresh . She's been though a lot , so I think she deserves to forget all the pain and anger for now ." Serina said to Narumi making him from .

"Yes ...she has been though a lot ..." Narumi whispered frowning before standing up putting a bright smile on his face turning to Serina .

"Do you mind taking care of Miyu for a bit ? I have a small errand to run . I'll be right back ." Narumi said in a hurry before quickly handing over Miyu to Serina rushing out the room .

"I guess?" Serina said with a sweatdrop staring at the closed door before sighing . A small soft sound was heard making Serina look down at Miyu as she slowly began to move around ,slowly opening her eyes . Opening her eyes she gazed up at Serina with a daze look in her eyes . Serina smiled down at her nervously . Feeling more awake Miyu 's eyes widen a bit before they began getting watery .

"Oh no ." Just as she finished her sentence Miyu let out a loud cry beginning to cry loudly .

"No don't cry , it's alright . See ? It's alright ." Serina said nervously trying to rock Miyu only making her cry even more

"Damn you Narumi ." Serina said cursing under her breath .

"Eh? What's going on in here ?" Fukutan asked as he walked into the room . Serina quickly turned her head his way lightening striking behind her . Quickly standing up she rushed over to Fukutan with Miyu before pushing Miyu into his arms rushing out of the room .

"Here you take her !" Serina yelled out closing the door behind her rushing running away at full speed . Fukutan gazed over to the closed door with a confused look on his face before turning to the crying Miyu .

"Ah." Fukutan said his eyes widen a bit before softening smiling at Miyu gently .

"There now don't cry . It's alright ." He softly said to her before getting an idea throwing Miyu up in the air . Stopping instantly her crying her eyes widen before looking at Fukutan's smiling face. Throwing her again in the air she let out a happy laugh laughing as he continued to throw her up .

"Higher !" Miyu happily yelled out giggling .

"Eh ? What's going on in here ? Where's Serina ?" Narumi asked walking into the room his eyes widen at the sight in front of him before smiling When he saw Miyu laughing happily .

"Ah! Narumi-sensei . You received another letter from Sakura-san?" Fukutan asked seeing the letter in Narumi 's hand . Placing Miyu down ,she smiled at Narumi happily before rushing over to him hugging him from around the legs with a giggle .

"Mm-hmm. That's because that's her only way to communicate with her family ." Narumi said patting Miyu on the head .

"Well I'm not sure what's going on, but if it's because of her nullifying alice , then I really pity the child ." Fukutan said sadly , gazing up at the two Miyu sucked on her thumb with a innocent look on her face.

"Yeah...because of past event 'nullifying alices ' has been a taboo subject at the academy ." Narumi replied gazing down at Miyu with a frown . Gazing up at him noticing his stare she looked at him with a confused look tilting her head before pulling her thumb away smiling up at him . Smiling at her he patted her head again making her giggle .

"Every time I see these letters being burned ...I feel sorry about her not knowing about this ." Fukutan said before Narumi threw the unopened letter in the fireplace . Looking at the flames in awe Miyu walked over to the fireplace just as Mikan rushed into the room .

"Mikan-chan ?!" Fukutan yelled out shocked to see her their .

"Sensei...why did you ...burn my letter ?" Mikan asked breathing hard from running there.

"Why ?" Mikan asked again, confused Miyu turned her head sucking on her thumb looking over at them with a innocent confused look on her face.

"I'm sorry ." Narumi said before a loud glass breaking sound was heard . Making Miyu 's eyes widen in shock , she watched as Fukutan held back Mikan while she started screaming at him .

"Stop lying ! I always trusted Narumi-sensei ! But you lied to me ?! Even with the rumors of Narumi-sensei ...I've always believed they were misunderstandings ...but it's just like everyone said ! Narumi-sensei 's our enemy ! You liar ! Let me see jii-chan ! Let us see each other !" Mikan yelled out scaring Miyu . Her eyes widen in fear before her body began to tremble . Imagines running though her head gasping out Miyu held up her hands clenching the sides of her head . Her eyes began filling up with tears before letting out a loud cry in fear making everyone's head turn her way with tears . Crying Miyu wiped her eyes with both hands crying out loudly . Frowning sadly Narumi walked over to Miyu picking her up in a hug as they dragged Mikan away .

"Its alright Miyu, it's alright . That scared you didn't it ?" Narumi asked smoothing her cries . Frowning he gazed down at the ground petting her head smoothingly.

"It's alright , it's alright ."


Sitting down on the floor Miyu gazed up from the stuffed rabbit she was playing at Narumi who looked too busy looking at something in his desk with a frown on his face. Titling her head she frowned putting her index finger in her mouth before smiling brightly as an idea came to her . Silently she crawled over to the door opening it silently before standing up rushing though the halls out the building smiling brightly when she saw a bush filled with flowers . Rushing over her started picking some flowers before a large shadow passed by her above . Looking up she looked up in awe at the large eagle flying above .

"Pretty ." She said to herself before dropping the flowers rushing after it . Stopping she looked at the large tall wall in front of her in awe titling her head. Placing her hand on the wall it went through the wall . Pulling it back she looked at her hand in awe before pulling it back through and back out giggling . Smiling brightly she walked through the wall , putting her index finger in her mouth looking around before her gaze stopped at Mikan laying on the ground . Walking over she bend over poking her in the face. Opening her eyes Mikan was shocked seeing Miyu standing in front of her .

"Miyu! What are you doing here ?!" Mikan yelled out shocked . Tilting her head Miyu only gazed at her with a curious look .

"Eh ? " Mikan said looking at the Miyu 's expression before her eyes widen when Miyu raised her hand pointing back to the academy.

"No Miyu, I have to see Jii-chan . " Mikan said standing up she started running off before she felt hand grab a hold of her .

"Miy- eh ?" Mikan shocked said as a man covered her mouth gripping on to Mikan from behind . Her eyes opened when she saw another guy griping on to Miyu from behind too in front of her . Tears filling in Miyu 's eyes .

"Yo ,be carefully . You don't know what kind of power they have
"Knock them out quick , then push them into the car . " Miyu 's eyes widen before her eyes glowed. The guy holding her from before yelled out in pain as a big wave of electricity ran through his body making her let him go. Rushing forward she pushed the man away with a strong force , grabing Mikan' s hand before rushing away . Before they could get far enough a hand grabbed a hold of her arm roughly .

"Why you !" The man with sunglasses said before a whip slashed at him back Narumi appearing with a look of rage on his face.

"They at eh students, don't you dare lay a hand on them." Narumi angrily said

"This is bad , if we get caught here ." The guy with the glasses said before throwing a explosive at them taking this chance to escape .

"Look out !" Narumi yelled out getting in front of the two girls , protecting them both .

" Mikan-chan, Miyu-chan , are you okay ?" Narumi asked as the smoke began to clear up . Gazing up the girl 's eyes widen seeing the blood spilling down his face from his forehead .

" are you hurt ?" He asked them with a smile , tears filled Miyu ' s eyes before crying out softly hugging on to Narumi. Smiling at the two he patted their heads .

"Its good that Mikan-chan and Miyu-chan are okay . That's great ." He told them smiling holding Mikan's hand while hugging Miyu with his free arm .

"Sen..sei... I'm sorry . I'm sorry . I'm sorry !" Mikan yelled out crying .

"Mikan-chan ." Narumi calmly said to her brushing away her tears .

" let's go back . The outside world . .. to you ... it's different from before . It's too dangerous ." He told her with a gently sad smile.

"But jii-chan ..."

"Let's go back together ."

Narumi smiled gazing over at Miyu falling asleep besides him in his bed before turning back to his book . A knock on the door distracted him from his book once again .

" Mikan-chan ?" Narumi asked seeing her standing by the door with a nervous look on her face. Wearing her pajamas hugging her pillow .

"Sensei...can I sleep with you ?" Mikan asked him looking down at the ground with a shy look on her face.

" okay, come here ." Narumi happliy said with a smile . Laying down besides Miyu on the other side of her Mikan pulled up the cover to her mouth .

" when I think things are getting scary ... I always slept next to Jii-chan.Does Sensei snore ?" Mikan asked him . Slowly opening her eyes a bit Miyu kept silent listening to the two talk .

"Um...I don't think so ."

"Jii-chan snores loudly . Sounds like an elephant that's mad ." Mikan said making Narumi laugh .


"Can I call you jii-chan ?" ....

"'Jii-chan?' That's going too far. I'm only turning twenty something this year ." Narumi said with a sweatdrop.

"Then can I call you otoo-san ?" Mikan asked him shyly .

"Eh ?Otoo-san ? Okay !"


"Yeah yeah !"


"Yeah ."

Hearing the two talking Miyu let out a small smile before closing her eyes falling into a peaceful sleep .

"The weather will be nice tomorrow ." She heard Narumi whisper as she drifted off to sleep . Once the three fell into deep sleep a purple like flame appeared above Miyu floating away to the side of the bed the flame grew larger forming a figure. The figure cleared revealing another Miyu with a frown on her face. Watching the three on the bed sleep she frowned with a cold look in her eyes .

"I'll need you to take my place for a little while longer ." The cold Miyu said to the Miyu sleeping on the bed before taking out a gold pocket watch . Opening it she glared watching it tick tick away .



"I'm is slowly running out ." Miyu whispered under her breath before turning to the three sleeping on the bed .Turning to the window she gazed out at the moon with a deep in thought look in her eyes .





Hey loves !

Did you miss me ?!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and can't wait to find out what happens next .

Anyways don't forget to vote or comment I love hearing from you all.

Oh ! Before I forget the girl in the picture is suppose to be how Miyu looks like now with being innocent and child like now . Compared to her usual cold self .Next chapter I'll find a more suitable one . But I really liked this one so ...ya .

See you

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